Kiviyata rocky plateau - a mysterious object to explore
Kiviyata rocky plateau - a mysterious object to explore

Video: Kiviyata rocky plateau - a mysterious object to explore

Video: Kiviyata rocky plateau - a mysterious object to explore

The existence of this mysterious object, I was informed by the respected Maxim Hämäläinen, for which I bow to him!

So, meet: - Kivijata!


In official sources, information about this place is extremely scarce. In Russian, it is practically absent. Therefore, I quote from the Finnish Wikipedia: Kauhaneva – Pohjankangas National Park is a national park in the municipalities of Kauhajoki and Karvia in South Pohjanmaa and Satakunta, regions of Finland. Founded in 1982, it covers 57 square kilometers. The park consists of marshy forests, where some of the marshes reach 16, 3 square kilometers.

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In 2004, the park was included in the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. It is one of 2,000 such natural protected areas.

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Geographic coordinates: 62 ° 07'36.2 "N 22 ° 05'51.5" E

Everything. The rest can be gleaned only from the reviews of tourists admiring the beauty of the local landscapes. But look carefully. The place is truly unique. It looks like a typical kurumnik, but there is only one problem … There is nowhere for it to flow. This plateau is practically horizontal, with fragments of rock lying in the middle of the swamps. Finland has never been famous for its special seismic activity, so there is no good reason to assume that there was once a rock in this place, and then collapsed.

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In addition, the question naturally arises of who then leveled the pile of rock fragments, if there was one? And one more extremely important point. The shards clearly cannot be old. The age of lichens on stones is hardly more than a hundred years.

Well, and the most important mystery: - This rock is not one of the subspecies of granite. It's sandstone! Which is nowhere else around. The nearest exit to the surface of rocky sandstone is located almost a hundred kilometers from Kiviyat.

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This photo was taken by Maxim Hämäläinen, at a nearby hydroelectric power station. Pay attention to what grooves the sandstone monolith is dotted with. As if these are traces of the activity of a machine, or an extremely destructive elemental force:

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If we look at the direction in which the rocky plateau is stretched, we can verify that it is on the axis of the past location of the North Pole in Greenland. The same one to which the Mexican pyramids are oriented, and the pyramids of South America and China.

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Thus, we can assume that we have traces of a catastrophe that occurred during one of the pole changes. According to the calculations of the researchers dealing with this problem, the wave caused by the deviation of the Earth's axis of rotation when the North Pole moved from Greenland to its current location, although greatly weakened by the mountains of the Scandinavian Peninsula, nevertheless inflicted a devastating

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But even this version, in my opinion, does not explain how the mass of rock crushed into pieces was transferred from one place to another. And scattered there, in the form of a rugged plateau. It is very likely that Kiviyatu can be safely placed on a par with such a mysterious object as our Patomsky crater, the origin of which has been argued by geologists all over the world for so many years.
