Russian heroes. Yuri Vlasov
Russian heroes. Yuri Vlasov

Video: Russian heroes. Yuri Vlasov

Video: Russian heroes. Yuri Vlasov
Video: Watch This Russian Hacker Break Into Our Computer In Minutes | CNBC 2024, September

A 1996 documentary about the legendary Soviet weightlifter Vlasov Yuri Petrovich, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, champion of the 1960 Olympic Games, idol of Arnold Schwarzenegger. However, Yuri Petrovich Vlasov is not only a "legend of Soviet sports", but also a very talented publicist, historian, and writer.

Before visitors to the site watch this twenty-five-minute film about a bright sports career, we will cite some eloquent quotes from Yuri Vlasov from his books to show that the position of a patriot of his Country has never been an empty word for this person:

I awakened the sacred feeling of Russian love for the Motherland. I said that the main political forces were in the mud: Bolshevism and democracy. It is necessary to unite the people, and on what basis - of course, love for the Fatherland. I did not dare to suppose that devotion to the Motherland is sedition. The "democratic" press pounced on me, letters were sent with a reproach of anti-Semitism. It turns out that loving the Motherland is anti-Semitism!

I began to write about a culture that was hit particularly hard in the spring and summer of 1992. This is understandable - culture forms the people. And the pressure and threats have doubled! It turns out that defending one's own culture is also anti-Semitism!

I will say this: we will be the owners in our house. We will determine the order in this house - and no one else. And we are Russians with peoples, united with us for centuries of common destiny. And no one else! Russia was born by the genius of the Russian people - and is the home of this people. And everyone here will live according to the customs of our people and peoples-brothers in our common history.

Today, the position of the Russian patriotic statist is historically justified and historically inevitable.

The attitude to the Hasidic celebration of their holiday in the Kremlin has become a shame on the Russian national movement. It was a celebration of victory over Russia - this is the hidden subtext of this celebration. What was the point for the Jews to celebrate their Hanukkah holiday among the Orthodox shrines - in the Kremlin - the place where the historical relics of the people are concentrated?Does it ever occur to us to celebrate our own among the Jewish shrines? It was a blatant outrage, overshadowed by Gaidar's "democratic" government and the whole meaning of Yeltsin's presidency.

I was convinced by many examples: silence kills the soul. John F. Kennedy once remarked that those who do not speak when they should lose the right to speak.

Doing nothing is also apostasy …

Now, in my mail, out of every three letters, two necessarily talk about the "American-Zionist occupation of Russia."

Such a dramatic shift in the mood of the people was decisively influenced by October 1993 events … The shooting of the House of Soviets, super-active and independent participation in the massacre of Jewish chauvinists-militants (including the Jericho group sent from Israel) with their special bloody-corpse tasks (playing off two opposing parts of Russian society in a destructive battle, which is brilliant for them and succeeded, but otherwise, they were aided by the highest power itself) completely rejected all the arguments we had accepted until then about the unfortunate, persecuted people.

With a delay of two years, society begins to realize the reality, in this case, tragic and largely (but not entirely) hopeless. As always, such an awareness is accompanied by the development of the process of organization while maintaining the previous destructive process of its destruction, which determines the life of the country, in all directions.

With the awareness of reality, people come to understand that they were not only shamelessly deceived in everything, but also robbed to such an extent that this is already connected not only with the issue of their preservation of human dignity, but also with the impossibility of existing in general.

The overwhelming majority of people have finally come to realize what happened in October 1993. Under the cover, supposedly, of the will of the people and with the blessing of the West, primarily the United States, the new government rushed to a state of almost dictatorial lawlessness, which is approved not only by the new Constitution, but also by the very spirit of life, where money and violence rule. A massacre was arranged for them.

But in all this there was another meaning: when the executive power staggered, it chose to kill in the open, to kill by the thousands, to cripple the minds of the people with the world's most obscene television, the most corrupt newspapers, and illegal lawsuits in order to preserve their personal power - the power of super-rich nonentities.

It was an act of civil war, but why, then, is it such an outrage? After all, a civil war is, so to speak, a mutual thing, striking equally in all directions. But the fact of the matter is that there was a massacre.

Y. Vlasov “We are and will be”, Voronezh, 1996 (mainly, this is a collection of articles by Yuri Petrovich in the “opposition press” for 1993 and 1994).

From the speech of the candidate for the State Duma speaker Yu. P. Vlasov on January 13, 1994:

But I can tell you, those in power, the most important thing: you didn’t let us get close to power in order to gain this experience - that’s for sure! We could not gain this experience, and this is very bad, because this leads to an aggravation of the situation in the country, when one group controls everything, disposes of everything and does not allow anyone to come to power in the country. You know what it does. There is not only an economic struggle here, there is not only a political struggle, although it is decisive. A lot is also decided by such issues as questions of character, personality, you have turned us all into nothing. You do not give an opportunity to be published, if you shoot protests, you shoot, and then you say: you have no experience. We have a lot of experience of being shot. (Applause.)

The film "Barbell weighing 20 thousand tons", 1996:
