"Stop it at all now! .."
"Stop it at all now! .."

Video: "Stop it at all now! .."


I hear a similar outcry, which the article is entitled with, very often, and the characteristic features of a person uttering this or a similar phrase are sloppiness and irresponsibility: sometimes only at the moment of pronouncing it, but often in general in life. As usual, I must here say a salutary phrase that there are exceptions to this rule, so that a touchy reader, who regularly indignant in this way, to save his emotional comfort, can class himself as one of this exception and, without being offended, read on. So let's do it … let me rewrite it for your convenience: "the characteristic features of almost every person who utters this or a similar phrase, with rare exceptions, is sloppiness and irresponsibility, but not always … sometimes extremely decent and responsible people express their indignation this way." Now that the debt has been fulfilled, I can state the essence of the problem.

To begin with, let me list all (as long as I remember now) phrases known to me and actually met by me, which are a variation of the one that got into the title … however, in the title I could put any of them, but I chose this one, since it was heard the latter at the time of this writing. Here are all these phrases with ABSOLUTELY the same content for the noosphere:

- "Well, hurt the weather!" (when the weather is out of season or just spoils a person's plans).

- "Yes, as long as possible, it broke again!" (instead of "this" can be any device or technological device that often breaks down in humans).

- "Why is this punishment to me !?" (when misfortunes haunt a person more often than he expects).

- "You are such a fool that it is useless for you to explain it!" (when there is no patience to explain what he undertook to explain).

- "What do I have to take off the last shirt now !?"

- "What am I supposed to work for free now !?"

- "What am I supposed to work during lunch now !?"

- "Why should I clean the entrance, if not I shit !?"

- "Why didn't you fine him !?" (A traffic police officer fined the violator, and he asks why a dozen more violators next to him were not fined).

- "And why is he doing well, but everything is bad for me !?"

- "Why is he allowed, but I can't !?"

- "But he has already stolen forty million, and continues to steal quietly, but he stole this bag of potatoes - and is sitting now!"

- “Why should I pay taxes to the state if officials will steal everything anyway?”

- "Why should I help the state when it set me up like that !?"

- "Why should I support the government if it is so worthless !?"

- "Why should I ask for forgiveness if he started first !?"

Uh … I overclocked. Despite the fact that a dozen more options flicker in my head, each of which has a few more variations, I will still stop. The general essence should already be clearly visible here. If you see it in the same form in which I see it, then pay attention to the following mandatory attributes in all these exclamations:

1 A person does not like the prevailing life circumstances and he expresses a protest towards them in the form of denial, instead of reaching agreement with the subsequent elimination of the problem.

2 A person expresses his emotion not constructively, but simply in the form of a complaint that does not imply any solution (neither right nor wrong).

3 A person repels himself from the “I” in his indignation, that is, he puts himself in the first place, and his interests are more important and higher than the interests of other people if everyone is in more or less equal conditions.

4 A person demands equal conditions for HIMSELF in the case when HE EXACTLY turned out to be deprived, and the rest received more.

5 A person wants the problem to disappear, to be solved by someone else and not to concern him at all, often it even seems to him that he received it undeservedly.

First point is a kind of unbelief in God. The Almighty is infallible, for what reason, if a person received some circumstance, then one should generally rejoice that he was able to discern him in the stream of events (received distinction), which means that it was given to him in order to make HIM better in one of the following ways:

- give feedback on past actions (usually troubles are the consequences of past malice, but not necessarily);

- pay attention to the impending danger in connection with the wrong decision;

- to prevent a more severe danger and draw a person's attention to his inattention to previous prompts;

- to educate in a person a number of qualities that he now lacks to realize his destiny;

- to draw a person's attention to a number of shortcomings, about which HE also asked God to eliminate them;

- to harshly break the false belief in some of their demonic ideas about the world;

- etc.

Looking at the problem from the position of emotional distress about the current circumstances is a refusal to follow God's providence and an attempt to take His place, they say, I know better how everything should be. This will ALWAYS have a feedback, to the extent that a person can be given to be in the role of God (in an extremely simplified version) and take responsibility of such a high order that after such a lesson, the brains are guaranteed to fall into place … and the memory of what happened has already will never allow you to doubt that everything is happening in the best way. When a person says that he “himself” knows the best, he risks really facing the stream of events alone, that is, without God. And then the circumstances, because of which he lamented, he wants to return immediately back, they were so soft compared to what he "ITSELF" came to in the end. The word "myself" is in quotation marks, because such an approach to real independence of thinking has nothing to do with it.

Second point says that a person does not see the essence of the phenomenon behind the problem, does not see its root, and therefore pays attention only to the external manifestation. And he does not like this external manifestation. Moreover, this is quite correct, because emotion shows that something is going wrong, but what exactly - a person must see by making an effort. It is wrong that as soon as a person sees a nuisance, he wants to eliminate exactly this unpleasant feeling, which was indicated in him. Therefore, he does not offer any solution, because it is not clear what and how, in fact, to solve. This is the behavior of a child who, say, gets his pants dirty and complains about this to his mother so that she can fix the problem. The task of the child at this stage of his life is quite correct - to inform in time about the problem causing him discomfort. But to observe the same behavior of a forty-year-old kid … I, of course, understand that the first forty years in a boy's life are the most difficult, but you still need to know when to stop.

Third and fourth points - Terry total I-centrism. A person starts counting from his I, and much more important points of reference such as "society", "world", "Universe", "God" are already the periphery for him. Such an attitude towards life leads to point 1 (refusal to believe God), and then to complete atheism, expressed in the denial of God in general, or in the creation of some kind of God. There is a good illustration of this behavior: cancer. I am not a doctor, but as an amateur in this matter I will depict the situation very superficially precisely in order to show an analogue of self-centrism, as if endowing a cell of the body with a human mind: a certain cell “goes crazy” and begins to “eat” without measure, as if its purpose existence is her own life, and she doesn't give a damn about the whole organism. Instead of fulfilling her role, she begins to simply live, share without measure and eat, as if moving away from nature's programmed natural process of birth, fulfillment of her role and subsequent death. It seems to appoint "its" rules of the game and now lives for them, and not for the sake of the organism, while giving rise to the same self-centrists completely uncontrollably. The interests of the cell are now focused ONLY on its life for the sake of life, without any other goals outside the cell. Having devoured the whole organism, the cell will surely die anyway. Unexpected, right? Understand this: the counting should start from God, and the meaning of life should be sought in the implementation of his Providence, in this case - in building the kingdom of God on Earth through the efforts of the people themselves in God's leadership. And your role here is ONE of the billions of billions of billions of roles, and you will be given to fulfill the role exactly as much as you need at any given time, as you perform this role. There is no point in demanding anymore, because in this case, what they had will be taken away.

V paragraph 4 in addition, we see a broken sense of justice and that naive belief that people should receive "the same" for supposedly the same merit. Usually, a person takes into account this same similarity of merits only on the basis of external manifestations, instantly forgetting about his past sins at the moment of the beginning of the carve-up of some good. He will carefully make sure that his piece of cake is no less than the others, but he will forget to inform about it in the event that his piece is a little larger. In fact, one thing should be understood: EVERY person gets WHAT he REALLY needs to realize his destiny. If you have some strange feeling that “he also deserves the same suffering as me” (for example, someone also needs to be fined for the same violation), then you have serious mental problems, so serious that they need to be urgently addressed. You are not given to know the life of another person in order to determine the degree of punishment yourself. This can only be done by God - and he will do it, even regardless of what decision will be made by the judiciary or another version of human "justice".

Well, or here's a simpler example of feedback in this case: Moscow … was a good city. And so, a certain person says: "why am I sitting here, I also want to live in a good city!" - "And I!" - "And I!" - other people pick up, - “why can they live there, but we can't !? We want to go there too! " And they all came in large numbers to Nerezinovka, where on foot is faster than by car. Did you want something else?

Fifth point is suicide. Refusal to develop and follow your destiny, which subsequently inevitably leads to the elimination of a useless element of the system, a whole family, a whole clan, a whole people, country, humanity … well, you get the idea.

Problems are not good and not bad, this is a reality that needs to be correlated with and that needs to be met with the correct emotional and semantic structure, and then act in this reality in accordance with your ideas, trying to feel as clearly as possible what exactly through this life circumstance he said God.

Remember one more important detail: the devil always gives a person what a person WANTS, and God gives what a person NEEDS. The devil always takes payment for the goods with all interest, penalties, penalties, costs and hidden additional conditions (below, under the asterisk in small print, did you read it?). God will always demand payment no more than the person who reads the contract expects, or will give a gift at all. Whom to serve - decide for yourself, because free will is given to you by God.

PS … I beg your pardon for the vulgar analogy in the previous paragraph, but I know for sure that some readers will find it very convenient, and later they will be able to find a different form of description for themselves.
