Obscene language in the arsenal of ideological enemies
Obscene language in the arsenal of ideological enemies

Video: Obscene language in the arsenal of ideological enemies

Video: Obscene language in the arsenal of ideological enemies
Video: Russians describe Americans 2024, April

The most important opportunity that each of us has is the ability to live consciously. If you take a close look at how our modern life works, especially in cities, you will notice that it itself is designed in such a way that you are almost always unconscious.

And what is most interesting, at the same time, this state of unconscious life skillfully creates in us the illusion that we make all decisions freely, without any external interference from the outside. The main goal of Western propagandists, who seek to dominate our consciousness, is to create in as many residents as possible, as many reflexes as possible, that is, actions that do not require deliberation. Simply put, the ideal of slave owners is humanoid creatures resembling dogs from the experiments of Academician Pavlov. If you remember the school course in biology, Academician Pavlov trained his dogs so that after the bell, which was accompanied by feeding, they started secreting gastric juice even when they were not given food.

In order for people to become humanoid beings, it is necessary to make the thought processes of these people as primitive as possible. How do they solve this problem? There are many ways, but the main one is the maximum simplification of the language in which we all communicate with you. Ellochka the Ogre from the novel by Ilf and Petrov with a vocabulary of 30 words, can act as an ideal to which the entire population is moved. In principle, it can already be stated that most of the planet's inhabitants are quite successfully approaching this. For our country, with a large percentage of literate people, with traditions of extremely developed speech, the Russian language, which is quite complex, and therefore contributes to the development of thinking abilities, such a very powerful tool for influencing consciousness was chosen as all kinds of dissemination, the introduction of obscene vocabulary into the widest circulation … This is not to say that this tool of primitivization of thinking is used only for our country. But, it is here, and we can talk about this with confidence, this element of the system of duping, has received maximum development. Now it is very easy to imagine how worried all lovers of strong words were, how images of the classics of Russian literature flashed in their memory, who, to be honest, really became famous in quotation marks, including works that were completely built on the use of obscenities, i.e. obscene language. Many will certainly begin to remember that in the army, at a construction site and in many other areas of our life, supposedly it is impossible to do without swearing at all.

So, we argue that you can do without a mat. Now, of course, it is difficult to imagine, but it is possible and, most importantly, necessary. And it is necessary, first of all, in order not to turn into an obedient being, a slave of the Western system. Can't you see how they literally drum into you the idea that swearing is just the pinnacle of personality liberation. All these leading television shows, rock musicians, rap performers, film actors and theatrical figures, without fail winking slyly at you during their TV broadcasts and YouTube videos, in plays and films, where they gently beep, and where they directly bring everything down on you. it is a verbal stench, where everyone, by virtue of their talents, carries, it seems to them, the most precious thought: “Swear, and it will become easier for you. More fun. Simpler. And freer. And most importantly, it's very fashionable! Look how we do it beautifully. Do as we do. And you will become the same as we are. And then we are not surprised when, walking down the street, we hear a cheerful, flooded children's mat all over the street. We get used to it. This is precisely the goal of Western propagandists, who want to destroy our society and make a HUMAN obedient being. We have to get used to it and begin to consider what is absolutely unnatural as the norm.

We are accustomed to learned helplessness, we must break down and perceive degradation as a completely natural process. They do it so that we DO NOT UNDERSTAND what we do when we swear. And we do not understand this, because we DO NOT KNOW what power our words have.

And meanwhile, every curse we uttered hits not only the people and children around us, it hits us first of all.
