Man does everything to destroy himself
Man does everything to destroy himself

Video: Man does everything to destroy himself

Video: Man does everything to destroy himself
Video: ГРАНИЦА СОВЕСТИ - ЭЛИТНОЕ ТАКСИ ДЛЯ ДЕПУТАТА (English subtitles) 2024, September

The story begins with bloodshed and is written in blood. From century to century, new weapons were developed and old weapons were improved. From the stone ax to the thermonuclear warhead, this is all just the result of the destructive nature of humanity. However, despite the long human history, nothing threatened the world until recently.

Sooner or later, progress began to gain momentum, but, like everything else in this world, progress also has a flip side of the coin. The price we paid for progress is tens of millions of corpses in just one twentieth century! First, the first armored vehicles, aviation and chemical warfare agents appeared. All this was tested already in the First World War. Germany did not hesitate to use the most terrible and bloodthirsty products of progress. Germany's defeat in the war did not end this bloody page in history. The whole world immediately began to develop and improve chemical weapons, armored vehicles and aviation. Within a few decades, Germany is building up its military power. At the beginning of the Second World War, the military potential of Nazi Germany surpasses the potential of any state. The Great Patriotic War is forcing the USSR to begin a rapid build-up of military potential. By the end of the War, the samples of technology in service with the USSR literally boggle the imagination, giving rise to the rapid development of technology and the use of science for military purposes.

After the war, events develop even faster, the development of nuclear weapons by the United States and its subsequent use in Japan leads to a new round of the arms race. The USSR is developing its nuclear program and is rapidly making colossal successes in this. Rocket technologies are beginning to serve not to send astronauts into space, but mainly to deliver weapons of destruction directly to enemy territory. Very quickly, the world is on the edge of a knife, ready to blaze at any moment with atomic fire. But everyone understands perfectly well that nuclear weapons are too destructive, their use will not leave winners, which means that this is just a guarantee of a peaceful life. Development of climate weapons begins. Scientists immediately come to the conclusion that nature is a much more experienced killer, and if you use the forces of nature for military purposes, then success will be colossal. However, the most important thing is that you simply won't be able to blame someone for the start of the war! And so the green light was given to the creation of climate attack systems.

The USSR was a country with a highly developed military infrastructure. And to this day, in the vastness of Russia, you can find many abandoned, unique objects, which, unfortunately, have become unnecessary because there was simply no money to maintain them in the 2000s, there is none now. Naturally, it is not known exactly where the development of climatic weapons was carried out. According to circumstantial evidence, this role is often attributed to the "Duga" over-the-horizon radar detection system, which was located in the military town of Chernobyl-2. According to the versions of numerous conspiracy theorists and even quite authoritative scientists, radiation from the transmitting part of the antennas can really affect the ionosphere of the planet, as well as the psyche of people. However, in Chernobyl-2 there is a receiving part of the antennas, the entire complex computing complex of which not only receives the signal returned from the territory of the alleged enemy, but also decodes it and brings the data into the required form.

In fact, there were several such installations and they had no effect on the weather. And they received an ominous riddle due to the fact that at the very beginning of operation they had a large number of false positives, and the radiation disrupted the operation of communication equipment in Europe and interfered with the navigation of civil aircraft. A whole panic arose about the fact that the Russians are either zombifying the entire capitalist world or causing natural disasters …

However, the USSR did have a facility to control weather conditions. It was the so-called "Sura" complex, located near Nizhny Novgorod. This facility is currently abandoned and the equipment has been dismantled by metal hunters. It is not known whether it was then possible to create a full-fledged climatic weapon, because all documents from the facility disappeared and, most likely, were classified. There is a high probability that the experience gained when using the Sura is being applied in practice on a different installation, the existence of which is unknown.

Not only the USSR was interested in the early creation of climate weapons. Similar experiments were also carried out in the USA. The clearest proof of this is the currently existing HAARP complex. Its official name is "Center for Atmospheric Phenomena Research". The location of the installation is known - this is Alaska. Naturally, the American authorities in every possible way deny the connection between HAARP and climate weapons, but this sounds extremely doubtful. When strong earthquakes occurred in the world, the HAARP unit operated at maximum power. In this regard, many accuse the United States of deliberately destroying the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. After all, the installation was also working that day. Its principle of action is to create waves of incredible power, which form something like a prism in the atmosphere of the planet. Also, HAARP can "pump" the planet's ionosphere. All this can lead to catastrophic consequences, because the consequences cannot be controlled. If the destruction of "Fukushima" is really caused by an artificial earthquake - then the installation turns out to be tested. It is noteworthy that the Pentagon did not deny or confirm this information. If all this is true, then HAARP is able to arrange an ice age on the entire planet, while maintaining eternal summer in a certain part of the planet.

Many will say that climate weapons are fantastic, but remember the fact that the UN adopted a resolution in 1974 that prohibits the use of climate weapons. Of course, in the event of war, these documents are not a decree to anyone, but does the very fact of the existence of such a document say that climatic weapons really exist?
