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The Jews rejoiced early in the victory over Russia! I'm sure their penetration into the Kremlin was falling into a trap
The Jews rejoiced early in the victory over Russia! I'm sure their penetration into the Kremlin was falling into a trap

Video: The Jews rejoiced early in the victory over Russia! I'm sure their penetration into the Kremlin was falling into a trap

Video: The Jews rejoiced early in the victory over Russia! I'm sure their penetration into the Kremlin was falling into a trap
Video: How does your body process medicine? - Céline Valéry 2024, April

Get ready, friends, to read a long text. You can also stock up on popcorn to habitually combine good with bad. Or you can place a bottle of cognac next to the computer screen, you suddenly want to "take it on your chest" out of excess of feelings!

I'll start, perhaps, with the news that I just learned, after writing my long "interview" Iranian site Here's what I saw on Israeli site literally an hour ago:


A source

How do you like this news?

The main achievement of this revolution is "90% of all property in Russia belongs to 1% of the population of Russia!"


And this super-rich 1% of the population of Russia is, of course, Jews!

For those who have already choked on popcorn, I repeat, this news was published by an Israeli website

Well, now read the news from Anton Blagin:

Thanks to the Internet, Russia and Iran can be allies in the fight against global evil, not only at the level of the presidents of the two countries, but also at the level of ordinary people

One of these days my old dream has come true - to find in Muslim Iranlike-minded people, associates and loyal allies in the fight against religious extremismwho also know Russian. Why am I so interested in Iran? This southeastern state was founded in ancient times by the same aryans, whose ancestral home is my dear Arctic, denoted on ancient maps of the world as "Hyperborea"- the northern land, located beyond the line of the Arctic Circle.

An ancient map showing the location of the ancestral home of the Aryans - Hyperborea:


Reference: "The modern name of Iran" Irɒ́n "(Pers. ايراﻥ) through the Middle Persian word Erān goes back to the Avestan word Airyāna, which is formed from the self-name of the ancient Indo-Iranians -" arya "and is either the adjective" Aryan country "or the genitive" Country of the Aryans ". A source.

Literally 2 days ago, I received a letter from this southeastern state:

My answer:

Hello Hussein! I am very glad to meet you and the site of the NGO "Istina", besides, I have long wanted to find friends in Iran, and suddenly you found yourself! Five years ago I met and made friends with one very worthy citizen of Iran, who was then living in Moscow and for several years fulfilled the mission of Iranian ambassador to Russia. His name is Reza Sajjadi and he now lives in Iran. Unfortunately, I had to communicate with him only through translators, because he did not speak Russian, and I do not know the Farsi language, which the Iranians speak. Despite the fact that our contacts were rare, they still left a bright mark in my work. An example of this is an article I wrote in 2013 "Impossible is possible!" … In it, I said, firstly, that the unification of believers of different religious confessions is possible even if the spiritual leaders of a particular denomination suddenly take the path of evil - they will serve the "biblical enemies of the human race", as I call the same mentioned You are the Zionists.

In Islam, right in the "Koran", it is written that some Christian priests even at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him!) Collaborated with the Jews and thus served the "sons of Iblis", about which in the Christian scripture, in the "Bible", it is said literally the following: "slander from those who say of themselves that they are Jews, but they are not, but a congregation of Satan" (Bible, Revelation, 2: 9). Accordingly, the people cannot have confidence in such priests who build some kind of relationship with the Jews.


Secondly, I told in my article that the Iranian Ambassador to Russia and my friend Reza Sajjadi was a participant in the IX Congress of Muslims, which was held in the city of Ufa in 2012. From the rostrum of this congress, he reminded Muslim leaders what Zionism is, what a danger this movement poses to humanity, and what kind of "clothes" Zionists like to dress up in disguise so that ordinary people cannot recognize them. Subsequently, I have repeatedly used those words of Reza Sajjadi in my publications as an example of the correct civil position that all Muslims, without exception, should take.

A full five years have passed since then. All this time I was in a spiritual search for an answer to the question, how humanity can resist the world's evil, who turned the life of all the peoples of the planet into a kind chesswhere some human figures "white" (Almighty, Allah is literally the "heavenly father" of these people), and other human figures - "black" (their father and idol according to the Bible is "the devil", he is also an evil spirit "Iblis", according to the Koran).

Actually, the purpose of Christ's teaching is to tell about this alignment of forces in the world field!

Yes, yes, if someone still does not know! The meaning of Christ's teachings, set out in the four Gospels, is not at all that to plant some traditions among the peoples (for example, to teach Russian people to paint chicken eggs for Jewish Easter) and not to establish endless church holidays (one by one, or even two for each day of the calendar), and not in giving all unfortunate people the idea that "here on earth everything will always be bad, but in Paradise, where the righteous go after death, everything will be fine!"

This is all empty, and not from Christ that came, but from those priests who actually do not have God in their souls.

In fact, the CENTRAL PLACE in Christ's teaching is the idea that THE WORLD IS IDENTITY OF THE FIELD, on which, like plants, various peoples grow, born by God the Creator, and among these different peoples, once upon a time, one very cunning villain (Iblis, the devil) planted "seeds of evil", which, when sprouted, became "two-legged weeds" in the image of man, "tares", in fact, "enemies of the human race."

These "two-legged weeds", visually almost indistinguishable from ordinary people, have from birth a devilish attitude, written in their blood at the level of genetic memory - "to devote their whole life to the struggle with the Creator God through the struggle against the peoples created by Him."

The task of Christ the Savior, who was born once on earth, was primarily to bring to the people of the whole world "good news" that the terrible evil sown on the earth WILL NOT do its evil deeds forever! One day it will be DESTROYED physically, literally BURNED BY FIRE, just as an ordinary peasant usually burns all the weeds in his field when he prepares the land for a new sowing of useful crops.

Since then, as I once realized myself as a person led by the Most High in life, and this happened in 1996, I do not get tired of telling all believers: "Look what is written in the Bible, if you do not believe me that EVERYTHING is TRUE, what am I saying!"

And there, in the Bible, the following is written:

Thanks to this kind person for expressing this idea. It is immediately clear that this is an enlightened person who already understands that the birthplace of a terrible evil, which is spoken in unison by both the Bible and the Koran, is in Switzerland … In the same place, in Switzerland, the idea of ZIONISM was born, which was supported in 1897 by the first "World Congress of Zionists", held in the Swiss city of Basel. But the idea of this kind person is, unfortunately, a utopia today. He wrote: "What prevents our country now, and with certain actions and not only it alone, to demand at least compensation from Switzerland for its so-called" neutrality "during the Second World War and for the revolution of 1917 … Right now, our President Putin, there is a very opportune moment to announce to the whole world who the Zionists are with the "chosen people" …"

Unfortunately, today very few people imagine in what difficult conditions Vladimir Putin is able to keep Russia afloat, and that he should not let the forces of evil, which work for the collapse of Russia from outside and from within, to drag our country into another World War, to which the leaders The West has long been prepared.

Yes it's true! A united Europe, plus the United States and Japan, which have a "joint nuclear program in case of war" (chess king Bobby Fischer once told the world about this), have been waiting for a favorable moment for them for more than 10 years to launch a military attack on Russia. which, they say, by its existence poses a threat to all of them, as the Soviet Union once allegedly carried a threat to all of them. Well, so that the population of Western countries clearly perceives this military attack on Russia as a kind of "saving mission", Russian President Vladimir Putin some have already comparedwith the new Adolf Hitler!

I will note only two reasons why for Putin it is tantamount to suicide to take that step in order to declare something similar to the whole world

First, among Russians and residents of other countries, only a small fraction of people "have ears", that is, the ability to HEAR IT! My early example with the so-called "believing Christians", 99.9% of whom today are not able to hear and understand WHAT is the main thing in the teaching of Christ the Savior, clearly shows that the consciousness of millions of people has to be prepared for a very long time to receive such information. Otherwise, this information will simply not be heard and understood by the peoples of the planet and the Russians as well.

Secondly, few of those who listened to Vladimir Putin's speech at a press conference held on December 14, 2017 in Moscow realized that, as President of Russia, he was forced to work "like a galley slave." in a very narrow and cramped corridor of the opportunities provided to him.

Who gave Vladimir Putin these very limited opportunities for practical work as President of Russia?

The people?

Only naive people believe in this. The election of the President of Russia is a kind of show, a tribute to the tradition of "democracy" imposed on us all in order to show the people that the Constitution of the Russian Federation is formally observed, in which the following is spelled out in Article 3:

Well written, isn't it ?! Earnestly! At the same time, we must not forget the following, about which there is not a word in the Constitution:

1. The entire economy of Russia and, accordingly, the well-being of the multinational people of Russia DEPENDS DIRECTLY on the financial policy of such a powerful organization as "Central Bank of Russia"and on the credit interest rate that he, the "Central Bank", sets for other commercial banks of Russia, issuing loans to the population and enterprises, including state-owned. And the "Central Bank of Russia" itself is actually INDEPENDENT from the bodies of the Russian state power!And this was confirmed right at his last press conference by Vladimir Putin.

Details of why the "Central Bank of the Russian Federation" is independent of any government bodies of Russia can be found in the Internet article "THE PRINCIPLE OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA'S INDEPENDENCE":

2. Neither the President of Russia Putin nor any other power of Russia (legislative, executive or judicial), according to the law "On the Central Bank", has the right to influence the interest rate on loans provided by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to other commercial banks that issue loans to the population and enterprises, including and the state, although it is obvious that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation by its credit policy is driving the multinational people of Russia literally into bondage.

For example, here is the average fixed rate on mortgages provided to citizens for the purchase of housing in a number of countries:

Japan -1.68%

Switzerland - 1.75%

Finland - 1.83%

Germany - 1.90%

Luxembourg - 2.00%

Data from RBC.

Let's think about it! Nearly three quartersfinancial wealth of Russia is the private property of some people who make up 1%of the total number of Russians. And the remaining quarter of the big "money pie" divided "by concepts" is the financial resources from which Vladimir Putin and his team of state managers must pay wages to able-bodied citizens of Russia for the work done, pensioners - old-age pensions, while still funding Russian science, education, health care, culture, maintain and update the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and so on.

At the same time, it sometimes happens that the current head of the Russian Government, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, can easily tell the people: "No money, but you hold on there!"

If we talk not about financial wealth, but about real estate, then everything is the same 1%some "exceptional" and, presumably, very talented in the field of entrepreneurship, Russian citizens owns as much 90%all the property that only exists in Russia!

This was announced recently at an economic forum by Konstantin Babkin, a Russian businessman and politician, chairman of the Federal Council of the WFP Party of the Delo, president of Novoe Sodruzhestvo LLC and the Rosspetsmash association:

So it turns out that Vladimir Putin, popularly elected in the elections for the post of President of Russia (this will happen for the fourth time in 2018), is actually just manageron the management of the Russian people within the framework of those severely limited financial and other opportunities, which provided him back in 2000 with about one and a half million exceptionally rich "thieves in law" (this is the same 1% population of Russia), which after "perestroika" (or rather, after the collapse) of the USSR now own - 90% from all the property available in modern Russia and 71% all financial resources currently available in Russia.

In other words, Vladimir Putin today still plays the role of a "galley slave" under the oligarchs, which he had at the beginning of his political career.


Photo of the 90s of the twentieth century. In the foreground is the mayor of "bandit Petersburg" A. Sobchak, behind V. Putin.


Anatoly Chubais (center) to his right Vladimir Putin. Feast in honor of the new 1999.

When the people asked the President of Russia Putin directly: "When will Chubais go to jail?" - the main swindler among the young reformers of the 90s, who then played the role of the main "privatizer" of the former state property of the USSR, then Vladimir Vladimirovich, who knew A. Chubais very closely, gave "Direct line" in 2013, a very evasive answer:

As "THEY (A. Chubais and his team "gravediggers of communism") changed the entire structure of the Russian economy ", we all now see, but how "THEY changed the TREND OF DEVELOPMENT", it is clear from the formula: “1% of the elite owns 90% of all property in Russia”!According to Vladimir Putin, "Someone had to do it!"

In my opinion, it is hypocrisyand blasphemyin relation to the people who suffered huge human losses in the Second World War for the sake of freedom and independence of their Motherland. And what the Russian people have today, in the language of the criminal world, is called nothing more than a "raider seizure" committed on a national scale.

I am not telling all this today in order to somehow discredit Vladimir Putin before the new presidential elections in 2018. On the contrary, I have said and will continue to say that Putin is the last hope of Russians for a peaceful and prosperous life. I will say more: his mission is the following, prescribed by God himself - "to be the person who will restore justice on earth."

Another thing is whether Putin will take the risk of fulfilling this mission one day. That is why I say that he is the last hope of the Russians.

Unfortunately, the situation in Russia now is such that he himself, Putin, being limited by the scope of the opportunities allowed (granted) to him, CANNOT TELL THE PEOPLE THE WHOLE TRUTH! Therefore, I now speak this TRUTH for him, no matter how bitter it may be for the Russians! Thus, I am trying to help Vladimir Putin to do that, almost impossible, that he should do "according to his karma."

My new Iranian friends ask: "Exposing Zionism and the Jewish conspiracy against all humanity has a special place in your books and articles, which our readers are reading for the first time. What led you to the study of Zionism and the international Jewish conspiracy, which a rare writer risks exposing today."

I must note that oh Zionism and its "pernicious influence" is not necessary to speak in Russia now. And about existence "Jewish conspiracy" you can speak at a stretch! In fact, we do not have "Jewish", but Jewish conspiracydirectly related to the unique religion of the Jews - Judaism and its derivatives.

Zionism as a movement was also a conspiracy of influential Jews who lived mostly in England, Switzerland and Germany, and it was somehow connected with the idea of creating a "Jewish state" in Palestine, which was occupied by British troops at the beginning of the 20th century. Then, in the first third of the XX century, the head of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, became a loyal ally of the Zionists, who very actively contributed to the resettlement of Jews to Palestine. I talked about this in the previously mentioned article. "The Devil's Lair: The Truth About Switzerland, Zionism and the Jews".

Ultimately, Israel was created in 1948 in accordance with the decision of the "United Nations", which adopted a plan for the partition of Palestine (UN General Assembly Resolution No. 181).

What do we have in modern Russia?



"Jewish conspiracy"?

Not certainly in that way.

Take a look at these historical photos:


Who are these people in black suits and black hats?

They are Jews, representatives Jewish religious movement Chabadwhich is also called Lubavitch Hasidism.

Historical note: "The Chabad movement stands out sharply from other Hasidic movements for its special style. By the beginning of the 19th century, the Chabad movement numbered about 200,000 adherents. The movement was founded by Rabbi Shneur Zalman in 1772. Thanks to the efforts of the last leader of Chabad, Menachem-Mendel Shneerson, the teaching of Hasidic Judaism sense was spread in many countries of the world (including the countries of the former USSR), where as a result of the creation and development of Jewish communities."

The fundamental book on Chabad (and Hasidism in general) is the book "Tania"(Hebrew תניא) or Likutei Amarim (Hebrew ליקוטי אמרים).


President and twice Prime Minister of Russia D. A. Medvedev, under the leadership of the Hasidim-Chabadniks Berl Lazar and Alexander Boroda, comprehends the depths of Judaism.

So, the teaching of Hasidism set out in the book "Tania" is unique in that the rabbis use it to teach the Jews living in Russia: "Jews are an exception in this world! A Jew is a concept that stands above any categories! A Jew has a divine soul that distinguishes him from the entire created world! Each Jew, unlike a non-Jew, has two souls - a divine and an animal. The divine soul is hereditary and the exclusive property of any Jew, regardless of his spiritual level! "

In other words, only Jews are people, and other nations are like animals! Here is a visual proof of the statement written above:



There is "propaganda of the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on the basis of his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion …" from 23.11.2015) "On countering extremist activities" and is classified as “extremist activity”.

Well, since the teachings of Chabad "about Jewish exceptionalism", described in the book "Tania", is actively promoted by the rabbis among Russian and other Jews, who then act in relation to Russians of other nationalities accordingly, that is, as "goyim" who have only an animal soul, then here is an explanation for you, why I argue that it is a very long stretch to assert about a "Jewish conspiracy" in Russia.

This is primarily Jewish conspiracy! And most Jews just misled rabbis! They them believehow our Orthodox believers believe in the word of the priests of the "ROC"!

Jews believe rabbis that they have a right (due to its imaginary exclusivity) humiliate Russians as well as representatives of other indigenous nationalities of the Russian Federation, which they can rob them as a result of financial fraudulent schemes that they can even poison "goyim"like cockroaches by chemical additives specially introduced into childhood vaccinations and food, allegedly to improve their taste or to increase their shelf life, and so on.

And just recently, as they say, "I found a scythe on a stone!" Well found, with overclocking!

Among the "goyim" there were heroes who filed a statement with the Russian prosecutor's office demanding to recognize the "holy book" Tania as extremist materialthrough which the rabbis of the Chabad sect, led by Berl Lazarare winding up the brains of Russian Jews. As a result, these "goyim" -heroes succeeded, Roman Yushkov, one of the coordinators of the Perm public campaign against Jewish extremism, told on camera:

The situation with "Tania" personally reminds me of a chess "zugzwang" - a situation in which any opposition provided by anyone to the Perm initiative group, which has every reason to demand from the Russian judicial authorities to recognize the book "Tania" as extremist material, will only worsen the stability of the sect's position Chabad-Lubavitch in the legal field of Russia and also cast a shadow of shame on the entire system of Russian justice

At the same time, this situation cannot hang in the air indefinitely. If the Russian justice system refuses to fulfill its direct responsibilities, then President Putin himself will be obliged to answer for Rabbi Berl Lazar, the head of the Chabad movement in the Russian Federation, whom, by the way, he personally awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland. the shape of the cross, as noted by the Israeli media:


A source


It seems to me that this approach of the Jews from the Chabad-Lubavitch sect to themselves was initially on the part of Putin his next "cunning plan", the purpose of which was to turn everything so that even people far from politics would see their sight and see with their own eyes confirmation of the correctness of the words spelled out in the Bible: "… slander from those who say about themselves that they are Jews, and they are not, but a congregation of Satan." (Bible, Revelation, 2: 9).

We are now waiting for the denouement of this story, I hope, even before the election of a new President of Russia. And at the same time, we are preparing to re-elect Vladimir Putin for a new, fourth term with the hope that he is the very person who will be at the origins of the restoration of justice on earth!

Always very cautious and very prudent Jews, this time they hit Tanya big! When their fundamental book is included in the list of extremist materials of the Russian Ministry of Justice, Chabad, which has seized the Kremlin and is already triumphant over the Russians, will be outlawed! And I think that simply "deportation" these Jews will not do, there is something in the Bible about "fiery furnace" written. Hope you read …

December 19, 2017 Murmansk. Anton Blagin

P. S

Reply from Iran:

Hello, dear Anton Pavlovich! Thank you very much for your valuable work! The article is excellent and fundamental. And this is the answer to our first question: 1) "Exposing Zionism and the Jewish conspiracy occupies a special place in your books and articles that readers will get to know them almost for the first time. Which led you to the study of Zionism and the international Jewish conspiracy, which not every writer dares to write such a truth?"

If possible, if it's not difficult for you, dear Anton Pavlovich, please answer very briefly in several sentences to our other questions under numbers 2, 3 and 4. Now these are very important topics, and we would very much like to hear and convey your valuable thoughts to the world community about these questions. We ask you very much!

2) Recently we have witnessed very important events in the international arena, the most important of which is, of course, the announcement of a complete victory over ISIS in Syria. How do you assess this victory? What does this mean for the world community and all of humanity?

3) Another, no less important event is the transfer of the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Are these two events coincidental or are they related to each other? What is the reason for the transfer of the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

4) More than 70 years since the Zionists occupied Palestine. Zionists kill or wound and arrest innocent Palestinians almost every day. But the world community is indifferent to this Zionist occupation. What do you think is the way out of this conflict?

Thank you very much!

My answer:

Hello Hussein. To your third question, my answer is the article "Say a word about the ancient Jews …"I just start it with the words: "This article is my response to the statement of US President Donald Trump, who announced to the whole world a few days ago:" The United States officially recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and begins the process of moving the American embassy there - now it is in Tel Aviv ".

On the fourth question, I will say this. Zionism is an integral part of Judaism, about which the Christian Bible very well and accurately says: "slander from those who say of themselves that they are Jews, but they are not, but a congregation of Satan"(Bible, Revelation, 2: 9).

You cannot win a victory over Zionism without winning a great victory over JUDAISM as a whole! And to win Judaismas a devilish religion based on the worship of the devil god, no country in the world alone can! This is possible only with the whole world, that is, within the framework of all mankind. For this to happen, the overwhelming majority of people, including millions of Jews deceived by the rabbis, must realize how terrible evil is the "Jewish faith" - Judaism!

To help people comprehend the essence of this struggle with evil, I recently wrote a number of articles, among which I will highlight two: "There is no religion more vile than Judaism!": and "Who will save the Jews when the world finds out what they have done?":

The second question you asked is the most difficult one.

There are a lot of MEANINGS in the war in Syria, during which Russia, led by Putin, fought for many months against the terrorist organization "ISIS", the very name of which "Islamic State" was invented by villains to discredit Islam !!!

Popular rumor says that there is a prophecy of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, who has died long ago, who allegedly once said that World War III would begin "when Syria falls," and while "Syria has not yet fallen", a fragile peace will remain.

I know that the Zionists, being religious fanatics in the worst sense of the word, place great emphasis on symbols and prophecy. It is quite possible that when well-known events began in Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to do everything to "Syria did not fall" … And he succeeded.
