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Colonial methods of managing ethnic conflicts
Colonial methods of managing ethnic conflicts

Video: Colonial methods of managing ethnic conflicts

Video: Colonial methods of managing ethnic conflicts

Economic and cultural expansion creates conditions for influencing ethnic conflicts in the region of influence.

A "classic" on the theme of ethnic conflicts from the colonial repertoire was played by the British in India.

They dedicated it to their rule, relying on local princes and landowners who owed their privileges to their "masters". The colonialists deliberately preserved the feudal fragmentation and brutal oppression of the population by the princes and nobility. Thus, the masses were subjected to double exploitation (by local authorities and alien parasites). As long as the two groups of exploiters acted in contact, and India consisted of fragmented parts, there was no danger of a successful uprising.

Another "successful example" of inciting interethnic hatred was the policy of Austria-Hungary and Germany from 1910 to 1915 towards the Rusyns (Ruthenians), who were the indigenous population of Galician Rus (Western Ukraine). Its ultimate goal was the destruction of all traces of the former settlement of the Russian people. In 1910, these lands were still called Galician or Chervonnaya Rus, and its indigenous population, the Rusyns, called their people "Ruska", their language - "Mova Ruska".

The number of Rusyns in the territory of Austria-Hungary by the beginning of the XX century. was from 3, 1 to 4, 5 million people. In order to change the balance of power, the Austrians used the techniques they had previously "run in" in the Balkans (cleansing the territory of Bosnia and Croatia from the Serbs). The chance for them turned up during the First World War. All residents of Galicia, who spoke their native (ie Rusyn) language, who read newspapers in Russian, were accused of "aiding Russia", espionage and began to methodically shoot, hang, evict (after which more than 300,000 people left Galicia) or concentration camps Talergofi Terezin [1]. At the same time, then only the political "Ukrainian" movement aimed at "independence" and rejection of Russian identity was supported in every possible way.

This is how Galician Russia perished [2] …


the photo shows how the "civilized" and brave Austrians from 1914 to 1918 routinely hanged men and women of Galicia just because they spoke Russian or considered themselves Russian …


Further, Germany, Austria-Hungary and their allies consistently supported the separation from Russia of Poland, Finland, the created Baltic states. They expressed their readiness to recognize the independence of Ukraine and pushed it to war with the Belarusian People's Republic. On March 1, 1918, units of the second reserve German corps occupied Gomel and began to advance in the direction of Novozybkov-Bryansk with the support of Ukrainian units. In gratitude for the service zeal shown, the entire territory of Southern Belarus, including Brest-Litovsk, Pinsk, Mozyr, Rechitsa and Gomel, was transferred by the Germans to Ukraine.

Soon the "Ukrainian" administration was established in the Pinsk and Mozyr districts of the Minsk province and in the Gomel and Rechitsa districts [3]. At the same time, violent Ukrainization begins in these territories (in 1941, this territory will again be transferred to the Reichskommissariat “Ukraine” and the Belarusian population will again be destroyed by the forces of Ukrainian punishers without any democratic leaps and antics there).

At the same time, in the Don and Kuban, the Germans and the Soviet authorities kindled enmity between the Cossacks and other populations. Processes similar to those implemented by the Austrians in Galicia took place here. On the Terek and in Dagestan, a stake was placed on the so-called. "Revolutionary" mountaineers, inciting them against the Russians. As a result, many weak breakaway states were created that needed German patronage [4], and which they planned to unite into a kind of "North Caucasian state" [5] or "South-Eastern Federation" of Cossack and mountain "states" [6].

In 1917, under pressure from the "allies", the Prime Minister of the Provisional Government Kerensky, then, "who took over from him" V. I. Lenin, recognized the power of the Rada over the five Little Russian provinces, and the Russians living there at once were declared Ukrainians. Then the Germans also added the territory of Novorossia …


Naturally, the British also took part in this process. In October 1918, the Cabinet of Ministers set the task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to "put on their feet the national governments in each of the Baltic states and, if we succeed, in Poland", to separate the Caucasus, support the Transcaucasian states, pushing them towards self-assertion. It was deemed desirable to expand the British zone of influence "to the territory between the Don and the Volga." And also, keeping Arkhangelsk under its control, to provide patronage to the Finns, Karelians and the decorative White Sea-Onega Republic from Ladoga to the Arctic Ocean.

In the dismemberment of our country, even the allied and “grateful” France, which was “grateful” for saving from the defeat, took part in the dismemberment of our country, which supported the Polish claims to the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian lands, and then the Romanian ones to Moldova and Transnistria.

By some irony of fate, retribution awaited these presumptuous ghouls and murderers … Apparently they lost their sense of proportion … As a result, after the end of the First World War, Germany and its allies themselves were dismembered: Austria-Hungary was divided into Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia. Part of the territories were divided among themselves by Poland, Serbia and Romania. They took the territory from Germany's ally Bulgaria. Turkey was divided into zones of British, French, Italian, Greek occupation, and then Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Transjordan, Saudi Arabia were isolated from it.

Yugoslavia was divided and destroyed by the same method in 1992-2003.

Since the 1980s, the United States has attracted its satellite Saudi Arabia to co-finance a project to promote the Wahhabis to Afghanistan, and then to Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, the North Caucasus, and the Volga region. Payments to the militants amounted to approximately three billion dollars [7]. In twenty countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.) this money was used to organize and maintain training camps, purchase weapons and literature.

The events in Syria in 2012-2013 showed that the support of the United States and Saudi Arabia for Al-Qaeda is possible even after the Wahhabis attack on the World Trade Center in September 2001. In Syria, Libya and Egypt, the Wahhabis again became allies of the Americans. They were even forgiven for the execution of the same US ambassador to Libya, who had previously achieved the overthrow of Gaddafi …

To complete the picture, it should be said that in addition to cannibalistic colonial methods, there are methods of managing ethnic conflicts that are stealing into the legal field.

It is obvious that the existence of any state is impossible without the prevention of colonial influence and control over ethnic processes in its territory. Otherwise, statehood will be blown up from within on the basis of interethnic conflicts, as was done by "well-wishers" in our country in 1917 and 1991.

[1] Sergei Sulyak, Talengof and Terezin: the forgotten genocide.


[3] Yuri Glushakov, "Russian Planet" of May 27, 2014, Occupation and Ukrainization of Belarus, More

[4] Utkin A. I. The First World War. M., Algorithm, 2001

[5] Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky. Biography ed. S. K. Tsvigun, A. A. Soloviev and others. M., Politizdat, 1977

[6] Denikin A. I. Essays on Russian Troubles. / Questions of History, 1990–1994

[7] "The Saudi Conntction", U. S. News & WorId Report ", December 15, 2003, p.21
