Everything you need to know about the dollar
Everything you need to know about the dollar

Video: Everything you need to know about the dollar

Video: Everything you need to know about the dollar
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How is the global financial system managed? Who can afford to print a million dollars and who can't? Is it possible for all people to be rich? What is the reason for most wars?

Many people think that money is issued by the state, in fact it is not. Most states do not have control over cash backing. The obligation to print money belongs to commercial entities. For example, the Federal Reserve System of the FRS has the right to issue the US national currency. It is a private organization, a joint stock company created by 12 large private banks in the United States. However, this was not always the case. Bankers worked for centuries to get the printing press. Back in the 18th century, the founder of the international dynasty of bankers and entrepreneurs, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, said: "Give me the opportunity to control the issue of money in the country, and I do not care who writes its laws."

But pulling off a scam of this magnitude was not easy. It took bankers several centuries to achieve their goals. The idea was to create a kind of commercial bank that would print money and lend it to the state at interest, that is, on credit. And in order not to advertise that the bank is private, and so that people think that it belongs to the state, it was called federal. So, on December 23, 1913, with most of the Congressmen on Christmas break, the Federal Reserve Act was squeezed through Congress and signed into law by President Wilson. President Wilson was in collusion with the bankers who financed his company. Later, Wilson regretted what had happened; " I accidentally destroyed my country", He argued.

In 1944, bankers swung at world domination, and pushed through the Bretton Woods agreement, according to which it was accepted that dollar is no longer exchanged for gold … As a result, the US dollar acquired the status of world money. As a result, the dollarization of the economies of a number of countries led to the release of the money supply from under national control and its transfer under the control of the Fed. Bankers have established a world monopoly on the printing of money and severely suppressed attempts by states or individuals to print currency. So you can print money, but not for us.

You may ask, what's the difference who prints money, the main thing is that it can be used. But it’s not that simple. The main trick of the financial system is that the printed money is given to the state in debt, that is, on credit at a certain interest. Let's say the state needs $ 100 billion. To receive these pieces of paper, the state undertakes to return them with interest and leave a pledge in the form of bills. For example, if the interest rate on loans is 5%, over time, the state will need to return 105 billion dollars.

But the problem is that these 5 billion do not physically exist, since only 100 billion have been printed. That is, it is impossible to close the debt using money, there is only one option - to give the bankers what was pledged or take a new loan.

When applying for a new loan, the situation is getting more and more difficult over and over again. In order to relieve itself of financial pressure, the state under the same scheme lends to various banks, which in turn lend to the population. But at every step, the interest on the loan is getting higher. The last link in this chain is ordinary people., some of which with 100% probability will not be able to pay off debts and will lose everything.

Thus, year after year, the population of the country is driven into debt, gives its property into the possession of creditors, becoming poorer and poorer. A financial system built on such principles implies the presence of several hundreds of super-richpeople and billions of those who are obliged to work for a pittanceby paying hidden and explicit interest on debts. So with such a system, everyone cannot be rich.

The World Bank and the IMF have been issuing dollar-denominated loans to Third World countries since the 1960s. Their policy is to issue as many dollar loans as possible, and as we have already discussed, it is impossible to pay off such a loan. As a result, these countries get into permanent debts and growing interest liabilities, moreover, this money rarely reaches the population. Indeed, most often, under the agreement, this money is received by private foreign companies, as a result, the state has to give its national wealth for next to nothing. The so-called aid to developing countries is just a robbery, and in simple words it can be described as follows: Oh, you have oil, but no money, let us give you a loan, for this loan we will build you an oil refinery, because you have no specialists, no experience, no equipment, then we will sell your oil on the world market. Well, you will give us a loan for a part of the money that you receive from the sale of oil. And if you cannot, we will give one more loan to repay the previous one. In general, as in the joke about the ax, remember: there is no ax, there is no ruble, and the ruble still owes it.

History remembers individuals who tried to save the country and people from slave financial bondage. John F. Kennedy is the last US president to rebel against the federal reserve. On June 1, 1963, Kennedy began a plan to dismantle the private printing press. He signed Executive Order 11110, giving the US government the right to issue money bypassing the Federal Reserve Bank, which until then supplied money to the state government at interest. In his speech on secret societies, delivered shortly before his death, Kennedy said "we are by nature historically a people who opposed secret societies, secret orders and closed meetings, around the world we are confronted by a monolithic ruthless conspiracy that secretly expands its zone of influence." … The rulers of the FRS considered this a terrible betrayal, because it was they who made him president. Kennedy's move was what the Fed founders feared most, and he was shot. The new president, Lyndon Johnson, stopped the Kennedy order first. Since Kennedy, not a single American president has dared to resist the bankers.

The first audit in 100 years at the Fed took place in 2011, its results were officially published and successfully silenced by the freest American press in the world. Audit data show that during and after the 2008 crisis, the Fed secretly printed and distributed $ 16 trillion to its banks, and they have already given out these incredible amounts as bonuses to their bankers. Although the Fed called the operation lending, not a single cent was returned.

This money could solve many global problems on a global scale, but in fact the parasitic financial system only led to the fact that everyone who had dollars at that time lost a significant part of their money in real terms.

One of the main reasons the whole world still uses dollars is that almost all gas and oil on the planet must be settled in dollars. For the same reason, the United States still has the advantages of free access to these gas and oil reserves. Consequently, in order to maintain global demand for dollars and to have free access to gas and oil reserves, the United States is trying to ensure that oil exporting countries continue to sell oil in dollars. When Iraq twitched and switched over to the payment in euros, troops were promptly brought in there under a ridiculous pretext, and on June 5, 2003, the states again restored dollar-denominated oil trade.

Now comes the fun part. It is convenient for almost all of us to use bank cards, receive money with them, pay in stores and on the Internet. But where is that border, and who can move it, when the question arises - whose card is it - yours or the bank's? Already now, in certain cases, the tax office can request information from banks on the accounts of individuals.

Let's remember how last year the world was simply shaken by information about cryptocurrencies. How many scams have been tested under the flag of blockchain and cryptocurrencies! But is this just a financial bubble inflated to clean up the pockets of those who are greedy for high-tech freebies? Maybe this is just a trial balloon, so to speak, training? Or even a completely planned stage, stage, part of someone's plan?

After all, for the happiness of the world government to drive the entire population of the Earth into electronic slavery. How convenient, dollars, and other currencies just you don't even need to type, pressed the button, and ones and zeros flowed in the right direction, and real resources in your pocketsthe authors of the clever scheme. After all, despite its weight, the dollar failedbecome an absolute monopolist in the world. Yes, today it is estimated that about 60% of international settlements are carried out using the US dollar. Still, 40% is accounted for by other currencies. What if the proportion changes not in favor of the dollar? It's time to introduce a more reliable way to control the world.

The incredible amount of capital invested by large financiers in the "blockchain", the support of this technology from the side of central banks - all this is a signal that the "blockchain" technology is the basis for the monetary system of the "new world order".

Why were the first cryptocurrencies private digital money, and not official money of central banks? There are two reasons for this. First, private cryptocurrencies were used as baitas a way to teach people to digital currencies. Secondly, private cryptocurrencies have been and continues technology development digital money. First of all, blockchain technologies.

Just follow the chain - an official (supported by central banks) cryptocurrency appears - then cash is squeezed out of circulation - the "blockchain" becomes total control of the finances of each person, then you can safely liquidate private cryptocurrencies, they are no longer needed, under the pretext of terrorism, this can be done hard and quickly, well, voila - a single global digital currency has been introduced. That's all. Welcome to the global e-banking concentration camp.

What, such a scenario does not look like a fairy tale about an anonymous Japanese genius-programmer (just like the elusive joe, if anyone remembers)? Doesn't this scenario sound like a flashy tale of a blockchain-based independent financial system that will save the world from banking slavery?

Well, well, let's see, it's not long to wait.

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