Table of contents:

Spontaneous reasoning about the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecies. Part V
Spontaneous reasoning about the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecies. Part V

Video: Spontaneous reasoning about the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecies. Part V

Video: Spontaneous reasoning about the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecies. Part V
Video: What is Putin's endgame? 2024, April

More than a year and a half has passed since the fourth part was written, but I decided that it was time to finish this series of articles completely, since past attempts to do this have spawned many other blog articles, but this series still could not end. Let's put an end to it.

As before, throughout the entire series, the rule applies: the text is born directly from the head without preparation, that is, I now do not know what I am going to write. There is only one clue, I will unwind it on the fly.

The reader no doubt already knows how to get out of the vicious circle of self-fulfilling prophecies: stop considering the prophecies themselves true. In other words, if a prediction becomes true as a result of its announcement, that is, true in its consequences, then you just need to pretend that there was no prediction, that is, DO NOT enter into the logic of behavior aimed at canceling the prophecy.

However, there is a problem: if the prediction made to you is NOT self-fulfilling, that is, it was made on the basis of already accomplished facts (for example, the student was predicted to be expelled at the end of the session), then ignoring this prediction, on the contrary, can lead to problems.

Thus, one must always be able to distinguish one from the other. Fortunately, this is not difficult to do. If there are facts indicating the reality of the prediction, and the prerequisites for its implementation, you need to take measures: to prevent or facilitate its implementation, and maybe leave everything as it is, if the process does not require managerial intervention. If the prophecy is fulfilled without any preconditions (for example, in a dream or the fortuneteller guessed it), then there is only one way to influence it. ONLY one:

Direct sincere appeal to God

No other methods, and especially pathetic attempts to influence the situation on their own, will not be crowned with success. After turning to God, you should RELEASE the situation and stop acting as if the prophecy is true. You just need to continue to live, based on the understanding of the basic law: everything happens in the best way, in accordance with the morality of all participants in the process.

Why, then, is a self-fulfilling prediction made at all? Think for yourself: if the prediction does NOT come true, then it was false. Why was it done then? If the prediction comes true, then only because the person himself realized it, trying to prevent, that is, believing in it and making it real in its consequences. Why was it done then? It is clear why: for the purpose of management.

By the way, I deliberately lied a little: if the prediction does NOT come true, it does not mean at all that it was false. Any prediction takes into account the current logic of the behavior of the subjects to whom it is addressed. If the logic changes, the rules of management change, that is, the prediction becomes false within the framework of a different concept of managing the situation, and, probably, the meaning of such a prediction made "from above" is to draw a person's attention to some mistakes in his life (if the prophecy is negative). If a person sincerely repented and changed, then he may be given a second chance (third, tenth, hundredth …)

Nevertheless, if a chance to avoid the prophecy is not given, then you still need to remain true to the rule that everything happens in the best way, that is, the Almighty's control is infallible. Remember how Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane? “Oh, if you were delighted to carry this cup past Me! However, not My will, but Yours be done”(Luke 22:42).

Despite his desire, he completely trusts this issue to God, resigning himself to His decision. In my understanding, this should be interpreted as follows: of course, he wants his students (at least only they, or even one of them) not to sleep where he left them, but to pray with him, then their morality would be sufficient to enable Jesus to continue working on earth without being "executed." However, this did not happen, everyone was asleep, and the best solution, in accordance with the morality of all participants, turned out to be another solution, which seemed to his disciples and all other people as "execution." Jesus would like the disciples to grow up to the proper level of morality, but this did not happen, their choice turned out to be different (they decided to sleep), and there is no way to influence him (people have free will), because here the will of God is carried out in accordance with the prophecy that COULD be changed. And it was about this opportunity that Jesus prayed, while humbly accepting the prophecy itself in case the disciples would still sleep.

We will not analyze the question of whether the "execution" actually took place, or whether they were dreaming about it.

In general, the issue of humility is a rather complex issue and closely related to the theme of self-fulfilling prophecies. Let's look at a classic example.

One man, let's call him A, broke some promise made to another, whom we will call B … Person B offended by A and begins to cover it up on what is worth: "you are such and such a slob, it is absolutely impossible to work with you, you still need to look for such a moron," etc.

What happens next? Person A, outraged by such a run-in ("how dare you tell me this, yes I …"), begins to behave in such a way as to EXACTLY follow the formula that the person just announced in a fit of emotion B … That is, he begins to behave like a moron, who still needs to be looked for and with whom it is impossible to work. That is, for example, defending his "hurt honor", he will begin to make sharp movements to the side B, sometimes not even justified by the situation. Prophecy embedded in defaults in words B, came true. Result: people A and Bno longer interact even if they have the constructive ability to do so.

Humility completely neutralizes the negative consequences of this situation. Either man B does not resent a broken promise (in most cases there are a number of educational measures that explain a person much more reliably A the consequences of breaking a promise), or a person A does not react from the position of self-centrism to insults, but tries to act constructively (there can be a variety of solutions depending on the specific situation). Bottom line: if a constructive continuation of the collaboration is possible, then it is likely to be carried out.

Now consider a married couple. Both people trust each other and rely on each other for family life. They have an agreement: not to reveal the secret that is hiding in some box in the attic of their house as long as both are alive. But now one of the spouses, curious, climbs into the attic to look at the secret. He opens the box, and there is a piece of paper with the inscription that they have 3 days left to live with each other. The box had been lying in the attic for years … but now one of the participants in the process demonstrated low morality, which their union had framed. A problem arises, in the course of a one-sided solution of which (in order to continue to hide the act of his malicious intent in relation to the secret), one of the spouses leads the situation to one or another final step in the relationship. That is, the timer starts - and after three days they part for some reason (it is clear that because of this prophecy itself).

"What kind of mysticism?" - the reader will ask. And there is no mysticism, I described the only reason for the tragic partings of all married couples in the world without exception: unwillingness to solve problems on the basis of mutual understanding and humble awareness of the fact that each person gets himself a spouse of the opposite sex, which suits him help to develop himself and give him what he needs for his own development. It is with this person that you can solve the maximum problem for this life. Of course, there are people who have a different task, not related to married life, but now we are not talking about them. As for dysfunctional married couples, which were formed as a result of a malicious departure from the Providence of God, then people in them, looking at each other, should realize that their difficult union is a direct consequence of their malicious mistakes in the past. Therefore, it is this union that is important for both of them as a tool for returning to a more righteous logic of social behavior. You can consider different situations, including when for one of the spouses the union seems to be successful, but for the other it is not, however, any such reasoning will inevitably lead everything to the same formula: everything is happening in the best possible way.

Only this formula cannot be understood from the standpoint of self-centrism. Well - this does NOT mean what is best for YOU. This means GENERAL the best, in the mainstream of Providence, in the sense of the General Purpose. If you are a sloven, then your fate will be unenviable, and your life will be unsuccessful in order to prevent you from realizing your sloven malicious intent. You will feel bad, but others will be better. And it will be better for you in the future if you can correctly interpret this “bad” thing and correct it for the better.

If it is still difficult for someone else to grasp the meaning of the story about a married couple and a secret in the attic, then I will explain how I see it myself. The point is not in the secret itself, which someone has violated, but in the demonstrated in practice the logic of the relationship to each other. One person committed a low act that violates the innermost in the family. For example, it can be treason, and in the simplest case, just a refusal to respect the reasonable opinion of the spouse, or kindly explain the groundlessness of a sincere, but wrong opinion. In married life, people have deeper access to each other's souls, and therefore various sloppy movements in the territory entrusted to you bring much more bad consequences than outside of married life. The other person has a certain secret world, which is shown only to you, and you treacherously violate the secret of this world, for example, telling your friends a story like “my something cannot hammer a nail”. And this, by the way, is the most innocuous classic mistake of “woman’s” behavior in a “woman’s” get-together (mind you, I don’t say “in women’s”, because there is a difference that is significant for many men, although I personally don’t recognize it). A similar remark applies to "cables" who boast to each other of their animal accomplishments in relation to women. In short, the secret in the attic is just an image of something very important that needs to be protected and guarded in family life, and not destroyed in one way or another.

Now let's go back to the beginning, because I have already gone very far from the basic topic with which I started. The theme is this: if all people had not rushed to the bank to collect their money, the bank would not have gone bankrupt. Thus, a newspaper report stating that a certain bank is on the verge of bankruptcy leads to bankruptcy precisely because the people are running to save their own money, which makes the bank bankrupt. Although if everyone thought about the situation at the same time, the bank would work to this day, and there would be no economic crisis in the United States at the beginning of the last century. There are a lot of people like this “if everyone was sput-sput-sput, then it would be sput-sput-sput": "if everyone helped each other …", "if everyone refused to deceive each other …", "if everyone did not strive for economic gain, but would act from the level of ideological priority … "," if the consumers of information and the armies of Russia at least went to collect garbage … "etc. I promised in the first part that I would show the solution to this problem. What should be done so that the vicious logic “what can I do alone?”, Which often leads to the reasoning “I can’t alone, it will only bring me losses, but if everyone…” would stop working in society? Ready?




Okay, I'll get serious and explain the main thing that, in addition to the solution to the problem of self-fulfilling prophecies described above, is the main point of ALL this series of articles. First, in many cases, the correct solution to a problem is a complete rejection of its initial incorrect description and the wrong attitude to the situation. Secondly, the described problem is not a problem at all, because your attitude to the situation creates the illusion of a problem, and if you think differently, then there is no problem, but there is a direct consequence of the logic of people's behavior, which they themselves voluntarily adhere to, knowing the consequences or at least about their tragedy.

I would look at the situation differently: the conditions in which people now live are ideal for working out the ideas that they adhere to. There is no need to change anything according to your idea, according to the idea that you personally think is more correct. You cannot surpass the Almighty in managerial abilities and create a situation that would better and faster instill proper morality in people. Feedback for one's actions or even intentions to commit them is the best teacher of life, and life, if you look at it exactly as a practice of practicing spiritual qualities in the material world, is created by people themselves according to the Rules of the Game. To understand these Rules and live correctly is the main task of a person.

But what about those who act out of benevolent motives and still fall prey to the malice of other people? Yes, people are responsible for their wickedness, but why do the “righteous” also suffer (in quotation marks, because only God is a true righteous person, but for convenience we omit the quotation marks below)? In fact, only a person who is far from the morality of a righteous person could think of such a question. I think so: these people do not suffer from the flow of events that you personally consider a nuisance. If we draw a vulgar analogy, then the righteous man will not suffer from the fact that he broke an expensive phone with a bunch of show-offs, because he does not have such a phone and he does not even NEED it. He will not grieve at the emerging problems in the spirit of "hurt yourself now!" … Such a person does not have any problems in life at all, and those situations that seem unpleasant to you from the outside are for him an opportunity to work and develop his creative potential or simply demonstration and notification circumstances that allow him to stop in the wrong aspirations and prevent some more severe consequences. He understands this and acts on the basis of considerations "everything happens in the best way." And many other people act out of considerations “I personally do not agree with this alignment; it shouldn't have been; I didn't deserve it; Why do I need it? " Therefore, for people, a problem or a nuisance is such by virtue of their perception of the situation as problematic or unpleasant. And, by the way, these people often perceive someone else's "tragedy" as a problem or a nuisance, although in reality this is not always the case, for whatever reason they do not know how to correctly express sympathy, replacing it with support for sorrow and sadness, strengthening and increasing its volume, instead of participating in the infallible Providence of God and showing the other person that you are going further with him through life.

In addition, do not forget that the righteous will always be protected from really bad situations, because he is under the protection and protection of God. In other words, something “wrong” cannot happen to him in principle while he is under the dictatorship of conscience. And with any other person - maybe, because God does not punish, sending a person troubles, but simply deprives him of discrimination and protection. And a person, being left to himself at least for a while, will find himself in a situation resembling a dark corridor without light, entering it with an idle flashlight in his hand. At the same time, different traps and traps have been set up in the corridor by other people.

Moving on. The logic "what alone can I do?" should be replaced with "what could I do in the best way?" followed by active action, carried out regardless of what and why other people are doing. Their activity should be considered as an objective environmental factor for you, in one way or another including it in your life. Looking back at others in the spirit of “it's useless because they'll mess it up anyway” is a variant of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Empty speculations that "humanity is unreasonable" do not make sense, since in themselves they are a kind of unreasonableness. The point is only in fulfilling your life mission, and if you need to carry it out in conditions of unreasonableness, devastation, and maybe even war or other social disaster, then this is the task, and it must be performed in the best possible way. And what is the task of other people on Earth is NOT YOUR business. They will somehow figure it out without you, and if there is a need to help someone in this, then with the correct emotional and semantic structure of the psyche, you will always know: when, to whom and how to help. If your morality were different, higher or less developed, then you would not live on planet Earth, or, at least, you would have been born in one of the previous civilizations, or in one of the subsequent ones with a fundamentally different cultural layer, reflecting a fundamentally a different morality. Well, since we were born here, where one of the MAIN problems of mankind is the problem of the type "what can I alone do?" Show that you really deserve more, ask yourself a simple question: "What did you ALL DO to lament now about the impossibility of doing anything?" Do any of you have the opportunity to utter at least a couple of million words when answering this question, describing a real practical experience in the implementation of your purposeful activity? Not? Well, what then are we whimpering? Start to work!

We get into the tractor - and go ahead! Do not forget to look at the compass with the inscription "conscience". And then who and how would not tune your psyche to the self-execution of destructive programs like "what can I do alone?" (or its FULL analogue: "all people are unreasonable, they do everything wrong"), all such programs, falling under the tractor, will be crushed by its wheels. Moreover, in many cases you will not even notice it.
