"Academy" Azimov - principles of social parasites
"Academy" Azimov - principles of social parasites

Video: "Academy" Azimov - principles of social parasites


A. E. Fursov recommends reading the cycle of books by Isaac Asimov "Academy" (aka "Foundation", in the English primary source "Foundation"). He (Fursov) says that this book is being studied by cadets of the West Point Military Academy in the United States. Moreover, they study it almost from the very moment the first book of the cycle appeared in the 1950s, this work made such a strong impression on the generals.

From the beginning of the cycle, it seemed that there was nothing supernatural. But the lack of artistic qualities was compensated by a combination of psychological schemes and approaches to making strategic decisions. This kept my attention, and I have already read more than half of the cycle …

The value of the cycle "Academy" for the development of the thinking of the military (and not only them) lies in the presentation of patterns of behavior and decision-making by various players. Shows how thinking determines actions. Accordingly, if you know your way of thinking and how your allies and opponents think, you can use it all to the advantage of your strategy.

Gradually, I grasped something fundamental about how the Asimov cycle shapes the thinking of cadets and what the logic of our world tells them.

1. The end justifies the means. The goal, absolute and undeniable, is the revival of the Empire. Everything that leads to the goal is justified: meanness, deception, war, betrayal, etc.

Moral considerations are only an obstacle to the goal. But on the other hand, it is beneficial to know the moral limitations of others and turn them around to your advantage. It's time to move on to point 2.

2. Everyone, to the extent of his understanding, works for himself, and to the extent of his lack of understanding - for the one who understands more. The opposing sides constantly use their friends, allies and even enemies to achieve their goals. This is achieved by providing them with not the whole truth, at the expense of omissions, at the expense of lies. If necessary, they even send comrades-in-arms to the death.

Of course, there are some of the subjects acting straightforwardly, without deception and meanness. But honest and straightforward ones with Azimov always lose. Even self-sacrifice for a good purpose turns out to be beneficial to some third party.

I can say that the thinking and logic of A. Azimov, reflected in his books, quite clearly correspond to how the United States operates on the world stage. So I recommend for reading to those who wish to better understand the strategic principles of the geopolitics of the United States, and the West as a whole.
