What do the letters mean? 2. Decoding. Prefixes
What do the letters mean? 2. Decoding. Prefixes

Video: What do the letters mean? 2. Decoding. Prefixes

Video: What do the letters mean? 2. Decoding. Prefixes
Video: 7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True 2024, May

As we know from school, in addition to the ending and the root, which are mandatory in every word, there can be a couple of morphemes-attachments: prefixes and suffixes. All of them, regardless of type, type and location, are included in the theme of the word, and therefore are derivational. That is, each such addition forms a new word with a new meaning. Our first-born "table" with the help of these comrades can quite well change its own look and meaning. For example, "throne", "table", "table", "feast", "table".

Let's start with the prefixes.

What do we know about them? They do not change their own appearance, unlike the endings. Their number is strictly limited, and they are all known by name. "Po-", "Pere-", "Pro-", "For-", "Over-", "Raz-", "B-" and many others. Since about a third of our prefixes begin with the letter "P", it would be logical to get acquainted with its meaning first.

"Field", "Pud", "Steam", "Corpse", "Path", "Write", "Steam", "Stove", "Heat". Hmm. Here I got the idea that the meaning of the letter "H" is somehow connected with feeling, with sensation. When the stove is heated, there is a feeling of warmth. Let's write it down somewhere in the notes, it will suddenly come in handy. They looked for one letter and found another. This also happens. Let's go back to "P". What ideas, people ?! An example of comparison came to my mind: "fasting" and "growth". Remember how we compared a table to a chair, it worked out well then. Maybe it will come out now?

"Growth". Growth moves, grows, grows, becomes larger, changes constantly, in general, the process is underway. And "Post", on the contrary. Nothing changes here at all. During fasting one and the same food, with a specific purpose. They are on duty, also with a specific purpose. But the goal, it is, after all, probably to "C". But the invariability of the state of the corpse and the weight of the pood … The constancy of heat from the stove. Persistence of perspiration from the body. Persistence ?! Hmm, I like it. The field is a permanent container that exists. There is always something happening, fumbling and buzzing. The couple is also always together. If not together, then not a couple. Fits! We take into service.

The prefixes are separated into a separate independent unchangeable morpheme, which means that it is quite logical to assume that the prefixes add meaning not to the letter immediately after the prefix, but immediately to all further letters located in the next morpheme. This morpheme can be a word root or another prefix. For example, the verb "Linger". The prefix "Za-" conveys the meaning to the root "der". But in the verb “hold on”, the prefix “for-” first gets its meaning from the prefix “support-”, and only then the joint meaning of these two prefixes is transferred to the root “der”.

What is important. The meaning will be transmitted exactly along the chain from left to right. And not according to the scheme: "sub-" refers to the root and "za-" refers to the root. We have already gone through this. If we make the parts of the word homogeneous, then we can rearrange their places. And this leads to a change in meaning. "Hold out". See, this is a different word. It was "formed" from the word "support". And our "delay" - from "delay". Words that do not exist, but examples are indicative, keep it up!

So, the value is passed from left to right. Then, the meaning of the prefix is the cause, the meaning of the root is the effect. Let's start with something simpler. Our new heterosexual wards "storm" and "thunder" are better suited as examples than others.


Knowing the resulting, dictionary meaning of the word "Threat", we can say for sure what exactly changed with the advent of the prefix, what exactly the meaning of the prefix did with the root value. The meaning of the root was concretized. Now a thunderstorm threatens a subject strictly defined by the context or a source strictly defined by the context. Thunderstorm Indicated. Either someone or someone. By itself, a thunderstorm without the prefix "U-" does not have such specificity, it simply threatens by itself all those who "fall under the arm." Remember the dative case? He asks only two questions: to whom and from whom? He does not ask how and why, he does not care what is given or what is taken away. Only the source and the receiver are important to him. And in half of the cases, the ending (O, b, E) in it changes exactly to "Y".


And again, knowing the resulting meaning of the word enables us to immediately tell how the meaning of the root "thunder" changed after the prefix "po" appeared. A pogrom is a state of destruction, that is, the state, for example, of an apartment, after some Action with a capital "D". It was so much fun it hurts to look now. Everything is scattered, something is broken, something is missing. Also, the word "pogrom" refers to the process of destruction itself. In other words, a pogrom is a state in which a certain location is in the process or as a result of devastating actions. This is the state, and the state is constancy. Let it be temporary, albeit not forever, but this constancy, it exists at the moment, at the moment of the pogrom, and therefore it is a pogrom. The constancy of "thunder", the constancy of "thunder" or the constancy of the consequences of "thunder".


And this time the knowledge of the resulting meaning of the word will come in handy. What is wrong with this word in relation to the previous examples? Does the prefix end in a consonant? Wrong. The prefix ends with "hard character". And the "solid sign" does not create, it is created. The direction of creation has changed. Now the value of the root "Bor" creates the value of the prefix "C", and not vice versa, as it was before. And it is true, the Gathering is first of all a connection, but the connection is the result of the gathering, the effect created by the cause "boron". Note that the direction of the arrows remains the same, it, in fact, will never change at all, the value, as before, is passed from left to right, but the value is the opposite. "C" created by the root "Bor".


Dobor (from the verb to get) - bringing the process of "taking" to its logical conclusion, that is, until certain specified conditions are met. What is Action (D)? This is a certain process that began in the past and ended in the present, or continues to this day. At the same time, it has quite definite and, as a rule, given time frames. That is, if something has begun, then it will definitely end. This is something that has begun or will begin, or intends to begin, and most definitely, will end when the given conditions are met. The prefix "before", just, forms such a limited process in relation to the meaning of the root of the word "boron". By the way, there are quite a few nouns with this prefix, mostly verbs or other parts of speech that are directly intended to indicate or denote an action. And unsurprisingly, it's not easy to point to a time-limited process of action with a noun.

And also in modern language there is a very funny confusion associated with highlighting or not highlighting the prefix "before". You never know exactly what linguists decided at a meeting a century or two ago, and most importantly why.

For example, the word "denunciation". Believe it or not, he has the root of "denunciation". At the same time, this prefix magically appears in the verb "to convey" from somewhere. Would you say that they have different meanings? Then I'll twirl my finger to my temple. And I'll whistle in addition. "Dozor". The root "dawn", invisible to modern science, looks at us with incomprehension and regret. How did this word come about, all at once? Has it fallen from the sky? Imagine a picture.

And one moment. If there are several prefixes, then they pass the value first to each other, from left to right, and then pass their common value to the root or the next prefix. For example, in the verb "Collect", the transfer of meaning will take place like this:


Total for consoles.

You can allocate a place on the wall for another frame: the prefixes, due to the fact that they are in front of the word, change the meaning of the morpheme following it, become the cause of the meaning of this morpheme. Unless otherwise stated.

Let's add a couple of new assumed values to the general table.
