Indigo confession
Indigo confession

Video: Indigo confession

Video: Indigo confession
Video: Discovering Venus De Milo: Disarming Beauty 2024, April

I learned to read at the age of five and my first favorite book was "Eureka-79". Around the same time, I began to have prophetic dreams. Dreams were of two types: "horizontal" - ordinary dreams in which actions and events took place here on Earth (or underground); and "vertical" - in these dreams I flew up into Space, and what I saw and felt in them was truly delightful and fantastic!

“Soaring” up in my vertical dreams, I got into the world of living and bright colors, meeting there people who lived many centuries ago and had already left our world. The space there was not at all the same as it is shown to us in the films - a black and cold lifeless abyss, emptiness and darkness … Oh, no! On the contrary, it is a world of infinite light - living, intelligent and densely populated with an innumerable variety of life forms and other spheres of consciousness.

Just imagine: an endless multicolored buzzing "anthill" the size of the Universe! Not weak? Delight!

But every time, getting there, I immediately clearly and distinctly understood that it would not work just to go there - to move and live there. It must be earned. Or, more precisely, to evolve, to grow up to this, having passed a certain path of development here on Earth - the path of development and improvement of oneself and the world.

This concept is the foundation of Buddhism. And this is not fiction - until now Buddhism has been and remains the wisest and most cosmic religion. And Buddha himself is the best expert in terms of comprehending the Essence of Man - his Inner Space …

Vertical dreams were rare and were my innermost secret - these outbursts of happiness, when it was possible to "look" into the Universe with one eye … For this it is worth living and being a Human. Anyone who has experienced this will never become a beast, a cattle - he will not sink either to drugs or to murder.

Therefore, in my youth, having read both "Agni Yoga" and "Kalagiya", I already knew for sure: this is reality. Different, better, not ordinary - but just as human and real. It's just that in that cosmic life there is no abomination, no dirt …

I had my first mystical experience when I was 12 years old. One night I realized that I was floating upright in the middle of the bedroom. The night was dark, but I could see perfectly well in the dark nonetheless.

I slowly "floated" into the next room, then turned to face the East - in front of me was a closed door leading to the corridor. I hesitated for a moment, and then … walked through the door!

There TWO were waiting for me. Two luminous clots of milky-white light silently "hung" in the corridor and were intently "examining" me.

I was unable to move, a certain numbness bound me, and all that I felt at that moment was the deep and piercing gaze of two silent creatures frozen in the air.

I felt that they came from somewhere in the East. They came to check, visit me - so they seemed to scan my consciousness, but I could not penetrate them with my feelings …

They knew everything about me. Absolutely. They knew who I was, where I came from, where and why I came to this world. I didn't know anything about them. Or did not remember …

Then they left - to the East. Only one word froze in my perception. To my dumb question "who are they?" my own mind gave me this answer: "witches" …

Five years later, in January 1996, I received a clarification on my question - it was the Bokshu yogis.

The second mystical incident happened to me a year after the first. On a clear moonlit night, my mother and I went to sleep in our beds, but we had not yet fallen asleep and were talking quietly …

Suddenly a high-pitched whistling sound was heard and from the street to our room, from the west side, a small luminous ball flew in an oblique trajectory - through a double glazed window - and … fell with a hiss on the floor, and then disappeared.

The mother started up and screamed: “did you see? !! What is it?"

I, on the other hand, had some kind of even and calm state of complete detachment. I didn’t answer her. Peace … I didn't want to speak or move …

The next morning the window panes were unharmed. The luminous ball passed through them without destroying them.

Subsequently, the opinions of some experts agreed that it was ball lightning.

The third strange experience I went through another year - in the spring of 1993.

I was in eighth grade. Our class was sports-oriented, so we had double physical education lessons four times a week.

At one of these lessons I especially distinguished myself - I ran very actively, participated in relay races, giving my all …

By the end of the second lesson, I, pretty exhausted, was returning to my starting position after running with obstacles, when suddenly fiery flashes flashed before my eyes, I staggered and felt a sharp outflow of blood from the periphery to the center of the body. I stopped in the middle of the gym …

And then I realized that I was just above my body and I could see everything around at the same time - with a radial scan of 360 degrees!

But that was not all. All the people in the gym were large, glowing eggs the height of a human being.

I later found a similar description in the books of Carlos Castaneda; there is also a mention of this in "Kalagia"; and in September 2001, Yuri Pak, who was then still a devoted and enthusiastic student of Master Don Men (V. V. Lensky), told me about something similar …

My classmates in the gym turned into glowing egg-shaped cocoons, I "hovered" over my own body and could read their minds. Or rather, I just instantly knew who and what he wanted to tell me.

I will mention one important fact. I knew that one of the "eggs", approaching me now, would say "Boev, how you turned white." And, indeed, with a short delay I heard this phrase - as if word for word, sounding somehow muffled and as if from afar: "Fight, how have you turned white …"

This "egg" was my classmate Yevgeny Kur … kov. In its upper third (at the level of the throat) there were some dark spots, blotches - like dregs … The other "eggs" did not have this.

Then all this obsession subsided and I found myself sitting on a bench. I was white as chalk, but already came to my senses.

I didn’t go to the rest of the lessons that day, because I had an excellent alibi and a whole class of witnesses headed by the physical education instructor Vladimir Yakovlevich …

And two years later, an article appeared in the local newspaper “Russkiy Vestnik” - a call for help: the mother of Yevgeny Kur … Kova turned to the townspeople with a prayer to help her - her son Zhenya had a spinal hernia in the neck and needed an urgent operation …

In the summer of 1996, I met Zhenya near the Asem hairdressing salon in the city center - he was on his way to a lesson with a math tutor. His hernia had already been removed and he recovered.

The fourth mystical experience I got in March 1994.

One night I saw a "vertical" dream. But he did not fly into Space, but saw a multitude of living shining flowers, woven of fire and light. They shimmered with purple and purple paints, and then "parted" to the sides, forming an oval-shaped opening.

In the oval gap there was a man in white and silver robes, with his right half-side to me, with a beard and a noble calm face …

For a moment he looked at me without a word. But in my mind his name clearly sounded: "Usana" or "Ushana".

And then he disappeared and only the starry sky twinkled in the oval window …

Unlike horizontal dreams, vertical dreams leave a very deep psycho-emotional imprint in the mind and are stored in memory as memories of real events.

Therefore, starting at the age of fifteen, I kept a secret diary of dreams, where I wrote down my dreams, poems and short summaries of the scientific books I read.

As I learned later, Volodya Okshin, the best student and successor of V. Lensky, kept the same diaries … In 2015, two of his notebooks fell into my hands, and I was able to write a short essay about him, with his poems and photos.

What a pity that such a guy left so early. After all, he, like Evariste Galois or Nicola Tesla, could change this world for the better!

The spring of 1995 brought me two discoveries that changed my whole future life. Thinking about the structure of the Universe and the physical laws reigning in it, I quite clearly and clearly suddenly saw - did not realize or thought of it, namely saw - that when the fields and currents are superimposed (superposition), the phenomenon of pseudo-multipolar effects occurs and an efficiency that exceeds unity appears. This is a victory over entropy and death!

11 years later, I saw these schemes already on paper - in the term paper by Alexander Naumovich Stolyar “Technologies of Multipolarity”. What's this? Providence?

Subsequently, I realized that the analyzer of vision, containing the matrix of three polarity, is more capacious and more perfect, more complexly organized than the mind, based only on the memorizing function of the cerebral cortex. That is why the truth can be exactly seen and cannot be expressed in words.

This is how Nikola Tesla saw his inventions and put them into practice! Volumetric and capacious vision, instant knowledge not based on past experience - this is the essential vision of things! Samayama!

The second discovery was the book "Kalagia". I saw it on the counter of the bookseller Valery Stepanovich and immediately, taking it in my hands, I felt the effect of "deja vu" or being simultaneously in two places at the same time: I was standing near a bookstore in Taldy-Kurgan and at the same time was somewhere in mountains of Altai, feeling the murmur of springs, the smell of mountain herbs and the freshness of the pine mountains …

To me, who grew up in the Tien Shan mountains as a child, it was like a balm for my soul. Mine, dear.

In Kalagia, synesthesia is mentioned, the circulation of the senses to themselves and to each other: when vision sees hearing and vice versa … In this way, a person not only expands the range of perception, but also the emergence of bioenergetic intelligence.

In essence, it is a renunciation of the ego and the path of developing full perception in oneself. Surprisingly, how the experiences of self-development of different ascetics coincide in all centuries!

Shiva Samhita, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Hatha Yoga of Pradipika Swatmarama …

Now here is Kalagia and Multipolarity. The Path of the Thousand Buddhas.

"Behold at the root." "Know yourself and you will know the world."

What is there to add?

I started writing poetry on January 25, 1995. It was a clear, sunny and frosty day - I was alone at home and yearned for my lost first love. After graduating from art school, we never saw each other. I so wanted to see her again, take her hand and say how much I love her …

The poems poured in a stream … That night I wrote half a dozen of them and went to bed at four in the morning.

One of those poems is Testament.

I stopped feeling cold after fifteen years. After reading a couple of books by Lama Viktor Vostokov and learning about Porfiry Ivanov, I easily and with pleasure began to pour cold water in the cold and walk barefoot in the snow. After such exercises, purple and violet flashes usually flashed before the eyes.

Then I wrote my poems - naive, absurd - but honest. He always wrote in a blank - line by line, almost without corrections.

A special state appeared during a thunderstorm - a creative upsurge, a desire to turn to the sky, to the Universe … Then the poems turned out to be fierce and outrageous, like a cry from the soul.

The Universe responded with events - sending me the books I needed, special people and giving me the opportunity to seek … and find.

Gods are the living matter of the Universe.

Religious feeling belongs to the sphere of the Lungs Meridian. This is the nature of the SAM - stopping thinking, globalism and complete closure up to death. For the ego, this means complete death. But for those who have the qualities of Tao and the potential of vitality has not been exhausted, there is a chance for a jump, a throw into a new life in a new quality.

Any god is someone's specific quality of consciousness and, accordingly, a generated field. It is this that acquires its separate life in the form of a phantom, which has a large number of degrees of freedom and symmetry. These phantoms, egregors, teraphim are embedded in the structure of the Universe, Space and are its substance. Man, however, carries a much greater potential, for there is no limit to perfection. Man is the source of the gods. He is their progenitor. I realized this quite clearly.

The universe contains much more than all the gods put together. Man contains much more. Potentially.

Therefore, going through different stages of his Path, Man first learns that "everything is Brahman."

Then, that "everything is Maya." Then - "everything is Shunya …"

The concept of "god" is useful if it leads to immortality. If murder and death are justified by this word, then this is a poisonous lie of devilish degenerates. There are also such on Earth.

All religions are only a preparatory stage for self-development. Launch pad. Like a cradle for a baby.

And only two of them, in fact, are anti-religions - ideologies of hatred and murder: Satanism and Islamism. This poison eats away at the brains of today's degenerates, rotting in atavism and nihilism. They cannot but kill, because they get a perverse pleasure from it. Like Chikatilo. How to rid humanity of this infection?

There are also just fools, eager to serve some gods or one of the most preferred gods. But by this they only express the property of their consciousness - to serve, to obey. This is the psychology of slaves and idiots.

Soviet ideology, for example, was more noble and worthy of a true Man.

With the collapse of the USSR, there was a retrograde rollback back to savagery and obscurantism, which are very beneficial to the current "masters of life" - hucksters and speculators, a class of parasites who have favorably fed themselves and are not capable of self-development.

A qualitative rebirth is needed. Cultivating the qualities of Tao. Altruism. Love. Community and Brotherhood …

Man is the generator of the gods.

The Universe is a superposition of the Cosmos. There is an Inner, Outer, Neural Cosmos. There is also the Cosmos of Time and the Cosmos of Space. Their connecting point is the Man and his consciousness.

Life is an ordered or reasonably coordinated existence of groups of matter particles in a mosaic of multipolar fields, dynamically progressing and evolving in time and space - with the subsequent complication and self-development of their local structures due to their internal contradictions, and their removal to more highly organized, superpositional - with the formation higher systems with a large number of degrees of freedom and symmetry.

It is possible to increase energy intensity and make an evolutionary leap by renouncing everything that is ego-centered and striving for the quality of Tao - the sphere of yang processes. Due to the transfer of energy, the amplitude of the polar states will increase. Their dialectical unity and withdrawal will give rise to new qualities.

With the degeneration of the qualities of Tao, the character of Hum and yin processes begin to prevail. This is how poisons appear and death approaches.

Death is a function of two two meridians - Lungs and Spleen-Pancreas (the characters of Aquarius and Taurus are Great Yin).

They are compensated by the characters of Scorpio and Leo - the meridians of the Three Heaters and the Bladder. The Mystery of the Sphinx is the victory over death. The superposition of the four meridians gives a completely new and fantastic result.

Jesus Christ made the ascension in the Rainbow Body. This is the victory over death. Kalagia! Vijaya!

The feat that Jesus Christ accomplished is the only case when the Halachic Jew was able to achieve immortality. No rabbis and Kabbalists dreamed of this!

Although, it would be more accurate to say that Jesus Christ is the Himalayan Yogi-Siddh and the Mahatma of Shambhala.

Shambhala is a special place where the Cosmos of Space and the Cosmos of Time come to unity. Twelve qualities, the unity of the analyzers of sight, hearing and mind. The wisdom of life, not bound by any clichés.

Semipolarity and twelvepolarity are closest to Nature. There is a chance for Immortality here.

The development of internal multipolarity in a Human takes place in the form of the formation of the chakra system. These are systemic and structural superpositions of psychophysiological states that give rise to the effects of synergy, synesthesia and extrasensory perception.

But most people dream mainly of some kind of a single, higher and non-competitive and unipolar state - for them this will be God, the Absolute and the entire Cosmos. You need to be able to jump over this globalism and gain wisdom - then there will be a chance for further existence …

I learned who Ushana was from the Bhagavad-Gita. Ushana kawi, which means poet-thinker, bard.

He lived about five thousand years ago and is one of the heroes of the Mahabharata.

And nowadays, the concept of a bard was somewhat forgotten and was associated more with dissidents and a bohemian get-together. But thanks to the books by Vladimir Megre about the Siberian hermit Anastasia, the concept of "bard" has regained its original meaning. Bards began to appear - philosophers and ascetics, seeking perfection, wishing to change this world for the better.

One of these bards was the Almaty physicist Yuri Yurutkin. I first learned about it from the artist Alexander Zhukov-Tao in 2000.

I will write more about him in my article "Yuri Yurutkin - physicist, bard, jol Kalagi" …
