5G towers and CANCER: the link has been proven in rats. But fast internet
5G towers and CANCER: the link has been proven in rats. But fast internet

Video: 5G towers and CANCER: the link has been proven in rats. But fast internet

Video: 5G towers and CANCER: the link has been proven in rats. But fast internet
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As the next-generation 5G cellular network rolls out across the United States, many concerned scientists and health experts are sounding the alarm about the potential harm of immersing the environment in an ocean of high-frequency electromagnetic energy. This new technology will add another range of electromagnetic radiation to an already dangerously saturated atmosphere.

Cell phone manufacturers are downplaying the potential risks associated with this technology, as well as the relevance of research linking cell phones to brain cancer, and in 2017, the California Department of Health published new regulations aimed at helping people reduce their exposure to hazards. associated with the use of cell phones.

5G is already known to cause unusual health problems, and while many are working to thwart this massive project, new research is giving us deeper insights into the impact that cell tower radiation is already having on our health. The technology is far from harmless, and as scientists arguing about the potential harm with different viewpoints, more and more evidence is accumulating to suggest that it would be prudent to rethink our dependence on cellular technology and the 5G network being deployed.

“San Francisco firefighters say they began to experience many unusual side effects after 5G equipment was installed in and around their fire stations. Symptoms reportedly included memory problems and confusion. Firefighters say the symptoms stopped only after they were transferred to other fire stations where 5G equipment was not available."

And, alas, not only the firefighters have problems. Scientist Mark Steele claims that Gateshead, England has seen an increase in childbirth and other health-related problems since new wireless street lights were installed in the city. Miscarriages, stillbirths, nosebleeds, and insomnia are among other consequences that he has collected while collecting data from the city.

“We see more and more babies dying in the womb as repeaters are installed outside the windows of local residents' bedrooms. This is a humanitarian crisis,”Steele said.

Further evidence of possible harm comes from a recent study by the Ramadzini Institute, in which researchers confirmed what many have long suspected: the radiation from cell towers around us does indeed have serious biological consequences. The study conducted tests on rats placed in close proximity to cell towers, finally establishing a clear relationship with cancer.

“Researchers at the renowned Ramazzini Institute in Italy have announced that a large-scale study of laboratory animals exposed to normal levels of cell tower radiation throughout their lives has found cancer among them. The US National Toxicology Program's 25 millionth study of much higher levels of cellular radio frequency radiation also announced the discovery of the same rare form of cancer called cardiac schwannoma (neuroma) in male rats at an increased dose of radiation. In addition, the Ramazzini Institute study also found an increase in the occurrence of malignant (glial) brain tumors in female rats and precancerous conditions, including Schwann cell hyperplasia, in both male and female rats."

According to this study, the type of cancer found in rats is similar to the type associated with the effects of cell phone use.

“These tumors are of the same histotype as those observed in some epidemiological studies among cell phone users. These experimental studies provide sufficient evidence to revise the conclusions of the International Agency for Research on Cancer regarding the carcinogenic potential of radio frequency radiation to human health."

While some of those denying the issue are controversial over the safe radiation levels set by the FCC and the question of whether humans develop cancer at levels below these guidelines, other researchers note that the radiation from the current cell tower system already exceeds these limits. …

Moreover, as stated above, the rollout of 5G networks across the country has long since begun, and this technology could radically increase our exposure to cellular radiation, putting children and pregnant women at even greater risk than they are today.

“This study raises concerns that simply living near a cell tower would already pose a threat to human health. Governments need to take steps to reduce exposure to radiation from cell towers. The towers should not be located near schools, hospitals and houses where people live. Healthcare providers need to educate the public on how to reduce exposure to all wireless sources of RF energy - be it cell towers, cell phones or Wi-Fi in schools,”said David O. Carpenter, MD, former dean of the University of Albany School of Public Health. “This is especially urgent with today's plans to install small 5G towers every 300 meters on every street across the country. Increased exposure to them will increase the risk of cancer and other diseases such as hypersensitivity to electromagnetic radiation."
