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TOP 13 habits for everyone that science links to longevity
TOP 13 habits for everyone that science links to longevity

Video: TOP 13 habits for everyone that science links to longevity

Video: TOP 13 habits for everyone that science links to longevity
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Many people think that life expectancy is determined by genetics. However, genes play a much smaller role than originally thought. Environmental factors as well as diet and lifestyle are key. Here are thirteen good habits that many studies have found increase the likelihood of a long life.

Avoid overeating

The relationship between the number of calories consumed and life expectancy is currently of great interest to scientists. Animal studies show that reducing your daily calorie intake by 10-15 percent can help maximize longevity. Lifestyle studies of well-known centenarians have also found a link between lower calorie intake, longer lifespan, and a relatively low likelihood of illness.

What's more, restricting calorie intake can help you reduce excess body weight and belly fat, factors associated with shortening your life span. However, it should be borne in mind that excessive restriction of calorie intake for a long period is often unstable and can cause negative side effects such as increased hunger, low body temperature and decreased libido.

However, whether limiting calorie intake is a direct path to slowing aging and prolonging life is not yet fully understood.

Eat more nuts

Nuts are an ideal source of energy. They are rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds. What's more, they are an excellent source of several key vitamins and minerals such as copper, magnesium, potassium, folate and niacin, as well as vitamins B6 and E.

Several studies show that nuts have a beneficial effect on the body by preventing cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, excessive belly fat, and even some forms of cancer. One of these studies found that people who eat nuts at least three times a week had a 39 percent lower risk of premature death compared to controls.

Likewise, two recent studies involving more than 350,000 people found that those who eat nuts had a 27 percent lower risk of dying over the study period. However, the greatest risk reduction was observed in those who ate nuts on a daily basis.

Include turmeric in your diet

When it comes to so-called anti-aging strategies, turmeric is a great option. The fact is that this spice contains a potent biologically active compound called curcumin. Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin is believed to help maintain normal brain, heart and lung function, and protect the body from cancer and certain age-related diseases.

It was found that the use of curcumin is associated with an increase in life expectancy in both insects and mice. However, these results have not always been reproducible and there are currently no human studies. However, turmeric has been highly prized and widely eaten in India for thousands of years and is considered safe.

Eat more plant-based foods

Eating a wide variety of plant foods such as fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and beans can reduce your risk of disease and prolong life.

For example, many studies have linked a plant-rich diet with a reduced risk of premature death as well as cancer, metabolic syndrome, depression, and brain deterioration. These effects are attributed to the nutrients and antioxidants found in plant foods, including polyphenols, carotenoids, folic acid and vitamin C.

Some studies have linked vegetarian and vegan diets, which naturally include increased amounts of plant-based foods, with a 12-15 percent reduction in the risk of premature death. The same studies reported a 29-52 percent reduction in the risk of death from cancer, cardiovascular, kidney, and hormonal diseases.

At the same time, some studies have found that an increased risk of premature death and the occurrence of certain diseases is associated with excessive consumption of meat. However, other studies report the absence or insignificant degree of such a connection, and the negative consequences, apparently, are associated with the use of primarily meat semi-finished products.

Vegetarians and vegans tend to be more health conscious than meat eaters, and this may be part of the explanation for the scientists' findings. However, eating plant-based foods is actually very likely to have a beneficial effect on health and longevity.

Stay physically active

Unsurprisingly, physical activity can keep you healthy and prolong your life. Just 15 minutes of exercise a day can help you achieve positive results that will provide you with an additional three years of life. In addition, the risk of premature death can be reduced by 4 percent with each additional 15 minutes of daily physical activity.

Recently, a study was published showing that the risk of early death was reduced by 22 percent in people who played sports, even if they exercised less than the recommended 150 minutes per week. Those who followed this recommendation were 28 percent less "likely" to die early. And for the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts, who devoted more than 150 minutes a week to exercise, the figure was 35 percent.

Finally, there are some studies linking high physical activity with a five percent reduction in the risk of premature death compared to low to moderate activity.

Do not smoke

Smoking is closely related to many illnesses and early death. All other things being equal, people who smoke can lose up to 10 years of life and are three times more likely to die prematurely than those who have never taken a cigarette. Keep in mind that it is never too late to quit smoking.

One study found that people who quit smoking before the age of 35 can prolong their life by more than 8 years. Quitting smoking at the age of sixty can extend life by up to 4 years. However, in fact, even at eighty years old it is not too late to do this.

Limit your alcohol intake

Drinking large amounts of alcohol is associated with liver, heart, and pancreatic disease and an overall increased risk of premature death. At the same time, moderate consumption is associated with a decrease in the likelihood of multiple diseases, as well as an 18 percent reduction in the risk of early death.

Wine is considered especially healthy due to its high content of polyphenolic antioxidants. Results from a 29-year study show that men who prefer wine are 34 percent less likely to die prematurely than those who prefer beer or spirits. In addition, scientists have found that wine is particularly effective in protecting the body against heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders and metabolic syndrome.

To maintain moderate alcohol consumption, it is recommended that the woman limit herself to one or two servings per day (equivalent to 25-50 ml of spirits) and a maximum of seven servings per week. Men should stick to a daily maximum of three servings (75 ml of hard liquor) or 14 servings per week.

It is important to note that there is currently no credible research showing that the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption are greater than those of complete abstinence. In other words, there is no reason to start drinking if you haven’t used alcohol normally until now.

Prioritize your life satisfaction

Feeling happy can dramatically increase your lifespan. One of the studies on this topic revealed that people who were satisfied with their lives consistently observed a 3.7 percent lower risk of premature death throughout the five years of the experiment.

The study, involving 180 Catholic nuns, included an analysis of their own assessments of life satisfaction and happiness when they first entered the monastery, and later - identifying the relationship between these indicators and longevity. Those who felt happier at 22 were 2.5 times more likely to remain alive 60 years later.

Finally, a review of 35 different studies found that happy people live on average 18 percent longer than their less happy contemporaries.

Avoid chronic stress and anxiety

Anxiety and stress can shorten your life significantly. For example, women who suffer from stress or anxiety are reported to be twice as likely to die from heart disease, strokes or lung cancer. Likewise, men who are constantly under stress have a three times higher risk of premature death than those who can relax.

If you are experiencing stress, laughter and optimism can be two key ingredients in dealing with stress. Research shows that pessimistic people have a 42 percent higher risk of early death than optimists. That being said, both laughter and a positive outlook on life can reduce stress, thereby potentially increasing the likelihood of longevity.

Expand and support your social circle

Scientists believe that having healthy social connections can help a person live 50 percent longer. Indeed, the presence of only three social connections, as shown by the analysis of statistical data, can reduce the risk of early death by more than three times compared with complete loneliness.

Research has also linked the presence of healthy social media to positive changes in the heart, brain, hormones, and immune systems that may reduce the risk of chronic disease. A strong social circle can help you cope with stress more easily, which may partly explain the positive impact of this factor on life expectancy.

Finally, one study led scientists to conclude that giving support to others may be even more beneficial than receiving it. In other words, when accepting help and care from friends and family, you should remember to pay them back in kind.

Try to be more conscientious

Conscientiousness means a person's ability to be responsible, collected, organized, efficient and purposeful. Based on data from a multi-year study of 1,500 boys and girls, those who were perceived to be assertive, organized, and disciplined lived on average 11 percent longer than their less conscientious peers.

Conscientious people tend to have fewer high blood pressure and psychiatric disorders, and have a lower risk of diabetes and heart and joint problems. This may be due in part to the fact that conscientious people are less likely to put their lives at risk and respond less negatively to stressors, and are more likely to lead successful professional lives and take responsibility for their health.

Conscientiousness can be developed at any stage in life through small steps such as regularly cleaning your desk, adhering to a planned work plan, and being punctual in dealing with people.

Drink coffee or tea

Drinking coffee and tea has been linked to a reduced risk of certain chronic diseases. For example, the polyphenols and catechins in green tea may reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Likewise, coffee consumption has been linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers and brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

In addition, people who regularly drink coffee or tea have the advantage of a 20-30 percent lower risk of premature death compared to those who do not.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that any health benefits can easily be "offset" by too much sweetener or artificial flavors. Remember, too, that drinking too much caffeine can lead to insomnia, so you should limit your coffee intake to 400 milligrams, or about four cups a day.

It is also worth noting that caffeine usually stops acting completely within 6 hours of ingestion. Therefore, for those who have problems getting enough healthy sleep, it is better to postpone the consumption of stimulating drinks to an earlier date.

Get healthy sleep

Sleep is critical in regulating cell function and helps the body recover. Recent research has shown that longevity is highly likely to be related to regular sleep patterns. In particular, it is about going to bed and getting up at approximately the same time.

Sleep duration also appears to play a significant role. Sleeping too short or too long has a negative impact. For example, sleeping less than 7 hours a night is associated with a 12 percent increased risk of premature death, while sleeping more than 8 hours a night can also shorten life expectancy by 38 percent.

Lack of sleep can contribute to the development of inflammation, increase the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. All this is directly related to the reduction in life expectancy. On the other hand, excessive sleep may be associated with depression, physical inactivity, and unidentified medical conditions that also negatively impact life expectancy.

Longevity may seem to many to be beyond our control, but many good habits can help a person stay healthy and live longer. These include exercise, good nutrition, and adequate sleep.
