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Secret services revelations: how are the masses remotely controlled?
Secret services revelations: how are the masses remotely controlled?

In the USSR, special services developed remote methods of influencing people.

Neither the bulk of the people nor the experts see or understand the main threat behind the current events - the transformation of Russians into electronically controlled slaves.

Even during the perestroika period, many heard that in the West they considered that it was necessary to destroy 90% of the planet's population, since according to the calculations of the Club of Rome in the 21st century there will not be enough resources for all. And turn 10% of the survivors into controlled slaves to serve the happy life of the 300 richest families. We heard that Margaret Thatcher also said that in Russia it is enough to leave 15 million workers to maintain oil and gas pipelines, and destroy the rest. They heard it, but nothing dangerous happened. During the perestroika period, many believed that the West was an earthly paradise. And, if there is capitalism in Russia, then great. In the 90s, part of them became impoverished, a small part became gigantic, and many decided that if you spin vigorously, you can get rich. In general, few saw the enemy in the capitalist West. And many went there and began to live well. The aggravation of relations began after the annexation of the Crimea. Since then, the patriotic spirit has grown sharply. But all the same, for the majority, there was no expectation of aggression for destruction from the West and there is not. And the destruction was being prepared for a long time, super secretly, super cunning and super mean. The meanness consisted in the fact that part of the ruling elite of Russia also participated in the preparation for the destruction of its people. And the destruction or transformation into slaves is planned by such methods that no one will notice or suspect anything - by the methods of psychotronics.

Already from the 80s of the last century, new interesting phenomena began to appear in the world. In the beginning, psychics appeared. Then, during the perestroika period, with its new standards of freedom of information in the USSR, a stream of information about a variety of mystical phenomena, predictions, and superpowers poured in. There were sorcerers, magicians. Some people believed everyone in a row, others did not believe anyone or anything, considering psychics, witches, sorcerers, magicians to be simply swindlers. The situation was actually more complicated and cunning. Indeed, most sorcerers, magicians, psychics are swindlers. But this does not mean that these phenomena themselves do not exist. The intelligence services immediately began to investigate them and realized that all these phenomena were indeed possible. And they began to work intensively on them. But so that the bulk of the population did not know about these secret studies, complete freedom was given to crooks to pretend to be sorcerers and magicians.

Many people back in those days heard that psychics can heal from a distance using a photograph. They also said that black sorcerers and magicians can, on the contrary, harm, send damage from a photograph. "Serious" economic and political science experts only laughed at the stories about the witchcraft of magicians and witches, referring them to the area of interests of children and "grandmothers on benches." Little is known about the details of primary developments abroad, although they were carried out there several times more intensively. In the USSR, the special services began to seriously investigate these methods and remote methods of influencing people, for example, from photography, were developed. In particular, there was a project "Development of principles, methods and means of remote contactless control of the behavior of biological objects", sections "Lava-5" and "Channel-1". The project was carried out according to the closed resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 27, 1986 No. 137-47 under the general coordination of the Moscow Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Center for Venture Non-Traditional Technologies (ISTC) "Vent".

In Kiev, the work was carried out on the basis of the following organizations:

- Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (director Academician V. I. Trefilov) on the scientific topic "Long-range spinor fields" and "Transfer effect of information action (PID) with the use of an address field tag" (for example, photographs)Work supervisor Dr. phys.-mat. Sciences Mayboroda V. P. (department No. 51), executors - VV Boychuk, V. Tarasenko, Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics M. V. Kurik, Kiev. - Research and Production Association "Vidguk" headed by Professor Sitko Sergei Panteleimonovich, organized on the basis of the Temporary Labor Collective (VTK) "Otklik", Kiev. - Research and production firm "Biopolis", director Nikolay Kolbun, Kiev. In the 80s he also worked as part of the VTK Otklik. In the weekly Hour Pik there was an article with an intriguing title - "25 years ago, the Kiev defense plant" Oktava "created a terrible device …" A feeling of euphoria or horror, a heart attack or a jump from the balcony - whatever you want: please, there are no restrictions. -weapons became academician Vlail Kaznacheev, a leading specialist in bioenergy since the times of the USSR."

So, even in the USSR, back in the late 80s, such methods of remote control of people were developed that one could force them to do whatever. In the 60s, Morel discovered that each cell of the body has its own specific frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum, which is different for healthy and diseased cells. On this basis, a resonant frequency (or bioresonance) method of treatment was developed. Bioresonance diagnostics was widely used (there were firms in every city). With bioresonance treatment, the frequency of the diseased cell is supplied, but with an inverse amplitude. As a result, the painful process fades away. And if you apply radiation with the same amplitude, then the disease will intensify. This technique underlies the imperceptible destructive effect of psychotronic weapons, when people seem to naturally die from those diseases that they have had for a long time.

Today, there are several options for psychotronic effects: through the implantation of chips; due to zombie photography (biometric is the most reliable); by removing the wave code of access to a specific person from a DNA sample and then irradiating it from mobile antennas or from satellites; due to DNA changes during direct exposure to a laser on the skin in the process of taking a biometric photo. The use of chips is too obvious. It failed even in America, the Americans refused to implant. More secretive is the use of biometric photography. For biometric photography, special American-made devices are used. It is assumed that there is a laser that, under the guise of shooting a three-dimensional photograph, has a specific effect on a person that changes DNA. The very principle of wave action on the basic mechanisms of the psyche is a secret discovery, which would have remained secret until now, if not for the open works of academician Pyotr Gariaev. A feature of psychotronic zombies is that a person will not suspect anything. Yes, at first, after the biometrics, the actual zombies may not be carried out. Biometrics provides only the possibility of a zombie effect. And the zombie itself will be carried out in different groups for different reasons. During the elections, everyone will be instilled with a positive attitude towards certain parties or candidates. For top officials, deputies, generals - a positive attitude towards the authorities or specific thoughts, etc. Pensioners will be destroyed by sending signals that exacerbate their diseases. Who wants to know the details, ask on the Internet search

"Psychotronic zombie biometrics", "electronic / 2 concentration camp OR slavery OR dictatorship", see G. Tsareva's video, read materials by V. P. Filimonov, see sites,, vera 77,

Already during the war in Yugoslavia, the experimental group of soldiers was psychotronically treated by irradiating the skin with a laser, changing the DNA, so that from a satellite it was possible to determine their state of health and, if injured, heal, even if he was surrounded. But, if you can heal your own, then you can kill the enemy. So the problems were not technical, but economic and political.

The political problem was that the authorities of the countries were at one with the world behind the scenes. In Russia, the political situation is twofold. During Putin's rule, the state of balancing of several elite groups, some of which opposed external control, continued. But gradually the role of the patriotic part of the elite weakened.

The existing system assumes that neither the government nor the president can exert significant influence on the legislative branch - the State Duma. Within the State Duma, the decision is determined by the party with the majority. But the deputies of this party themselves, according to the rules adopted within the faction, cannot vote of their own free will, but vote as the head of the parliamentary faction says. The latest example of this was the attempt to expel the deputy Poklonskaya from the United Russia faction because, contrary to the decision of the faction's leadership, she voted against the new pension law. Thus, laws in Russia are adopted on the sole instructions of the head of the United Russia faction. Deputy Yevgeny Fedorov has repeatedly said that decisions in the State Duma are made on the sole order of the head of the United Russia faction.

From July 1, banks received the right to issue money and conduct other operations with deposits based on identification using biometric data. While the truth is not necessary. According to another law, banks have the right not to issue money on their own reasons, suspicions of the criminal origin of money. According to previously adopted laws, banks will issue passports. From 2019, Russia is going to introduce electronic passports with biometric identification. In addition, the issue of canceling cash and a full transition to cashless payments has been discussed for a long time. Thus, banks, including private and foreign ones, will become the main real power in the country. Since the summer of 2018, the real power in the country will be transferred to Gref, who will have the opportunity to bombard all Russians, since it is the banks that will force biometrics when issuing passports.

The trouble is that today, on the one hand, there is no real patriotic opposition in Russia, and on the other hand, the role of the main patriot is played by Vladimir Putin and the majority naively hopes that he will do everything right and save Russia from all troubles … Putin is a politician playing on balancing act between different factions. In theory, if Russia had a strong patriotic opposition independent of the government, it could exert enough pressure on the master of compromises Putin to stop the introduction of psychotronic slavery. Formally, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a powerful patriotic force that has the opportunity to speak from the parliamentary rostrum. But in practice, it works like the CPSU on the principle of "democratic centralism" - as the boss said, so it will be. The multimillion-dollar CPSU, obeying Gorbachev, allowed the collapse of the USSR. Will ordinary modern communists wake up their own reason and conscience?

Theoretically, the Orthodox should have become the main force in the fight against the introduction of electronic slavery because they understand that electronic slavery is a preparation for the omnipotence of the Antichrist, that, as the elders predicted long ago, biometrics is the seal of the Antichrist. But believers slavishly submit to the hierarchy, and it behaves in a dualistic manner, lukewarm, not at all calling for the fight against zombies. And some clergymen, in full accordance with the predictions, are already betraying Christ, claiming that there are no dangers in biometrics and chipping.

Student youth seem to be the most intelligent and active part of the population. But many students dream of going to the West (after all, they pay much more than in Russia!) And they will not want to believe this text. Human actions are largely predetermined by subconscious attitudes. And, if the subconscious desire for a prosperous satisfying life is strong, then the human psyche will automatically put forward conscious reasons not to believe in this material. In the West, however, zombies are in full swing.

But the worst thing is in another - the army, police and special services have already carried out biometrics during the paperwork. Foreign and domestic enemies of Russia gained access to the individual wave codes of the Russian military and at any time can begin to carry out a zombie effect on them.

Economists, political scientists discussing sanctions do not understand what will actually happen. In the context of the inevitable global financial crisis in general and the sanctions crisis in Russia, for bankers, the establishment of an electronic dictatorship will be the most reliable way to escape ruin. Even a simple electronic control over everyone's finances after the cancellation of cash will allow them to rob anyone as they want. And the use of psychotronic zombies in general will give full and unlimited power.

What to do? Firstly, most importantly, it is immediately necessary to take measures to rescue, protect from zombies, our police, special services, and the army. How exactly this can be done is not entirely clear. Some light on the possibility of protection against zombies sheds recently leaked information on the Internet, how employees of psychotronic attitudes themselves are protected from psychotronic influence. It was published that in the centers of mass (and not individual) psychotronic irradiation of the population existing since the times of the USSR in all large cities, the installation of new equipment "Citizen 4" will be carried out. And the instructions for it say that aluminum foil is used to protect the station personnel themselves. For a full analysis of the situation with psychotronic influence on the population of Russia, it is necessary to create a public commission independent of the authorities under the leadership of Academician P. Gariaev. Of course, those who were preparing the transformation of Russians into zombies, into slaves, into animals, will prevent this. Therefore, the patriotic forces of the army, police and special services need to take this investigation under their control.

Second, there is a need for grassroots participation in resisting the transformation of us into electronic slaves.

According to the existing Constitution, it is problematic to abolish already adopted laws. However, there appears to be some legal clue. On the grounds that all United Russia deputies vote as the head of the faction says, it is possible to demand the abolition of all laws adopted by this Duma!

The only hope is for the mass dissemination of this information. Repost this text, post it or a summary of it with a link to the main text on forums, in comments to videos and articles by popular authors (saying, for example, "everything the author writes about is correct, but there is much more important …"), distribute on social networks. Make 10-100-1000 copies of the flyer below and distribute. If you have a problem with money - persuade, persuade others, agitate. There are only a few weeks left before the introduction of electronic documents. Save yourself, your loved ones and Russia!


In Russia, it is illegal (by forcing all United Russia deputies to vote as the head of the faction says) laws have been passed that transfer real power in the country to banks, including foreign and private, primarily to Gref's bank. At the same time, banks will carry out the issuance of electronic passports and access to deposits through biometric photography, which leads people to a state of preparedness for psychotronic brainwashing through mobile antennas. A zombified person will no longer act of his own free will, but as he is told. He can be forced to kill anyone, he himself can be killed with an appropriate signal at any moment. It is especially dangerous that biometrics have already been carried out in the army, police and special services. Read the details in the article "Russia on the verge of death" (search by name on the Internet). Search for "psychotronic zombie biometrics", "electronic dictatorship OR slavery OR concentration camp".

We demand: Immediately ban biometrics and DNA collection; immediately create a public commission under the leadership of Academician P. Garyaev to find out methods of protection against zombification of officers of the army, police and special services; Grefa - under the tribunal; deputies of "United Russia", except for Poklonskaya, shall be deprived of their deputy mandates, and the laws adopted by this State Duma shall be declared invalid

Make 10-100-1000 copies of this leaflet and send it to the wind, distribute it in places where there are many people who know each other - in higher and secondary educational institutions, in schools, large enterprises; in crowded places - in supermarkets, at stadiums … at transport stops, at train stations. The main thing is to start spreading with the police and the army

The only hope is for the mass dissemination of this information. Repost this text, post it or a summary of it with a link to the main text on forums, in comments to videos and articles by popular authors (saying, for example, "everything the author writes about is correct, but there is much more important …"), distribute on social networks. There are only a few weeks left before the introduction of electronic documents. Save yourself, your loved ones and Russia!
