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A millennium that did not exist
A millennium that did not exist

Video: A millennium that did not exist

Video: A millennium that did not exist
Video: Иван Айвазовский (Краткая история) 2024, April

The chronology of ancient and medieval history, which at the moment is considered the only true one and is studied in schools and universities, was created in XVI-XVII centuries ad. Its authors are the Western European chronologist JOSEPH SCALIGER and the Catholic Jesuit monk DIONYSUS PETAVIUS.

They brought the chronological spread of dates, so to speak, to a common denominator. However, their dating methods, like those of their predecessors, were imperfect, erroneous, and subjective. And, sometimes, these "mistakes" were of a deliberate (ordered) nature. As a result, the story was lengthened by thousand years, and this extra millennium was filled with phantom events and characters that had never really existed before.


Subsequently, some delusions gave rise to others and, growing like a snowball, dragged the chronology of events in world history into the abyss of virtual piles that had nothing to do with reality.

This pseudoscientific chronological doctrine of SCALIGER-PETAVIUS, at one time, was seriously criticized by prominent figures of world science. Among them are the famous English mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton, the prominent French scientist Jean Harduin, the English historian Edwin Johnson, German educators - philologist Robert Baldauf and lawyer Wilhelm Kammaer, Russian scientists - Peter Nikiforovich Krekshin (personal secretary of Peter I) and Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov, American historian (of Belarusian origin) Emmanuel Velikovsky.


Further, already in our days, the baton of rejection of the Scaligerian chronology was picked up by their followers. Among them - Academician of the "Russian Academy of Sciences", Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Russia, Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko (the author of "NEW CHRONOLOGY" in co-authorship with the candidate of mathematical sciences Gleb Vladimirovich Nosovsky), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Kalashnikov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Lenin Prize Laureate, Professor Mikhail Mikhailovich Postnikov and a scientist from Germany - historian and writer Yevgeny Yakovlevich Gabovich.


Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko, Gleb Vladimirovich Nosovsky, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Kalashnikov, Evgeny Yakovlevich Gabovich

But, in spite of the selfless research work of these scientists, the world historical community still uses in its scientific arsenal, as a standard, the foundations of the vicious "Scaligerian" chronology. Until now, there is no complete, fundamental and objective research on the "Chronology of the Ancient World" that meets the modern requirements of historical science.

How dates were recorded in the Middle Ages

In the XV, XVI and XII centuries, after the introduction into circulation of the "JULIAN", and then, and the "GRIGORIAN" calendar, leading the chronology "FROM THE BIRTH OF CHRIST", the dates were written in Roman and Arabic numerals, but not like today, but TOGETHER WITH LETTERS.

But they have already managed to “forget” about it.

In medieval Italy, Byzantium and Greece, dates were written in Roman numerals.

I = 1 (unus)

X = 10 (decem)

C = 100 (centum)

M = 1000 (mille)

and their halves:

V = 5 (quinque)

L = 50 (quinquaginta)

D = 500 (quingenti)

XII = 12 IX = 9

It is believed, further, that Roman numerals appeared a very long time ago, long before the new era, at the time of the "ancient Romans". At the same time, numbers up to fifty were recorded using three icons:

I = 1 V = 5 X = 10

Why, exactly, and only such signs were used for small numbers? Probably, at first, people operated on small values. Only later did large numbers come into use. For example, more than fifty, hundreds, and so on. Then new, additional signs were required, like:

L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000

Therefore, it is logical to believe that the signs for small numbers were the original, earliest, MOST ANCIENT. In addition, initially, in writing Roman numerals, the so-called system of "addition and subtraction" of signs was not used. She appeared much later. For example, the numbers 4 and 9, in those days, were written like this:

4 = IIII 9 = VIIII


This is clearly seen in the medieval Western European engraving by the German artist Georg Penz "TIME TRIUMPH" and on the old book miniature with a sundial.


Dates in the Middle Ages according to the "JULIAN" and "GRIGORIAN" calendars, leading chronology from the "CHRIST'S BIRTHDAY", were written in letters and numbers.

X = "Christ"

Greek letter "X and", Standing in front of a date written in Roman numerals, once meant a name "Christ", but then it was changed into a number 10, denoting ten centuries, that is, a millennium. Thus, there was a chronological shift of medieval dates by 1000 years, when juxtaposed by later historians of two different ways of recording.

How were dates recorded in those days?

The first of these methods was, of course, to record the date in full.

She looked like this:

"1st century from the birth of Christ", "2nd century from the birth of Christ", "3rd century from the birth of Christ", etc.

The second way was the abbreviated notation.

Dates were written like this:

X. I = from Christ I-th century

X. II = from Christ II-th century

X. III = from Christ III-th century

etc. where "X" - not roman numeral 10, and the first letter in the word "Christ"written in Greek.


Mosaic image of Jesus Christ on the dome of "Hagia Sophia" in Istanbul

Letter "X" - one of the most common medieval monograms, still found in ancient icons, mosaics, frescoes and book miniatures. She symbolizes the name Of Christ … Therefore, they put it in front of the date written in Roman numerals in the calendar, leading the chronology "from the CHRIST'S BIRTHDAY," and separated it with a dot from the numbers.

It is from these abbreviations that the designations of centuries adopted today arose. True, the letter "X" is already read by us not as a letter, but as a Roman numeral 10.

When they wrote the date in Arabic numerals, they put the letter in front of them "I" - the first letter of the name "Jesus ”Written in Greek and, too, was separated by a dot. But later, this letter was announced "Unit", supposedly denoting "One thousand".

I.400 = from Jesus 400th year

Consequently, the record of the date "I" point 400, for example, originally meant: "From Jesus the 400th year."


Here is a medieval English engraving, allegedly dated 1463. But if you look closely, you can see that the first number one (ie, one thousand) is not a number at all, but the Latin letter "I". Exactly the same as the letter on the left in the word "DNI". Incidentally, the Latin inscription "Anno domini" means "from the Nativity of Christ" - abbreviated as ADI (from Jesus) and ADX (from Christ). Consequently, the date written on this engraving is not 1463, as modern chronologists and art historians claim, but 463 "From Jesus", i.e. "From the Nativity of Christ."

This old engraving by the German artist Johans Baldung Green bears his author's stamp with the date (allegedly 1515). But with a strong increase in this mark, you can clearly see the Latin letter at the beginning of the date "I" (from Jesus) exactly the same as in the monogram of the author "IGB" (Johannes Baldung Green), and the number «1» written differently here.


This means that the date on this engraving is not 1515, as modern historians claim, but 515 from the "Nativity of Christ".

The title page of the book by Adam Olearius "Description of the journey to Muscovy" shows an engraving with a date (allegedly 1566). At first glance, the Latin letter "I" at the beginning of the date can be taken as a unit, but if you look closely, we will clearly see that this is not a number at all, but a capital letter "I",


exactly the same as in this fragment from an old handwritten German text.


Therefore, the real date of the engraving on the title page of the medieval book of Adam Olearius is not 1656, but 656 from the "Nativity of Christ".


The same capital Latin letter "I" appears at the beginning of the date on an old engraving depicting the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. This engraving was made by a medieval Western European artist, as we already understand now, not in 1664, but in 664 - from the "Nativity of Christ".


And in this portrait of the legendary Marina Mnishek (wife of False Dmitry I), the capital letter "I" at high magnification does not at all look like number one, no matter how we try to imagine it. And although historians attribute this portrait to 1609, common sense tells us that the true date of the engraving was 609 from the "Nativity of Christ".


On the engraving of the Middle Ages it is written in large: "Anno (ie, date) from Jesus 658". The capital letter "I" in front of the date digits is depicted so clearly that it is impossible to confuse it with any "unit".

This engraving was made, no doubt, in 658 from the "Nativity of Christ" … By the way, the two-headed eagle, located in the center of the coat of arms, tells us that Nuremberg in those distant times was part of the Russian Empire.


Exactly the same capital letters " I"Can also be seen in dates on ancient frescoes in the medieval" Chilienne Castle "located in the picturesque Swiss Riviera on the shores of Lake Geneva near the city of Montreux.


Dates, " from Jesus 699 and 636", Historians and art historians, today, read how 1699 and 1636 year, explaining this discrepancy, by the ignorance of illiterate medieval artists who made mistakes in writing numbers.


In other ancient frescoes, Shilienskongo Castle, dated already in the eighteenth century, that is, after the Scaligerian reform, the dates are written, from the point of view of modern historians, "correctly". Letter " I", Meaning earlier," from the birth of Jesus", Replaced by the number" 1", Ie, - thousand.


In the old portrait of Pope PIUS II, we clearly see not one, but immediately, three dates. Date of birth, date of accession to the papal throne and date of death of PIUS II. And before each date there is a capital Latin letter "I" (from Jesus).

The artist in this portrait is clearly overdoing it. He put the letter "I" not only in front of the numbers of the year, but also in front of the numbers that mean the days of the month. So, probably, he showed his servile admiration for the Vatican "viceroy of God on earth."


And here, completely unique from the point of view of medieval dating, engraving of the Russian Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya (wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich). Historians naturally date it back to 1662. However, it has a completely different date. "From Jesus" 662. The Latin letter "I" here is capitalized with a dot and does not in any way look like a unit. Below, we see another date - the date of birth of the Queen: "From Jesus" 625, i.e. 625 "from the birth of Christ".


We see the same letter "I" with a dot before the date in the portrait of Erasmus by the German artist Albrecht Durer of Rotterdam. In all art history reference books, this drawing is dated 1520. However, it is quite obvious that this date is being interpreted erroneously and corresponds to 520th year "from the birth of Christ".


Another engraving by Albrecht Durer: "Jesus Christ in the Underworld" is dated in the same way - 510 year "from the birth of Christ".


This old plan of the German city of Cologne has the date that modern historians read as 1633. However, here, too, the Latin letter "I" with a dot is completely different from a unit. The correct dating of this engraving means - 633 from the "Nativity of Christ".

By the way, here, too, we see an image of a two-headed eagle, which once again testifies that Germany was once part of the Russian Empire.

In these engravings by the German artist Augustin Hirschvogel, the date is included in the author's monogram. Here, too, the Latin letter "I" stands in front of the year numbers. And, of course, it is completely different from one.

The medieval German artist Georg Penz dated his engravings in the same way. 548 "from the birth of Christ" written on this, his, author's monogram.


And on the medieval German coat of arms of West Saxony, the dates are written without the letter "I" at all. The artist did not have enough space for the letter on the narrow vignettes, or he simply neglected to write it, leaving only the most important information for the viewer - the 519th and 527th years. And the fact that these dates "From the Nativity of Christ" - in those days, it was known to everyone.

On this Russian naval map, published during the reign of the Russian Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, that is, in the middle of the 18th century, it is quite clearly written: “KRONSTADT. Map Marine Accurate. Written and measured by order of Her Imperial Majesty in 740th year of the fleet by captain Nogayev … composed in 750th year ". Dates 740 and 750 are also recorded without the letter "I". But the 750th year is 8th century, not 18th.

Examples with dates can be given indefinitely, but it seems to me that this is no longer necessary. The evidence that has come down to our days convinces us that the Scaligerian chronologists, using simple manipulations, lengthened our history by 1000 yearsby making the public around the world believe this blatant lie.

Modern historians tend to shy away from an articulate explanation of this chronological shift. At best, they simply mark the fact itself, explaining it by considerations of "convenience."

They say this: “In the 15th - 16th centuries. when dating, often, thousands or even hundreds were omitted …"

As we now understand, medieval chroniclers honestly wrote: the 150th year "from the birth of Christ" or the 200th year "from the birth of Christ", meaning - in modern chronology - 1150s or 1200s. e. And only then, the Scaligerian chronologists will declare that it is imperative to add another thousand years to these "small dates".

So they artificially made medieval history old.

In ancient documents (especially the XIV-XVII centuries), when writing dates in letters and numbers, the first letters denoting, as it is believed today, "Big numbers", separated by dots from subsequent "Small numbers" within a dozen or hundreds.

Here is an example of a similar recording of a date (allegedly 1524) on an engraving by Albrecht Durer. We see that the first letter is depicted as a frank Latin letter "I" with a dot. In addition, it is separated by dots on both sides so that it is not accidentally confused with the numbers. Therefore, Dürer's engraving is dated not 1524, but 524 from the "Nativity of Christ".

Exactly the same date is recorded on an engraving portrait of the Italian composer Carlo Brosci, dated 1795. The Latin capital letter "I" with a dot is also separated by dots from the numbers. Therefore, this date should be read as 795 A. D.

And on the old engraving of the German artist Albrecht Altdorfer "The Temptation of Hermits" we see a similar date entry. It is believed to have been made in 1706.

And this engraving shows a medieval publishing mark "Louis Elsevier". The date (supposedly 1597) is written with dots and using left and right crescents to write the Latin letters "I" in front of Roman numerals. This example is interesting because right there, on the left tape, there is also a record of the same date in Arabic numerals. She is depicted as a letter "I"separated by a dot from the numbers «597» and reads nothing else but 597 "from the birth of Christ".

Using the right and left crescents separating the Latin letter "I" from the Roman numerals, the dates are recorded on the title pages of these books. The name of one of them: "Russia or Muscovy, called TARTARIA".

And on this old engraving of the "Ancient coat of arms of the city of Vilno", the date is depicted in Roman numerals, but without the letter "X". It is clearly written here: "ANNO. VII. " Moreover, the date " VII century " highlighted by dots.

But no matter how the dates were written in the Middle Ages, never, in those days, the Roman numeral “ ten" didn't mean " tenth century " or " 1000». For this, much later, the so-called "big" figure appeared "M" = one thousand.

This is how, for example, the dates written in Roman numerals looked like after the Scaligerian reform, when an extra thousand years were added to medieval dates. In the first couples, they were still written "according to the rules", that is, separating "large numbers" from "small" ones with dots.

Then they stopped doing it. Simply, the entire date was highlighted with dots.

And in this self-portrait of the medieval artist and cartographer Augustine Hirschvogel, the date was most likely inscribed in the engraving much later. The artist himself left on his works the author's monogram, which looked like this:

But, I repeat once again that in all medieval documents that have survived to this day, including fakes dated in Roman numerals, the figure "X" never meant a thousand. For this, a "large" Roman numeral was used. "M".

Over time, information that Latin letters "X" and "I" at the beginning of the indicated dates meant the first letters of the words " Christ" and " Jesus", has been lost. Numerical values were attributed to these letters, and the dots separating them from the numbers were cunningly abolished in subsequent printed editions or, simply, erased. As a result, abbreviated dates, like: X. III = XIII century or I.300 = 1300 year

"From Christ III century" or "From Jesus the 300th year" began to be perceived as "Thirteenth century" or "One thousand three hundredth year".

A similar interpretation automatically added to the original date thousand years … Thus, the result was a falsified date, a millennium older than the real one.

The hypothesis of "negation of a thousand years" proposed by the authors of "NEW CHRONOLOGY" Anatoly Fomenko and Gleb Nosovsky, agrees well with the well-known fact that medieval Italians did not designate centuries thousands, a hundred:

XIII century = DUCHENTO = 200th years

XIV century. = TRECENTO = Three hundredth years

XV century. = QUATROCENTO = Four hundredth years

XVI century = CHINKQUENTO = Five hundredth years

Which directly indicates the origin of the countdown precisely from XI century ADsince the addendum adopted today is rejected "thousands years".

It turns out that the medieval Italians, it turns out, did not know any "thousand years" for the simple reason that this "extra millennium" was not even in those days.

Exploring the old church book "PALEIA", which was used in Russia up to the 17th century instead of the "Bible" and "New Testament", which indicated the exact dates " Christmas », « Baptisms" and " Crucifixion Jesus Christ ", recorded crosswise on two calendars:" From the Creation of the World "and an older, indicative one, Fomenko and Nosovsky came to the conclusion that these dates do not coincide with each other.

With the help of modern mathematical computer programs, they managed to calculate the true values of these dates, recorded in the ancient Russian "Paley":

Nativity of Christ - December 1152

Baptism - January 1182

Crucifixion - March 1185

Old church book "Paleya"

These dates are confirmed by other ancient documents, astronomical zodiacs and legendary biblical events that have come down to us. Recall, for example, the results of the radiocarbon analysis of the "Shroud of Turin" and the outburst of the "Star of Bethlehem" (known in astronomy as the "Crab Nebula"), which informed the Magi of the birth of Jesus Christ. Both events, it turns out, belong to the 12th century AD!

Shroud of Turin

The Crab Nebula (Star of Bethlehem)

Historians are racking their brains over the still unsolvable question - why so few medieval monuments of material culture and so many antiquities have survived to this day? It would be more logical, it would be the other way around.

They explain this by the fact that after a centuries-old period of rapid development, ancient civilizations suddenly degraded and fell into decay, having forgotten all the scientific and cultural achievements of antiquity. And only in the 15-16th centuries, in the era of "Renaissance", people suddenly remembered all the discoveries and achievements of their civilized "antique" ancestors and, from that moment, began to develop dynamically and purposefully.

Not very convincing!

However, if we take the true date of birth of Jesus Christ as a starting point, everything immediately falls into place. It turns out that there was no thousand-year backwardness and ignorance in the history of mankind, there was no break in historical epochs, there were no sudden ups and downs that were unfounded. Our civilization developed evenly and consistently.

History - Science or Fiction?

Based on the foregoing, we can make a logical conclusion that the ancient world history, laid down in the Procrustean bed of a non-existent "mythical" millennium, is just an idle fiction, a figment of the imagination, formalized into a complete collection of works of fiction in the genre of historical legend.

Of course, it is quite difficult for a common man to believe in this today, especially in adulthood. The load of knowledge gained throughout life does not give him the opportunity to break out of the shackles of habitual, externally imposed, stereotypical beliefs.

Historians, whose doctoral dissertations and other fundamental scientific works were based on virtual Scaligerian history, categorically reject the idea of a "NEW CHRONOLOGY" today, calling it "pseudoscience".

And instead of defending their point of view in the course of a polemical scientific discussion, as is customary in the civilized world, they, defending the honor of their "official uniform", are waging a fierce struggle with supporters of the "NEW CHRONOLOGY" her with just one common argument:
