Chronicles of the past 2024, September

What is the peculiarity of Erisman's inclined desk

What is the peculiarity of Erisman's inclined desk

Those who lived and studied in the Soviet Union will probably remember that schools in those days had a special kind of desks - with an inclined table top and a solid structure that did not allow changing the distance between the seat and the table. However, a few decades ago, they began to be abandoned, and not so long ago, they were suddenly remembered, wishing that they would again take a place in the classes

How desperate serfs took revenge on their oppressors

How desperate serfs took revenge on their oppressors

The history of serfdom is a thriller. Desperate serfs hacked, slaughtered and beaten to death their oppressors

How the Bolsheviks fought illiteracy

How the Bolsheviks fought illiteracy

Having coped with illiteracy, the Bolsheviks fulfilled the most important historical task for the country

The collapse of the Russian Imperial Army in 1917

The collapse of the Russian Imperial Army in 1917

In just a few months, the Russian Imperial Army turned into an uncontrollable mass of armed angry people

Death penalty for selling currency in the USSR

Death penalty for selling currency in the USSR

Some considered them "enemies of the people", others - victims of lawlessness, and in the USA they named a brand of jeans after them

Coffins and a twopenny suspension or where the homeless British slept

Coffins and a twopenny suspension or where the homeless British slept

The problem of homelessness has been relevant at all times and in all countries. Only this issue was solved differently everywhere. Today, there are special shelters where people without a fixed place of residence can spend the night or eat, and earlier this could only be dreamed of. For example, in England of the XIX century, where the needy had a very hard time

How and what they fed the captured Germans in the USSR

How and what they fed the captured Germans in the USSR

War is a terrible period of tragedy, hardship and destruction. And one of its unsightly pages are prisoners of war. The Great Patriotic War was no exception: the Wehrmacht took prisoners of the Red Army, and the Red Army took German soldiers. At the same time, the Soviet side did not turn the existence of its captured opponents into a catastrophe, they tried, whenever possible, to adequately feed them

Veliky Novgorod: Tragic events of 1471-1479

Veliky Novgorod: Tragic events of 1471-1479

The annexation of Veliky Novgorod to the Moscow principality was accompanied by bloody massacres and merciless deportations

TOP 6 facts from peasant life

TOP 6 facts from peasant life

Today, those who want to get acquainted with the history of the activities and life of peasants can visit ethnographic museums, because they try to recreate the atmosphere of rural life of past times as much as possible. Only there they show the most ennobled version of reality, not always demonstrating the real, albeit not the most attractive, aspects of the life of ordinary hard workers who worked on the earth

What do the nostalgic for the USSR forget?

What do the nostalgic for the USSR forget?

The author is amused by people's nostalgia for the USSR. In their fantasies, this is a country-paradise. They firmly believe that science and art were guarded by the state in the USSR. They talk about how they used to be able to afford more than they do now. It looks so cute if you close your eyes to the real situation in the USSR. So what do they yearn for?

How the USSR met victory in the Great Patriotic War

How the USSR met victory in the Great Patriotic War

For most Soviet citizens, it was clear that defeat in a war meant death. Therefore, the long-awaited victory was perceived as salvation and a new life

Why do Scottish men wear skirts?

Why do Scottish men wear skirts?

The Scottish skirt is a symbol of courage, freedom, courage, severity of real highlanders. Remembering the history of the kilt and figuring out why men in Scotland wear it

Which of the soldiers in World War II did the Germans want to take prisoner

Which of the soldiers in World War II did the Germans want to take prisoner

German captivity during the Second World War is one of the most difficult topics for Russian history, which has been overgrown with all sorts of myths since perestroika in the USSR. Most importantly, throughout the war, Nazi captivity did not bode well for most of the Red Army men

Paintings, sculptures, books: trophies inherited by the USSR after the war

Paintings, sculptures, books: trophies inherited by the USSR after the war

Soviet troops in 1945 brought unusual trophies to their homeland. Paintings, sculptures, books, gold - a world cultural heritage that survived the flames of war

WWII: How the British drowned two thousand Soviet soldiers

WWII: How the British drowned two thousand Soviet soldiers

The death of a German transport with Soviet prisoners of war was the largest naval disaster in Norwegian history

Evgeny Khaldei: WWII photographer

Evgeny Khaldei: WWII photographer

Evgeny Khaldei went through the entire war - from Murmansk to Berlin. Using a Leica III camera, he chronicled fierce battles and short episodes of peaceful life

Riddles of the epic "Song of Beowulf"

Riddles of the epic "Song of Beowulf"

Recently, scientists have solved one of the mysteries of the epic, proving that it was written by one author. Nevertheless, many plots of the poem remain a mystery to readers

Who and why among the Indians had the right to wear a crown of feathers

Who and why among the Indians had the right to wear a crown of feathers

Perhaps each of us, when mentioning the Indians, an association arises in the form of a swarthy man on a horse with a tomahawk or bow in his hands and feathers on his head. Moreover, most often in the latter case, we are talking about a large crown with a huge number of feathers, most often eagles. However, in reality, not every Indian had the right to wear such a headdress

Traces of the Great Civilization

Traces of the Great Civilization

Everyone knows the much-hyped English remake of "Stonehenge", and few have heard of our ancient megaliths, although in the vast territory of Russia there are material traces of our ancient ancestors in sufficient quantity, but they are carefully hushed up, and often deliberately destroyed. But there are books that lift the veil of silence over the artifacts of the Far East

Stop manipulating history

Stop manipulating history

Last Sunday, another picket was held in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the hushed up history of Russia. Such pickets are held in the city on the Neva not for the first, and not even for the tenth time

How was Tutankhamun's tomb discovered?

How was Tutankhamun's tomb discovered?

In 1906, Carter met the collector of antiquities, Lord Carnarvon, who decided to sponsor an archaeological excavation. In subsequent years, they conducted excavations in different parts of the Theban necropolis, but only in June 1914 received a concession for excavations in the Valley of the Kings

The cult of the seven-headed deity, who was worshiped in the ancient world

The cult of the seven-headed deity, who was worshiped in the ancient world

Looking through the petroglyphs found in Khakassia and represented by ancient images of Southern Siberia: from the mountains of Oglakhty, Tepsei, Shabolinskaya and Sulek writings, the small and large Boyar writings, my attention was drawn to the image of a "seven-headed deity". The age of the Khakass rock paintings dates from the 3rd century BC, to the 1st century AD

The ancient underground city exceeds the size of modern Tomsk

The ancient underground city exceeds the size of modern Tomsk

Grustina is a city that supposedly existed on the territory of modern Tomsk in the days before the beginning of the development of Siberia by Russian pioneers

Wealthy kulaks in the late 19th - early 20th centuries

Wealthy kulaks in the late 19th - early 20th centuries

Initially, the term "kulak" had an exclusively negative connotation, representing an assessment of a dishonest person, which was then reflected in the elements of Soviet agitation. The word "kulak" appeared in the pre-reform Russian village. "Fist" in the village was called a peasant who made wealth by enslaving fellow villagers and who held the whole "world"

Siberian Stonehenge and Invader Culture

Siberian Stonehenge and Invader Culture

Tyumen archaeologist - about what the graves can tell, about the Siberian counterparts of Stonehenge and the submission to the culture of the invaders

Russia by 1951 - without Jews: Sharapov's Black-Hundred Utopia

Russia by 1951 - without Jews: Sharapov's Black-Hundred Utopia

In 1901, the far-right economist and landowner Sergei Sharapov wrote Utopia In Half a Century. In it, he describes the ideal Black Hundred Russia in 1951. In particular, one of the main themes in the story, like all Black Hundreds, was occupied by the "Jewish question". Sharapov explains how by the 1920s, Jews in Russia received equality and, with the support of Rothschild, took commanding heights in all spheres - economy, politics, culture, and even the army

How much was the human soul during the time of tsarist Russia?

How much was the human soul during the time of tsarist Russia?

When the Grand Duchy of Moscow finally freed itself from the Horde dependence, the internal price for a Russian slave ranged from one to three rubles. A century later, by the middle of the 16th century, a slave was already a little more expensive - from one and a half to four rubles

Some features of medieval castles

Some features of medieval castles

When it comes to medieval castles, the first association is usually a huge majestic structure with high walls, a moat around the perimeter, guards, etc. But in real life, the castle itself and living in it turned out to be not so carefree and fabulous, and most of the beliefs in fact are just a beautiful illusion about the old days

The molten walls of the Zverev fort cause controversy among historians

The molten walls of the Zverev fort cause controversy among historians

About 4 km from about. Kotlin and 7.5 km from the coast of the bay on the northern roadstead there is the Zverev fort. It is interesting that there are a lot of numbered forts in the vicinity of Kronstadt, but our hero has several names of his own at once. Locals know this picturesque and majestic object, built back in 1860, under the names Northern Fort No. 4, Pogorelets or Gorely. This small fortress had a number of guns in 4 casemates and a pair of mortar batteries outside under the rampart, it was capable of leading the flank and front

Why is Prince Vseslav Bryachislavich called the Sorcerer?

Why is Prince Vseslav Bryachislavich called the Sorcerer?

Prince Vseslav Bryachislavich can be called one of the most mysterious rulers. For less than a year he held the throne of Kiev, but he ruled in Polotsk for more than half a century. The story of this man still excites the minds of researchers. What is special about it and why is Vseslav called the Prophetic or the Wizard?

Lupercalia: the pagan origins of Valentine's Day

Lupercalia: the pagan origins of Valentine's Day

The celebration of February 14 as Valentine's Day was established at the end of the 5th century by Pope Gelasius I. According to one version, in this way the Catholic Church wanted to "legalize" the tradition of the Lupercalia, a pagan festival held in mid-February

Acre: "Crimean Atlantis"

Acre: "Crimean Atlantis"

An exhibition "Crimean Atlantis" dedicated to the flooded ancient city of Acra was shown in Kerch. In ancient Greek sources, there is only scant information about him. They searched for Akru for almost two hundred years, and only today it turned out that the city literally went under water

The flood during the Sumerian civilization

The flood during the Sumerian civilization

The Babylonian flood legend is known to European scholars thanks to the writings of the historian Berossus. The find created a furor in European society - there were rolls over with the well-known Old Testament legend about the righteous man Noah, who built the ark and survived a natural cataclysm

Three Great Secrets Considered To Be Solved By Official Science

Three Great Secrets Considered To Be Solved By Official Science

Many of the great mysteries that worried the world in the last century have already been forgotten. Some turned out to be fabricated, others unraveled, and others - for example, the Bermuda Triangle - have ceased to be a source of sensations since modern navigation aids appeared

Torn Hyperborea

Torn Hyperborea

I have long been interested in this map of the depths of the Arctic. And where on this territory could the mainland Arctida be

In search of Hyperborea, a secret expedition of the NKVD

In search of Hyperborea, a secret expedition of the NKVD

In 1922, the first expedition headed by Barchenko and Kondiain went to the Seydozero and Lovozero areas of the Murmansk region. The idea to send specialists there was personally supported by Felix Dzerzhinsky. Now it is difficult to establish what goals were set for the expedition. Hardly only scientific: later, large reserves of rare earth elements were discovered here. Upon his return, the materials of the expedition were studied at the Lubyanka. At the same time, its leaders were kept under lock and key

Fiacre: the history of the emergence and development of taxis

Fiacre: the history of the emergence and development of taxis

Without this service, which appeared in the 18th century, the life of a modern city is impossible

Ancient cities at the bottom of the Aral Sea

Ancient cities at the bottom of the Aral Sea

The Aral Sea is a former closed salt lake in Central Asia, on the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The Aral Sea appeared, according to official history, about 20-24 thousand years ago. But is it really so?

Sarkel fortress under layers of clay

Sarkel fortress under layers of clay

Until recently, few people thought that a huge number of ancient buildings

Traces of Hyperborea on the Kola Peninsula

Traces of Hyperborea on the Kola Peninsula

The first information about it dates back to ancient times. The earliest historians have mentioned the Hyperboreans. The word "Hyperborean" meant "the one who lives beyond Boreas