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A little about the difference between the meanings "Rusich", "Russian", "Russian"
A little about the difference between the meanings "Rusich", "Russian", "Russian"

Video: A little about the difference between the meanings "Rusich", "Russian", "Russian"

Video: A little about the difference between the meanings
Video: History of Villagers in Minecraft 2024, April

The language is correct only when only one definition corresponds to any one phenomenon. Accurate and precise.

The need for each of us to understand and realize that there is a very significant difference between the meanings of the following three words.

When one phenomenon is designated in a language by several terms, it is understood that this phenomenon is described, highlighting its various main properties. "Bringing to a common denominator" of various definitions of one phenomenon leads to only one thing - the concealment and removal from the person's consciousness of knowledge about those properties of the phenomenon that are most important for his understanding.

The same result is obtained when “everything is exactly the opposite” is done. That is, when the same word means completely different, and sometimes even incompatible things with each other. Such use of words leads in general - to a bifurcation of human consciousness.

Moreover, this is done not only in the "Russian language", but also, for example, in the "English language".

For instance:

  1. “Russian language” - the words “Mir”, “Bow” - have completely incomparable meanings in their “arsenal”.
  2. "English" - the word "Concrete" - means in translation into "Russian":
  3. "Real", "concrete". In general, here too - "feel the difference" …
  4. "concrete". Yes - ordinary building concrete.

Comments, as they say, - it is clear what …

With the word "Peace" a very clear situation is manifested when the reduction in the number of letters in the "ABC" leads to a strong reduction in the "Language" as a whole. And, therefore, and - to the general degradation of the bearer of the "language" - a specific person who speaks this language.

Naturally, in our life, absolutely nothing happens "just like that", and has no logic.

All changes in our language reflect, and not so much reflect, but are precisely the "driving force" - changes in our entire image, style, and, most importantly, the meaning of our life.

One of the facts of such changes in the "language" and some of the consequences of this can be found in my work "Metamorphoses of the Word".

Here we will focus on a "special case". And - very shortly. All the same, the necessary materials on a topic of interest, each of us must learn to find and select on our own.

Our "special case" is the following - the need for each of us to understand and realize that "taking place to be" is a very significant difference between the meanings of the following three words:

  1. "Russian";
  2. "Russian";
  3. "Rusich".

We distinguish between the meanings "Russian", "Russian", "Rusich"

So, it is necessary to give at least a more or less clear description of the meanings of each of the words:

  1. "Russian";
  2. "Russian";
  3. "Rusich".


This word most widely "came into vogue" during the formation and strengthening of "democracy" in the state that has the name - "Russian Federation". At that time, there was a need for a social formation - the "Soviet man" to remake into a completely different (in many respects even - opposite in human qualities and properties) socio-political formation - "Russian".

That is, "Homo sapiens" translate into - "individual - consumer". Or, frankly speaking, in the normal "Russian language" - in "slave" and "cattle".

I do not apologize and do not offer anyone. Only because it is a real fact.

The "Democrats" called the "Russians" an ostensibly scientific term - "electorate." Moreover, “this country”.

The "feeling of pride" experienced now by those who read these lines is completely justified. But…

Each of us needs at least once in our life - to honestly "look" at ourselves. And - to think. Moreover, precisely because I am not going to “scatter words” at all.

This means that the term "Russian" was introduced and assigned to us by no means accidentally. Namely - so that each of us betrayed himself first of all. And he became - "creative".

More terms needed?

A “Russian” is an individual with a materialized consciousness who has accepted “democracy” as a way of life, whose only ideology is “loot”.

Unfortunately for some of us, very good and right people, it is the Christian Church that gives moral and ideological support to "democracy" - and so on. "Orthodox", and various widely spread now - sects, officially prohibited, but …

In any case, the “Russian” is a slave to the “democratic system”. The owner of the corporation, or the toilet cleaner, his essence is one.

There is only one desire - the fullest possible satisfaction from consumerism. ("There is only one life…"). This capacious word is "consumerism". A very accurate description of the "Russian". - Chasing your own tail. Or rather, for the fact that from under this tail periodically "has the honor to come out."

The “Russian” is also characterized by a lack of interest and ability to conceive and implement “real projects”. For example - space exploration, real restoration of land fertility, construction of cities in Siberia, deep study of Siberian pyramids and mounds … in words - there is, but in practice … Why? But:

“Moreover, returning to the question of robots and space exploration (why they are now not at the level expected 10 years ago), it is precisely because they are not there, because all the energy of more than one generation has been released into the whistle of illusory creativity with an obligatory appendage in the form of“post-traditional values.

Marine Voskanyan “Non-creative people are not allowed”. "Tomorrow" No. 45 for 2013.

It is not in vain that a word of foreign origin is given with an incomprehensible, in fact, meaning. In order to show the essence of "linguistic intervention" in "democracy".

A "Russian" is an individual who wants and strives to live at the expense of others. And not at the expense of their creative labor.

That is, "Russian", this is another step of human degradation - to the monkey. Moreover, it is consciously implemented by each of us into reality. Why "each of us"? Our weak activity in countering this is “complicity”.

Does an individual want to be a "Russian"? You are welcome.

Does a person want to become a Human?

It also depends on the person himself.

Natural selection, in an artificially created environment …

Earlier "properties" of the "Russian", as a transitional "step" from the "Russian" to the current "Russian", will be presented in the "Final Part" of this article.


In principle, many of those who have spoken earlier and in other topics on the question of defining the meaning of "Russian" are right. It remains only to summarize a little.

The main thing that can be said - the word "Russian" - is an "adjective", not a "noun". Few people pay attention to this fact. And yet, I repeat, this has every foundation. It is absolutely justified that the term "Russian" is just that.

Some will be at a loss, some will even be indignant, but the fact is that you can say this:

- "Russian Tatar", - "Russian Chukchi", - "Russian Kalmyk", - "Russian Ossetian".


You can see that there is absolutely no place for the definition of the type - "Russian Russian".

Agree that just according to the grammar rules of even the modern "Russian language", the definition of "Russian Russian" has absolutely no normal meaning.

Compare this fact with the fact that "there is no such nation as" Russian ", just as there is no state-forming people in Russia".

The trouble for many is precisely that they like to “throw words around”, completely forgetting to grasp the essence of the word, the reasons why this particular word was “introduced into use”, and exactly in the form as it is.

The term "Russian" was "introduced" or "brought" to Russia in order, again, from one "socio-political type" of a person - "Rusich", to make a person of a completely different "formation".

Namely - the one that, as they say, meets the "new requirements" of that time.

First, when? The time of the gradual transition of the "Election system of control" - to the "Dynastic (inherited only by relatives) system of power."

Think about it, please. It is these combinations of words, taken in quotation marks, to define systems, taken completely deliberately and deliberately.

Let me explain.

"Elective control system".

"Earlier in Russia" the "Prince" was elected, whose candidacy was nominated by the "Magi", or, in other words - "Priests".

Naturally, the "Prince" reported to the "Magi", and necessarily - to the "wards" to him people about his "work done".

And the demand from the "Prince" was very strict.

But, the main thing is that all the "Law-making" work was strictly behind the "Magi".

It was understandable to get into the "Magi" - oh, how difficult it was.

But the "Princes" had only to control the correct execution by ALL people of the then "Laws" ("Kon" s - according to the correct one).

That is, "Prince" is a "judge".

And, of course, the general leadership of the entire economic and military (later - the "prerogative" of the "governor") life of the Community - also fell on the "Prince".

"Dynastic system of power".

The “pinnacle” of this “creative process”, as is clearly seen, is the dynasty of the Russian Tsars of the Romanovs.

Second, what “new requirements for a formation, such as“a person living in Russia,”were presented to our Ancestors?

According to the “new trends” of that time, it was required to transform a completely free and self-sufficient person into a person - a “servant”.

Completely regardless of the rung of the social ladder on which any person was. He - should only be a "servant".

"Serve your master."

That is why the main ideology - religion, was chosen just such - "Lord God", together with "the servant of God."

Moreover. Due to the fact that in ancient times the political situation in the world was constantly quite alarming, in Russia the "Magi" decided to, in modern terms, "create an iron curtain." It is enough to remember here about ancient Rome and Greece. About many other civilizations of that time, for example, about “ancient Egypt”. The situation at that time can be quite reliably assessed by reading even modern history textbooks.

Plus, the very ideology of our Ancestors demanded to strictly observe the "purity of the Race", as well as all other "moral requirements" to the "White Man".

So, apart from religion, the most powerful "blow" to our Ancestors was the question of the possibility and necessity of introducing "internationalism" into Russia. The modern understanding of this term characterizes it quite clearly. This understanding is quite enough to assess the very "blow" to our Ancestors.

Here lies the root of why the word "Russian" is an "adjective".

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that:

A "Russian" is a "servant" of any regime imposed on him throughout his life.

An "internationalist" in essence, a "slave" in his spirit.

Hence - and already deep roots of our "tolerance" to violence against us.


In general, in principle, here it is also not without a "fly in the ointment."

But it is very important for us to "stop" exactly here. For several reasons.

First: “picking” in such a deep antiquity is best left to those who “understand these things best”. Those who, at the "call of their heart", by virtue of their mentality and by virtue of their analytical skills, are able to do such work, which is very important for all of us.

Secondly, it is in understanding the meaning of "Rusich" that we feel the kindness and kinship of the Soul, which we all urgently need now.

Thirdly: it is with this “way of writing” that we have a clear definition, which, according to the rules of the modern “Russian language”, answers the questions, specifically “who?”, “Where from?”:

Who? I am "Rus".

Where? I am “from Russia”.

Here we already have a clear definition of the meaning that the Fatherland (Motherland) of "Rusich" is - "Rus".

And not - "Russia".

With all its negative "properties", which can be proud of "Rus" with its full dignity. Namely - "Great Russia".

Moreover, if my father is “Rus” (my Fatherland), then in my last name, first name and patronymic, it will be my Patronymic (again, Fatherland) that will be “Rusich”.

And this is very important.

It means that this proud name: "Rusich" - still needs to be earned. To deserve each of us.

Here it turns out like this:

Naturally, each of us must first of all - heed "the call of his heart."

Do not fantasize - what is "good" and what is "bad".

You just need to take everything that is best and useful just to improve the quality of life not for each of us, not for each of us, but only for those who are engaged in creative work, are capable of selflessness and love, know how to sympathize and empathize.

In order to improve in every possible way the conditions for creative mental and physical labor, and, most importantly, for "raising the level of education", now - for each of us.

I repeat: there - "not all of us", here - "each of us."

"Rusich" primarily behaves in relation to other people, what attitude (behavior) he wants to have towards himself.


"Rusich" is the best man in the world.

Only such a slogan should be.

Final part.(not yet written).
