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Wall-mounted drug propaganda gains popularity in Russia
Wall-mounted drug propaganda gains popularity in Russia

Video: Wall-mounted drug propaganda gains popularity in Russia

Video: Wall-mounted drug propaganda gains popularity in Russia
Video: Unmasking the Australian spy who sold secrets to Russia | Four Corners 2024, April

The walls of many houses in Russian cities are painted with open advertisements for the sale of various drugs. Children go to school and read all this, and then buy. And adult uncles from power pretend that they are blind-deaf-dumb idiots …

I returned to the regional center, dear to me since my Soviet childhood, five years ago, in the spring of 2014 after a long absence. Even at the entrance to the bus station, I was unpleasantly struck by the eerie appearance of the city walls. I will probably never forget this depressing first impression! The facade of every house in his native city was everywhere disfigured by some ugly English-language inscriptions. And my first impression was that there must have already been a war without me, and our city was captured by the Americans. Who are everywhere and have marked, in a dog's manner, all our walls with their foreign marks.

A week after, I was struck by a situation even more disgusting and wild, which became for me a starting point for all subsequent years. One day, around noon, second-graders from a local school were walking in front of me with their satchels behind their backs. And one of them suddenly announced to two of his friends that "now he will come home and sniff the Chinese salt." This was said as an offer to join this business. But these children were deliberately underage! I had to rudely intervene in their conversation and find out from them where this "Chinese salt" comes from.

The children's answer shocked me. They showed me to the surrounding walls, everywhere covered with some kind of cell number with the word "Legal" …

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

I was just dumbfounded! In all this there was something so vile, disgusting and cynical … That the same evening, after deep thought, I resolutely revised my previous principles for the sake of what I saw, rewrote this number and took it to the Police. And I am not ashamed of this act of mine. There is a certain limit beyond which you can no longer close your eyes to the things happening. Otherwise, by your inaction, you become a voluntary complicit in the evil that is happening. And to participate in child molestation is a business worthy of a place under the bunker! Those who are not against evil are in favor.

Until now, the very possibility of such an open widespread advertising of drugs to children does not fit in my head! After all, this is the real PE-DO-FI-LEE-I! I just can't find another word. This is the most real rape of the forming child's soul. After all, even just the drug trade itself, if you look at it, there is a less dastardly business than such a wall drug promotion. Because this trade takes place in secret and does not impose an interest in the consumption of these substances on anyone. Right there, on the contrary, it is precisely forced mass retractionminors into drug use.

Imagine that you have children whom you want to raise in life as healthy, full-fledged people. But some very powerful and influential forces decided to organize such "vile" conditions for your children throughout our country that wherever your child goes, he will stumble across hundreds of advertisements written on the walls, bus stops, pillars and fences. operating drug sites … The work of which, even from a purely technical point of view, cannot be blocked, since these drug sites operate in the "deep" Internet space not controlled by the state.

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

Wherever the child goes, he will also everywhere stumble upon vandalism that defiles the public cultural space. Which gradually instills in him an aggressive lack of culture and hypnotically lowers him to the herd-tribal degenerative-physiological, animal level … Cutting off any possibility of moral growth from him and limiting his development to a collective word "Cattle" … Above which, in a specially created environment of militant swinishness and ubiquitous drug propaganda, he will not grow spiritually.

And even if you naively think that you will definitely save your child from all this, I assure you that one day your child will still have a situation when he, either himself or under the influence of the environment, will want to “run away from the disappointments of life And try these widely advertised drugs for children on every corner.

On which in our country today all children without exception were forcibly planted from the very cradle! Straight from the wheelchair-slider age. Since ubiquitous drug advertising has the property programming impact on the child's subconscious, regardless of the awareness of the child's perception. What happens is intrusive coding children to the use of these deadly substances, which forcibly coercively affects the child's consciousness, is still weak for critical rejection of incoming external information that harms child development. (Read also the text of the Federal Law - 436. "On the protection of children from information that is harmful to their development")

That is why it is indifferent to remain idle in a situation when invitations addressed to children are obsessively written on all the walls around "Shoot up", in my deep conviction, only a morally unhealthy person can.

A little later, I found out that such drug numbers, as well as drug trafficking sites, were applied along the walls of the city. darkness-dark

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

In conversations, I also found out from people who consume these substances that not only websites and phones serve as advertisements for them, but also "Nicki" … Near which special (imposed by the "deep Internet") icons can be used to mark the proposed drug "assortment" … For a better understanding of this problem on the Web, I also looked through dozens of articles and notes on graffiti, including those written by foreign forensic experts. And some of the data found in them led me to completely unexpected conclusions.

When comparing some facts, through layers of different information husks, a very strange picture finally emerged in understanding. It turned out that these graffiti were once invented not at all as a means of someone's self-expression, but were already originally conceived by their "implementers" exactly as special cipher language communication of drug dealers. And in America it was not at all invented by young blacks "protesters for the sake of protest", but developed and imperceptibly through these black hucksters "introduced" into the marginal "black" neighborhoods themselves American intelligence services … In order to promote their very lucrative drug business in America through their drug dealers.

And multicolored graffiti in this scheme, the role of a distracting “dirty” background was simply assigned to the necessary criminogenic atmosphere. Of course, none of the uninterested parties will scrutinize it closely. Therefore, the more in this “background” there was any mysterious and incomprehensible “dirt”, the “better” it was and the easier it was for drug dealers to hide their “advertisement” on it.

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

According to reliable data, foreign intelligence services and today this process is being organized in our country with the help of the "deep Internet". Everything is built on the simplest business schemes. Similar schemes issued by our employers to "pedestrian" peddlers and posting advertisers in the neighborhood. With the prescription of the most effective route for its distribution. Drug site advertising nightly promoters do it on the same principle. In which there is something very characteristic of the cynical-mercantile Western mentality.

It is this crime-organizing supranational "Deep Internet" hires himself in Russia "steno-mazov", paying them for their work on obandalivanie our city walls … Paying them with cryptocurrency for photo reports and desecration of monumental and architectural monuments, and for vandalism on public transport, and for the promotion of technically protected in the "deep Web "Drug stores …

This whole shadow business industry destruction and suppression of any culture in our territory colonized by foreigners. In exchange for which the country is imposed an artificially modeled criminogenic environment from widespread vandalism. Agitationally instilling a rebellious spirit of gloomy chaos and blatant disrespect for others everywhere. Simultaneously provoking the growing population to crime, and disguising countless advertising "tentacles" of this crime. And it acts like yeast fermenting public consciousness. A growing man, from whom this widespread vandalism is robbed of genuine culture, quickly amidst such ubiquitous "visual agitation" degrades and spiritually fouls.

By means of which, a spiritually pathogenic environment necessary for the colonialists is being formed in Russia, helping its "implementers" to extract maximum profit from our territory with simultaneous corruption and destruction the maximum number of young people. Because by corrupting the youth, they undermine and destroy the state itself, which forms the nation for the Russian land … Dulles the doctrine of the strategic degeneration of Russia through the forced destruction of its spiritual and cultural identity.

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

You can see for yourself how today in Russia with washing powder they wash the asphalt of the roads every day and repaint all the road railings three times during the summer. Innumerable billions of spending budget money in all kinds of improvement of what is “underfoot” … But here's what is characteristic: it was as if someone had imposed a taboo on the walls painted by vandals for all city officials and public utilities. And paint over them "Don't rush" for years! Now you finally understand why ?!

Does this seem implausible to you? And in vain. Let me explain with a very close example. The same current rap, thematically tightly tied to graffiti and drugs, according to data from Soviet magazines, purposefully created by Pentagon specialists precisely as a "psychotronic weapon" that destroys the work of the brain at a subtle vibrational cellular-molecular level with a special unnatural alternation of rhythms and frequencies.

Therefore, when you first listen to any rap - you clearly feel this "sickening" disgust for him of your own organism, protesting against the chopped discordant cacophony of sounds. Afterwards, the ear involuntarily “gets washed out”, grows dull and begins to look for something pleasant for itself in this unnatural and frankly degenerative musical denatured alcohol, as if in poisonous alcohol.

The main thing for the "implementers" was the right thing to "bring down all this from above", submitting to the masses a brain-destroying development, as something "Fashionable" … And now the disgusting "psychotronic weapon" becomes a new mass "national rhythm", and the "Russian-negros" - rappers - patriotically waving the tricolor on the tank. Young people, who think so far only with hormones, quickly "hawala" all this at face value, are drawn in, grows dull and steadily degenerates! This is how a degenerate youth subculture is imposed on the country, psychotronically mortifying and purposefully pushing children towards drug use. That the Pentagon, which was successfully implementing the "Dulles doctrine" in Russia, actually needed it.

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

When at the dawn of Perestroika the Jewish "dove of peace" came to the Union Brzezinski, he brought multivolume "recommendations from the IMF" developed at the Pentagon, naturally, not for the all-Union good, but for the destruction and implementation of Western criminal schemes in the colonized country. For a better understanding of all this, remember the animated Soviet fable of Mikhalkov Sr. about "The architect's fox", which rebuilt a chicken coop for a nearby lion. It clearly presents the essence of everything that is presented to you here …

The "Brzezinski and Kissingers" could only push to power in the country they colonized such "lions" loyal to their recommendations, who would no longer ask any unnecessary questions, but would obediently, at their colonial level, introduce into the unfortunate country everything that was offered to them … And the very first thing they "colonized" the wallet of our country - its Central Bank.

Money is the blood of the state organism. She controls the work of the state brain and all its organs. She is responsible for the construction of "fabrics" and for all his other vital activities. But if the very "heart" pumping this money blood suddenly becomes only a "branch" of the organism of a foreign state, parasitically feeding on its "blood" through "blood transfusers" abundantly stretched across the Atlantic Ocean, then it is quite obvious that exactly the same "branch" has long been in the donor country and all her government at any level. Organized for the population of the country a whole industry of "overpressure lulling and fooling", and only for show playing its imaginary "confrontation" in front of the hypnotized people.

That is why until the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is "back" nationalized by the country and is officially only a subordinate branch US Federal Reserve, The author's assertion about the “colonial” status of the Russian Federation, and the strict conditionality of the Presidential and Government powers by external regulations in relation to the Russian Federation, is completely fair and based on real, reliable, simply verifiable facts.

But let's go back. A person is so constructed that everywhere seeing on the walls a "dirty background" of incomprehensible inscriptions, sooner or later, internally, to all this ugliness, he "burns out" and ceases to notice it. And just like that, the effect desired by drug dealers suddenly turns out to be achieved!

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

There is one more characteristic point that the most attentive readers, looking closely, will certainly notice. Most of the wall "dirt" in any city is done just several "Hardworking" guys. Who almost daily invent more and more new "pseudonyms" for themselves and everywhere obscenely and sweepingly paint the city walls with them with their recognizable author's handwriting. Why do they need it? There is an assumption that for such "dirt" and photo reports about it, they, as well as for drug stencils, transfer money

They list those who need this dirt in Russian cities as a "decoration" for placing on it in the future mass advertising to their drug-selling sites. Which these same "hardworking" guys also spread over their earlier art. Such "background" vandalism for advertising the drug trade is being introduced in Russia in stages, and there is a reasonable explanation for this. First people lull, accustoming to "wall painting". And after that, the whole further process goes like a knurled one.

Unsuspecting people at first naively buy into really interesting and high-quality "competitive arts", a little after, with irritation they are forced to humble themselves and get used to the ugly multi-colored dirt that has filled all the city walls, and after that, finally, from impotence they spit on everything and everything this business "falls asleep."

And now he, and in all this, also duped and professionally hypnotized, will no longer give any meaning to the countless drug websites written around him, drug stencils applied everywhere, or picturesque pictures containing a "coded menu" from a huckster artist.

After all, from the endless contemplation of the "mud" on the walls, his soul imperceptibly had already become dull and swam to everything with "pork fat of indifference." Just like that, through ordinary "graffiti" the drug trade in our multimillion-dollar long-suffering country, quietly, without any public announcement, suddenly suddenly turned out to be legalized … It was "legalized" through popularization of graffiti!

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

Here's to you, without any deceptive and elegant "verbal wrappers", the true "candy" meaning of all sorts of "hip-hops" and "pieces". It was just that drug traffickers had to hide criminal information for their clients in the most visible public place. And a better way than to invent and "introduce" to the masses specially developed by sociologists of the Pentagon "Youth subculture" the American special services simply did not find it. Well, in the Russia they colonized, they also successfully implemented all this with the help of not asking unnecessary questions. "Pocket" authorities.

Do not be surprised. Different bacterial cultures are created in laboratories for technical needs. Well, this "wall mold" was also developed by American military behavioral sociologists for the needs of the drug trade. Therefore, after being hooked on this subculture, the children themselves did not even know that their kind uncles suddenly allowed them to "make dirt" on the walls for a reason. How could the children know that already in this very "resolution" a deep criminal sense.

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, absolutely everything that has been spent and worked in the West has become ours. The same principle was, of course, borrowed from America and the drug trade. And the notorious, seemingly forbidden, anonymizer "TOR" was once a secret communication program specially developed for the US Navy. When it became somewhat outdated, international drug traffickers began to use it for secret communication …

Block the entrance through it to "Deep Internet" and everything that happens in it is technically impossible for our State RosKomNadzor. And even if someone ever comes up with such a method, they will immediately be “liquidated”. After all, this "Deep Internet" opens our Russia to the West like a tin can.

Don't forget who actually owns the Russian Central Bank. Its permanent three-year “affiliation” of the US Federal Reserve System is the key to understanding everything that is happening in Russia. We have been 30 years since "the colony"rather than "power". Therefore, you can draw any "castles in the air" to the country through the press and make any meaningless statements to the population of the country … But for now, the Central Bank of your country is only branch someone else's State Bank, then you yourself are also nothing more than a leading employee of the colony of a foreign state. And this is an irrefutable fact!

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

Now, let's even assume that “truly” blocking drug sites is really impossible! But why then, too, it turned out to be “impossible” for so many years to force the Russian authorities of any level to organize the usual hasty painting of street advertisements for these unblocked drug sites, carried out by painters under the responsible supervision of the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

If, for example, instead of the Police, I instruct almost illiterate Asian janitors to catch criminals, then, no doubt, I will thereby create surprisingly favorable conditions for criminals … However, when our State itself, instead of the Police, instructs such janitors to prevent massed drug advertising companiesworking under the auspices of shadow non-state special services … What conclusion should follow from this? I think it's very simple: the state at its level to these drug dealers in every possible way promotes!

"Blocking Roskomnadzor" has its technical boundaries, beyond which it is nothing more than an illusion to calm parents, whose children from the first grade know everything very well … They communicate with their peers who use drugs on a daily basis and practically "live" on the Internet. Therefore, at any moment they can …

In order not to violate the requirements of RosKomNadzor, I will not give parents here a detailed detailed transcript of what their children see on the walls every day. However, within acceptable limits, I still cannot fail to indicate for them that the letter combinations printed on the walls next to the "strange Internet address": LEGAL, GER, KOKS, NATUR, GASH, LOVE, SK, SP, RG, REGA, MF, MEF, CAT, TV, 4:20, X, Z, 228, the word WORK and some others - mean some (not directly named by me here) offered by this "email address" drugs … And in most cases, a site already replicated on the wall is, most likely, a site offering drugs … You see a certain e-mail address on the walls: for example Cart @ … there is a 95% probability that some huckster left it to his clients.

Drugs can also be offered to children in secret by those who leave all kinds of funny and mysterious stickers on the walls, as well as by leaving various lettering on the walls, with different underscores, arrows and icons (dots, stars, snowflakes, diamonds, hearts, winking emoticons with sticking out tongue, and etc.). On the walls there is also a huge number of "conspiratorial" graffiti drawings, in which the assortment offered to those who painted the drug is encrypted.

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

There are entire sites and communities that host "exhibitions" of such "conspiratorial" shorthand with a meaningful advertising goal of attracting clients. Such pages also always contain a link to the mail protected from the Police, through which this illegal trade is actually carried out … Well, the graffiti theme is a bait, where both the seller and the buyer quickly and easily find each other. See now how many ways they sell ?!

What can really be done against all this now?

But in reality it is possible only in an organized manner and only at the level Ministry of Internal Affairs to deprive the drug sites living in that "depth" of their "engine" - ubiquitous street advertising … Because it is precisely without this advertisement, which annoys children’s eyes on every wall every day, that the demand for drugs in Russia will immediately drop sharply in a natural way. For the simple economic reason that the drug "supply" will cease to basely impose "demand" on its potential young clients from everywhere!

In America, the drug trade officially replenishes the state budget of the country … Therefore, Russia, as its current colony, at the cost of its childhood, also involuntarily participates in this process. You can launch any "Scalpels", "Boreas" and "Armata" with pathos from military cosmodromes "to Mars", and "grin like a wolf" at anyone from military sites …

But, while in Russia, the children of those who create all this, at the same time play in the sandboxes painted by American drug sites, "This grin" turns out that, first of all, it is directed not outside, but inside - against its own people.

(By the way, "about the grin", according to the new FZ-498, our little children are now forced to share their sandboxes decorated with drug sites with flocks of stray dogs "living freely" in cities, very directly and literally shitting at their children's sand houses at night … From fines, leashes, muzzles and bags under the feces, these feral toothy "free living" creatures by someone's insane whim, secretly and meanly introduced into our Federal Law, have now been released …

Nature cannot be altered, and a dog that has run wild in the city is again a “wild steppe jackal”. But in the cities of Russia these terrible orphan flock "jackals" have recently been no longer euthanized or caught. They are around the clock, in flocks and alone prowling among the cities between the garbage dumps and devouring everything that turns out to be weaker on the way. Flockingly guarding the breeding process of their non-sterile brethren … This is another Good advice from the IMF, thoughtlessly adopted on December 27, 2018 by the State Duma of the Russian Federation! Why, you ask, why such a law, which is so deadly for our young children, was adopted in Russia? Yes, all for the same!..)

Russia is and was for the West that very field, which, after the total “grabbing” of the whole state in its supranational hands, must hastily "genocide" and "genocide" must be profitable! At a Stakhanovian pace, freeing its expanses from the indigenous population for the international "Babylonian mixture" being resettled in it. It does not have “its Motherland” in its person, does not share its spirituality and does not have constitutional claims to its State subsoil … This is a simple statement of fact, based on the 2010 census of the country's population. The results of which, for some reason, suddenly appeared "Classified"!

Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide
Young people in Russia are dying from drug genocide

Gorbachev, according to his personal memoir, he was "introduced" and successfully realized his old dream - "Destroyed the evil empire" … Freemason of the Order of Malta Yeltsin, through the efforts of the “fifth column”, was also predictably “appointed” as the successor of this collapse. Well, after that, covering the rear of the fleeing oligarchs, he (at their instructions) already appointed his own successor …) two young leaders of the bank in Smolny … who later became the “first” and “second” face of the State for the last two decades.) And no revolution after the tragicomic departure of the “ever-drunk” did not happen.

Therefore, the country has finally become a "raw material car" of a locomotive that is alien to it. To fix this, it was gradually deprived of all the previous methods of self-sufficiency. In the end, as expected, in fulfillment of all the points of the "Ukrainian scenario" from Brzezinski, donating 50 million Russian-speaking Ukrainians for plunder to their foreign owner, in exchange for a "comforting udder" from the "little hohlushka" taken by the "black wolves" to the American forest. Which at every opportunity is supposed to "shake" a little in front of the population. And also if the true, apparently little-known, ratings of the authorities begin to fall below a certain dangerous “red line”.

And all her imaginary squabbles and confrontations with America were very succinctly expressed in the well-known phrases of Mr. Poltoranin … (This is about friction among the management of two corporations owned by one owner, who finally decided to unite them into one common organization).

It is for this very reason that it turned out to be completely unrealistic for me and others like me to get from our Government and Duma leaders decisive actions to protect the growing population (the colony subject to "genocide"). And that is why from the "Petition for the elimination of drug advertising by State services in pursuance of FZ-436", State. and Horus. For the last two and a half years, officials everywhere now "shied away from incense", then stubbornly "did not see", "did not hear about her" and even "did not talk about her."

… And how does it all remind me of the famous Duma flight of several hundred deputies of the largest faction, which in 2014 thwarted the vote in the State Duma of the Russian Federation for reverse nationalization TSB RF! Where are these eloquent and invaluable video footage for our entire country now ?! People are bound to see them.

After all, it was at this amazing moment that we all suddenly became completely convinced of the terrible truth for Russia, that everything that is happening at its "helm" today is nothing more than a serial "soap performance" written by a certain foreign political director unknown to us …

You, of course, may not believe it, but after the shameful mass flight of the State Duma Deputies from participating in the most fateful and key voting in the life of the country, this, alas, is already 100% fact! We are a colony …

From the editorial board

This material came to us by mail. We publish it immediately, because the drug addiction of Russia has been openly carried out by our irreconcilable "partners" for many decades and is organized and purposeful. Such constant hatred of the West for Russia and everything Russian is not accidental. It is due to the domination of the parasitic "Dark Forces" on our planet, which are alien bandits who survive by robbing peaceful civilizations and appropriating the results of someone else's labor. Something about the past of our civilization and the wars with the Dark Forces can be found in the series of articles "Secrets of the Universe".

And to get a more or less real idea of what is happening in this regard in the Large Space, you can from the wonderful books of the Russian science fiction writer Sergei Tarmashev series "Ancient". Of course, not everything is true there, but something is very similar to the truth …
