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The global deception of modern medicine
The global deception of modern medicine

Video: The global deception of modern medicine

Video: The global deception of modern medicine
Video: The Real Reason People Are Giving Up on Work | America’s Labor Crisis Livestream 2024, April

Modern medicine with all its medicines, ultra-modern devices, lasers and computers and a large army of scientists doctors, practically does not solve the main problem of people - getting rid of diseases. Why do diseases progress faster than medicine, who benefits from the fact that the number of medicines and the number of diseases is growing? Let's figure it out together.

Personal experience of one doctor: Why did I leave medicine

I am a doctor, a surgeon. More than 20 years in medicine. In short, in strokes, then most of life is a prosperous, one might say, standard course of events. The "average" family: father is a military man, mother is a doctor. School, medal, medical institute, diploma with honors, 3 years of work in the "outback" in a small regional hospital and in the specialty and plugging holes in the staffing table.

I had to visit both a therapist and a neuropathologist-psychiatrist, a blood transfusion doctor, and ophthalmology, and was on duty at night for all specialists. It was not easy, but very interesting. I remember these three years with pleasure.

Then work in a world famous research institute and the realization of a dream - surgery, microsurgery. Ph. D. thesis defense. A lot of interesting work, unique operations. Remarkable people nearby - teachers, colleagues, patients. When I met her new patients, she always said: “There are three of us now - you, me and the disease. Who will you be with? If with me, then there will be two of us at the same time, and it will be easier to cope with the disease. In general, I loved my work, I considered it my calling. I have never regretted my choice. And I could not imagine life without surgery.

And a few years ago I left my beloved and successful surgery, unfinished doctoral dissertation and bewildered colleagues. She left deliberately, calmly, without regret. I am not ashamed of the life I have lived, but I have started a new one. My beloved mother, my friend and advisor, observing the changes in me, in my life, not yet understanding what was happening, said: “I have the impression that you have been going for this all your life.” Yes, now I firmly know that this is exactly the case.

What changed my life so dramatically?

The fact is that my considerable experience, mentality and simple observation made me draw some disappointing conclusions about my profession a long time ago."

1. Medicine forces you to constantly violate the main commandment of the physician - do not harm ("non nocere")! Where is the exit?

2. The entire history of human diseases and healing has a disappointingly constant vector (character): despite all the new achievements of medical science, there are more and more unsolved issues, more and more people are suffering, there are fewer healthy newborns, long-forgotten "defeated" diseases return, completely new. I would say some kind of endlessly bleak vector. Why? When and how will it end?

3. All medicine is based on imperfect diagnostic methods. There is none that is 100% reliable. And on such "floating" data the physician has to draw conclusions, make recommendations, make responsible decisions. I have the right?

4. The pharmaceutical business with an avalanche of new drugs itself constantly leads to new problems in treatment, causing incompatibility of drugs, side effects and complications from these drugs. Is there an alternative?

5. Every physician is faced with the "miracles" of recovery, when a doomed patient "suddenly" recovers, then with "fatal" cases, when the successful course of treatment "suddenly" acquires an uncontrollable catastrophic character. Where are the explanations for all these "suddenly"? How can we resist this?

6. The main issue of treatment remains unresolved - the cause of the disease. Microbes, viruses, genes, atherosclerosis … for some reason infect some and "do not touch" others. Immunity, stress, ecology, age and heredity - these are the "universal" explanations for all occasions, which are sometimes like a lifesaver for a doctor. But then why, for example, during a flu epidemic, a strong one with normal immunity can get sick, and a flimsy one with a reduced one is healthy. Why, given the same data, one has a heart attack after a heart attack (tumor, diabetes), while the other has nothing. Why does a boy who rescues a baby drowning in ice have neither bronchitis nor pneumonia, and a hardened kayaker who falls into cold water during training dies "from hypothermia." Why are all the efforts of modern medicine in the fight against infertility so often unsuccessful? But a young woman after several miscarriages, in order to give birth, lay in the hospital for the entire pregnancy. And the next pregnancy she spent quite happily on the run and caring for her first child. And she gave birth to her second child, "without noticing." Why healthy spouses have a disabled baby. Or there are no children at all. And the "lady" with bad habits, with health problems, who has neither a family, nor a comfortable home, nor the desire to raise numerous offspring - child after child. How many unanswered "why".

7. Narrow specialization - both the necessity and the trouble of medicine. The understandable desire to deepen knowledge in a particular area has its downside - the loss of the overall "picture" of the disease. And the classy narrow specialist, figuratively speaking, the "surgeon of the big toe of the left foot" simply cannot physically see (remember, know) other health problems of his patient. But in the body, everything is interconnected.

8. The "area of interest" of medicine is limited and does not cover all health problems. For example, such centuries-old problems as the evil eye or damage (as esotericists and psychics say - energetic introduction) do not fall into the sphere of influence of medicine. Whether medicine wants to admit it or not, completely different "structures" cope with such a misfortune. And honest doctors, not finding the slightest deviation in a young healthy, but "languishing" person, admit that only God knows what is the reason and what to expect next. And more and more often the patient is sent to the "grandmothers" or the priest.

And what really did not fit into my head at all was a new "explanation" of the reasons for the increased frequency of unexpected deaths of people (children), death against the background of a prosperous state. "Sudden (child) death syndrome" - this is how the admission of doctors in their helplessness now looks. Simply put, doctors write that a person suddenly died for some unknown reason. This is what they call - we have arrived.

9. Vaccinations are a full-scale disgrace of medicine, put in a number of countries, including ours, at the state level. Active and unjustified interference in the nature of a person, a child, with grave consequences. Who will answer?

10. Every physician more than once in his life is forced to say: "we are powerless." And it doesn't matter if he says this to a hopeless patient, to the parents of a sick child, or to himself, while maintaining the illusion of help in the person so as not to kill hope. A lie to the rescue? And how to look into the eyes of this person or the parents of such a child?

11. As an ophthalmologist, I have long wanted to understand what "good" or "evil" eyes mean. What are the criteria for identifying them? And what is the difference between a "sincere" person, with whom it is so comfortable to communicate, from a "soulless" person, with whom you avoid contacts with all your might? How to react to such statements of patients as: "it became easier in the Soul", "the stone fell from the Soul"? Or "cats scratch their souls", "hard on the soul" …? And what does "insane" mean? What is Soul? Where is? Why is there not a word about her in the medical institute, if human life is so connected with her?

And then there is the statement of Academician N. Amosov, respected by me: "… Do not rely on medicine. It treats many diseases well, but it cannot make a person healthy …" After I read from L. Tolstoy: "Taking care of your body has no end and … people who take care of their bodies with the help of medicine not only forget about the lives of other people, but also about their own "(!!!)

Having no answers to these questions and not seeing an alternative, I postponed these problems "for later." Like Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind (I'll think about it tomorrow)

True, she tried to recommend in some cases "non-traditional" medicine, but backed down, making sure that there were limited opportunities and paragraph 10 is no exception. And even charlatans - darkness!

I always wanted understanding in everything, especially in my profession. I do not recognize thoughtless, stupid adherence to "norms."

Put everything on the "shelves", and then act. This is for me.

I also always wanted the opportunity to help everyone who asks for help.

Also - mutual understanding and kindness in relationships between people.

And also - support, such that nothing is ever scary.

An amazing thing, I found all this: understanding, support, opportunities, and people who are at the same time. Probably, according to the principle "who wants, he will achieve, who seeks, he will always find."

Now I know how to really help cope with any disease, there are no restrictions on the diagnosis. And for this you do not need to hurt, poison with anesthesia, drugs, deprive the joy of life with the bans of fresh air and sun or strict diets.

True, for the sake of such opportunities, it was worth shaking up your life, finding the strength in yourself for cardinal changes. And leaving work, from a prestigious place is not a sacrifice. And not the betrayal of their patients. Against. Now I have incomparably more opportunities to help.

Yes, for this I had to rearrange from head to feet a lot, which, without hesitation, followed for many years. To do this, I had to honestly look at my whole past life. I had to sort out the priorities. Reform your life position. And try to stand firmly on it.

Of course, they helped me. I am not a loner, I have like-minded friends with me, people who hold the same positions. And now in my vocabulary there are no words "suddenly", "lucky", "why", "amazing coincidence", "terrible injustice", "why" … Because everything in our life is natural. And there are no coincidences. Everything has a reason. And you can always find it. Find and eliminate. And cause and effect. And more importantly, a warning.

The understanding of the causes of disease has changed. The possibilities for help have changed.

I realized that medicine is trying to eliminate not the causes, but the consequences of diseases.

When my views on diseases, their causes, on the possibility of help came into conflict with those in medicine, I left it. I do not want to live by double standards and I will not.

Attitude towards medicines and medicines

About medicines. What it is? - Chemicals that affect the biochemical processes of the body. It would seem, what else is needed for health?


To understand the limited action of drugs, you need to answer the question "at what level do they work?" And then remember where diseases come from - where are their causes.

The place of action of any medicine is the human body, our material shell. And the cause of any disease is at a subtle level - the level of the soul, the level of the spirit. You can neither see it, nor touch it with your hands. By definition, medicines cannot reach this subtlest spiritual level. Neither physiotherapy, nor phytotherapy, nor acupuncture, nor homeopathy, nor bioenergetics, nor any other physical influences from the outside will be able to reach the causal level.

Medicines work to treat the symptoms of the disease, and in many cases they do a really good job of doing this. But - I repeat! - they do not eliminate the cause of the disease, so it continues to act. In this case, at any moment the disease is ready to return, or a new disease comes in its place, which may be more severe and prolonged than the previous one.

Eliminating the manifestations of the disease, drugs only interfere with finding the real cause of the disease and realizing it. Medicines prevent us from learning to live right, choose the right thing, and do the right thing. Instead of figuring out what our act caused the disease and never doing it again, we swallow the pill, eliminate the symptom, and don't care about anything else. And after a while we again stand on the same rake - we sin again and again pay with diseases for it. And so on, on, on …

And this will continue until the real cause of the disease is found and realized - the thought or deed that led to it, and what gave birth to them - the inner vice. If we find and understand the real reason, we will no longer need the pills. Because if we have the strength to find it, then we will have the strength to cope with diseases without pills.

Combining two approaches: first - to realize the cause of the disease and ask God for forgiveness, and then - to continue taking medications to eliminate the manifestations of the disease - living by double standards. Here you will have to choose - either to live according to the Laws of the Creator, or to trust medicines and hospitals. Combining will be deceit.

It was not God who created medicines - these are artificially synthesized substances that are alien to the multifaceted harmony of the natural world. Medicines carry information foreign to a living organism. And, in fact, people have not fully understood the mechanisms of their action on the body. Not surprisingly, all drugs have so many side effects. Anyone who looks into the annotation for almost any medication can be sure of this. Diseases caused by medications are called medicinal by doctors.

If with the help of drugs and it is possible to treat one disease, they give rise to a whole bunch of new ones, which again need to be fought. Thus, a vicious circle is formed, which can only be broken by non-drug means.

On the other hand, synthetic drugs, interfering with the internal natural harmony of the body, disrupt its normal work and lead to a state of disharmony with the surrounding World. This creates obstacles to healing.

Natural preparations do not harm the body, and even help. But the main task - elimination of the cause of the disease - is also not solved. These funds can be used auxiliary (for example, a lot of tea with raspberries or lindens during a cold), to a certain extent they can speed up recovery, but considering them the main means means not understanding the main thing - it is not drugs that heal, but life according to the Laws of the World - according to the Laws of the Creator, having understood and following them, one can generally live without diseases.

One can believe a thousand times in miraculous medicines and drugs, in their "magical healing power", sometimes belief in recovery - but not drugs! - works wonders.

Emergency conditions

What if a person has an open fracture, cardiac arrest, or some other cataclysm? It is clear that one had to think about the reasons earlier. But if this has already happened, what to do? Of course, stop bleeding, do artificial respiration, set the bone, apply a cast and everything else that is necessary in this situation. Emergency assistance is not canceled.

In such cases, they either call an ambulance or go to the emergency room themselves. But turning to doctors in such a situation does not negate the need to understand WHY the fracture occurred. It is important to understand that in solving any problem (be it allergies or cerebral palsy), the patient's (or his mother's) faith and a well-formed coordinate system that will allow making the right decisions and going relatively smoothly play a huge role in success. If it is, then you can cope without a doctor in absolutely any situation. If not, you could die from the flu. If a person is sure that cancer cannot be cured without chemotherapy, then this person will not cure him, and this path is not offered to him - he simply cannot follow it.

If an understanding wakes up in a person, then he will no longer be able to take a pill, even if something terrible has happened, because there is nothing worse than driving the disease inside himself for this person.

“If biologists and doctors had an idea even about the discoveries in the field of quantum physics, they would have looked differently at human diseases and health. exploring in great detail the mechanisms of this machine, which include hormones, cytokines, growth factors, tumor suppressors, etc., continue to ignore the role of energy in vital processes.

Traditional biologists believe that the mechanics of our physical bodies can be understood by studying the chemical building blocks of cells. From their point of view, the biochemical reactions that underlie life processes are similar to Ford's assembly line: a particular substance triggers a reaction, followed by another reaction involving another substance, etc. This linear model from A to B, then to C, D and E suggests that if a malfunction occurs in the body, manifested in the form of symptoms of a disease, it must be looked for in one or another section of the above-described chemical conveyor. Hence, the conclusion follows: in order to eliminate the "problem" and restore health, it is enough to make a functional replacement of the defective "part", for example, with the help of pills or specially designed genes. From a quantum mechanical point of view, the universe is a collection of interdependent energy fields, the interactions of which are intertwined in an intricate web. In other words, the processes in our Universe are not linear, but interconnected and integral. The cellular components of organisms are involved in a complex network of cross-data exchange, forward and backward connections. This means that disturbances in the body can occur due to failures in any link of the information network. Therefore, the regulation of such a complex interactive system requires a much deeper understanding of the body than the primitive repair of one or another section of the linear conveyor with the help of drugs.

The given scheme of information pathways clearly shows that the use of chemical drugs is fraught with very unpleasant surprises. It is becoming clear why medicines are often accompanied by a leaflet with an extensive list of side effects - from allergies to life-threatening complications. The fact is that a drug introduced into the body to correct the functioning of one protein inevitably interacts with at least one more protein - and most likely, with a much larger amount of them.

We owe the side effects of drugs to the fact that today iatrogenic (i.e. medically induced) diseases are becoming the most common cause of death.

According to rather conservative estimates of the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than 120,000 people die from drugs in the United States each year [Starfield 2000]. The figures from the study, based on the analysis of statistical data over the past ten years, are even more depressing. It turns out that prescription drugs kill more than 300,000 Americans a year [Null, et al, 2003]. The authors of this study conclude that iatrogenic diseases are the leading cause of death in the United States.

Doctors on a leash at pharmaceutical firms

I do not want to shift the blame for mortality from iatrogenic diseases only to doctors who prescribe huge amounts of drugs to patients.

You need to understand that our doctors have fallen into the stone embrace of the intellectual Scylla and corporate Charybdis. On the one hand, their ability to help people is limited by their medical education, which is based on Newtonian ideas about the world, which were outdated seventy-five years ago, when quantum mechanics prevailed and physicists recognized that the universe is made of energy. On the other hand, they simply cannot resist the pressure of the powerful medical-industrial complex. Doctors are actually forced to break their Hippocratic oath "do no harm" and prescribe a huge amount of drugs to patients. Pharmaceutical corporations have turned us into real drug addicts, with all the ensuing consequences.

Trade in medicines

I am convinced that the main reason for the lack of attention of science to bioenergy is the greedy interest in dollars and cents. The pharmaceutical industry gambling with trillions of capital prefers to allocate funds for the development of "miraculous" pills, because each pill is money (drug manufacturers would be keenly interested in healing energy if it could be molded into pills). That is why any physiological and behavioral deviations from the hypothetical norm are presented to us as dangerous diseases: “Are you agitated? Excitement is a symptom of neurosis. Ask your doctor to prescribe those new pink pills for you.”

For the same reason, the media essentially silence the problem of the harm of drugs, switching our attention to drug addiction - they say, drugs are a bad way to solve life's problems. Um, funny. I wanted to say the same about completely legal drugs. Are they harmful? Ask those who died of them during the past year about this. But how many are willing to ask such a question? After all, the ability to suppress the symptoms of our ailments with pills allows us to relieve ourselves of any responsibility for what happens to us.

The current pill addiction brings me back to one incident. As an undergraduate student, I worked part-time in a car repair shop. Once on Friday at half past four in the evening an angry lady came to us. In her car, a warning light flashed, indicating a minor malfunction - even though this malfunction had already been repaired several times. Tell me, who wants to deal with dirty breakdowns and nervous clients on Friday night? There were no volunteers. Then one mechanic said, "I'll figure it out." After starting the car further into the garage, he took out the warning light and threw it away, then opened a can of Coca-Cola and lit a cigarette. After waiting some time, he went to the owner of the car and said that now everything is in order. The lady was delighted that the light was no longer blinking, got into the car and drove away. The malfunction has not gone anywhere, but its symptoms have been eliminated. This is how drugs work - most often they only eliminate the symptoms of the disease."

In fact, it turned out that the masses of peasants, having experienced all the hardships of Soviet economic policy (the fight against wealthy peasants and private property, the creation of collective farms, etc.), flocked to the cities in search of a better life. This, in turn, created there an acute shortage of free real estate, which is so necessary for the placement of the main support of power - the proletariat.

It was the workers who became the bulk of the population, which from the end of 1932 began to actively issue passports. The peasantry (with rare exceptions) did not have the right to them (until 1974!).

Along with the introduction of the passport system in large cities of the country, a cleanup was carried out from "illegal immigrants" who did not have documents, and therefore the right to be there. In addition to the peasants, all kinds of "anti-Soviet" and "declassed elements" were detained. These included speculators, vagabonds, beggars, beggars, prostitutes, former priests and other categories of the population not engaged in socially useful labor. Their property (if any) was requisitioned, and they themselves were sent to special settlements in Siberia, where they could work for the good of the state.


The country's leadership believed that it was killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it cleans the cities of alien and hostile elements, on the other hand, it populates the almost deserted Siberia.

The police officers and the OGPU state security service carried out passport raids so zealously that, without ceremony, they detained on the street even those who received passports, but did not have them in their hands at the time of the check. Among the "violators" could be a student on his way to visit relatives, or a bus driver who left home for cigarettes. Even the head of one of the Moscow police departments and both sons of the prosecutor of the city of Tomsk were arrested. The father managed to quickly rescue them, but not all of those taken by mistake had high-ranking relatives.

The "violators of the passport regime" were not satisfied with thorough checks. Almost immediately they were found guilty and prepared to be sent to labor settlements in the east of the country. A special tragedy of the situation was added by the fact that recidivist criminals who were subject to deportation in connection with the unloading of places of detention in the European part of the USSR were also sent to Siberia.

Death Isle


The sad story of one of the first parties of these forced migrants, known as the Nazinskaya tragedy, has become widely known.

More than six thousand people were disembarked in May 1933 from barges on a small deserted island on the Ob River near the village of Nazino in Siberia. It was supposed to become their temporary refuge while the issues with their new permanent residence in special settlements were being resolved, since they were not ready to accept such a large number of repressed.

The people were dressed in what the police had detained them in on the streets of Moscow and Leningrad (St. Petersburg). They did not have bedding or any tools to make a temporary home for themselves.


On the second day, the wind picked up, and then frost hit, which was soon replaced by rain. Defenseless against the vagaries of nature, the repressed could only sit in front of fires or wander around the island in search of bark and moss - no one took care of food for them. Only on the fourth day they were brought rye flour, which was distributed at several hundred grams per person. Having received these crumbs, people ran to the river, where they made flour in hats, footcloths, jackets and trousers in order to quickly eat this semblance of porridge.

The number of deaths among the special settlers was rapidly going into the hundreds. Hungry and frozen, they either fell asleep right by the fires and burned alive, or died of exhaustion. The number of victims also increased due to the brutality of some of the guards, who beat people with rifle butts. It was impossible to escape from the "island of death" - it was surrounded by machine-gun crews, who immediately shot those who tried.

Isle of Cannibals

The first cases of cannibalism on Nazinsky Island occurred already on the tenth day of the stay of the repressed there. The criminals who were among them crossed the line. Accustomed to surviving in harsh conditions, they formed gangs that terrorized the rest.


Residents of a nearby village became unwitting witnesses to the nightmare that was happening on the island. One peasant woman, who at that time was only thirteen years old, recalled how a beautiful young girl was courted by one of the guards: “When he left, people grabbed the girl, tied her to a tree and stabbed her to death, having eaten everything they could. They were hungry and hungry. Throughout the island, human flesh could be seen ripped, cut, and hung from trees. The meadows were littered with corpses."

"I chose those who are no longer alive, but not yet dead," a certain Uglov, accused of cannibalism, testified later during interrogations: So it will be easier for him to die … Now, right away, not to suffer for another two or three days."

Another resident of the village of Nazino, Theophila Bylina, recalled: “The deportees came to our apartment. Once an old woman from Death-Island also visited us. They drove her by stage … I saw that the old woman's calves were cut off on her legs. To my question, she replied: "It was cut off and fried for me on Death-Island." All the flesh on the calf was cut off. The legs were freezing from this, and the woman wrapped them in rags. She moved on her own. She looked old, but in reality she was in her early 40s."


A month later, hungry, sick and exhausted people, interrupted by rare tiny food rations, were evacuated from the island. However, the disasters for them did not end there. They continued to die in unprepared cold and damp barracks of Siberian special settlements, receiving a meager food there. In total, for the entire time of the long journey, out of six thousand people, just over two thousand survived.

Classified tragedy

No one outside the region would have known about the tragedy that had happened if it had not been for the initiative of Vasily Velichko, instructor of the Narym District Party Committee. He was sent to one of the special labor settlements in July 1933 to report on how the "declassed elements" are being successfully re-educated, but instead he completely immersed himself in the investigation of what had happened.

Based on the testimony of dozens of survivors, Velichko sent his detailed report to the Kremlin, where he provoked a violent reaction. A special commission that arrived in Nazino conducted a thorough investigation, finding 31 mass graves on the island with 50-70 corpses in each.


More than 80 special settlers and guards were brought to trial. 23 of them were sentenced to capital punishment for "looting and beating", 11 people were shot for cannibalism.

After the end of the investigation, the circumstances of the case were classified, as was the report of Vasily Velichko. He was removed from his position as instructor, but no further sanctions were taken against him. Having become a war correspondent, he went through the entire Second World War and wrote several novels about the socialist transformations in Siberia, but he never dared to write about the "island of death".

The general public learned about the Nazin tragedy only in the late 1980s, on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
