Black aristocracy: The list of the rich in Florence has the same surnames as 600 years ago
Black aristocracy: The list of the rich in Florence has the same surnames as 600 years ago

Video: Black aristocracy: The list of the rich in Florence has the same surnames as 600 years ago

Video: Black aristocracy: The list of the rich in Florence has the same surnames as 600 years ago

Guglielmo Barone and Sauro Mosetti, economists at the main financial institution in the Apennines, Bank of Italy, conducted an unusual study. They went to the archives of Florence, checked the data on the Florentine taxpayers in 1427 and compared them with the data of the Tax Office of Florence for 2011. The results surprised the researchers themselves: among the wealthiest taxpayers of the 15th and 21st centuries, almost 900 names coincide.

The study, of course, took a lot of time, but it was not so difficult due to the peculiarity of the Italian surnames. Using them, you can easily establish the place of birth of a person, and they hardly change over the centuries. Barone and Mosetti came to the conclusion that by the occupation, income and condition of today's Florentines, it is possible to accurately predict the occupation, income and condition of their distant ancestors, and vice versa.

Banking economists shared the results of their interesting research on the economic website VoxEU: "We have established that the wealthiest taxpayers in Florence six centuries ago bore the same names as the wealthiest taxpayers today."

The year 1427 was chosen as the comparison date for a reason. In those days, Florence waged a protracted war with Milan and was on the verge of bankruptcy. As a result of the plight of city finances, the Florentine authorities decided to conduct a census of approximately 10,000 taxpayers. The documents, in addition to the names and surnames of the heads of families, contain a description of their professions, income and fortunes.

About 900 of the names included in the 1427 census still exist in Florence and still pay high taxes. Of course, there are also random coincidences among them, but most of the representatives of the same surnames are in any case not namesakes, but relatives.

The analysis shows that the socioeconomic status has been preserved over six centuries, surprisingly clearly. Wealthy Florentines at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century have the same surnames as the rich in 1427. In this case, professions and incomes coincide. For example, among the members of the Shoemakers Guild, the match is 97%, and the Silk Weavers and Lawyers Guild - 93!

Of course, fortunes are inherited in the same way as professions are often. A study in Japan showed that the descendants of the samurai, even almost a century and a half after their formal disappearance as a layer of Japanese society, remain among the Japanese elite. The amazing preservation of wealth and social status, economist from the University of California Gregory Clarke even dedicated the book "The Rise of a Son."

In the case of the Florentines, it is not so much the fact of preservation of wealth and social status that is more surprising than the fact that we are talking about a period of time lasting almost 600 years, i.e. 25 generations.

This suggests parallels with research by the French economist Thomas Piketty, who looked at the rise in income inequality among the richest 1%. However, Italian economists deny that there is any connection between their study and Piketty's.

“Our research focuses on economic mobility, i.e. The question of whether the rich remain rich over time, Mosetti told the Wall Street Journal, doesn't necessarily mean they get richer. We did not find a direct connection with Piketty's conclusion that material inequality only increases over time.”

Barone and Mosetti explain that the rich are more likely to remain rich over time by the existence of what they call "a glass floor that protects the descendants of rich people from falling off the economic ladder."

In addition, the study of Italian economists involved not only the richest 1% of Florentines. They analyzed the entire population of the city and came to the conclusion that 33% of the Florentine rich in 1427, i.e. every third, remain wealthy now, in our days.

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