Economic expansion and double standards
Economic expansion and double standards

Video: Economic expansion and double standards

Video: Economic expansion and double standards
Video: What Life in the Soviet Union Was Like 2024, April

Economic expansion expands the zones of control over trade routes, sales markets and resources in the interests of the Metropolis. Its main goal is to seize sales markets with the subsequent establishment of "double standards" in its own interests.

Economic expansion means expanding the zone of control over trade routes, sales markets and resources of an individual state or people. In the "colonization" regime, this method is applied through economic penetration into new territories with the subsequent formation of groups of influence here, ready to betray national interests for profit.

After that, to facilitate the manipulation of the mass consciousness of people, both in politics and in the economy, the so-called. "Double standards" that create conditions for political control and justify any actions of the colonialists and their wards. "Double standards" condemn any attempts by "subjects of influence" to organize themselves, protect their interests and escape. From this moment, the next stage of colonization begins - Cultural expansion.

Thus, the ultimate goal of economic expansion is to paralyze the will to resist the aborigines and establish the influence of the undivided domination of the largest companies from the Metropolis in the region by "economic murder" of local economies and the establishment of "double standards" according to the following scheme:

1. Initial penetration into foreign trade routes.

2. Approval of the influence group in the country of presence.

3. Establishment of control over the domestic market of the country of presence.

4. “Nudging” local leaders to unquestioningly fulfill instructions “from above” and include them in a part of a wide network to promote other people's interests (goods, services) [4].

6. Preparing a cultural expansion and clearing the territory for new masters and their slaves (if the slaves in this system still have some rights, then the aboriginal population belongs to the category of "non-people" and is subject to "optimization").

The colonialists create conditions under which an economically dependent territory (country) supplies abroad (to the Metropolis) only raw materials and energy carriers, and buys finished products from abroad.

It all starts with external penetration into sales markets.

For example, when the British arrived in India, their actions did not cause any concern to the Indians. Just think, they drove away other Europeans and Arabs … They began to sink and rob foreign merchant ships. Well, they built their own trading forts … What difference does it make who brings goods or takes them out of the country?

However, by the 18th century, India had undermined the forces in civil strife and interethnic conflicts, and the East India Company was gaining monopoly control over foreign trade routes (preventing competitors from supplying India or capturing their trading posts). Then, playing on the contradictions and conflicts of the Indian elite (rajas, princes, etc.), the British began to use force and seize the internal Indian markets.

The sales of salt, tobacco, betel nut were monopolized and British customs were established between the regions of India. This was followed by forcing Indian consumers to buy only English-made goods at inflated prices. Indian competitors were devastated and the population wasted. As a result, the markets and industrial relations that had formed for centuries collapsed, and then the famine in Bengal in 1769-1770 logically occurred, during which from 7 to 10 million Bengalis died (at that time about a third of the population) [1]. In total, during the period from 1800 to 1900 in India, skillfully 33 million people were repeatedly suppressed liberation uprisings. Indians began to determine what to eat, what to wear, what to buy …

This method was very clearly used for the indigenous population of the United States. The English and Dutch settlers who arrived at the beginning of the 17th century on the East Coast of North America at first lived on their own. The indigenous peoples welcomed them warmly and even helped, as trade with the Europeans brought them new technologies, firearms, iron tools and other goods.

Destruction of the indigenous population of North America
Destruction of the indigenous population of North America

Everything changed very quickly. Having gained a foothold with the help of the aborigines in the new lands, the settlers seized raw materials and markets, and then ceased to reckon with the indigenous people. In a businesslike manner, they began to move them to reservations, sell blankets infected with smallpox, solder them with "fire water", and remove scalps from them.

Very soon, the government began to pursue a policy of cleansing the country of all Indians, including the "five civilized tribes" (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Shouts, Seminoles - who adopted the lifestyle of a white man at the beginning of the 19th century - adopted the achievements of modern civilization, created their own alphabet, published newspapers, even had black slaves and established good relations with neighbors).

If slavery was abolished in the United States in 1862 (but not all states), then Native Americans received American citizenship only in 1924 [2]. As a result of this "economic expansion", the indigenous peoples of North America - Indians, Eskimos and Aleuts - began to die out and were replaced by settlers. Currently, indigenous peoples make up only 1% of the total population of the United States.

Likewise, as a result of economic expansion followed by colonization, the indigenous people of Australia, in which the first English settlement was founded in 1788, lost control of their lands and resources. Within two hundred years, aborigines made up about 2 percent of the population of Australia [3].


The construction of the Panama Canal is also an example of the impact of economic expansion on interethnic conflicts. The initial work on its creation was started in 1879 by the French company "General Company of the Interoceanic Canal". The USA continued the construction of the canal in 1904, having previously organized a military invasion (1903) and the separation of the country from Colombia with the transfer of the channel with the territory around it to the United States. The Americans "spurred" the process of consolidation of the Panamanian nation and its subsequent separation from its Colombians.

The above examples are also examples of colonial manipulation of economic and ethnic conflicts to achieve business goals.

Obviously, the population of India escaped the fate of the indigenous people of Australia and America only because of the impossibility of permanent residence of the "white masters" in the hot tropical climate and tropical diseases. The territory of Russia (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan) is much more favorable and contains a lot of minerals.

So a "wonderful" perspective has already dawned in front of us…. At the same time, the indigenous population for the colonialists is simply "subhuman", like animals. They must cede their territory to slaves.

I feel it was not in vain that refugees from Africa and Asia poured into Europe …

[1] Valery Evgenievich Shambarov. The truth of barbarian Russia.

[2] Native Americans, [3] Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population. 1301.0 - Year Book Australia, 2008. Australian Bureau of Statistics (7 February 2008). Retrieved January 3, 2009.

[4] John M. Perkins. Confessions of an Economic Assassin, 2005, translation - Maria Anatolyevna Bogomolova
