Do not ahay in vain
Do not ahay in vain

Video: Do not ahay in vain

Video: Do not ahay in vain
Video: "Happy" Childhood in the USSR. Soviet Myths Debunked. Myth 16 2024, September

"Your advice is good for everyone, except for one thing - you can't use it."

Theosophists call him the Supreme Self, the Silent Observer or the Great Master. In the Order of the Golden Dawn, he is called a Genius. The Gnostics call the Logos. The Egyptians say Asar Un-nefer. Zoroaster speaks of the unification of all these symbols in the form of Leo. The Chaldean Oracles also gossip about Leo. Anna Kingsford calls him Adonai (Dressed in the Sun). Buddhists call him Adi-Buddha - (speaking by HPB) Bhagavad-Gita calls him Vishnu (chapter XI). The I Ching calls him "The Great Man." In Kabbalah he is called Yehida.

Who do you think this is about? I suspect that a rare reader is familiar with the list of these names, perhaps never even heard of anything like this, but meanwhile, the person described in this way in different religions is unique not only for its functional feature in the world of gods and the world of people, but also bears a special difference from creatures like him. He is so famous that I have no choice but to try to explain who he is. Moreover, he himself, my GUARDIAN ANGEL, may help me in this difficult matter.

Today, most religions claim that the Guardian Angel is given only to those who are parishioners of precisely their point of view on the universe and its laws. They say, since you are not Orthodox, not a Buddhist or not a circumcised Jew, you will not see the patronage of the Academy of Arts for any price. And in general, before the advent of modern religions, people lived without his care, and the angels themselves led an idle life in heaven, being, as it were, in the reserve of the Supreme Commander. And only with the emergence of modern religions, as a special disposition of the Most High God, were given amulets to people in the form of higher beings attached to people and their souls, either as overseers, or as advisers, or as a kind of 911 service "Rescuers Malibu". All this interpretation is primitive and is designed for zombie people, completely unreasonable and illogical thinking. In fact, everything is much more interesting and the plan is grandiose, and AH himself is not only smart and courageous, but also carries his main essence - he is the assistant of the Most High God. The reader should understand that there is no Good, and there can be no ill-considered actions, Good is perfect and AX is a part of Good itself.

We ourselves do not suspect it, but when we say the word AH (!!!) with admiration, we turn to our Friend, telling him about a fact or phenomenon that struck us.

Being engaged in alternative history, I could not help but note that all the peoples of the world have legends about the AH and these legends are imbued with a sense of gratitude, respect, hope, but the main thing is the opportunity to communicate with their defender every second, at any moment, when the soul desires. However, the state of affairs is strange. Who prevents a person from communicating directly with God? The reader has the right to say, here you yourself, the author, in other works talking about the Cathars' faith, argued that an intermediary priest is absolutely unnecessary for communication with Good. And what are you doing now? Yes, I’m not Yulia, I’m my friend. I'm just trying to figure out for myself who many times saved me from rash acts and dire consequences. To understand at least an impulse of gratitude to my real friend, who does not seek self-interest or privileges in our communication, does not put me in a subordinate state, but simply comes to the rescue in my noble deeds and is contritely silent when my actions are far from his thoughts. Moreover, what I learned about the Academy of Arts boggles the imagination and the Russian chronicles convey to us the amazing facts of the Russian epic connected with this person. And the fact that he is a real person, I have no doubts, and I hope that after reading this miniature, the reader's doubts will disappear.

The iconography, which depicts the AH, spread in the 16-17 centuries, that is, at the break in history and the fall of the Slavic empire during the Great Troubles. Earlier this time, in Christianity, I could not find a single icon depicting the AH.

A young man dressed in a white tunic, sometimes in a tunic and a himation, with a mandatory cross and a drawn sword is not known in early Christianity. Nor is it in Byzantine art, but the Christianity of Rus came to us precisely from Byzantium. Various heavenly orders are written in this art quite often, but AH is not there.

Today, the princes of the church present us with interesting facts that do not correspond to logical research at all. Those who are familiar with my works know that the real life time of Jesus Christ and his prototype, the Byzantine emperor Andronicus Comnenus, is 1152-1185, and the history of mankind is artificially lengthened. Therefore, how the prayer, written by the Monk Macarius the Great "Holy Angel, stand before my accursed soul …", could end up (according to the assurances of the priests) already in the 4th century, I do not understand. The canon to the Guardian Angel, compiled by the Metropolitan of the Euchaist John Mavropod, is also interesting, allegedly in the 11th century. Taking into account Christian traditions, it is completely unclear to me what icon the believers were referring to, if before the 16-17 centuries, icons with the image of the AX are not observed a priori?

And then the 4th and 11th centuries are pre-Christian times, which means either the prayer and the canon were written at other times, and then pushed back along the chronological scale (which is quite often in history), or … AX is a pre-Christian event.

Church symbolism is rooted in historical mythology, far from the real epic. Nevertheless, one can understand mythology and see real people behind the allegories who lived in “biblical” times completely not far from us, which I attribute to the early Middle Ages. I have already written that all the events described in the Torah, the Old Testament, the Koran and other books are events of medieval Russia and they were written much later than the Gospels. It's just that they are swapped with the Gospels in order to get the antiquity that the priests need. After all, now there is an opinion that the older the church, the more correct its teaching. So the priests make their history grow older, relying on epochs and states that have never existed, completely forgetting that faith does not depend either on churches, or on times, or on its interpretations.

He ordered the cherubim and seraphim to be depicted on the cover of the Covenant Ark by Yahweh himself (more than a strange presence of the name of the Jewish god in Christianity !!!), which means that their face was revealed to Moses. This means that the icon painter who painted them was either Moses himself, or the one to whom Moses described the "verbal portrait" of the seraphim. The Lord sent the archangels to people, the angels were written by those who appeared to the shepherds, announcing the birth of the Savior of the world, those who announced to the Myrrh-Bearing Women the joy of the Resurrection. As you can see, everywhere there is symbolism and a mandatory phenomenon for people.

The symbolism of the Guardian Angel is not supported by anything - this is typically the head work of the icon painter, his "ideas". Not seen in the annals and spiritual books and the phenomenon of AH to people.

And the result was a symbolic personality, unaddressed for prayer and unfamiliar to believers in early Christianity. However, it is present in all religions of the world, albeit under different names.

Doubts also arise that everything in the world has its beginning, except for the Good God. This means the world of angels, when it was created. But here's the catch, there is no AH among them.

Artifice? Take your time, reader, I myself was shocked by what I saw, while studying the material. Let's doubt together for the time being about the AH, because the documents I have found will show completely different values of this person and we will see in him the PEOPLE who really existed in our history.

The situation is actually according to Kant: "Let only our idea be correct, and then, despite the presence of obstacles standing in the way of its implementation, it will not be impossible."

But the most surprising thing is that “antique” authors talk about the nature of the AX. Basic information about daimons (Roman "geniuses", a synonym for Christian angels in the ancient Greek classics are drawn from Plato's "Dialogues" "Post-Law", "Feast", "Apology of Socrates." Socrates in dialogues says that he is led by a "good demon" or genius, averting evil, and directing to good. Further, this "demon of Socrates" is identified with the God of Plato and the Neoplatonists. Apuleius, the ancient Roman philosopher-Platonist, commented on the idea of the "daimon of Socrates" in the book "On the God of Socrates" (De deo Socratis). reasoning about the nature of the "daimon" in Socrates and the existence of intermediate beings between gods and people.

But what, then, is the assertion of the priests of all religions that the AH is only in their jurisdiction? For example, Christianity claims that AH is given exclusively at the moment of baptism and nothing else.

In the dialogue "Post-Law", Plato calls daimons a kind of airy creatures that have the third and fourth ranks in the hierarchy of spirits and take their place after the stars and gods. Daimons, being something between gods and people, perform the functions of mediators (between gods and people) and therefore they should be especially revered in prayers. Daimon (genius) is assigned to a person from birth and accompanies him until his death. But Voltaire asserts the same. They that copied from each other or lived at the same time? Good philosophy, you will not say anything

Daimons of the fourth rank consist only of air and ether, and therefore "no matter how close they are to us, they remain indistinguishable." At the same time, they belong to the genus "able to learn quickly and have a good memory."

All daimons Plato calls "interpreters and interpreters of all things between themselves and the highest of the gods, given that the middle class of creatures can easily soar above the earth and in the entire universe." Daimons “undoubtedly must exist when it comes to the beliefs of individuals or entire societies that have their origin in communication with some of them - through the appearance in night dreams, oracles and prophetic voices, caught by both sick and healthy, or through what is revealed at the end life - and they were, and will continue to be the sources of many widespread cults. " Thus, individual daimons can act as deities of various cults.

These are the times! Plato contradicts Christianity, saying that AH is everywhere and in any people? But after all, everything that he said before completely coincides with the Christian doctrine and the doctrine of other religions.

What does this mean? Yes, that no "ancient" Plato existed, as well as Socrates. These are people either invented in the Middle Ages, or Christian philosophers who actually lived then, who perfectly understand that "Roman and Greek" mythology is a retelling of Russian events and part of the pantheon of God the Family. And now, read on the contrary, without the vowels, the word ROD - DR. This is exactly how the name of the Slavic God was written in ancient texts - GOOD, and without the letter B. Because BUKI is God, so why repeat it twice? They wrote either RD or DR. I hope the reader remembers that reading from left to right came to Russia quite recently from “enlightened Europe”? And earlier in Russia they read both this and that.

So I read many of the works of Plato and Socrates. I confidently declare that they were all written in the Middle Ages, focusing on the official words of the text. I asked if a linguistic examination of these works had ever been done. The answer was sent by cops from Italy, France, Brazil, Czech Republic and Russia.

To my surprise, law enforcement agencies have long been interested in Plato. It turns out that in the preparation of forensic experts, training of expert graphologists and expert linguists is carried out on the basis of the texts of Plato's works, and this is not done by accident. Back in the 19th century, Cesare Lambroso, the author of books on the categories of crime, insanity and genius, pointed to these texts as a clear falsification in chronology. That is, one time of writing of works is declared, and the author speaks in the language of the Middle Ages. And you should not be confused by daimons-demons and other tinsel. If we paint Plato's texts using the usual method of writing without vowels for the Slavs (MSKV, SNKT-PTRBRG, KRML, etc.), then a harmonious Russian speech emerges, later recorded in Latin. And this speech is medieval, about 12-13 centuries, that is, when Christianity appeared.

In other works, I said that until the 14-15 centuries the world spoke Russian and only with the collapse of the Slavic empire, on the basis of the invented “ancient Latin”, new languages appeared first in Europe, and then around the world. And this is due to the fall of Babylon (Russia-Horde, Great Tartary). And this is a time of troubles. As proof, I will cite the posthumous speech at the funeral of one of the Swedish kings of the 18th century, written in Russian, but in Latin letters. Look for it on the net, buddy, yourself - you will get unspeakable pleasure. There is an interesting word, which is also written in one of Peter's letters to Sweden - KAROLUS SWEISKY. Today he is revered for his Latin. They say, since ancient times, Carolian kings have sat on their thrones. In fact, we have before us a Russian word meaning KRLS or KARL ULUS. Explain?

Means like this: Karl is generally a man, about like a man, a man. To this day, there is an "ancient" German word "KARAL", which means a man, but the oldest in his family. It comes from the Russian KARLO or KARLO. Papa Carlo is just said twice by DAD. Perhaps the second interpretation is grandfather, elder.

Now ULUS. This is the clan community and the land belonging to it, as well as the name of the district, locality. This word is not Mongolian, but quite Russian and is found in the annals at every step when describing the possessions of the Russian Tsar Khan. Already in the 17-18 centuries, when the Tatar-Mongol yoke was invented, the ulus became almost a nomadic tribe.

In total, KAROLUS SVEYSKY is simply a prince-leader of his tribe, moreover, conquered by the Horde troops of Russia. But for the Romanovs he is already "my brother", since the Romanovs themselves are from princelings, and for Ivan the Terrible RYURIK, he is just a slave and a peasant family, which Ivanushka the sovereign informs him about in a letter that is still kept in the archives of the Stockholm Royal Museum.

So, an interesting picture arises, clearly indicating that the modern image of the Guardian Angel appears with Christian traditions, and at the beginning it has absolutely no wings. A young man is simply standing on the icon in the form described above.

It should be noted here that Christianity is not a separate religion, but the continuation of faith in GOOD RODA and Christ did not create a new faith in his name and did not set out the foundations of the faith of the Christian churches. He himself was baptized by John the Baptist, and not the first. And this means that the church was created by John, Christ only brought the Word of Good into it and showed the way to it. All churches will already create relatives of him by his mother, wife, the apostles, finally.

In general, Christianity gave life to all modern religions. Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy are just late forms of Christianity, which at its very beginning was called RULE (Greek Orthodox: ortho - right, and doxia - faith, not glory).

Just ask the priests why they are translating orthodoxy as Orthodoxy, a stupor of consciousness of professional believers will immediately come and the threat of penance is guaranteed to you. At its best, they will explain to you that this is a tradition. It's a good tradition to call mom a dad. Roughly like a man and a woman (a man with an udder). As you wish, but I do not agree with such a formulation of the question! I, you know, a womanizer, and my AH, can confirm this. I was never interested in bumblebees, even if they had at least three breasts on their foreheads. But hang your skirt on a bush, me and other normal men, like cats, will walk near sour cream. Nature! In any case, despite my advanced age, she still continues to take her own.

In general, in the 16-17 centuries, there were many innovations in iconography. For example, until this time, in Russia there is no image of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

The reader can of course exclaim indignantly:

- What are you talking about, author ?! But what about the Trinity of Rublev?

Let me smile, reader, and declare that you do not know the truth about the Holy Trinity. The fact is that in its modern form, the Trinity becomes known only during the Romanov seizure of the throne and Nikon's reforms of the Russian faith. That is, when the destruction of everything Russian begins, including the foundations of faith. The Old Believers to this day call the faith brought by the Romanovs as Judaizing Lutheranism and refer it to the heresy of Judaizers.

"Heresy of the Judaizers", a Jewish heretical movement in Ancient Russia in the last third of the 15th and early 17th century.

Among the most revered books in this sect, in addition to the Pentateuch of Moses (Torah), were the works of Anan ben David, Moses Maimonides and Al-Ghazali, as well as works on Kabbalah, astrology and other occult sciences.

As St. Joseph Volotsky, the founder of the sect, a certain Skhariya (surely not Zachariah?) "Studied every villainy of invention, sorcery and witchcraft, star law and astrology."

Since the 10th century, the Karaites had close ties with Constantinople. There were many Zristian sects in this city, including the Karaite center. In the XIV - XV centuries. Karaites became active in Byzantium, Turkey, Bulgaria and Western Russia, as well as in Europe subordinate to it..

The Byzantine-Turkish Judaizers were "Zionites" (this is where the roots of Zionism come from), the most zealous of the Karaites. large distances - geographical and temporal - between Asia Minor and the Balkans of the XIV century. and Great Russia XIV - XVI centuries. turn out to be overcome by a chain of interconnected Karaite communities - in the Crimea, Lithuania and Western Russia. Karaites lived on the Crimean peninsula and adjacent lands long before the XIV century. - at least, judging by the written data, no later than from the 2nd floor. XII century The North-Eastern Karaites received teaching literature and teachers from their Middle Eastern and Balkan co-religionists. " In the XII - XIII centuries. German rabbis in Regensburg received the works of the Karaites through Russia. The Crimean and Kiev communities constantly received religious literature and people knowledgeable in it from Constantinople. By the way, the Romanovs just came from these areas - the Hanoverian dynasty.

Before the heresy of the Judaizers, the Jewish sect of the Karaites had already undertaken their anti-Christian offensive against Russia in the XIV-XV centuries. This offensive can be seen in the strigolnik sect operating in Pskov, from which it is a stone's throw to Trokai in Lithuania - one of the main centers of the Karaites.

So again to the Trinity. The Trinity received its modern outline and interpretation precisely from the Zionists at the indicated times. Today, the ruble creation is explained to us in this way, but before the reforms of the Romanovs in Russia, the interpretation was different.

The image of the Trinity in Ancient Russia is not the hypostatic image of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but the image of the Trinity of Deity and Trinity of being. Simply put, Russia did not know any hypostases of God in three persons. Abraham generally saw three husbands at the Mamre oak. He has not seen any dove or son with his father. Judge for yourself the Lord appeared to him at the oak grove of Mamre, when he was sitting at the entrance to the tent, during the heat of the day”(Gen. 18: 1). Abraham suggested to the three angels, who appeared to him in the form of travelers: "Rest under this tree" (Gen. 18: 4).

So where did all this symbolism come from? After all, the Church Fathers initially asserted that "iconography depends on the Holy Fathers and only its artistic aspect belongs to the artist."

And here is the answer to my question: the image of the Trinity, in the form of the hypostases of God, is a purely artistic device. This is how the artist saw it, but this is just an embellished reality. And this is contrary to the rules of iconography. Now do you understand why the guardian angel has never been written before? He's just never been seen !!! And they did not represent him, as they did not represent the Trinity. The men who appeared to Moses are completely not described in any spiritual literature and they are simply indistinguishable from each other.

Someone simply needed to divide the trinity of the Good God into symbols, so that the peoples would cease to understand the essence of their God. And here you can twist it as you wish. Moreover, take the priests' admonition about the incomprehensible mystery of the Trinity at your word. Today, I already understand who the Trinity is and practically got to the answer. Of course, everything is more complicated and at the same time easier than we imagine today. However, all the Three Men who appeared to Moses (and this is a medieval Russian prince, not an invented biblical elder) are real characters of the Russian epic. If we discard the mythological history and know what happened in the 12-13th century, then everything falls into place. And about this we are told by the Russian bylina, which is impossibly distorted by the Zionists. However, this is the topic of a completely different miniature about the Trinity. The theme of this AH, but I can only tell about it by talking about the Trinity. It is important to understand that the image of AH is also presented by the artist and does not correspond to reality. However, the Commissioner Qatar said it in two, even though I am not a grandmother.

The icon "Fatherland", for example, presents us with the image of the Trinity as hypostatized. The "old denmi" from the prophecy of Daniel cannot be the Father - according to the Acts of the Great Moscow Council (chapter 43), He is the Son in the glory of the Divine, "he will also be at His second coming." The image of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove is legitimate only in the "Epiphany" plot.

The icon of the Old Testament Trinity, written by Rublev, is based on a sensual phenomenon, and, in the words of St. Iosif Volotskiy, in it "the one being of the Divine is worshiped and kissed." In other words, this icon is NOT CANONIC according to the modern laws of the church. However, it is accepted as a kind of rarity of antiquity, proving the decay of the faith itself. Remember the thesis "the older the history, the more to the right the religion"?

But what if before the Nikonian reforms there was a different understanding of the world? For example, in the Russian cities of the Golden Ring of Russia there are many symbols, and even the cross is a symbol of Christianity. Now, if you understand this, then everything falls into place. Rublev could not write just like that. He risked his head. In those days, icons were not sold on the ruins. Today it is not known what to buy, even though a Madonna with the face of a namesake singer. And in those days, one could lay down one's head for such cases.

The depiction of AH in the form of a young man is a purely artistic fiction. This has never existed. But how do you ask, you, your statement about your own guardian angel, whom you even invite to witness? That there is no AH?

There is! The fact of the matter is that there is and now I will introduce you to him. Just remember that it is much wider than the image to which you are accustomed. First, these are your ancestors, all from small to large, with their vast life experience and spiritual strength. Unfortunately, today the majority of people are “Ivans who do not remember their kinship”. So, turning to AH, you are turning to the experience of all your glorious family. It is he who, having traveled a long path of evolution, will be able to protect and save you in difficult times, warning you about the danger. These are your friend genes and what is transmitted with them to the body for communication with the soul. It was a good family, you live calmly and for a long time, but if it is different, then you yourself will correct the flaws of your ancestors.

And yet it is a pity to part with the image of this young man, which appeared in the 15-16 centuries. As usual, it's calmer with him. Wait reader, I didn’t say the most important thing, you may like it even more.

The genealogy of the Guardian Angel is still in the icon painting. It can be traced back to the 13th century, and possibly even earlier, but not like the earlier emergence of Christianity in the 12th century in Byzantium, where Jesus Andronicus preached.

Before you is a beautiful icon that gave life to the legend of AH !!!

"Appearance of the Archangel Michael to Joshua". A special role here was played by the icon of the Archangel Michael from the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (15th century). Of its 18 hallmarks, 6 reflect patronizing and punitive acts, 6 - saving and 6 more - the battle with Satan. Before us is none other than the Guardian Angel of "All Russia", with its functions and actions, but not in a direct, but in a figurative sense. The Moscow monument is becoming a kind of standard for Russia. The icon from Uglich is a confirmation of this, taking into account, of course, the "taste" changes of the 16th century. In turn, the Uglich Archangel is a reference image for the Kostroma and Yaroslavl isographers who worked together, from which they create frescoes of the Guardian Angel. On all the icons, AX looks like the Archangel Michael. He then became a type of a young man in white robes. He and our grandmothers and grandfathers united in him. He is the Archangel, ready to fight with evil spirits. Look at the Pillar of Alexandria, in the middle of Peter's Palace Square. Do you see your right hand raised? It previously contained a spear, which the Romanovs seized, instilling in Russia the Nikonian faith that came from the West. Before you is yours and my Guardian Angel killing Evil. Here he is on horseback, with the head of Peter the Great, stuck something like a disciple of Falcone, Madame Colo, here he is on the coat of arms of Moscow and other cities, here he is on icons in Russian churches.

Remember, reader, we are the Russian people. We all have the same root and we are all of the same KIND. Children are one GOOD. And in this sense, our intercessor is one for all and is ready to help everyone. Believe me, reader, that he will be in time everywhere, but he is not an advisor in bad things. Moreover, it is under his "command" that the souls of our ancestors come.

And remember the old Russian proverb: "AH and OKH don't give help when he is poor!"
