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Emotion release method
Emotion release method

Video: Emotion release method

Video: Emotion release method
Video: Sulfur Balls of Sodom and Gomorrah 2024, May

Sedona is a method (Emotion Release Method) developed by Lester Levenson. Lester Levinson was a very successful producer when he unexpectedly found himself in the clinic with a whole range of cardiovascular diseases.

Doctors predicted that he would die soon and / or be bedridden for the rest of his life. But L. Levinson decided for himself differently. He realized that all his problems have their own key on an emotional level. Therefore, he developed and applied for himself a very simple and very effective method of "release of emotions".

Soon, to the great amazement of the doctors, he recovered completely. Having received such impressive results, L. Levinson decided to share his achievements with others. Having improved his method in such a way that it was simple and accessible to everyone and in any area of life, L. Levinson devoted the rest of his life (and he lived another 20 years - up to 68 years) to popularize his method.

Most people use three ways to deal with their feelings and emotions: suppression, expression and avoidance.

Suppression- This is the worst method, because suppressed emotions and feelings do not go away, but build up and fester within us, causing anxiety, tension, depression and a range of stress-related problems. The repressed energy of these emotions eventually begins to manipulate you in ways that you don't like and are beyond your control.

Expressionis a kind of ventilation. "Exploding" sometimes or "losing patience" we are freed from the yoke of accumulated emotions. You might even feel good as it translates energy into action. But this does not mean at all that you got rid of these feelings, it is just a temporary relief. In addition, the expression of our emotions can be unpleasant for the person who receives it all. This, in turn, can be more stressful as we feel guilty about having hurt someone by expressing our natural feelings.

Avoidanceis a way to deal with emotions, distracting from them through all kinds of entertainment: conversations, TV, food, smoking, drinking, drugs, movies, sex, etc. But despite our attempts to avoid, all these feelings are still here and continue to tax us in the form of tension. Thus, avoidance is just one form of suppression. It has now been proven that various emotions and desires are reflected in our body in the form of clamps (tension, spasms) in very specific areas. By the way, the methods of the so-called "body-oriented psychotherapy" are aimed at getting rid of these clamps, which sometimes give absolutely fantastic results, unattainable by medicinal methods.

Even systematic exercises for the complete relaxation of all muscle groups (the progressive relaxation method) gives very good results in improving the mind and body and significantly improving mental abilities. Since literally every cell of our body has its own representation in our brain, and any tension in the body naturally has a corresponding zone of excitation in the brain.

Thus, the more such zones of excitation, the less resources the brain has for normal mental activity. It is interesting to note that, according to this theory, "good" feelings and emotions are almost indistinguishable from "bad" ones, and also have their representation in the body and brain. Therefore, the emotion release method aims to work with all types of emotions. Long-term practice of its application has already proved the effectiveness and necessity of such an approach.

Emotion release methodis a powerful method of training the brain to achieve harmony and, even, to accelerate thinking, implemented without any technical means. This is the healthiest way to deal with your emotions. This technique has a cumulative effect. Each time you release your emotions, a charge of repressed energy (additional brain areas) is released, helping you to think more clearly, to be more able to act in all situations in a more relaxed and more productive and healthy way.

Over time, as you release more and more repressed energy, you can achieve a state of equanimity in which no person or event can throw you off balance or rob you of a state of calm clarity. All who practice this method note very rapid positive changes in mental and physical condition. In addition, their life goals and plans became clearer to themselves and more positive.

Do not think that as a result of using the method, a person becomes like an insensitive doll, on the contrary, you regain the ability to experience strong and pure emotions, as in childhood, but without "sticking" to them for a long time. Also, there is no need to specifically practice this method all your life with every emotion. After about three weeks of regular training, the method becomes "automatic" and stays with you forever. In the future, it will be enough just to pay attention to your feelings for a natural automatic release to occur.

Step one: Focus. First, you need to focus on some problem area in your life - something that requires an urgent solution. Perhaps this is a relationship with a loved one, parents or children; it could be about your job, your health, or your fears.

Or you can simply ask yourself, “What feelings are possessing me now? What emotions am I currently experiencing? You can focus on the problem either before or after the training session. One way you can find out which problem area is you need to work, or what you really feel now is to go to "zero level", that is, simply, deeply relax (using any technique available to you).

Step two: feel … Once you get to "zero", consider what problem you would like to cope with. With focus, define your feelings about the problem. After completing the first step, refer directly to your actual feelings. Ask yourself, "How do I feel now?" Lester Levenson discovered that all our emotions and feelings can be divided into ninemajor categories, or feelings.

Apathy … Many other emotions and feelings are the result of or accompany apathy. When we ask ourselves how we feel, we can use words such as boredom, uselessness, lack of self-care, mental coldness, alienation, indifference, defeat, depression, discouragement, frustration, exhaustion, forgetfulness, uselessness, hopelessness, joylessness., indecision, indifference, laziness, loss, loss, denial, numbness, depression, powerlessness, submissiveness, resignation, stunnedness, disorientation, getting stuck, fatigue, absent-mindedness, uselessness, meaninglessness of efforts, low self-esteem. All this, according to Levenson, is a kind of apathy.

Grief … We can use words such as: abandonment, resentment, guilt, mental anguish, shame, betrayal, despondency, deception, constraint, helplessness, heartache, rejection, loss, longing, loss, sadness, misunderstanding, rupture, pity, I am unhappy, remorse, rejection, remorse, sadness.

Fear. The types of fear include: anxiety, concern, caution, foresight, cowardice, suspicion, fearfulness, apprehension, confusion, anxiety, nervousness, panic, fear, unsteadiness, shyness, skepticism, stage fright, tension, depression.

Passion. This is the "I want" emotion. We can feel: expectation (anticipation), longing desire, need, desire, wandering, controllability, envy, futility, greed, impatience, manipulativeness, need, obsession, pressure, ruthlessness, selfishness, anger.

Anger. We can feel: aggressiveness, irritation, argumentation, challenge, exactingness, disgust, ferocity, futility, frenzy, hatred, intolerance, jealousy, insanity, significance, insult, rebelliousness, resentment, indignation, rudeness, anger, severity, stubbornness, stubbornness, gloom, vindictiveness, anger, rage.

Pride … We can feel: exclusivity, arrogance, arrogance, boastfulness, giftedness, contempt, insolence, criticism, discrimination, condemnation, righteousness, intransigence, pride, snobbery, luck, superiority, inexcusable, vanity.

Bravery … The varieties of feelings can be as follows: enterprise, adventurousness, liveliness, agility, competence, purposefulness, awareness, confidence, creativity, audacity, courage, courage, decisiveness, energy, happiness, independence, love, motivation, openness, loyal, positivism, resourcefulness, self-sufficiency, stability, solid, strength.

Acceptance (approval) … We can feel: poise, beautiful, compassion, pleasure, delight, delight, admiration, empathy, friendliness, tenderness, joy, love, openness, receptivity, security, understanding, surprise.

Peace. We can feel: peace of mind, balance, completeness, freedom, fulfillment, perfection, purity, serenity, serenity, calmness (lack of physical stress), integrity.

Step Three: Identify Your Feelings … Now, with this list in mind, determine how you really feel. Open yourself up, become aware of your physical sensations - do you feel tightness in your chest? Stomach tension? Feeling heavy? Heartbeat? When you become aware of your physical sensations, use them as key points to explore your feelings. What word comes to your mind?

When this word popped up in your mind, try to determine which of these nine categories your feeling belongs to. Levenson found that the process of releasing the senses is much more effective when the senses are released in their most "pure" or "distilled" form, as one of the nine designated words. For example, by examining your problem area, you might decide that your feelings are "hesitation" or "anxiety."

You can then release your indecision or anxiety and feel some relief. However, if you trace these feelings back to their source, you will find that they fall more into the category of fear than indecision and anxiety. By releasing your fear, you will find that the results are much more dramatic and powerful. It's like attacking a problem at the root, or plucking off only some of the top branches.

Step four: Feel Your Feelings. Once you've identified and traced your true feelings about your chosen problem area to the core, begin to feel your feelings. Let them fill your entire body and mind. If it is grief, you may burst into tears or even cry. If it is anger, you can feel how your blood "boils", your breathing changes and your body tightens. This is great - this is the time to fully experience your feelings and emotions.

Step five: Could you? Now that you truly feel your feelings about a problem area in your life, ask yourself, "Can I let go of those feelings?" In other words, is it physically and emotionally possible for you to let these feelings leave you right now? Think about it.

Begin to become aware of the deep difference between yourself - your "I" and what this very "I" is feeling right now. Sometimes you may feel that your feelings are some kind of energy charge, which is in the same place as your body, but in fact, is not your body. Or it is a shadowy image that is slightly out of focus, as opposed to your real self.

One way or another, at some point, you will clearly feel that your feelings, in fact, are not your feelings. And when you begin to feel the difference between your feelings and your "I", you may notice that it is now possible for you to let go of those feelings. If it is still unacceptable for you to part with these feelings, feel them for a while. Sooner or later, you will reach a point where you can say to yourself, "Yes, I could let go of these feelings."

Step Six: Will You Let Them Go? If you could let go of these feelings, the next question you ask yourself is, "Will I let go of these feelings?" Think about it again. Often, having the full opportunity to "let go of feelings" we, in fact, rather "hang on" for them. You may find yourself thinking, "No, I would rather keep these feelings than get rid of what I feel right now." If so, then continue to feel what you are feeling now. Sooner or later you will reach a point where you can honestly admit to yourself, "Yes, I would let go of these feelings."

Seventh step: When? If you were to let go of your feelings, the next question you will ask yourself is "When?" Similar to the previous steps, at a certain point you will respond, "I would let go of these feelings now."

Step Eight: Liberation … When you've said to yourself, "Now," let go of your feelings. Just let them go. In most cases, you will truly feel physical and emotional release when you let them go. You might suddenly burst out laughing.

You may feel like a heavy burden has been lifted from your shoulders. You may feel a sudden wave of cold rushing over you. Such a reaction means that all the energy accumulated as a result of experiencing these feelings has now been released and became available to you, as a result of the release of feelings that you just made.

Step Nine: Repetition … When you release your senses, you want to test yourself: "Do you feel any feelings?" If any feelings are still there, then go through the whole process again. Quite often, releasing is like opening a tap. You free some, and immediately others appear.

Some of our emotions are so deep that they require multiple releases. Release yourself as often as you can until you find that you cannot find any sign of emotion in yourself.

Release desires

After enough practice in releasing your emotions, progressing in each session from specific feelings to one of the nine basic emotions, you may find it even more rewarding to address deeper levels of self - your ego claims - desires.

According to Levinson, the source of all our emotions, divided by us into 9 basic categories, are two even deeper levels - desires. I - desire for approval, self-affirmation; II - desire to control. Every act of desire is an indicator that you do not have what you want. In Levinson's words, "What we don't have is hidden in our desires." It can be confusing at first: What's wrong with wanting approval and control? In fact, as already noted, to want is not to have. It turns out that often the desire to have something actually prevents us from having it.

Great desire

Those who conscientiously passed all the levels and wish to advance even further, in the end come to the conclusion that at the heart of all our desires is one great desire - "the desire for security."Working through this desire after a while brings us to a new transcendental level, described in various esoteric teachings, as the highest level of enlightenment. A person who has reached this level displays various extraordinary abilities and capabilities.
