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"Ancient ukry" - the ancestors of the Germans or Slavic place names of Prussia
"Ancient ukry" - the ancestors of the Germans or Slavic place names of Prussia

Video: "Ancient ukry" - the ancestors of the Germans or Slavic place names of Prussia

Video: Why Our Heroes Are Different Now (God of War, The Last Jedi, Logan) – Wisecrack Edition 2024, April


Not later than the second millennium BC, the lands in the vicinity of the modern city of Pionersky (formerly Neukuren) were inhabited by the tribes of the ancient Prussians

This area was especially revered by the Prussians, priests lived here, and burial mounds were erected. In these places, sacred oaks grew, sacred dunes and springs were located, which were especially important for the cult rites and beliefs of the Prussians.

In 1990, on the southern outskirts of the city of Pionersky, in the area of Mount Giants, a sanctuary was discovered dating back to the second millennium BC, containing unique materials from the Zhutsevo culture.

The settlement began to flourish as a seaside resort at the beginning of the second third of the 19th century. In 1837, the merchant Karl Douglas, who was previously engaged in the industrial extraction of amber, appreciated the natural and climatic factors of Neukuren and founded a resort complex here.

After this event, Neikuren was officially declared a resort and became a popular family holiday destination, famous for its balneological clinics. In 1849, the first hotel built by Lieutenant Gebauer opened in Neukuren.


Stone of Lies (located in the vicinity of Pionersk, the site of an ancient pagan temple)

The Legend of the Stone of Lies:


Legend has it that a person living in a lie will not be able to pass through this Stone (the morality of paganism, however..)


In general, this is information "from sources", and now blog author investigation + selection of old, German Photo, types of non-populated point of the 19-20th centuries "bottling"


Pay attention to the photo (of the last century) at the top left is the name of the city in German / German / Latin in fact.. And the name says - NEOKUREN.. We all know that NEO is new.. The fact is that neo, new, new - NEU sounds like NOYA in German. Hence - New.. New what? We read further, and.. In principle, the answer immediately "came" to me, but I got into Yandex - "interpreter" and that's what he translated - the new kühren..

That is - and Yandex does not know what kukhren-kuren is.. In fact, the word is SMOK.. NEW SMOKER.. What is CHICKEN?


We look in the dictionary - "kurens are called flimsy buildings near the sea" Taak, and where is the city itself? That's right - at the very blue sea, that is, the Varangian, now the Baltic … that is, NEO / NOY-KUREN / KUREN is nothing more than a NEW CITY, but simply NOVGOROD which is full all over the world.. (the same Naples, Neustadt, etc. n) Although it is necessary to make a reservation that this is not a city but a village, a settlement … a new village (by the sea)


Still, of course, KUREN (in the Cossacks) is a unit, a combat unit, it is also just a hut, a hut, a temporary hut, but the point is that this is Slavism in any case! It is important that the word is associated with the designation of the place of residence of people, or with the people themselves … And therefore, the entire region of Kaliningrad / Keniksberg, which was conquered by the Red Army (in fact, by the Russians of the 20th century) during the Second World War, was not actually conquered, but RECEIVED. After all, this is our Rus land, the land of the Rus (Prussia)


Moreover, the name is ancient Slavic, of those times when the Slavs themselves were not so rigidly divided into subgroups (Rus, ukry, Belarusians, etc.) Consequently, they had a common language. In modern Ukrainian, the word "New" sounds like "Noviy" - apparently this is how this word sounded in ancient times (you never know dialects in any language) Hence the Germanic - NOY is the same as NEW..

Perhaps the place was called in antiquity (about 1000 years ago) "NEW KUREN" - and now NOYIKUREN (with a long Y, without B) remains of it. And I think that we can quite say that the Germans descended from the ukrov, for that matter (since those Slavs) - no question!


And this once again proves that the Germanic tribes went from a mixture of Turks with Slavs.. The German name itself sounds completely in Turkic - Neikuren.. Baikonur (for example) - generally one language !!! Further, in theory, it is necessary to move towards the bundle - the Cossacks-Kazakhs (one word) among the Cossacks and the Turkic peoples, a strong commonality of many words and concepts, but this is a separate topic.


I would especially like to add that the very name PRUSSIA is just RUSSIA, RUSSIA (as the Europeans write) RUSSIA.. They also write the word RUSSIA as RUSSIA / RUSSIA.. But then we pronounce it RUSSIA as RUSSIA.. Consequently, PRUSSIA / PRUSSIA will be P / RUSSIA.. There is a very interesting version of the origin of this name: The Neman River on some old maps is designated as "RUSS", Rus. Accordingly, the lands along the river were called PORUSIE (IN RUSSIA). By analogy, Pomorie (by sea) Labe (by Labe) and so on. PRUSSIA is a BAND.


What is the letter Pe? Well, there are many versions - Polabskaya Rus (floodplain of the Laba River) Pomor Rus, I don't know … In general, they just added the letter Pe and that's it (the main thing is not Russia) Although Prussia is Russia and Russian people lived there (this can be seen by toponyms on the ground) and they could speak any languages (as now in Russia)


It is possible that here the formation of the Germans as a people could gradually take place, from a mixture of Slavs and Turks, while living in this territory for a long time (according to V. A. Chudinov's version) The same is with their language. And moreover, this is my version - where the Slavs disappeared and where did the Germans come from? Yes, out of nowhere.. From here came those, and these left here. The Slavs and Turks gradually degenerated into Germans.


In fact, the same thing that happened with the Etruscans - one to one! Only there the Slavs degenerated into Italians, and in Spain into the Spaniards - and I'm not kidding! You can laugh - but listen to Spanish music - this is a 50X50 mixture of Arabic and Slavic. This is how the formation of new peoples went on the land of Midgard (Middle Settlement)


And the so-called "ancient Prussians" in the MODERN official h / sTory, there are none other than ordinary Russian people, of whom we have a dime a dozen.. This is essentially like "ancient ukry" that "dug the Black Sea".. Current ancient Prussians dug the sea Varayazhskoe (as the Baltic was previously called), this is how it turns out, following a kind of logic.


And by the way, right there (with a trailer) the name of Biblical Noah "shoots" … Christ is not a name, but a TITLE (The Anointed One, Greek) And there is still a lot of this (when the title, characterization of a character was passed off as a name) I don’t remember right away.

I imagined how a bunch of sculptors of the Bible project sat and invented names for the characters, choosing from different languages (… and so that no one would have guessed..)


There is also the secret presidency of our resident (pictured below) Why secret? Because this is the first time I hear about it:-)) they hardly mention her (everyone knows Zavidovo, for example) Especially since I lived very close to Zavidovo, and even somehow worked there..


And now I have moved closer to another presidency, in Pionersky / Novy Kuren, now I live in these places

Below is a modern photo - in the region there are a lot of such German paving stones of the past and the century before last, it still serves! Our Germanic brothers (the offspring of our ancestors) knew how to make roads (they still have not forgotten how to do it!) probably there are some subtleties of the profession, of course) That is, every brick, in fact, a rectangle driven into the ground.. Therefore, such a road lives for a hundred or more years, "despite" heavy vehicles are driving along it.


PS I believe that there is no tragedy in the Germanization of these places - the Slavs and Aryans left so many "mixed" peoples on earth that this is apparently subject to those who organize here (on the land of Midgard) life as such in general … someone organizes - there is no doubt about it (at least for me)


Most likely, and possibly, the Slavs perform here the people's forming functions, together with the rest of the participants in the mega-experiment (as the main ingredient) And Russia itself is the home of many peoples, until now (yes, so that sometimes there is no place for them) This is our difficult share, in the whole ent performance.


In general, this is protogenesis - the eternal movement of life, a constant change in the forms of its manifestation.. What does not follow the movement - dies off.. The living can reach mutual understanding only with the living, and what can serve as an alternative to life? Only the absence of such.

=============== AND "ON POSOSHOK" ==============

In addition, a repost of very interesting material on the toponymy of the region:

According to the evidence of modern history, from about the end of the 6th to the middle of the 13th century A. D. the east, north and north-west of modern Germany was inhabited by a large group of West Slavic tribes of Lusican, Lyutichi, Bodrich, Pomoryan and Ruyan, who are now called the Polabian Slavs.

(Great Patriotic War, Neikuren beach)


These tribes, according to orthodox historians, in the second half of the 6th century replaced the "Germanic" tribes of the Lombards, Rugs, Lugians, Hizobrads, Varins, Veletes and others who lived here in ancient times. However, many researchers argue that there is "an amazing coincidence of the tribal names of the Polabian, Pomor and other Western Slavs with the most ancient ethnic names of the turn of the first centuries of our era, known in this territory," mentioned in Roman sources.

In total, there are about fifteen such paired, coinciding ancient and medieval Slavic names of tribes that lived in this area. This means that the Slavs lived in Germany, at least from these very first centuries.

They occupied a vast territory from the mouth of the river. Laba (Elba) and its tributary r. Sala (Zale) in the West, before the river. Odra (Vodra, Oder) in the east, from the Ore Mountains (on the border with the Czech Republic) in the south and to the Baltic Sea in the north. Thus, the lands of the Polabian Slavs covered at least a third of the modern German state. The Polabian Slavs united in three tribal alliances: the Lugichans, the Lyutichi (Velety or Viltsy) and the Bodrici (encouraged, Rarog or Rereki).

They were also related to the Pomor tribes, who lived along the southern coast of the Baltic Sea, approximately from the mouth of the Odra to the mouth of the Vistula, and in the south along the Notech River, bordering on Polish tribes.

(watch the map in good resolution -


The fact that the Slavic peoples long ago lived in Germany is evidenced by the multiple toponyms (from topos - "place" and onoma - "name, name" - a proper name denoting the name of a geographical object), which they left behind. For instance, - Berlin, Schwerin, Vitzin, Devin, Alt-Teterin, Karpin. The ending "-in" in Slavic place names is stressed.

- Lausitz (Lusatia), Chemnitz, Dobranits (Dobranets), Doberyushts (Dobroshitsy), Dobershau (Dobrush).

- Lyubov, Teterov, Guestrov, Lyutov, Goltsov, Mirov, Burov.

- Lubenau, Schrandau, Torgau.

The most famous place names of Slavic origin are:

The city of Chemnitz - (German Chemnitz, v.-luzh. Kamjenica) is named after the small river Chemnitz, a tributary of the Zwickauer Mulde river. The word “chemnitz” itself comes from “kamjenica” from the language of the Lusatian Serbs and means “rocky stream or river”.

The city of Lausitz (German Lausitz, v.-puddle. Luzhitsa), originally - "swampy land". Luzhitsa is a historical region of Germany, in which the Slavic people of the Luzhitsa still live.

The city of Lubeck (German Lubeck, v.-puddle. Lubitz). Founded not far from the Ljubice fortress of Wagra.

The city of Rostock (German Rostock, v. Luzh. Rostock) means a place where water spreads in different directions.

The city of Ratzeburg (the Slavic settlement of Ratibor) was first mentioned in the documents of the German king Henry IV in 1062 as Racesburg. The name comes from the name of the encouraging prince Ratibor (abbreviated as Ratse).

The city of Prenzlau (German Prenzlau, v.-puddle. Prenzlav).

City of Zossen (German Zossen, Slavic Pines).

City of Brandenburg (German Brandenburg. Slav. Branibor).

The city of Mecklenburg - previously called Rarog (Rerik), later - Mikulin Bor.

The city of Oldenburg is the Slavic Starograd (Starigard).

City of Demmin - Dymin.

The city of Schwerin is the Bodrich Zverin.

City of Dresden - Drozdyany.

Leipzig - Lipsk, Lipetsk.

City of Breslau - Breslau.

The city of Roslau - Rusislava.

The town of Prilwitz - Prilebitsa.

The city of Regensburg - Rezno.

City of Meissen - Mishneau.

The city of Merseburg - Mezhibor.

And the ancient names of these modern German cities do not need explanations: Lubeck, Bremen, Weiden, Lubben, Torgau, Kluz, Ribnitz, Karov, Teterov, Malkhin, Mirov, Rossov, Kiritz, Beskov, Kamenz, Lebau, Sebnitz, etc., etc.

Slavic place names are widespread in the following modern lands of Germany: Lower Saxony - territories east of Hamburg, the so-called "Wendland", the eastern half of Schleswig-Holstein, throughout Mecklenburg - Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Saxony and Saxony Anhalt, Thuringia Berlin, Bavaria and …

(Neikuren, lithograph 1780)


In the 19th century, the Czech scientist A. V. Schember, found 1000 Slavic names of rivers, mountains, forests, plains and towns on the map of Austria. He published the results of his research in the book "Zapadni Slovane v praveku" (1860). It is appropriate to add here that the Austrian capital Vienna is the Slavic Windebozh, and the town of Zwetl is Svetla. Austria itself was called the principality of Ostria before the Germanization! Unfortunately, at present, written information about that distant life of the Western Slavs is still available only in sources that were written by German Christian authors.

“… The glory is ten times greater than our Saxony, if we include the Czechs and the Poles living on the other side of the Odra, who do not differ from the inhabitants of Slavia either in their appearance or language … There are many Slavic peoples. Among them are the most western Wagras, living on the border with the Trans-Albing. Their city, lying by the sea, Oldenburg (Stargrad).

This is followed by the encouraged, who are now called the reregs, and their city is Magnopolis (Velehrad). To the east of us (from Hamburg) live Polabini (Polaby), whose city is called Ratsisburg (Ratibor). Behind them are lingons (clay) and warabs. Further, the hizans and through the Penyans follow, which are separated from the Dolechans and the ratars by the Pena River and the city of Dymin.

There is the limit of the Hamburg diocese. Khizhan and through-Penyans live to the north of the Pena River, Dolenchans and Ratari - to the south. Because of their bravery, these four peoples are called Wilts, or Lyutichi. There are also other Slavic tribes that live between Labe and Odra (Elbe and Oder) "(Adam of Bremen - North German chronicler, canon and scholastic," Acts of the priests of the Hamburg Church "(c. 1066)).

(source -

It is also necessary to touch upon the history of the Keniksberg (in the status of the capital) Prussia in general, it was the leading state of Europe in the 18th century

PRUSSIA (19th century map)


(in more detail - and let's not forget that this is an official story, it must be read by analyzing and comparing and not blindly believing)
