Early help or how our children will earn
Early help or how our children will earn

Video: Early help or how our children will earn

Video: Early help or how our children will earn
Video: Magna Carta 2.0 - the power of consumers in the new economy | Ed McManus | TEDxMelbourne 2024, April

According to the presidential decree, the years 2018-2027 have been declared the Decade of Childhood in Russia. In order to improve the state policy in the field of child protection, a corresponding project has been developed.

The project contains paragraph 83 "Implementation of the Concept for the Development of Early Care".

One of the institutions involved in early intervention in Russia is the St. Petersburg Institute for Early Intervention. The website of the institution notes that the Institute closely cooperates with Sweden, participated in numerous joint projects with specialists from Great Britain, Norway, the USA and Finland, with the support of foreign foundations (UNICEF, etc.).

Let's get acquainted with the content of paragraph 83 "Implementation of the Concept for the Development of Early Care".

Early assistance services will be provided to children aged from birth to 3 years old (but the developers decided to leave the possibility of "early" intervention until 8 years old), who have health limitations, disabilities, genetic disorders, as well as their families. Initially, the concept of early assistance was designed for families with disabled children, but later the developers decided to go beyond this. Children of the risk group also fall under the provision of early assistance, that is, children who are likely to develop persistent disorders and have developmental disorders (orphans and children left without parental care). Also at risk are children from families in a socially dangerous situation.

For example, in St. Petersburg, a family is recognized as socially dangerous if the following signs are present:

- “refusal from medical examination” of the child or “treatment if there is a medical indication”. Regardless of the disease and situation.

- "making excessive demands that do not correspond to the age or capabilities" of the child. It does not indicate when normal requirements become excessive.

- “living of a minor in a family in a situation of conflict between family members, with the presence of stress factors: unemployment, parasitism, financial problems, an unbearable moral atmosphere, a serious illness of a family member, adverse events in the life of the family”. Since conflicts and “adverse events” occur in the overwhelming majority of families, any prosperous families can be recognized as socially dangerous. This is how it turns out to be a substitution (a mechanism for manipulating consciousness), since a social norm is made a social danger.

- "negative influence on the minor of cultural or religious factors." How the “negative” impact is expressed is not specified.

- "negative influence of peers, adults" and the like.

From the above, it becomes clear that any family can get into the target group for providing early assistance.

Throughout the Concept, great attention is paid to the timely identification of children in need of early assistance. The so-called experts will evaluate the "lag" in development and determine its "likelihood".

How will this happen?

Specialists working in various preschool and school institutions, healthcare organizations, and guardianship authorities will work specifically to identify such children. We are talking about the so-called interdepartmental cooperation.

The draft Concept provides for the introduction of sections on "early care" into the curriculum for training specialists (psychologists, defectologists, speech therapists, pediatricians, neurologists, psychiatrists, social educators), and also indicates the need to develop a "separate professional standard for a specialist in early care" (59, 61 paragraph in Section 2 of the Draft).

For example, in Germany for the provision of early assistance ("Fruehe Hilfe") a serious "network" has been created, which includes psychologists, psychiatrists, Jugendamt (analogue of guardianship authorities) and other institutions for helping children.

A German psychologist with 20 years of experience, Richard Moritz, who knows the details of juvenile justice, writes. “The psychologist makes money on every withdrawal of the child. An expert opinion can cost up to 10 thousand euros (the opinion is written in advance). From all the cases studied, it clearly follows that experts and social workers strive to prescribe psychological and psychiatric therapy to parents and children, the psychologist notes.

So it turns out that if an army of experts on "early assistance" is created, then the identification of children of the "risk group" (including among quite healthy children) will become widespread, since the experts will be interested in work and money.

It is also supposed to identify the factors that determine the need for early assistance (paragraph 3 of the List of early assistance services). That is, the authorities will be given the right to check the family (come home, collect evidence), after which the parents can be recognized as “in need of social services,” even against their consent. Let us remind that a family needs social services in the following cases: the presence of a child or children experiencing difficulties in social adaptation; the presence of an intra-family conflict; the presence of domestic violence; the presence of other circumstances that are recognized as deteriorating or capable of worsening the living conditions of citizens (Article 15 of the Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation"). The concepts of "conflict", "violence", "difficulties" are not defined. Accordingly, any family can fall under the law.

The family, which was recognized as "in need of social services", will be imposed various kinds of psychological assistance (both the child and the parents), it will be of a voluntary-compulsory nature.

R. Moritz writes, referring to his experience, that "mentally healthy children are locked up in psychiatric institutions for no good reason, and they are assigned psychological and psychiatric supervision." The German author notes that “every expert opinion comes out on the fact that children and parents need to prescribe psychological and psychiatric therapy. Parents who "voluntarily" agree to psychiatric therapy for themselves and their children are promised restoration of parental rights. " And in all cases known to Moritz, Jugendamt did not respect his word.

I must say that in Russia psychiatric services have also made good friends with juvenile structures. There are cases in which parents who are actively fighting for their children are locked up in a psychiatric hospital for treatment, or they are intimidated with such an opportunity.

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In addition to psychologists and all sorts of experts, the pharmaceutical business has its own interest in this process.

For example, in Germany, children are often prescribed Ritalin to combat hyperactivity. In Russia, Ritalin is recognized as a psychotropic substance, it is a non-amphetamine-type psychostimulant, the action of which is similar to that of cocaine. A teenager who is put on Ritalin is more likely to switch to heroin later. In Germany, sales of Ritalin from 1995 to 2005. have grown 20 times.

It is characteristic that the schedule for the removal of children from families in Germany is also constantly growing since the start of statistics in 1995 (only a few years - in the 2000s - there was a slight decline). If in 1995 23,432 children were removed from families, then in 2014 - 48,059 children.

There are also sad data on the “addiction” of seized children to dangerous drugs in the United States. In particular, the report of the senator of the state of Georgia Nancy Schaeffer "The corrupt business of child protection services" ("The corrupt business of Child protective services", 2007), states: "More money is allocated for children who are placed in psychiatric institutions and put on psychotropic drugs. 60% of kidnapped children are put on Prozac (schizoteric sedative).”

It turns out that there is a huge financial interest behind the provision of "early help" to children.

Russian citizens now have a unique opportunity to see and compare how juvenile technologies work in the West, to what consequences they lead. And most importantly, Russia has a choice: is this the future we wish for our children?

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