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Geopolymer concrete - ancient technology?
Geopolymer concrete - ancient technology?

Video: Geopolymer concrete - ancient technology?

Video: Geopolymer concrete - ancient technology?
Video: Ancient Aliens: Arkaim, the Russian Stonehenge (Season 11) | History 2024, April

One of the properties of the human psyche is to believe in what is said by an authoritative person, especially in what has been written repeatedly and everywhere, and at the same time, not to trust your eyes.

Millions of earthlings are convinced that the American flotilla under the command of Admiral Richard Byrd took part in hostilities against aliens in 1947. in the area of the land of Queen Maud in Antarctica. But the "sane" tease those who believe in little green men, and argue that the truth is that in fact it is the Nazis who founded base 211, or "New Swabia" on their flying saucer-shaped submarines, defeated American soldiers and destroyed two ships, as far as planes deck aviation and several hundred personnel. So I want to believe in fairy tales … but the truth is that the Americans were defeated … The Soviet whaling flotilla "Slava". On our side, there were also losses: THREE ultra-modern, for those times, destroyers "High", "Important" and "Impressive". Experts know this, but they are in no hurry to disappoint supporters of conspiracy theories of the event.

Exactly the same thing happens in the field of knowledge about the true methods and methods of construction of most of the known "prehistoric" objects. Such as the pyramids of Egypt and Mesoamerica, and similar megalithic structures, as well as sculptures, bas-reliefs and household items..


About the suggested "knowledge"

For some reason, people are accustomed to unconditionally take their word for it, without bothering to verify the information, or trust their own eyes. A person unconditionally believes that there are vitamins in an apple, and at the same time does not believe the obvious. Take a bite of the apple. Where is there at least one vitamin? And why does a person so confidently declare the existence of an ordered movement of electrons in a conductor? Who saw this movement? This is just a theory, and nothing more. There may not be any electrons at all. Nevertheless, learning the word "tricky" is already half the battle. It is enough for an advertiser to announce that ceramides are present in the new shampoo, as crowds of women rush to spend money to join the beauty. And they do not realize that there is nothing significant, except for surfactants, in any synthetic detergent and is unlikely to be.

Someone authoritative has introduced the term "Fomenkovism", and now hundreds of thousands of those "have seen the light" are hanging labels to the right and to the left. I ask:

- Why Fomenkovism? Who told you that this is synonymous with ignorance?

- Everyone says.

- Have you read Fomenko and Nosovsky?

- No, I take their word for smart people. And the truth is, why is it some kind of historian - a dropout declared himself a genius?

- Fomenko is not a historian. He is a mathematician.

- So even more so, why is he with his snout and in a Kalashny row!

- Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko (March 13, 1945, Stalino) - Soviet and Russian mathematician, an expert in the field of multidimensional calculus of variations, differential geometry and topology, theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, symplectic and computer geometry, theory of Hamiltonian dynamical systems. Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1994), the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education. Also known as a graphic artist and one of the production designers of the cartoon "Pass".

- Yeees?! Really? And what is he in history then …?

- The new chronology is just one of his hundreds of works in applied mathematics. What is obscurantism here !?

And then a person begins to guess that he was wrong in something.

I can give exactly the same example with the famous writer - "the king of horrors" Stephen King. Who called him that? For what? No horror. Everyday life is hidden behind the fantastic plots, which is more terrible than fiction. But this is all - just a part of his work. There are such amazing books as "The Corpse", "Kujo", "The Portrait of Rita Hayworth" and others. But the publishers persistently print horrible monsters on the covers of his books, and a thinking reader a priori will not take such a book into his hands.

What am I doing this for now? And in order for you to try to perceive what is written below with an unclouded mind. it's so simple, so obvious, see for yourself.

About clay

Many of you, probably in childhood, sculpted all kinds of animals from clay. When the clay dries, it becomes hard. More often fragile and chipping (requires firing), but it also happens that, without any hardening, the clay turns into stone simply by losing moisture. In the Pskov region, there are many reservoirs where there are outlets of blue clay, it is used in folk medicine for the treatment of joints. So, when it dries, it turns into a solid stone, and this does not surprise anyone. When a person sees in front of him a stone that was blinded a little earlier before his birth, for some reason it does not even occur to him that the stone was not always a stone.

I talked in detail about the nature of the origin of megalithic rails here.

Let me remind you in a nutshell: it's time to stop puzzling over how many carts had to pass through one place in order for such a miracle to occur:


Island of Malta.


This is also filmed in Malta, but there are hundreds of such places in the world.


Even here in Azerbaijan, on the Absheron Peninsula. (Out of habit, he wrote “with us.” Of course, not with us, but with them.)

How many words need to be said for scientists to tell the truth. No wheels, everything is trite to disgust. On the clay bottom, covered with algae, drags were dragged. Then the water left and exposed the bottom to the scorching sun. Over the years, nothing remained of the silt, and chalk clay, natural cement, naturally polymerized, turning into a rocky plateau with traces of drags, boat keels, tree trunks thrown by a storm onto the berg, and here's a tourist attraction for you! Without investing a penny, cut coupons from tourists, write dissertations, get academic degrees and titles, there will definitely be enough for bread and butter. Is the mechanism clear?

Now it's the turn to drink validol for fans of the puzzle of dolmen construction.


Whoever understood the essence of the origin of the ruts on the stones will quickly figure out how these things were built. Holmes would say: - “Elementary, Watson! There is no doubt that a layer of clay, dried enough not to break, but still quite suitable for "sculpting" was petrified already in its present position. It was processed easily, with a sharp stone scraper, even with a wooden tool. Five to six healthy men are quite capable of lifting a layer of drying clay vertically with the use of temporary props. This will require no more than one daylight hours. It remains only to "sand" the surface, give the necessary shape, cut a hole and the grave is ready.

After a couple of hundred years, it completely completes the polymerization process, and crowds of idlers wander around, opening their mouths, hoping to open the "third eye". And as if by chance a shepherd will be nearby, who will tell a couple of miraculous incidents associated with this dolmen, will hint that fifty rubles is not enough to vaccinate sheep against Nile fever. I would not speak if this did not happen to me personally. Further, mention should be made of the mysterious "grain pits" of which there are a great many in the Crimea.


The cave city of Exi-Kermen in the Crimea.

Grain pits are cavities in the rocks, which from the inside completely repeat the geometry of ceramic amphorae. Narrow opening, neck and expansion below the center of the vessel and constriction at the bottom. Researchers cannot understand how it was possible to manufacture it. Chopping a monolith in this way is at least utter nonsense. And everyone is amazed by the fact that the distance between adjacent cavities is a few centimeters in places of maximum diameter. And also a perfectly polished surface.

And in this case, we are faced with natural concrete. Only it was not clay, but an aqueous suspension of chalk deposits. The flood covered the village, in which there was a warehouse with many amphorae, filled everything to the top, absorbing a kind of "kefir" containing lime with a high content of metal oxides, and then the water evaporated, leaving a clay swamp. The swamp was petrified to its present state, and the ceramics, apparently, also combined with the surrounding suspension and petrified.


If you understand the principle of the appearance of a monolithic natural stone from completely ordinary substances, in the abundance of those found in nature, then you can easily explain to incomprehensible scientists - doctors and candidates that the cave cities were not at all formed by the efforts of wild people who for centuries hammered the rock with stone hammers. or with bronze chisels.


Everything is very prosaic. The settlement was flooded with water with a high content of particles, which, when moisture is removed, first become clay, and then petrify, turning into a monolithic rock of limestone or shell rock. You don't need to hammer anything. It is only necessary that the surviving buildings crumble to dust from time and reveal the internal cavities inside the rocks that appeared as a result of the flood. And most likely, people adapted these premises for household needs back in the days when rocks were not rocks. They were hardened, but still easy to work with. This is how steps and other traces of processing appeared, which are now taken for the result of the work of thousands of stonecutters.

So. We have made sure that most of the minerals are the product of polymerization of plastics and liquids. This is not nonsense, this is the most common natural phenomenon. And it does not require millions of years, Portland cement, special additives, etc. Man, having created concrete, simply copied nature, as it always happens. But the path along which the alchemists went in search of the philosopher's stone was not smooth and straightforward. Those who knew the secret of making high-quality artificial stone strictly guarded it from outsiders. High technology is always the lot of the elite, because it is money and power. But successful examples of the use of artificial stone are scattered all over the world and literally lie under our feet. Wherever you look, everywhere you come across geopolymer concrete. You cut meat in the kitchen - the countertop is made of it. Moreover, it is indistinguishable from natural marble. You go to the cemetery again, he is dear. Only made not by a furniture company, but by masters of the 19th century.


Yaroslavskaya oblast. Cemetery from the middle of the 19th century. The roughly finished granite slab is covered with a layer of high quality geopolymer plaster


How is it? Do you believe with your own eyes that this is not Fomenko's invention?


Now for the die-hard. Our great-grandfathers knew how not only to perfectly cover the surface of the stone with plaster, ideally imitating natural stone, but also to cast entire structures that look indistinguishable from natural granite, which, however, are not. It is impossible to make a cut in three planes by machine. This will not be done by any stone cutter in the world, because neither a circular saw nor a band saw is suitable for making 3D structures from a monolith. This can be done exclusively by casting into a finished form - formwork. Here we also see a decorative element that was on the formwork, or was squeezed out into a detail that has not yet had time to be completely petrified, by a matrix - a cliche.

But more recently, in Russia, such construction techniques were used incredibly widely!


The whole of St. Petersburg is one large exhibition of the use of high-quality geopolymer concrete


Or do you also believe that this was done with a chisel by bearded men in bast shoes from Novgorod and Pskov?

Of course, its quality indicates that the most perfect knowledge about the composition of artificial stone is applied here.

About the formula of the philosopher's stone

Get sand from the spit of the river.

Burn a hundred trees, collect ash.

Take clay and stir until a milk consistency is obtained.

Add slaked lime to the liquid clay.

In the second bucket, mix the sand and ash 100 to 1.

Mix everything and mix well."

Here's a recipe I came across on the Internet. Rough, but the essence is conveyed, in general, it is true.

Joseph Davidovits (born 1935) is a French chemist and material scientist. Author of over 130 scientific articles and conference reports, over 50 patents. The inventor of a monolithic building material, which he called "geopolymer", formed by the interaction in an alkaline medium of components, mainly of geological origin, containing aluminates and silicates. He was awarded the Order of Merit of France.

And here's a strange thing: - The whole world widely uses his discovery, but at the same time calls him a charlatan. Amazing right? How did it all start? And here is the most interesting thing. Joseph Davidovich (quite by accident that was the name of the stepfather of Jesus - the husband of the Mother of God), in fact, did not invent anything. He stupidly made a chemical analysis of the "granite" from which the Egyptian pyramids at Giza are made. It was possible to establish 13 main components, among which were flour of several natural minerals (quartz, spar, mica, etc.), oxides of several metals, sodium carbonate and fibers of wool from goats and sheep. This irrefutably proved that we were not looking at natural granite, but an artificial stone cast from an aqueous solution of the components most common near the pyramids. Aluminum oxide is found in excess in the river clay from the bottom of the Nile, sodium carbonate in excess is found in salt lakes nearby. granite as much as necessary, well, more sheep need to be sheared. There was little left to do - to find out the exact proportion of all components, which was successfully done.

Of course, the theory of casting large megaliths from concrete explains a lot:

- there is no need for time-consuming tool processing, - explains the absence of finds of even damaged instruments, - it becomes clear how it was possible to carve millions of tons of blocks without leaving construction waste, - the question of where in general such a huge number of monolithic blocks of this volume appeared in Egypt is removed (according to calculations, in order to cut down such a number of megaliths, half of the territory of Egypt should be occupied by quarries with very large granite monoliths, which is not in fact. size), - it becomes clear why not a single lost or cracked block was found between the Aswan quarry and the Giza plateau, - there is an answer to the question of how it was possible to fit the blocks to each other so precisely that there was no gap between them, - there is an explanation for the mysterious risks and lines on the blocks of the pyramids located above 50 meters. Sandstorms chiseled the stones at the foot, and those at the top preserved the traces of the reed mats, which had been imprinted since the time of casting.

Much is explained, but of course not everything. However, the presented with interest is enough to make sure that the blocks from which the pyramids are built are the real works of art of unknown concrete workers, who ground granite crushed stone on millstones to a state of flour, added clay from the bottom of the Nile, salt from local lakes, water to the solution, mixed and poured into the board formwork, laid with a mat. After the block solidified, the formwork was removed, and three of the six faces of the future block were already ready for subsequent pouring. The surface was lubricated with a solution of lime, so that the edges of the pyramid did not become a single monolith, retained some mobility in order to avoid cracking and destruction from the action of tectonic forces.

As you can see, in fact, everything is much simpler than scientists make us think. In this regard, another fact becomes explainable, which puzzled me quite recently, about ten years ago.

About "antiquity"

I devoted many years to my Motherland in the service of the customs authorities. With an unflagging interest in history, I was researching the emergence of customs in the Pskov region. Studying customs books, I was amazed by the assortment of exports from Pleskavia (this was the name of the medieval republic on the site of the present west of the Pskov region and the southwest of the Leningrad region). The main component of the export was potash, which is useless by today's standards. Probably up to 90% of everything that was exported from Pskov to Europe was precisely potassium carbonate (K2CO3). And this is a product obtained precisely from wood ash. Why was this product (salt) so valuable for Europeans?

The puzzle came together when I read the Decree of Peter the Great on a complete ban on the export of potash from Russia, on pain of life-long penal servitude. Those. potassium carbonate was a strategic raw material. For the production of what? Let's return to St. Petersburg and everything will become clear. If in Egypt potassium carbonate was used for the production of artificial granite, then in Russia there were innumerable deposits of sodium carbonate (from where - a separate topic, very interesting), which served as a binder for geopolymer concrete. And it was the date of the Decree that became the answer to the question of when "antiquity" actually appeared. All antiquity was created precisely in the 18th century (and not BC), and its production required inconceivable volumes of the main substance playing the role of a binder in a solution, which was then passed off as natural marble, granite, malachite, diorite, etc. it should be noted that potash was the main component for the production of glass and … GUNPOWDER! Truly, nothing is new under the sun. Now they pump out gas, but before they took out potash. And Peter decided to turn off the tap in Europe for the production of keramomarazzi porcelain stoneware and gunpowder. Is this the main reason for the wars with Sweden? I don’t know - I don’t know … It is too early to draw conclusions, but the discovery, I think, is on the face. FACT - on the face, and hell on the snout, as my battalion commander, with whom I served as an urgent, said.


I don't even understand why, but those who first came across the information that the use of geopolymer concrete has found wide application throughout the world in "dense" antiquity, the same type of questions arise. For example: - "Were all the pyramids built using this technology"? Of course not. even the Egyptian pyramids are a complex of different methods and techniques. They are only partially built. Most of them are natural mountain heights, which have been given the now visible form, with the help of a superstructure of blocks made using geopolymer casting technology. There, natural folds of the terrain and natural monolithic rocks are used to the maximum. But there are many other objects, such as Machu Picchu, Pisaka, Saksauiman, Baalbek, and others, where geopolymer casting is not represented on such a global scale, but it is present almost everywhere.

There is another version of the same question in essence: - Is it possible that in the Urals, the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Altai, Primorye, Kolyma, we see the ruins of only geopolymer technology? methods of megalithic construction. Some of its elements are actually instrumental. So polygonal masonry is made with the help of elementary hand saws.

But there are still not solved ways of changing the state of the stone, such as in the Devil's settlement, for example, in the Urals. The technologies are clearly similar, because it is obvious that the fossils at the time of construction were clearly in a state of plastic mass, like dough or plasticine. Soft "pancakes" were stacked on top of each other and then polymerized. Such masonry received the corresponding name - plasticine. But let's not be distracted by it now. I propose to travel a little, so that, having known information, make sure of its consistency.


Egypt. Do I need to explain that this is a high-quality geopolymer plaster? Another question is automatically removed, why the hieroglyphs on the bas-reliefs are completely identical, and even have the same defects. It's simple. Until the plaster dried, certain signs were squeezed out on it using standard cliches, hence the identity of the same symbols in different parts of the bas-relief. It was not cut out, but squeezed out onto the wet plaster. Subsequently, it turned to stone and took the form of a natural stone, but the photo clearly shows how the layer peeled off from the natural stone and exposed the core - roughly processed granite.


Also here.


Comments nnnnnnado?


The floor was manufactured in the same way, why bother when there is a reliable, tried and tested method?


This is Cambodia. Exactly the same technologies! Only casting, and nothing else could leave what you see with your own eyes. Will you believe your eyes, or will you believe scientists?


Of course, this can be a product of the stone cutter's labor, only a professional will tell you that there is no such stone that would "forgive" the mistakes of the stone cutter's work. The millimeter dimensions of individual three-dimensional details of the ornament indicate that the carving was made on a plastic material, and not on a solid monolith.


Do you suppose this is drilling? You are wrong. This hole was made by a wooden formwork element. Glazing is evidence of exposure to high temperatures. It is possible that the spacer was all-metal, and the hardening occurred unscheduled quickly, which made it necessary to use special methods of extracting the pipe from the hardened concrete. See how such designs are cast today:


Here is the formwork. Its walls are held together by transverse pipes. After pouring and hardening of concrete, the walls and formwork are removed, the pipes are removed, and …


The holes left by the horizontal elements of the temporary reinforcement are simply plastered.


But in Baalbek, these holes were either not covered at all, or from time to time the plugs simply collapsed, and showed the world technological traces of the creation of megaliths …


Looking at this visor, would anyone think that this is a natural stone? Definitely concrete! Moreover, it was done quite carelessly.


Dolmens again. There is no need to point out that the "monolith" clearly consists of panels, which at the time of construction were so plastic that they allowed themselves to be "smeared" with a spatula on the parts adjacent to them at right angles.

They tell me that Andrei Yurievich Sklyarov, who is deeply respected by me, has not convincingly proved the traces of machine processing of stone. I must answer: NO. Don't be angry at me with his fans. Andrey Yuryevich showed the world amazing artifacts, but made absolutely wrong conclusions. it happens. Man escaped from the captivity of universal stereotypes, and mired in his own created. He just cannot imagine that a "drill", which in one revolution has gone deep into granite, went deep into a pasty mass. And it was most likely an ordinary pipe, if not a stick at all. He cannot believe that the "grinder mark" is not a circular saw at all, but just a smear on wet plaster with a spatula, which later turned to stone.


We look further at the dolmens. What I said! A square slab of hardening clay is cut out, folded back like a lid, and four adjoining edges are cut out, placed vertically and covered on top with the originally cut slab after the deceased is laid inward. It remains to trim the walls with spatulas, cut out a hole, a cork, and drown out the last window from the other world to our world. What is a window for? Who knows, maybe in order to transfer gifts to the deceased every year on Trinity, as we now visit deceased relatives, and leave a glass of vodka on the grave, covered with a crust of rye bread.


Doubt if this is a layer of petrified clay? I, too, a little, but only out of habit not to trust anyone, because everything around is a lie! Everything - everything - everything!


It is very clearly seen how the builders corrected the flaws, filling them with mortar, or rather the "stone" itself.


Does natural granite peel off in this way? I have not seen it even once.


Need more proof of the use of geopolymer plaster? The columns are made of small, roughly worked (albeit with high quality) stones, and then covered with a layer of plaster, on which the drawings are then extruded with standard relief seals.


Baths of Antoninus in Carthage. Here we generally see steel reinforcement. It is likely that this is generally a remake of the early twentieth century.


Dougga, Tunisia. Obviously, the ceramic pipe was filled with concrete, and here's a riddle for posterity: - where is that heavy-duty drilling machine, with a 30 cm drill and a 40 cm cutter. Don't complicate things like that. The Iron Age is the era in which we now live, and not what they write about in textbooks. And the Stone Age is not at all the time of the Neanderthals with stone axes and scrapers. The Stone Age ended only in the 18th century, at a time when the massive use of stone was replaced by metal tools and building materials.


Pay attention to the thickness of the near wall of the bath. This is not a monolith! This is a frozen solution, which is smeared with a depression. We now have the same, only with a drain for water in the floor.


And here is the true "delicacy" that can convince the most zealous skeptics. This is the petrified footprint of a builder's shoe. Do you still believe the textbooks?


Why, then, is no one surprised by such "greetings" from the Jurassic period?

Well, for a snack, I suggest watching a sensible film. This is for those who do not like to read, but have not lost their curiosity. Good luck friends! Be surprised! As long as you are able to wonder - the world does not face the apocalypse!
