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Autoimmune telegony theory
Autoimmune telegony theory

Video: Autoimmune telegony theory

Video: Autoimmune telegony theory
Video: Young Boy Was Raised by Wild Animals, Take Revenge for His Father 2024, April

Morality, as a protective folk practice, preventing the process of degeneration of the species.

Telegony is a stable representation of some breeders, based on the observation of unusual facts of changes in the appearance of the offspring, with an unplanned crossing.

According to modern views, most of the facts "demonstrating the phenomenon of telegony" is the appearance in offspring of characters that are absent in the immediate parents, but were available in more distant ancestors. A textbook example is the identification of hidden (recessive) traits as a result of cleavage at certain combinations of parental genotypes, as well as atavisms, spontaneous secondary mutations that restore genetic information altered by a primary mutation (such as the appearance of a tail in a human child).

What is the trigger for these secondary mutations? This article proposes to consider the effect of antisperm antibodies on the genome as a mutagenic factor.

The autoimmune theory of telegony suggests that the observed effects come from the influence on the genetic material, from the antisperm antibodies, which are formed in various diseases, sodomy (anal sex, a large number of partners, excessive frequency of relationships), as well as in homosexuals and victims of pedophiles … Moreover, the richer the sexual experience, the more intense and varied immunity against the reproductive system is formed and the more DNA is affected in the offspring. Most of these pregnancies are automatically aborted, due to the deformity that is incompatible with life. Often, children die of cancer, or are born with congenital abnormalities, and often the couple becomes infertile.

Social significance of the phenomenon

In our body there are many bacteria, streptococci, staphylococci, etc., but they do not kill us as long as there is immunity. And when we die, these bacteria quickly decompose the body.

So is society. It has up to 1% of homosexuals (real, and not changed orientation under the influence of state. Propaganda of Western countries, and sectarians). Society, at different stages of its development, castrates them, stones them, or hangs them up, treats them or imprisons them, which does not contribute to their reproduction. That is, the traditional society is not tolerant and has immunity. As soon as the morality in society falls (either by itself or under the conscious influence of the elites), homosexuals, like these bacteria or mold, spread, transfer their Sodom ideology into the minds of the people around them, make homosexuality a state ideology, starting from school, and thus destroy the population. in several ways: homosexuals themselves do not breed, residents prone to sodomy get autoimmune infertility, other sexually transmitted diseases, and even if they give birth, they give birth to degenerates who are even more prone to immoral behavior and sexual deviations. In the United States, they allowed blood transfusions to homosexuals, and they do not test it for anti-sperm antibodies, and apparently they do not even ask us. All this, over several generations, leads to the extinction of the people.

The peoples that have survived in history are preserved by morality. The only sexual partner in a woman who conceives offspring without sexual perversion guarantees a low level of autoimmune mutations, and the preservation of heredity.

No matter how a reasonable person received the mutations that made him reasonable: evolution, divine creation or the genetic influence of a more developed mind, sodomy, and the massive spread of pederasty, pedophilia, can return the gene pool of humanity to its primary state.

The promotion of same-sex relationships, sodomy, becomes US government policy. In Europe, they are trying to legalize pedophilia. This is the policy of genocide of the peoples of the Earth, which are implanted, sometimes by force, liberal Western values, with the aim of causing degradation and physically eliminating the population that is excessive, from the point of view of the elites.

The need for morality to preserve the population is confirmed by science:


Many Internet pages with information about ASA among sodomites and homosexuals, after linking to them, disappear from the network. Here are the texts.

Ivan Kurennoy

Antisperm antibodies (ASA)or antibodies to sperm antigens are immunoglobulins that are produced by the immune systems of women and men that suppress sperm activity. Antisperm antibodies are one of the causes of immunological infertility.

In a healthy body of women and men, antibodies against sperm antigens are not formed.

In men, their appearance is associated with a violation of the integrity of the blood-testicular barrier. It is a biological barrier that separates the seminiferous tubules and blood vessels. Its damage occurs with trauma to the testicle, bacterial and viral infections of the gonads (epididymitis, orchitis), testicular cancer, with cryptorchidism, varicocele, after surgical interventions on the testes. After surgery for cryptorchidism (undescended testicle into the scrotum), antisperm antibodies are not detected in boys, and in adult men they appear in 40% of cases. ASA are a common finding among homosexuals and HIV-infected men.

In women, antisperm antibodies appear with autoimmune reactions, infections. They can form when the vaginal mucosa is damaged by chemical contraceptives; if sperm enters the digestive tract during oral or anal sex; when sperm enters the abdominal cavity due to the structure of the genitals; with a high content of leukocytes in the ejaculate, the ingress of spermatozoa into the vagina, which are associated with antisperm antibodies (connection with bisexuals, or passive homosexuals). Moreover, the more sexual partners there are, the more intense immunity is created.

The appearance of antisperm antibodies leads to disruption of the fertilization process, interferes with the normal development of the fetus.

Mechanisms of the effect of antisperm antibodies on reproductive processes:

  • decreased sperm motility,
  • sperm agglutination (gluing),
  • blockade of the penetration of sperm through the mucus in the cervix, their advancement through the uterus and fallopian tubes,
  • blockade of receptors on the sperm head, which bind to the zona pellucida,
  • violation of capacitation (removal of the glycoprotein membrane from the sperm cell, without which it is ready for fertilization),
  • suppression of the acrosomal reaction (biochemical changes on the head),
  • blockade of the fusion of the sperm with the oolemma (egg membrane),
  • violation of gamete fusion,
  • suppression of embryo growth,
  • fragmentation of DNA,
  • an obstacle to the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Antisperm antibodies are not always accompanied by infertility, however, if they are present in the blood of one of the spouses, pregnancy does not occur in 4 cases out of 10. If other causes of infertility are not identified, antisperm antibodies are considered the cause.

Production of antibodies to sperm when using a condom

Does using a condom help eliminate sperm antibodies?

No. When an antibody response is induced, memory cells are produced that rapidly produce antibodies against any subsequent exposure to the antigen. This is the principle of vaccination.

In women with antisperm antibodies, the lack of contact with sperm due to the use of a condom during intercourse will have no effect on memory cells. Subsequent exposure to sperm cells will rapidly lead to the production of anti-sperm antibodies again.

S. S. Bitkin

Antibodies to sperm during anal sex

Can antisperm antibodies arise from anal intercourse?

In men - passive homosexuals, the frequency of carriage of antisperm antibodies is very high. Moreover, if they want to conceive their own child and problems of a fertile nature arise, an antibody test is prescribed.

Note that in the experiment, the appearance of antisperm antibodies in laboratory animals is caused by anal insemination.

Thus, it appears that the entry of sperm into the rectum may lead to the production of anti-sperm antibodies.

S. S. Bitkin

Pathogenesis of decreased fertility in autoimmune reactions against spermatozoa

Bozhedomov V. A., Nikolaeva M. A., Ushakova I. V., Sporish E. A., Rokhlikov I. M., Lipatova N. A., Sukhikh G. T.

Purpose of the study

Show the connection between autoimmune responses against sperm, their functional characteristics and actual fertility.

Material and methods. Clinical and laboratory examination of 425 men from infertile couples aged 18–45 years was performed; fertile men, whose wives were pregnant at 8–16 weeks, constituted the control group (n = 82). Semen analysis was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the WHO, using computerized semen analysis (CASA). Determination of antisperm antibodies (ASAT) in semen - MAR and flow cytofluorometry, in serum - ELISA. Spontaneous and ionophore A23187-induced acrosomal reaction (AR) - using double fluorescent staining of spermatozoa using fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labeled lectin P. sativum and tetramethylrhodamine-isothiocyanate-labeled lectin A. hypogaea. The assessment of oxidative stress (OS) was carried out by the method of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. Chromosome damage was assessed by DNA fragmentation by dispersing chromatin in an inert agarose gel with visual assessment under a microscope for the formation of a halo after acid denaturation of DNA and lysis of nuclear proteins.

Research results

The decline in actual fertility is proportional to the percentage of MAR-positive sperm. Autoimmune reactions against spermatozoa are accompanied by overproduction of reactive oxygen species. There is a positive correlation between the results of the MAR test and the tracking speed of sperm, the amplitude of head oscillation, the percentage of sperm with premature and absent AR, the percentage of sperm with DNA fragmentation and the degree of such fragmentation.


The leading factors of reduced fertility in men with ACAT are functional sperm disorders: premature hyperactivation, increased and / or absent AR, and increased DNA fragmentation. The pathogenesis of pathospermia in immune infertility is associated with OS.

One of the causes of male infertility is autoimmune reactions against spermatozoa, which are accompanied by the production of antisperm antibodies - ASAT [1]. In the presence of ASAT, agglutination and a decrease in sperm motility occur, penetration into cervical mucus and fertilization of the egg are impaired; there is evidence that ACAT can have a negative effect on early embryo development, implantation, and pregnancy [2–7]. However, the pathogenesis of decreased fertility and miscarriage in the presence of ASAT is still not clear.

Objective of the study: to show the relationship between autoimmune reactions against spermatozoa, their functional characteristics and real fertility.

Material and research methods

Clinical and laboratory examination of 425 men from infertile couples aged 18–45 years was performed; fertile men, whose wives were pregnant at 8–16 weeks, constituted the control group (n = 82).

Sperm examination was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the WHO [8]. The sperm quality index (ICS) was calculated - the number of spermatozoa with normal morphology and progressive motility in the ejaculate (mln / ejaculate). Additionally, sperm motility was assessed using a computer sperm analyzer "MTG" (Medical Technology Vertriebs Gmbh, Germany), the program "medeaLAB CASA": the curvilinear (track) velocity (VCL, μm / sec), rectilinear velocity (VSL, μm / sec), amplitude of horizontal movement of the head (ALH, μm / sec) and linearity (LIN,%). The determination of ACAT IgG and IgA on spermatozoa was carried out by the MAR (mixed antiglobulin reaction) method (Ferti Pro N. V., Belgium) and by flow cytometry (PCM) using Facscan (Becton Dickinson, USA) and Bryte (Bio-Rad, Italy); in blood serum - using the Spermatozoa antibody ELISA (IBL, Germany). Based on the results of the MAR test, a group of patients with moderately pronounced immune responses (MAR% IgG = 10–49%) and a group with WHO autoimmune infertility (MAR% IgG> 50%) were identified.

To assess the spontaneous and ionophore-induced A23187 acrosomal reaction (AR), we used the method of double fluorescent staining of spermatozoa using fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labeled lectin P. sativum (Sigma, USA) and tetramethylrhodamine-isothiocyanate-labeled lectin A. hypogae, USA 9]. The assessment of oxidative stress (OS) was carried out by determining the intensity of free radical processes by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence [10] using a LKB-Wallac 1256 luminometer (Finland) and Chemiluminometer-003 (Russia). The intensity of chemiluminescence was judged by the light sum and the maximum luminescence amplitude, which corresponded to the rate of formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Damage to sperm chromosomes was characterized by DNA fragmentation, assessed by chromatin dispersion (SCD-test, Spain) in an inert agarose gel with visual assessment under a microscope of halo formation after acid denaturation of DNA and lysis of nuclear proteins [11]. The percentage of spermatozoa with signs of apoptosis and the degree of halo formation disturbance were assessed on a 5-point scale.

Statistical data processing was performed using the Statistica software package (StatSoft, USA); the median, M, S were calculated, the significance of the differences was assessed using the Student, Mann-Whitney and Fisher tests for independent samples, Chi-square, correlation analysis was performed (the R, Gamma coefficients were calculated).

Research results and discussion

In the groups of patients with ACAT, spermogram indices were significantly worse than in fertile men (p <0.05–0.01), but in most cases corresponded to normozoospermia [8] and did not differ at different values of the MAR test (see table; p> 0.05).


The correlation between the presence of ASAT and individual spermogram parameters is weak. There were differences when using different methods for determining ACAT: IR did not depend on MAR% IgG and IgA (p> 0.05), the amount of ACAT in the blood, according to ELISA data (p> 0.05), but it was negatively associated with the percentage of live gametes, coated with ACAT IgG, according to PCM (R = 0.29; p = 0.005). This confirms the data obtained by us earlier [12].

The clinical indicator - the duration of involuntary infertility (ABI), - on the contrary, depended on the results of the MAR IgG test even with normozoospermia (R = 0, 39; p = 0, 00001); moreover, antibodies of the IgG class show a 2 times stronger bond than IgA (R = 0, 20; p = 0, 03); there is no correlation between DVB and PCM data and blood ASAT content (ELISA) (p> 0.05).

These data indicate that the decrease in fertility against the background of ASAT is mainly due to functional disorders of spermatozoa and confirm the opinion that the methods of detecting ASAT on mobile gametes are most significantly associated with real fertility [8, 13].

To characterize the fertilizing ability of sperm, the assessment of sperm capacitance (CS) and AR, which are interrelated, but two separate events, were used [14].

Computer assessment of mobility showed (Fig. 1) that with an increase in the proportion of ACAT-positive spermatozoa, their rectilinear and curvilinear velocities, the amplitude of the horizontal movement of the head, ie.there are initial signs of hyperactivation, which is considered a manifestation of Ks [15, 16].


Normally, XC occurs in the female reproductive tract under the action of cytokines, progesterone, and zona pellucida receptors and is a condition for AR, a necessary process for egg penetration [16, 17]. Premature XC before entering the female body can be considered a factor that reduces fertility.

Previously, it was shown that there is a positive relationship between the percentage of ACAT-positive spermatozoa and the percentage of gametes that prematurely lost the acrosome [18, 19]. According to our updated data, in autoimmune reactions against spermatozoa, there are two types of disorders: redundancy of spontaneous and insufficiency of induced AR. As seen in Fig. 2, these violations are often observed together. The more sperm cells are covered with ACAT, the more pronounced these disorders are: only 40% of men with immune infertility according to WHO maintain a normal AR, which is significantly less than in fertile (p <0, 001) and in the group with MAR% IgG = 10– 49% (p <0.01).


The fundamental question remains unclear: the autoimmune reactions against spermatozoa themselves cause AR disorders, or ACAT interact with gametes, the acrosome of which is defective as a result of the action of some other factors - genetic or exogenous.

The data obtained on the negative effect of autoimmune reactions on Kc and AR explain the results of studies in which a decrease in the success of egg fertilization in vitro with sperm with ACAT was obtained [5, 7]. At the same time, there is no clarity on this issue, since, according to the authors of a recent systematic review and meta-analysis [20], the presence of ASAT does not affect the percentage of pregnancies with IVF and embryo transfer.

Our data allow us to explain the increase in the percentage of unsuccessful pregnancies found by some authors in the presence of ASAT [2, 3].

It has been established that during autoimmune reactions against spermatozoa, the proportion of gametes with disturbances in the structure of chromosomes increases. On average, the percentage of spermatozoa with DNA fragmentation in immune infertility (MAR%> 50%) is 1.6 times higher than in MAR% = 10–49% (p = 0, 003); within the normal range - 10 and 55% of values in patients of these groups (p <0.01), respectively. For the degree of DNA fragmentation, the differences are less pronounced - 1, 25 times (p = 0.01); within the normal range - 21 and 55% of the samples, respectively. The relationship between MAR IgG and DNA damage is direct: R = 0.48 (p = 0.003) for the percentage of spermatozoa with DNA fragmentation and R = 0.43 (p = 0.007) for the degree of chromatin dispersion (Fig. 3) …


The probable cause of premature AR and increased DNA fragmentation in autoimmune reactions against spermatozoa is OS. It is known that excessive production of ROS in infectious and inflammatory processes, varicocele, diabetes, and some other diseases leads to damage to the sperm membrane, a decrease in their mobility and impairment of fertilizing ability [21–23]. In this case, ROS are capable of directly damaging the DNA of chromosomes and initiating apoptosis of spermatozoa [23–25], as a result of which pregnancies often end in spontaneous abortions [26], congenital anomalies and childhood cancers may occur [25, 27]. The ability of ACAT to disrupt the development of the embryo has been discussed for a long time [4], there are experimental data confirming this [28]; immune responses against sperm in women are considered a factor in impaired implantation [29]. But it is not known whether there is damage to the DNA structure during autoimmune reactions against sperm. We were the first to establish [22, 30] that in patients with immune infertility, ROS production in sperm is significantly increased: there is a direct relationship between MAR% IgG and ROS production (R = 0.34; p = 0.03); the relationship between ROS production and the amount of IgG on gametes is even stronger, according to PCM data (R = 0.81; p = 0.007).

The role of OS in the pathogenesis of male immune infertility is confirmed by the use of antioxidants that can chemically bind excess ROS and prevent cell damage. During treatment, there is a rapid decrease in the proportion of ACAT-positive spermatozoa and normalization of AR [31].

The data obtained clarify the pathogenesis of reduced fertility in autoimmune reactions against sperm, and force a more cautious approach to the use of IVF methods, incl. intracytoplasmic sperm injection in case of immune male infertility, when sperm OS occurs and DNA fragmentation is increased. Further research in this direction is advisable in order to confirm and quantitatively characterize the relationship between DNA fragmentation, on the one hand, and the results of IVF treatment of immune infertility in men, on the other.


Male fertility in autoimmune reactions against spermatozoa is reduced in proportion to the proportion of mobile gametes covered with ACAT, and is caused by functional disorders of spermatozoa: premature hyperactivation, AR disorders and increased DNA fragmentation associated with OS.
