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Immortality of the Soul - Experiments by Doctor of Technical Sciences Konstantin Korotkov
Immortality of the Soul - Experiments by Doctor of Technical Sciences Konstantin Korotkov

Video: Immortality of the Soul - Experiments by Doctor of Technical Sciences Konstantin Korotkov

Video: Immortality of the Soul - Experiments by Doctor of Technical Sciences Konstantin Korotkov
Video: МОНАХ И БЕС - Фильм / Комедия. Драма. Фэнтези 2024, April

Korotkov Konstantin Georgievich (1952) - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy. Director of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture, Professor of the St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (St. Petersburg State University ITMO), Professor at Holos University (USA-Australia), President of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography, President of Kirlionics Technologies International, Member of the Editorial Board Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (USA).

Korotkov K. G. is the author of 6 books translated into English, German and Italian, more than 200 articles published in physics and biological journals, 15 patents. His works are recognized in the world, translated into foreign languages and published in print media abroad. Korotkov K. G. conducts research work for more than 25 years, combining an accurate scientific approach with philosophical understanding based on Eastern teachings about the soul and consciousness.

Professor Korotkov lectures, conducts seminars and trainings in dozens of countries around the world. He has participated in more than 50 Russian and international conferences.

The gas-discharge visualization (GDV) method developed by Professor Korotkov and the created hardware-software complex "GDV-camera" gave a new development to the Kirlian effect. The method allows observing the change in the emission structure of a person in real time, quantitatively measuring the level of health and stress index, detecting imbalances in a person's energy, which makes it possible to diagnose functional deviations long before their manifestation, and analyze the psychoemotional state of the patient. The GDV method allows one to investigate the state of individual organs and systems of the body and find the most effective methods of therapy.

Petersburg scientist Konstantin Korotkov tried to prove the immortality of the soul by the method of exact sciences. - Konstantin Georgievich, what you have done is both incredible and natural at the same time. Every reasonable person believes in one way or another, or at least secretly hopes that his soul is immortal.

“Doesn't believe in the immortality of the soul; - wrote Leo Tolstoy, - only one who never seriously thought about death. However, science, which has replaced God for half of humanity, does not seem to give reason for optimism. So the long-awaited breakthrough has been made: the light of eternal life dawned in front of us at the end of the tunnel, which no one can escape?

- I would refrain from such categorical statements. The experiments carried out by me are more likely an occasion for other researchers to find the threshold between the earthly existence of a person and the afterlife of the soul with precise methods. How one-way is crossing this threshold? At what point is it still possible to return? - a question not only theoretical and philosophical, but also a key one in the daily practice of resuscitation doctors: it is extremely important for them to obtain a clear criterion for the transition of an organism beyond the threshold of earthly existence.

- You have ventured to make an answer to a question with which only theosophists, esotericists and mystics have puzzled themselves before, with the aim of your experiments. What arsenal of modern science has allowed you to pose the problem in this form?

- My experiments became possible thanks to the method created in Russia more than a century ago. It was forgotten, and in the 1920s it was revived by the inventors from Krasnodar by the Kirlian spouses. In an electromagnetic field of high intensity, a radiant glow arises around a living object, be it a green leaf or a finger. Moreover, the characteristics of this glow directly depend on the state of the energy of the object. Around the finger of a healthy, cheerful person, the glow is bright and even. Any disorders of the body - which is fundamentally important, not only already identified, but also coming, not yet manifested in organs and systems - break the luminous halo, deform it and make it dimmer. A special diagnostic direction in medicine has already been formed and recognized, which makes it possible to draw relevant conclusions about impending diseases based on inhomogeneities, caverns and darkening in the Kirlian image. German doctor P. Mandel, having processed a huge statistical material, even created an atlas in which certain errors in the state of the organism correspond to various features of the glow.

So, twenty years of working with the Kirlian effect pushed me to the idea to see how the glow around living matter changes as it becomes inanimate.

- Did you, like Academician Pavlov, who dictated to his students a diary of his own death, photograph the process of dying?

- No, I acted differently: I began to examine the bodies of people who had just died with the help of Kirlian photographs. An hour or three hours after death, the motionlessly fixed hand of the deceased was photographed hourly in a gas-discharge flash. Then the images were processed on a computer in order to determine the change in the parameters of interest over time. The shooting of each object was carried out from three to five days. The age of the deceased men and women ranged from 19 to 70 years, the nature of their death was different.

And this, no matter how strange it may seem to someone, was reflected in the pictures.

The set of the obtained gas discharge curves was naturally divided into three groups:

a) relatively small amplitude of the curves;

b) also a small amplitude, but there is one well-pronounced peak;

c) a large amplitude of very long vibrations.

These differences are purely physical, and I would not mention them to you if the changes in the parameters were not so clearly linked to the nature of the death of the photographs. And thanatologists - researchers of the process of dying of living organisms - have never had such a relationship before.

This is how the death of people from the three groups named above was different:

a) "calm", natural death of the senile organism, which has developed its vital resource;

b) "sudden" death - also natural, but still accidental: as a result of an accident, blood clot, traumatic brain injury, not timely help arrived;

c) "unexpected" death, sudden, tragic, which, if the circumstances were more fortunate, could have been avoided; suicides belong to the same group.

Here it is, a completely new material for science: the nature of the death in the literal sense of the word is highlighted on the devices.

The most striking thing about the results obtained is that oscillatory processes, in which ups and downs alternate for several hours, are characteristic of objects with active life. And I photographed the dead.. This means that there is no fundamental difference between the dead and the living in Kirlian photography! But then death itself is not a cliff, not an instantaneous event, but a gradual, slow transition process.

- And how long does this transition last?

- The fact of the matter is that the duration in different groups is also different:

a) “calm” death in my experiments revealed fluctuations in the luminescence parameters over a period of 16 to 55 hours;

b) "sharp" death leads to a visible jump either after 8 hours, or at the end of the first day, and two days after death, fluctuations descend to the background level;

c) in case of "unexpected" death, the oscillations are the strongest and most prolonged, their amplitude decreases from the beginning to the end of the experiment, the glow dims at the end of the first day and especially sharply at the end of the second; in addition, every evening after nine and until about two or three o'clock in the morning, bursts of glow intensity are observed.

- Well, just some kind of scientific-mystical thriller turns out: at night the dead come to life!

- The legends and customs associated with the dead are acquiring unexpected experimental confirmation.

Who would have known that it was abroad - a day after death, two days? But since these intervals are readable on my charts, then something corresponds to them.

- Have you somehow identified nine and forty days after death - especially significant intervals in Christianity?

- I have not had the opportunity to set up such long-term experiments. But I am convinced that the period from three to 49 days after death is a responsible period for the soul of the deceased, marked by its separation from the body. Either she travels between two worlds at this time, or the Higher Reason decides her future fate, or the soul goes through circles of ordeals - different faiths describe different nuances of the same, apparently, process that was displayed on our computers.

- So, the posthumous life of the soul has been scientifically proven?

- Do not misunderstand me. I received experimental data, used for this metrologically verified equipment, standardized methods, data processing was carried out at different stages by different operators, I took care of the proofs of the absence of the influence of meteorological conditions on the operation of the instruments … That is, I did everything in my power to make the results as much as possible objective. Remaining within the framework of the Western scientific paradigm, I, in principle, should avoid mentioning the soul or the separation of the astral body from the physical, these are concepts that are organic for the occult-mystical teachings of Eastern science. And although, as we remember, “the West is the West, and the East is the East, and they cannot come together”, they agree in my research. If we talk about the scientific proof of the afterlife, we will inevitably have to clarify whether we mean Western or Eastern science.

- Maybe just such studies are designed to unite the two sciences?

- We have the right to hope that in the end this will happen. Moreover, the ancient treatises of mankind on the transition from life to death fundamentally coincide in all traditional religions.

Since the living body and the body of the recently deceased are very close in terms of the characteristics of the gas-discharge glow, it is not entirely clear what death is. At the same time, I deliberately conducted a cycle of similar experiments with meat, both fresh and frozen. No fluctuations in the glow of these objects were noted. It turns out that the body of a person who died a few hours or days ago is much closer to a living body than to meat. Tell that to the pathologist - I think he'll be surprised.

As you can see, the energy-informational structure of a person is no less real than his material body. These two hypostases are interconnected during a person's life and break this connection after death not immediately, but gradually, according to certain laws. And if we recognize an immobile body with a stopped breathing and heartbeat, an inoperative brain as dead, this does not at all mean that the astral body is dead.

Moreover, the separation of the astral and physical bodies is able to separate them somewhat in space.

- Well, now we have agreed on phantoms and ghosts.

- What to do, in our conversation these are not folklore or mystical images, but a reality fixed by devices.

- Are you hinting that the dead man is lying on the table, and his shimmering ghost bypasses the house left by the deceased?

- I am not hinting, but I am talking about this with the responsibility of a scientist and a direct participant in experiments.

On my first experimental night, I sensed the presence of an entity. It turned out that for pathologists and morgue orderlies this is a familiar reality.

Periodically going down to the basement to measure the parameters (and it was there that the experiments were carried out), on the first night I experienced an insane attack of fear. For me, a hunter and an experienced climber, hardened in extreme situations, fear is not the most typical state. With an effort of will, I tried to overcome him. But in this case it did not work. The fear subsided only with the onset of the morning. And on the second night it was scary, and on the third, but with the repetitions, the fear gradually weakened.

Analyzing the reason for my fear, I realized that it was objective. When, going down to the basement, I walked towards the object of research, not yet reaching it, I clearly felt the look on me. Whose? In the room, except for me and the deceased, there is no one. Everyone feels the gaze directed at himself. Usually, turning around, he meets someone's eyes fixed on him, In this case, there was a glance, but there were no eyes. Moving now closer to the gurney with the body, then further from it, I have empirically established that the source of the gaze is located five to seven meters from the body. And every time I caught myself feeling that the invisible observer is here by right, and I - by my own will.

Usually, the work associated with periodic measurements required staying near the body for about twenty minutes. During this time, I was very tired, and the work itself could not cause this fatigue. Repeated sensations of the same kind prompted the idea of a natural loss of energy in the basement.

"Was the phantom sucking your energy out?"

- Not only mine. The same thing happened to my assistants, which only confirmed the non-randomness of my feelings. Worse, the experimental group doctor - an experienced professional who performed autopsies for many years - in our work touched a bone fragment, tore a glove, but did not notice a scratch, and the next day he was taken away by an ambulance with blood poisoning.

What a sudden puncture? As he later admitted to me, for the first time a pathologist had to be near the corpses for a long time, and at night. At night fatigue is stronger, vigilance is weaker. But besides this, as we now reliably know, the activity of the dead body is also higher, especially if it is a suicide.

True, I am not a supporter of the view that the dead suck energy from the living. Perhaps the process is not so straightforward. The body of the recently deceased is in a difficult state of transition from life to death. There is still an unknown process of energy flow from the body to another world. Getting another person into the zone of this energy process can be fraught with damage to his energy-informational structure.

- Is that why the deceased is buried?

- In the funeral service, prayers for the soul of the newly departed, in only kind words and thoughts about him there is a deep meaning, to which rational science has not yet reached. A soul making a difficult transition should be helped. If we invade her possessions, even if forgivable, as it seems to us, research purposes, apparently, we expose ourselves to an unexplored, although intuitively guessed danger.

- And the reluctance of the church to bury suicides in consecrated ground is confirmed by your research?

- Yes, it is possible that those violent fluctuations in the first two days after the voluntary departure from life, which our computers recorded, calculating the Kirlian photographs of the suicide, provide a rational basis for this custom. After all, we do not yet know what happens to the souls of the dead and how they interact with each other.

But our conclusion about the absence of a tangible boundary between life and death (according to the data of the experiments) allows us to assume the truth of the judgment that the soul after the death of the body continues in the afterlife the same fate of the same person living in a different reality.

We do not die for good

Is there an answer to the question that interests most people: what is there, beyond the brink of life? New research leads to discoveries, but the secrets never diminish

Colleagues call the research of Professor Konstantin Korotkov "studies of consciousness." Opponents accuse of speculation on the eternal theme of materialization of the soul. He himself claims that he is not chasing sensations.

As you know, a person is surrounded by a weak electromagnetic field, and it can be detected by various devices. The principle of operation of the camera created by Korotkov is as follows. An electrical impulse is sent to a person's finger, which the professor considers to be a powerful information factor associated with all systems of the body. Under the action of an electric field, electrons and photons are emitted from the skin, which ionize air molecules, causing a faint bluish glow. Its mechanism is similar to a low-current electrical discharge, well known to physicists. Devices register this glow, transforming it into visual images. After mathematical processing, a picture appears: a silhouette of a person surrounded by a colored aura.

The effect is of practical importance. A healthy person has an even silhouette, a bright glow. Functional disorders, inflammation, severe stress cause breaks and dips in the glow. An impending illness, even one that has not yet manifested itself, also signals itself with a certain change in the glow.

The method is called "gas-discharge visualization". People who avoid scientific terms call the professor's method simply: a photograph of the soul.

X-rays and photos of the soul

Russian newspaper | Konstantin Georgievich, from the point of view of the layman, why is a picture of my biofield better, say, than a traditional X-ray?

Konstantin Korotkov | X-rays remove the morphological features of the tissue, and with our devices we record information about the physical fields. But one does not interfere with the other. The fact is that our developments are associated with the solution of important government tasks. In the Soviet Union there was a system of general medical examination, it worked and gave a certain result. Then, for a number of well-known reasons, it collapsed. Today, a full ultrasound examination costs 7-8 thousand rubles. Tomography - only one area - 3-4 thousand. Our device combines a whole range of techniques from pressure measurement to gas discharge visualization, and at the same time, operation does not require prohibitive resources. What is very important - it is not some super-specialist who can take readings, but a simple doctor.

RG | Let's make it clear. I came to the office. Undress?

Korotkov | No, you don't need to undress. They came, sat down, they fixed sensors on you. And they took the readings in 20-25 minutes.

RG | Am I being irradiated with something?

Korotkov | Not! The electrical activity of the body is passively removed. A very important point: when you come to do an x-ray, ultrasound and tomography, a picture is taken from you, that is, an instant cast of the body's activity. This is definitely important information. But in order for the doctor to have a complete picture of the development of the disease, this data must be obtained in dynamics. Large hospitals are already doing this, but much of the traditional research is far from harmless. Today it is believed that ultrasound studies should be limited.

RG | I have passed the examination on your device. So what?

Korotkov | The doctor looks at the printouts and, if necessary, sends you to a specialist for additional examination. For example, if there is a possibility of an oncological process, then you will be sent to a specialized institution. Many cancers in the first stage are treated with a high probability of success. While in the third stage, the likelihood of a cure is low. Thus, our equipment can be used in the early diagnosis system.

RG | Let's say in 10 years you have brought your device to perfection. What's next?

Korotkov | A complete change in the approach to health. In 10 or 15 years, each person can be given a small device that analyzes their health. The device can be anywhere - in the phone, in the ears, under the skin - it will constantly analyze the state of health. Having identified problems at an early stage, we accordingly get an effective solution.

Sports and bioenergy

RG | Today you are actively working with athletes. Why?

Korotkov | We have developed a methodology that allows us to assess the likelihood of an athlete's success in a competition. For several years, they worked it out on athletes of both the Olympic and the middle level - the schools of the Olympic reserve.

RG | What, in fact, do you measure with an athlete? Biceps volume?

Korotkov | We study the transformation of the bioenergetic field of athletes under the influence of motives, emotions and exercises. We take the characteristics, give the trainers recommendations - what needs to be done to improve the results. After all, what is the result in sports? It consists of technical, physical and mental fitness, the degree of readiness at the time of the competition. At the same time, at a certain level of physical fitness, the energy and psychological mood become overwhelming.

Sometimes you hear: our team performed poorly, because the athletes were worried before the competition. Absurd! If a team reaches the world level, the question of the psychological preparation of athletes must be resolved long before that.

Here are several athletes with approximately the same level of physical fitness. And only one sets a world record, shows results that he has never shown before. What does this mean? At the time of his speech, he was able to realize the psychophysiological reserve.

RG | And what is the accuracy of the predictions?

Korotkov | In Krasnodar, in the bullet shooting team, the forecast accuracy was more than 85 percent. In Sochi, for several years, doctors examined more than 500 patients according to our method. The patients were first examined using standard techniques, then by our method. Result: A match rate of 79 to 85 percent. This is a fairly high indicator for today.

RG | Is the Sochi project unrelated to the upcoming Olympics?

Korotkov | Well, naturally connected! A group of doctors is now working there, there is a corresponding order from the State Committee for Sports on the application of our methods in the Olympic reserve schools.

RG | Aren't you afraid that your method is being misused? For example, sports bettors?

Korotkov | You know, any method, even the best one, can be used anywhere. It's like a knife: they can kill and perform surgical operations. We work with professional teams, coaches. Therefore, we are confident that most of the techniques are used correctly.

Biofield laws do not provide

RG | They say you use your device to calculate terrorists …

Korotkov | No, we are talking about the diagnosis of stressful conditions. At the traffic police posts, our method was applied as an experiment to identify the level of anxiety in people. They stopped and asked: would you like to be examined? The procedure is entirely voluntary. An experiment was conducted in St. Petersburg, 58 people were examined. We identified 26 people with a high level of stress, and 10 with a very high level. We recommended that you take a closer look at 33 of them. And what do you think - 9 people were detained. They found weapons, drugs, forged documents.

We have partnered with forensics and the definition of violent death. Experiments have led to amazing results. In the case of a violent death, the glow changes very strongly over several days: it fades out, then flares up. If a person died a natural death, the glow fades out gradually, without sudden fluctuations, within three days. These phenomena still require explanation.

RG | Traditional healers offer the same services without devices …

Korotkov | With healers, you never know who is in front of you - a charlatan or a genius. The device gives objective measurements.

All our devices are certified by the Ministry of Health. Like any new technique, it has undergone medical approbation. We have been doing this work for ten years now together with top-level doctors: at the Military Medical Academy, the Pavlov Medical University, and in other cities. The results are good, not a single negative review.

RG | Why are the devices not adopted by the police?

Korotkov | There is a purely legal complication: these results cannot be used as evidence in court. This is the law.

They fly at night

RG | When you study the biofield, you use the terms gas discharge imaging or bioelectrography. However, your work is also called soul photography. It's already a stone's throw to mysticism!

Korotkov | There is no mysticism here, but there is a normal complex of physical fields. And they are called biofields because they are emitted by a biological object. The glow around the human body is a complex of physical fields, including gravitational, electromagnetic, molecular, these fields interact with the surrounding space. But conjectures and inventions around all this are just mysticism.

RG | Your method and religious ideas about a person, about his aura - is there any connection here?

Korotkov | I myself proceed from the premise that religious feelings are such a subtle and individual moment that it is unethical to interfere with them with the help of some measurements.

RG | But it seems to some that the colored silhouette on the monitor around the outlines of the body is the soul.

Korotkov | We can only measure the reaction to emotional excitement. The influence of prayer on a person's energy can also, of course, be assessed. But in no case am I saying that I measured the soul. Everything that has to do with soulfulness, with the psyche, are processes of a different level. There are things that are generally beyond direct physical dimensions.

RG | Probably, most people are worried about the question: what happens to the human biofield after death?

Korotkov | For several days, the glow of the fingers continues. As in life. And then it becomes what is characteristic of an inanimate object: not flickering and radiant, but monotonically stable. The connection between the physical body and consciousness is broken, the physical body loses its shape and goes into the natural cycle of elements, and the information body - to other levels.

RG | According to Christian beliefs, on the 9th and 40th days after death, changes occur in the soul of a person. Did your instruments record something?

Korotkov | My answer is this: they revealed something. But we have no data that something is happening that corresponds to the traditions of a particular religion.

RG | What do you have?

Korotkov | For example, such amazing things happen as the energy rise of a dead body at night. The activity of what you call the soul (I myself prefer to use the term "subtle body") of the dead is increasing. This is fixed.

RG | Your versions: where and why do the souls of the dead fly at night?

Korotkov | I am a scientist and operate with facts. I can only say that the energy (soul, subtle body) of a person does not die simultaneously with the bone body. But why - we do not know yet.

RG | Are you religious?

Korotkov | Yes.
