The phenomenon of cities: a social catastrophe due to urbanization
The phenomenon of cities: a social catastrophe due to urbanization

Video: The phenomenon of cities: a social catastrophe due to urbanization

Video: The phenomenon of cities: a social catastrophe due to urbanization
Video: Why are Russia and Japan fighting over these four islands? #shorts #geopolitics #history #maps 2024, May

By a gradual, planned influence, certain forces have brought the earthly civilization of people in fact to a social catastrophe.

Do not assume that cities on Earth are the result of the process of urbanization. Urbanization is not the reason. This is just a screen behind which the essence of what is happening is hidden. A kind of fig leaf. And it is wrong to consider cities a natural phenomenon, they say, the earthly civilization cannot do without them. Wow, in megalopolises - the focus of culture, and science, and industry! Just what kind of culture? Artificially created, divorced from reality, mass, perverted and essentially slave. The same can be said for science. The city only interferes with the accumulation of knowledge about the surrounding world.

Too much interference: no clean water, no air, no space. Moreover, scientific experiments are constantly influenced by artificial electromagnetic fields. The latter factor has a detrimental effect on the psyche. As it became known from numerous studies, electromagnetic fields destroy neurons. What kind of science is there when the human nervous system is suppressed and works in hostile conditions? Memory is lost and a constant lack of energy is felt. All major discoveries, as a rule, are made in special laboratories outside the city, in nature. So there is no need to talk about serious science in megacities. It's a well-choreographed comedy.

Only industrial enterprises remained, where modern slaves, being in constant stress, stunned by the bustle of various everyday problems, the harmful influence of cell stations and other types of electromagnetic influence, sell their strength and time allotted to them "from Above" for life. I said "slaves", and this is not a hyperbole, but a sad fact. The cities of our vaunted civilization were created, first of all, as gigantic repositories of humanoid bipedal creatures that have lost their higher purpose.

The Central Asian spirit of huckstering - at the dawn of time realized that it is almost impossible to manage independent people living on the earth by their labor. They are self-sufficient. They feed themselves, dress themselves, live in harmony with nature. And what is most unpleasant, not according to their far-fetched, but according to her, Nature - universal laws. And the Semitic Desert Spirit worshipers began to act. You should know that it all starts with an ideology that people themselves do not invent. They usually slip it on them.

In Russia, and not only in it, and throughout Europe, and in Byzantium, the values were completely changed. Dependent on the village, the city received a higher status than the source that made it alive. The parasitic system has become more respected than the one that feeds it. What were medieval cities like? First of all, the place where the exchange took place. Of course, there were also artisans in the cities, but rarely any of them lived only by their own business. Usually, outside the city walls, they had cultivated fields, and in the cities next to the house they also had cattle. The development of the city was needed, first of all, by the merchants. This is understandable, the more people there are, the wider the opportunity to sell something. It was the merchants who transferred the simple exchange of goods to the money rails. What was the first money? Bars of silver and gold. While precious metals were in use, no one saw a big trouble. Although the usurers built their nests in such cities. For ourselves, we must understand: it all started from the moment the Aryan barter exchange stopped.

The first money appeared, and their owners appeared. Who they are is no longer a secret.

Now it is clear why, according to the Talmud, God's chosen ones are forbidden to cultivate the land in exile? So that they always concentrate in cities and do not try to go to the ground.

Back in the 7th century, Russia was called Gardarika, i.e. country of cities. And there were indeed many cities in Russia. But it is interesting that the population of Russian cities, despite the fact that they stood for hundreds of years, never exceeded the mark of seven or eight thousand. For a long time, scientists could not understand the reason for this. All over the world cities grew faster, but in Russia they did not. There were more of them, it is a fact, but the number of inhabitants in Slavic cities has always been limited. Finally, the pundits figured out what was the matter. It turns out that the inhabitants of Russian cities, whoever they were: blacksmiths, potters, shoemakers, never lost touch with the land. Living in cities, they remained half peasants. The same can be said about boyars and even princes. In Pagan Russia, work in the field was considered sacred and the most prestigious. In Russia at that time there was a saying "The second mother is our land." Each Russian had two mothers: one gave life, the other helped to become a full-fledged person.

If you remember the ancient epics, which of our heroes was the most famous? Mikula Selyaninovich, a hard worker-plowman. In terms of strength, it turned out to be more powerful than Svetogor itself. In his bag lay earthly cravings. In other words, he could easily carry the planet's gravitational field! In pre-Christian times, he was the most respected person in Russia. Does this mean something? But in the Christian era, the very ideology of contempt for everything rural and natural arose, which we observe in our time. In the Christianized cities, Oratis from the 10th century began to be called smerds. So, stinking - dirty. You can still hear: "Hey you, village!" The word "collective farmer" has become synonymous with the word "moron". But this is only the background, the field on which the tragedy that we are now witnessing unfolded. When cities began to grow rapidly in Russia, and throughout the world, the Jewish Masters of Money began the second stage of creating an urban herd.

What is the mechanism of urban growth in the West? Every serf, having got into the city and lived in it for a year, received freedom. How everything was arranged with them: the city imperceptibly turned into a trap for the peasants. First, they crushed people with feudal dependence, and then they opened the gates, they say, come here. But without any property. In what capacity? Hired worker. More precisely, a real slave! Only instead of the overseer and the whip began to appear dependence on money. Now about the money. We will not say who invented them. Some researchers argue that they were chosen by God, others that they appeared as if by themselves. Both are wrong. Money on earth was created by those who wrote the Torah or the Bible. But first, they were gold, silver and precious stones. For the first stage of concentration of power in the few who had enough. In one person, the merchants-usurers for seven centuries, trading in slaves, furs, Chinese silk and other things, have distributed among themselves the entire bulk of metallic money. And not only in the west, but also in the east. After that, the transition to paper forgeries began across the planet. It was the bankers who created them. It's true. And the owners of God's chosen ones. How was it done? It's very simple: paper money appeared as bills-receipts for some values invested in banks. But the fact is that the bankers, realizing that no one would take all the gold deposits from them at once, besides, they also had their own stock of gold, began to write out such a number of paper bills, which was several times higher than the stocks stored in their basements. precious metal. Fakes? Yes, of course, and in great numbers! Not secured by anything. But, giving them at interest, they already received a real return.

We exchanged air for gold and jewelry. Unfortunately, this process is also valid in our era. Nothing changed. True, for some time the role of private banks was taken over by state banks. According to the law, only they could mint gold and issue paper money. But this did not last long. After 1913, the issue of the world currency, the dollar, again passed into the hands of private traders. I mean the Fed.

This is where a huge mass of essentially counterfeit money came from on Earth, and these counterfeits are directly related to the size of the urban population. A limited amount of gold and silver money at some point stopped the flow of rural population to the city. You can't live in the city without money. No matter how much you advertise it, if a small part of its population, mainly the rich, have money, then you will not run to the city, but, on the contrary, from the city, for free bread. This process began throughout Europe. One part of the urban poor began to return to the countryside, while the other undertook, together with the bankers and the petty bourgeoisie, to destroy the feudal order. Lack of money roused the masses to bourgeois revolutions. This was also a plan. Only in Russia everything turned out differently. And in the east. The Russian peasant, even a serf, was not very eager to enter the city. Moreover, the city, in contrast to Western European practice, did not free it from serfdom. Instead of a sweet city life, he strove to Siberia, away from the rule of the landowners. Free. That is why Russia until the first half of the 20th century, despite the actions of propaganda against the countryside, remained an agrarian country. It turned into a state of megalopolises only after industrialization carried out by Stalin. The West forced her to do it, otherwise she would have died.

But back to the counterfeit paper money. Now, thanks to them, it was possible to keep any number of slaves in the cities. Papers are not gold. You can print as many as you like. Here's the secret. But under the counterfeit money, the same counterfeit person was needed. In fact, a hominoid of a different race and a completely different culture. Unable to feed himself with his labor, completely dependent and cannot imagine his life without pieces of paper, which are called money. I have not made a reservation about the race. It is a different race.

What does it mean? After all, the townspeople successfully not only feed themselves, but also accumulate considerable material values. They feed from shops - supermarkets, thanks to pieces of paper that allow them to do this. So to speak, permissive nature of universal documents issued by their owners. And deprive our townspeople of life-saving shops, take away utilities: electricity, heating and hot water in winter, or, even easier, deprive them of their money! What happens? All this huge mass of civilized non-humans will immediately turn into a wild, brutal herd of monkeys. A massive looting will begin. A brother from a brother will pull a piece of bread out of his mouth. Without hesitation, kill for a warm blanket. And it would never occur to anyone to leave the city for nature, to mother earth. Go fishing, collecting wild plants, raising livestock and, finally, farming. It will be easier for them to strangle their own kind than to take a shovel and dig up edible roots or make a wick for catching fish. I'm not talking about the construction of a primitive dwelling and a simple Russian stove.

Why will it be so? On the one hand, because a city dweller does not know how to do anything like that. On the other hand, he simply does not want to. He has long been disaccustomed to really work. A highly specialized psyche, formed by an urban lifestyle, will not allow him to do this. It is easier for a city dweller to engage in robbery than to try to save himself with labor. The urban population, or a swarm of slaves, is so dependent on the pieces of paper they receive from their owners, which are called money, that they, these fakes, have become a god for the townspeople. Their only real value, which allows the slaves of the spirit to get pleasure from life. Such is the pseudo-value that formed the subrace of urban residents. Many researchers have noticed that this is a kind of subrace. And not only ours, but also Western ones.

So what is the mechanism for the formation of a race of slaves in cities? He, like everything ingenious, is very simple. It is known that everything external in a person is connected with the internal, this is the law of nature. Overconcentration on some aspect or image inhibits the development of other qualities in consciousness. The psyche begins to malfunction in the direction where it was directed by the human ego. Where does this lead? Only one thing - to the consolidation of such a quality in the depths of the subconscious. Here is a mechanism for building a degenerate human psyche, one for which spiritual values cease to exist as such. For her, only the value of money is real, which allows her to acquire various material goods in the trading network. Vulgar materialism was not born in the countryside, it is a product of megacities. It was formed as a result of the over-concentration of people on the extraction of money. This is a very serious factor. The ocean of paper forgeries used by the system to drive the innocent rural population into the cities, at the same time turns normal people into mentally defective. In those for whom the pursuit of material values becomes the meaning of life. For money, such non-people are ready for any crime. Because besides materialistic interests, their consciousness does not perceive anything else. Not village dwellers, but just city dwellers with a shifted psyche are easily sold and easily bought. Statistics show that our officials have been and remain in the first place in terms of venality. Traditionally, they are followed by the pathetic, hating their own people, the intelligentsia. Together with her, the Orthodox Church. Basically, its tip. Then there are all sorts of traders-speculators and the like. The fact that urban workers are least of all susceptible to such an infection does not indicate their beliefs, but that they still have a healthy gene pool, since their grandfathers, and even fathers, came from the countryside. Only sudras or slaves, people with a slave mentality, can be easily controlled.

Such people are forged by the civilization of megalopolises. And, I must say, successfully. For a long time, especially at school, we were taught that a slave is someone who is whipped to work, poorly fed and can be killed at any moment. If a slave realizes that he has been turned into slavery, then in spirit he is already free. A real slave is one who does not even suspect that he, his family and all the people around him are slaves. Anyone who does not even think that, in fact, he is completely powerless. That his owners, with the help of specially created laws, law enforcement agencies, utilities and, above all, with the help of money, can force him to do whatever they need from him.

Modern slavery is not the slavery of the past. It is different. And it is not built on coercion, but on a radical change in consciousness. When a proud and free person under the influence of certain technologies, through the influence of ideology, the power of money, fear and cynical lies, turns out to be a mentally defective, easily controlled, corrupt degenerate. A slave to the spirit who delights in enjoying his chains. It is customary for us to call him a man in the street. Officials, who understand very well who they are dealing with, call such a crowd of city slaves with the capacious word "cattle". What are the megacities of the planet? Gigantic concentration camps, of course. Reservoirs of the mentally broken, crippled and absolutely disenfranchised common people-sudras. To live in a city you only need money. To hell with talents, vocations. Long live the place where they pay more! Here it is - a simple and effective mechanism for the death of the one for which we came to this world. Everything changes for money. Even life itself.

Let's talk about this aspect separately. It is no secret that in modern cities the air is poisoned by the exhaust gases of cars. In the centers of such cities, there is generally nothing to breathe. In summer, it becomes especially unbearable in the heat. During traffic jams, you can lose consciousness. Poisoned air destroys the health of children, kills the elderly. In the calm, cities become especially dangerous. But the paradox is this: the most expensive land and the most expensive apartments are being sold in the central part of megalopolises! How is this to be understood? Crazy, but true! This behavior of people is not able to explain any science. Is the prestige changing for health? But is it only prestige that can explain such a phenomenon?
