Telekinesis Ninel Kulagina
Telekinesis Ninel Kulagina

Video: Telekinesis Ninel Kulagina

Video: Telekinesis Ninel Kulagina
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The most famous case of telekinesis in the USSR, among other things, is characterized by such a unique fact: Ninel Kulagina filed a lawsuit in 1986 against the magazine of the Ministry of Justice "Chelovek i Zakon" and won the case …

It all began in December 1963, when a young, cheerful, full of strength and energy woman, Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina, heard on the radio a message about a girl "seeing with her fingers." This girl could read text and distinguish colors with her fingertips. Ninel Sergeevna remembered how she once pulled a spool of thread of the desired color out of the box by touch. Without thinking twice, she told her husband: “Just think, opening! I can do the same". The husband, of course, did not believe it. They began to try. Not immediately, but it worked out …

Four years have passed since the first publication, in January 1964, about the Kulagina phenomenon, or "the K phenomenon" - as journalists called it. During this time, the rumor about the "Russian pearl" of parapsychology spread outside the USSR. In 1968, a well-known Czechoslovak scientist, specialist in the field of "psi-photography", Dr. Zdenek Reidak, specially came to meet with Kulagina. The experiments conducted by Ninel Sergeevna made a great impression on him. The scientist admitted that "the essence of the Kulagina phenomenon lies in the peculiarities of her physiology." It is possible that, thanks to his fruitful work with Kulagina, Reidak soon became the head of the International Association of Psychotronics …

In the spring of 1973, the British also became interested in the "K phenomenon", having delegated to Russia two prominent biophysicists - Herbert and Kasserer. The British presented a seemingly simple but effective experiment on moving "with the help of thought" a liquid hydrometer. Scientists were struck not so much by the fact of movement of the hydrometer "under the influence of thought" as by the nature of the movement: in a strictly vertical position, without tilting, which contradicted the laws of physics. Later, in the London magazine Paraphysics, one of them wrote: "Now I am happy to report that we were the first researchers in the West who were able to measure telekinetic power." And this power, against all expectations, turned out to be incredibly great …

In our country, the unique possibilities of Ninel Kulagina were studied by about three dozen institutes of various profiles. We did not deny the opportunity to "investigate" Kulagin and foreigners.

Read also a detailed article: Ninel Kulagina and the inquisitors from science

But here is an example of another phenomenon, the Bulgarian seer Vanga. Her abilities were studied exclusively by Bulgarian specialists, and the results of these studies remained a secret with seven seals. The Bulgarian government treated its "pearl" much more carefully than the Soviet one. Maybe that's why Vanga lived for more than eighty years, and Kulagina - only sixty-four years? However, there is one serious "but". Vanga had the opportunity to periodically connect to the highest cosmic sources of energy to replenish energy resources; Kulagina did not have such an opportunity. But the research program, long-term and complex, included experiments that did not pass without leaving a trace for health. She often complained that after the experiments she felt physical and mental devastation, a headache ending in vomiting. And no wonder: the poor woman was constantly pumped out of bioenergy. But did you care about its replenishment? Unlikely…

But this was not what depressed Kulagina most of all. It was a shame that some scientists, having reached a dead end and trying to save their reputation, blamed only her for all the failures, called her a fraud and a charlatan. False accusations forced Kulagina to go to court for the protection of honor and dignity, which ultimately led to a heart attack … It is bitter and insulting, but what is it in Russian: "What we have, we do not store, when we lose, we cry."

And there was something to lose. As a result of the selfless activities of her husband Ninel Sergeevna, descriptions of the experiments carried out remained. "Russian Pearl" mastered not only the art of telekinesis, but also the elements of levitation. Most of all, she succeeded in experiments on moving "with the help of thought" of light objects.

Usually the experience looked like this. Items made of various materials were placed on a small table. Kulagina sat down at a distance of about 1 meter from the table. With hand passes or head movement, mental effort, she moved objects along its surface. She did it truly masterly! Performing a complicated program compiled by observers, she could move both one and several objects at the same time, and in different directions, to pre-marked places, or, at the request of the experimenters, she began to rotate objects around a vertical axis, she could get any match from the laid out complex composition and move it to where it will be indicated. The experiments were equally successful when Ninel Sergeevna sat facing the table, and when - with her back to it. At the same time, she could not even look at objects placed both on an open table and on a closed transparent cap, in the air or in a vacuum. She could move objects even in tightly sealed glass vessels.

Kulagin amazed not only venerable physicists, but also biologists and chemists. How did she manage to change the acidity of solutions (by several units) without touching them? Or right in front of your eyes with hand movements to revive wilted flowers, to enhance their smell? What kind of miracle energy was in her hands? In one of the experiments, she managed to dramatically change the frog's heartbeat, and then completely stop her heart for two minutes. This woman had some kind of life-giving energy.

Here is one example: mice were irradiated with radiation and divided into two groups. Experimental animals exposed to Kulagina's bioenergy lived much longer. But Kulagina's bioenergy could be not only life-giving, but also destructive. In one of the experiments, Kulagina took a person by the hand, and … two minutes later, a noticeable burn formed on his hand. The heating of the skin was so strong that the subject could not stand it and asked to stop the experiment. Among those who received such a "burn from Kulagina" was the English biophysicist Herbert, who left documentary evidence of this. It is curious that the nature of the Kulagin burn, its appearance and color had nothing to do with the types of burns known to all of us.

In experiments on levitation, Kulagina managed to keep any light objects suspended between the palms of her hands, for example, a tennis ball, which is confirmed by surviving photographs. She could tear off the support and lift objects in the air, moving them both horizontally and vertically.

In 1990, Ninel Sergeevna Kulagina passed away. In the decade that followed her death, parapsychology developed at a rapid pace, and largely thanks to the study of the "phenomenon of K" and the like. Today, works in this area of knowledge are classified as "Special Importance". Politicians and the military are taking an extraordinary interest in parapsychology. It is likely that by the end of her life Ninel Kulagina regretted that December evening, when she confessed to her husband that “maybe” the same as Rosa Kuleshova …

Read also a detailed article: Ninel Kulagina and the inquisitors from science
