Symphony and cacophony of hormonal metabolism. Part 2. Three-ninth Kingdom of Wisdom
Symphony and cacophony of hormonal metabolism. Part 2. Three-ninth Kingdom of Wisdom

Video: Symphony and cacophony of hormonal metabolism. Part 2. Three-ninth Kingdom of Wisdom

Video: Symphony and cacophony of hormonal metabolism. Part 2. Three-ninth Kingdom of Wisdom
Video: Why Humanity Destroyed Itself 2024, April

Goy thou! Explorers of the inner worlds! Are you torturing business, or are you getting away from business? Why do you need knowledge about hormones? We lived and did not grieve without this knowledge. Do you need a journey through this dense forest? Let the goblin understand!

Part 1. Multi-colored tale.

Part 2. Three-ninth Kingdom of Wisdom.

“… I have one question - perhaps somewhere in the knowledge of our ancestors, there is an answer to it: when I listen to the breathing and heartbeat of my baby, I listen to my heart beat out, I understand that everything living on the planet, everything is rhythmic life-forming processes go on regardless of our knowledge of them. And the birds feel spring not according to the calendar, but according to.. instinct?..

Our human sensitivity, of course, was very dulled by civilization: we neither know the time, if we don't have a clock-phone at hand, we often don't remember a day - but still our breath and heart beat not on instruments, and our sensations, Thank God, are still not digital-built-in.

That is what gives that vital impulse, thanks to which the rhythm of each person begins to beat? I understand that the question is from the category of endless in the search for origins, but maybe you have come across interesting research and theories in this area in your life?

With respect, gratitude and best wishes to you, Sergey Chernyavsky, the entire team and the reading-research audience of the Main Children project!

Julia Averyanikhina. RSN"


Well? We'll figure out?

Then let's go to our fairy tale, we will travel along our map, which we mastered in the last issue. Through our multi-colored distant kingdom and deep forest. Let's go back from top to bottom. Not like last time, on the contrary))

Above, where the head is, we have the Kingdom of Wisdom. It is headed by the Virgin Sophia. And the pineal gland is in charge of it.

It can rightfully be called a rejuvenating apple. The pineal gland is responsible for youth, cognition and synthesizes the hormone of our time - melatonin, which is responsible for the mind and memory.

The synthesis of this hormone is carried out in the dark and warmth with infrared radiation. And the initial products will be cheese, cottage cheese, bananas, chocolate)), sesame nuts.

And in daylight, another place in this area of the brain is activated, the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus - it sets the rhythm of our life.

What happens if the notes are taken from the symphony orchestra?

Neither the musicians nor the conductor know: neither the melody, nor its rhythm, nor their parts. A cacophony, not a symphony!

Yes, that's it.

If a disorder occurs at this level, then the loss of control will affect all other levels of the body, there will be no harmony in all three kingdoms:



I translate from scientific into Russian:

Depressed mood, Spring-autumn exacerbations of schizophrenia, Violation of cognitive activity

Oncological processes in various organs and systems, · insomnia

· Male and female infertility.

· Violation of the development of the genital organs of the fetus.

The pineal gland directs time cycles throughout the body and in all organs; it is useless to treat an organ if the breakdown is at the level of the pineal gland.

Clinical case from practice:

A girl, a pianist, for 25 years left for Petrozavodsk to study in Norway beyond the Arctic Circle (even to more northern latitudes).

A year later, she returned to Petrozavodsk with complaints of hair loss on her head, male-pattern hair growth: on the upper lip and chest. Violation of the menstrual cycle. Depressed mood. Received treatment with female sex hormones and antidepressants - no effect.

I gave advice: on a white night, sleep with blackout curtains with a red night light over your head. In the daytime, carry out blue illumination of the room. Three months later, she told me that all frustrations were gone. Most of all, she was pleased again by the lush and beautiful curly hair on her head)).

What is the conclusion from this story and what I described above?

Violation of the rhythm of life, work and rest, sleep and wakefulness, nutrition and light can lead to severe hormonal disorders of the whole organism, which cannot be treated at lower levels without an elementary restoration of the rhythms of lighting, sleep and wakefulness.

Sometimes, in order to cure insomnia, it is not necessary to give sleeping pills, but simply to establish a light rhythm and a rhythm of nutrition, a change in rest and physical activity.

These same simple measures may be enough for the treatment of infertility! But even if this was not enough, any restoration of health must always begin with these simple measures.

For the proper development of fetal organs, it is necessary to observe the normal rhythm of sleep and wakefulness and light illumination for pregnant women! In Soviet times, the Labor Code (Labor Code) prohibited night shifts for pregnant women.

It was not for nothing that the ancestors attributed to this vortex-fontanel a connection with God, Family and Time. We knew what we were just beginning to learn.

Well? Let's go down a little lower, from the violet level to the blue: the human-pituitary gland. The degree of its strength is such that disturbances become noticeable only when 70% of the cells of this organ die!

I will not list all the hormones that the pituitary gland synthesizes. Too much and too long.

I will only say that the pituitary gland synthesizes the so-called tropic hormones: they regulate the work of all other endocrine glands: thyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenal glands, and genital glands. Accordingly, a violation at this level will cause violations in all floors below.

In addition, the pituitary gland secretes endorphins - hormones of happiness and pain relief. It is thanks to his work that we feel happy or unhappy. Capable and unable to bear pain. The hormones of love are produced here - oxytocin and prolactin, which, in addition, ensure easy childbirth and breastfeeding (I wrote about this and spoke a lot at webinars - for details in the Parental Special Forces)

Two cases from clinical practice.

A 41-year-old woman was admitted to the Neurological Department of the Republican Hospital of Karelia with complaints of diffuse headache. The neurological examination showed nothing. But in the anamnesis (life history) the woman has infertility, she has never had menstruation.

The first question that I had is - are there any problems with the pituitary gland? There was no MRI 25 years ago, for an X-ray you needed a foundation, everyone with a headache will not be driven to an X-ray of the skull.

I wanted to take blood for prolactin. Questions from colleagues: “He is lying with a migraine, what does infertility have to do with it? What's the connection?"

I decided to measure her temperature at four points: Armpits, rectum and mouth. Colleagues twisted their fingers to their temples, The nurses were not happy, but I didn't care. I gave the woman four thermometers, explained what to do: every two hours during the day to measure the temperature and enter the data on the graph.

A day later, I had in my hands a graph of her temperature at four points of the body in time. The schedule was monotonous! It hasn't changed at all! At all points 36, 7, during the day and in the morning and in the evening.

Check yourself, take the temperature just under the arm, In the morning and in the evening, you will find an obvious difference, at least half a degree! Less in the morning, more in the evening - this is normal! For example, in the morning 36, 6, in the evening 36, 9.

Prolactin went off scale. A snapshot of the "Turkish saddle" (a bone formation in the skull, in which the pituitary gland is located) was nevertheless taken to that woman. Found a tumor. And she had been treated for migraines for many years.

The second case is similar, a 30-year-old woman contacted me. She never had a period, gynecologists treated her for infertility with hormones for a long time and for a fee. Guess what we found when we took a picture of the skull? Tumor of the pituitary gland.

Parents! Be mindful of your girls' growing up. The mother of this woman, up to 19 years old, was glad that her daughter was so "innocent."

Women! If such a problem is found, today the pituitary tumor is treated and operated with a "laser knife". But you will not restore the function of childbearing. IVF won't help. Do not let "cheat yourself on the dough." Resign yourself to God's providence, maybe your spiritual task is to bestow warmth and love on your adopted child?

I hope you have already guessed that contrast temperature procedures contribute to the adjustment of the normal functioning of the pituitary gland. Dousing with ice water, contrast shower, contrast wraps, sauna and the like …

At RSN, two classes are devoted to hardening! And it should be reasonable.

What else regulates the work of the pineal gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus? Love and joy! Sincere emotional relationship. It is not easy to reach them and create such a spiritual relationship. They will not be created by themselves - this is a whole science that should be mastered, which is what we are doing in our DinO training. (Dynastic Education)

Let's move on to the throat.

Our blue transition from the wise realm to the realm of the senses. Thyroid. A place of unspoken tears and unspoken grievances. There is a lump in the throat, strangling and not letting you speak!

You cannot enter the kingdom of wisdom if you do not deal with resentment and spiritual wounds. Why?

What is the Thyroid Gland Responsible for?

· Ensuring the growth, development of tissues and organs, including the central nervous system.

· Activation of mental processes.

· Stimulation of redox processes.

· Control of mineral, protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Reproductive function (affects the maturation of follicles in the ovaries

This is how the thyroid gland directs the bodily incarnation:

  • we are thin or fat
  • slow or mobile
  • resourceful or slow-witted,
  • balanced or hysterical
  • tearful or reserved
  • loud or quiet.

And the first thing we encounter with problems with the thyroid gland is the so-called "emotional instability" and anxiety "from scratch."

What wisdom is there!

If earlier sentimental scenes did not make you cry, but now they do, most likely you have no longer had enough iodine.

Iodine and calcium are the basis of metabolism (metabolism) and thyroid hormones. Do not rush to the pharmacy for expensive harmful drugs, everything is easier, but more on that later (be patient).


Yesterday, literally, an old friend calls:

- Listen! You should talk to my daughter, she walks around all the time anxious, she doesn't tell me anything, but she trusts you. Talk to her, huh?

- Well, of course, come!

The girl is 16 years old, her mother died four years ago. The girl's age is such that someone should speak like a mother …

- Tell us what worries you?

- Aunt Bella! Yes, I myself do not understand: all the time there is some kind of anxiety, sometimes my heart is pounding right somewhere in my throat. Dad is worried that I don’t tell him something, and I don’t know myself … There are no real reasons for concern.

- And you get hot sometimes, all of a sudden, for no apparent reason?

- Not often, but it happens.

- Do you sweat like hail?

- Yes, when at school they start scaring you with exams again. It flows straight down the back.

- Pull the handles. And for a long time they have been trembling so much, you’re an artist, you couldn’t help but notice?

- For a long time.

- And how about your period? …

- I'll give you one drink now.

I gave 50 grams of potassium iodite colloidal solution. At the online webinar "Meals in reverse" I will tell you how to do it. Half an hour later, the mood is good, he sits laughing, his hands do not tremble.

Karelia is a region endemic for iodine deficiency. And before you stuff your kids with antidepressants, it's a good idea to ask them a few good questions. And so, which is very important, stop wagging their nerves with all sorts of GIA and USE!

Usually they distinguish between hyperfunction, the gland produces too many hormones, called hyperthyroidism:

· Dramatic weight loss.

· Fever, increased sweating.

· Trembling in the limbs. Weakness of the muscles.

· Irritability, chaotic mood.

· Anxiety.

· Insomnia.

Bulging and glittering of the eyeballs (main symptom)

Palpitations, thyrotoxic heart.

Or hypofunction - the gland produces too few hormones, called hypothyroidism:

· Depression.

· Low blood pressure and body temperature.

· Muscle cramps, individual muscle cramps.

· I want to sleep all the time.

· Allergic reactions on the body.

· Disruptions of the menstrual cycle in women.

Swelling Weight gain due to edema (myxedema) and slow metabolism

Symptoms are opposite and the treatment should accordingly be opposite. But the trick is that this is almost never found in nature in its pure form. In nature, the most common combination of these conditions. I call this the hormonal swing.

In a person, during the day, the hypothyroid state can change to hyperthyroid. You went to be tested for hormones in one state, but went out the door of the laboratory and your state changed to the opposite! And the doctor, in making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, will rely on a piece of paper (on a file) from the laboratory.

That is why the sent test results annoy me: They, by and large, do not say anything! You have to talk to a person, ask questions. The same ones that I asked the girl in this issue and the young man in history at the end of the last issue.

For a patient with hormonal problems, it is necessary to allocate time and effort to collect information and analyze it, to select a treatment and a dose of funds, the patient needs his own sensitivity and attention to his own conditions, without fulfilling this condition, the doctor will not be able to help: standard techniques do not work!

Because the entire hormonal system is built on the principle of feedback!

The participants of our trainings will understand me: that is why Feedback is the main rule of our games. Without it, harmony is impossible in anything: not in business, not in the body, not in spiritual communication.

It will take a long time here to explain the cybernetic principle of the endocrine glands, I will tell you about this in the on-line webinar on March 14 at 19:00 Moscow time "Nutrition in reverse". Because in order to restore the functioning of the thyroid gland, a lot of things need to be done the other way around, relying on your sensations and feelings.

Anyone who has listened to the tapes of my breastfeeding webinars and read the episodes about The Secret of Ancient Civilization can imagine a rough principle.

The main thing that is needed to restore the functioning of the Thyroid gland is sensitivity. We trained her in the series of webinars “Beyond Digital Fascism”.

To restore sensitivity, you need to enter a state of inner peace (I gave the simplest skills at these webinars, they are recorded at the spring fair) in order to remove background noise.

Then, you need to get rid of grievances and mental wounds - this will stop the hormonal swing.

It is the serious, unbearable experiences that trigger the "hormonal swing". And in the body, in the words of endocrinologists, a "hormonal fire" begins.

And who doesn't have it today?

Almost everyone, no matter how sad it is. There are many of us, there are few good endocrinologists. Important

  • to be able to hear oneself and understand - to feel!
  • Possess the skills of getting out of stress (we train in the Parental Special Forces),
  • Have the skills to remove habitual reactions to stress from the body (We develop this in DinO-Dynastic Education)

See you in the next issue.

Isabella Voskresenskaya.

PS. The kingdom of wisdom, from the point of view of the hormonal system This is a system for controlling all the rhythms of our body, controlling memory, mind, time and the speed of all processes in the body.

It is controlled by light!

In him, insights occur, decisions are made in him. The mind makes its decisions, relying on the realm of feelings, into which the throat serves as a transition.

Next time we will talk about the kingdom of feelings.

And in order to keep your Kingdom of Wisdom in order, you just need to observe the well-known things:

Be in mental balance, Observe the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, work and rest, light and darkness, cold and warmth.

Eat dairy products and nuts at the right time and dose. Monitor the iodine content in the diet, do not allow empty worries.

Be attentive and caring to yourself.

So simple!

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