Who is Indarius?
Who is Indarius?

Video: Who is Indarius?

Video: Who is Indarius?
Video: Unmasking the Australian spy who sold secrets to Russia | Four Corners 2024, September

Conversation between Viktor Guzhov and writer Yevgeny Chebalin about his new novel "NANO-SAPIENS".

Victor Guzhov. Evgeny Vasilievich, this is our fourth conversation about your work.

Accumulating responses to each of them, looking through everything that appears about you, your novels in the press and on the Internet, I catch myself anticipating a certain metaphysical unreality that hangs over your texts and which is saturated with your latest novel "NANO-SAPIENS". No less than the previous novels "The Nameless Beast" and "STATUS-QUOTA". I think that this feeling is familiar to many readers who follow your work, especially those who are able to perceive the implications of the second, third bottom of your prose, permeated with allegories and metastases of ancient history. In your books, you compress historical time into a coherent whole. Perhaps you are one of the most marginal and encrypted authors of our time, from whom "mastered" criticism shies away.

Evgeny Chebalin. If without profound squiggles, then I am quite satisfied with the definition of the critic Vyacheslav Lyuty. According to Fierce, your interlocutor is "Anfan Terribl". There is a more savory smear of one of the Internet users: "Schizophrenism of Chebalin's Prose." I wear another label on the lower back in the form of a plaster, without peeling it off: "In his old age, the writer Chebalin fell into unbridled insanity."

Victor Guzhov. What, heats up?

Evgeny Chebalin. An incomparably curative thing for senile sciatica: if someone is ready to eat it alive, it means that it’s edible, not sour, rotten, you have to turn around.

And more seriously - with age, when you realize that there is little time left for large-scale work, it is not the mind, but the mind that rejects particulars, minorities. A super-task arises at full height: to say the most important thing, which has not yet been said by anyone, realized only recently. And here the husk becomes absolutely unimportant in the form of popularity, circulation, fees, literary parties with colleagues from the pen, etc. In the system of these values, they no longer matter and do not hurt someone's malice, since he has found his own values: absolute freedom from the prestigious bustle, a manor house on the shore of a reservoir, friends who will never betray, a piano without regulations, the ability to fly to a place on the planet that suddenly becomes necessary for work.

V. G. Then let's move on directly to the unreality, or phantasmagoria, of your novels, which are seamlessly fused with momentary reality. Moreover, one flows into the other so organically that they are indistinguishable. It was on this topic that graduate student G. Osipenko defended her dissertation in French based on your novels, defended her in the inflamed and conflict atmosphere that developed around this defense.

"Phantasmagorie und Realitat in der Romanen" Bezimiani Zver "und" Status Kvota ".

The title and topic of the thesis are already in German from a letter from the President of the German University Werner Müller-Esteri. It has been translated into Bulgarian on the pages of the Bulgarian Literary Almanac. I have read this letter, which was translated from Bulgarian into Russian. What's behind these language leaps across Europe?

E. Ch. Here is the mentality of the EU - of this cute Lilliputian family rubbing their sides in close quarters. The dissertation was defended in France; Slavists from Europe, including Müller-Esteri, were present at the defense. At home in Germany, he translated it into German and published his thesis and a letter to me in German in the university newspaper. From there, most likely, they were fished out by a gambling literary paparazzi with a good flair for sensations and published in the Bulgarian almanac "Literary Svyat".

V. G. The almanac did an incredible, fantastic job: it gave your detailed biography and reviews and reviews of your novels from all over the world - from America and Finland to Jerusalem and Australia. Including Esteri's letter. In it Esteri will bequeath you to Germany. Read lectures on literature at the university.

“Fur unsere Universitat ist es eine hohe Ehre, wenn Sie in Deutschland leben und arbeiten kennten. Wir bieten Ihren an, uben Welt - und russische Literatur auf dem Lehrstuhl fur Slawistik zu dosieren …"

Why refused?

E. Ch. If this invitation had come ten years ago, I would have fluttered out like a frisky bird. But in my 74 years to change the country, language, culture, way, Volga and Don fishing for German pond simulacra - "thank you, you are very kind, but there are younger lecturers." By the way, after that scandalous defense, an offer came from representatives of the Soros Foundation. Having learned that the new novel “NANO –SAPIENS” contains a character “similar to the president,” the foundation expressed its readiness to provide its information about our president for the novel - with the subsequent publication of the book, of course, if this information is used in it.

V. G. Not flattered?

E. Ch. On the rotten bone from the master's table? It was absolutely clear that sorosoids would be offered for the "octopus ink".

V. G. It was necessary to release "The Nameless Beast" and "STATUS-QUOTA" ten years ago.

E. Ch. Twenty years. Then the nose for anti-Russian miasms from the European pit was not so sharpened.

V. G. Let's return to the critic Vyacheslav Lyutoy, to his review "When the sleeping man wakes up" about "STATUS-QUOTE":

The "mythological" pages of the book include fragments of rhythmized prose, which not only elevates the narrative above the usual prosaic story, but also imperceptibly transfers events into the sphere of the epic, becoming indistinguishable echoes of ancient legends."

He is echoed by Ashot Grigoryan, Doctor of Political Science, Representative of the Government of the Municipality of Yerevan, Head of the Armenian Diaspora in Volgograd:

“The action of the chapter (“Zone”) takes place on the slope of the biblical Mount Ararat. After reading this chapter, I was shocked by the description of genetic breeding operations on the wheat that grows there … it is cherished and guarded like the apple of an eye.

… My chosen compatriots, the elite of Armenian agrarians, grew this wheat on secret plots of land, especially in remote places. Terraces were built by titanic labor in these places in order to preserve the cereal-breadwinner, precious for the people, given to us from above, according to legend - from Noah's Ark.

How does a person who is not privy to our secret know all this? There is a certainty that Providence itself made him their chosen one and through him informs us about us."

Have you been to Ararat, talked with breeders of Ararat wheat?

E. Ch. But how. We talked very scientifically with the Armenians at an incorporeal level, in order to then melt the meeting into another novel "schizophrenism". As well as the meeting with Joseph Flavius, the chronicler of Rome and Judea, with Hyperboreus Polyphemus in his grotto, where the idea of Noah's Ark was born, with Jesus Christ during his ideological battle with the priests of the Temple of Parabrama, with the Anunnaki family of Enki and Enlil, who arrived in our land of Midgard. from the planet Marduk-Nibiru.

V. G. It's clear. Let's move on to the last book "NANO-SAPIENS" and the chapter that we publish below: "When will you say" Buki "?" After reading it, I got the feeling that this is the pivotal chapter of the entire trilogy, its bare extract. Here is a kind of nerve center of world geopolitics and problems, in the person of an Archon, "like a president", to whom are inflamed, nerve endings from all over the planet. The further development of mankind depends on this Center.

E. Ch. Not far from the truth.

V. G. A fatal feature of your novels: not yet "hatched" in a finished, typographic form, being in a truncated, magazine version of several chapters, they begin to magnetically attract reviews and responses. The latest book "NANO-SAPIENS" is no exception. The magazine "Russian Echo" No. 11 of this year published seven chapters from the novel.

E. Ch. Before that, some of the novel appeared on the Internet, in the International Literary Almanac "Literary Gubernia".

V. G. I quote one of the most venerable bloggers Abroad, Berlin writer and critic Valery Kuklin, who analyzes world literature, a very tough critic, completely devoid of complimentary deflections in front of the most venerable dinosaurs of the pen. His review of the novel was broadly and colorfully given by Peter Aleshkin's Russian magazine for youth, Our Youth.

“There are writers, the reading of books of which is associated with the tension of all the psychological and physiological forces of the reader … writers, whose cry from their souls echoes throughout the planet, but causes irritation and anger in the ruling strata and the vengeful envy of colleagues. I insist on one thing: so sincerely, so frenzied and deafening, like Chebalin, they did not dare and did not manage to scream in horror at the sight of their country and their planet, warning of impending retaliation for the brutality of man - even the most famous, bronzed Russian writers.

… There is one more detail in the novel that, with the further development of the plot, may become the main symbol of modern Russia: a certain swamp "Medvedev's Swamp" with a stainless tape laid under the bog. Not everyone can walk through it. The swamp, which methodically devours the supporting characters who have ceased to be necessary for the author in the plot (and for the government in Russia). Together with the toad-like monster Zhabo-Sapiens with the style of speech of the German SS occupant, demanding love and admiration from his victims.

Who will decipher all these details? Who will understand the hidden meaning in them, will get to the second bottom - except for the professional reader? Do not know. But I know that only a truly smart, competent person will master and digest this book, hear its alarm, underground call."

E. Ch. Quite recognizable, not a new Volapuk: "Widely known in narrow circles."

V. G. These circles are not that narrow. On your anniversary, Chairman of the Samara branch of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation A. Gromov and deputy of the State Duma, member of the Political Council of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V. Romanov read congratulatory messages. Among them are the Chairman of the Communist Party faction of the State Duma Zyuganov, the Iranian embassy. I quote: "Vice-rector of the International University in the Islamic Republic of Iran Khojatol-eslam Mahdavi, speaking at the International Conference on Islam, discussed your books" The Nameless Beast "and" STATUS-QUOTES "… they are consonant with the truths of the Almighty and his Prophet Muhammad …"

They were joined by the Embassy of India, the Cultural Center. J. Nehru as part of the embassy, Press Attaché of the European Assembly of Caucasian Peoples Musa Temishev from Nice, monks of Jerusalem, director of the Vivaldi Temple from Italy, regional branches of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation, Vice-President of the Peter the Great Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Russian Glory, Secretary of the Russian Union of Writers, Co-chairman of the International Society of Writers' Unions Ivanov-Tagansky. His deep, powerful review of NANO-SAPIENS was published by the leading newspaper of writers, The Day of Literature. The most serious prose writer V. Plotnikov spoke equally brightly and enthusiastically about the novel on the Internet and the "Russian Writer".

But, you must admit, this is the reader's cream, a community of "highbrow" thinkers. And the general reader …

E. Ch. A devourer of plastic stories and gutta-percha passions? I have already spoken out on this topic somewhere: to each his own. Some write for the masses, and are dear to them with a self-assembled tablecloth. Others, over time, are dragged away, against their will, into spheres that are less and less accessible to the broad masses. Then you will have to throw ostracism at school arithmeticists who have left over the years at the Research Institute of Cybernetics or Bio-genetics - for separation from the masses. Their work is also practically inaccessible to the masses, and their wages are much lower than a Moscow migrant janitor. Leonid Leonov ended his novels with The Pyramid. I consider this dilogy to be the pinnacle of all the writer's work. But this gigantic work gathered the meagerest crop of analytical publications, and the circle of readers of this novel by Leonov shrank with shagreen skin. By the way, Leo Tolstoy has a similar creative fate, who allowed Hinduism and Krishnaism to seize his Ego at the end of the years. Towards the end of life, they suddenly broke away from earthly, real materialism and soared into the abode of the Otherworldly Spirit - which is practically what Hinduism and Tibetan lamas have been doing for thousands of years. I do not think that this revolution in the minds of the classics was created only by a simple desire to change the writing style, genre style, to break out of the Procrustean bed of realism. Here Something worked imperiously, independent of the will of the writers.

V. G. With Gogol, Bulgakov, Stanislav Lem, this Something also worked?

E. Ch. It's more organic with them. Leonov and Tolstoy went through a painful creative and ideological breakdown before they tore their essences away from the shores of ossified materialistic realism.

V. G. It's time to move on to modern writers. I would like to hear your opinion about modern literature and its brightest representatives, vibrating firmly in radio and television shows. Are they carriers of a new writing paradigm?

E. Ch. Neither Alexei Tolstoy, nor Sholokhov, nor Leonov, nor Shukshin, nor Vasily Belov, nor Yuri Pakhomov, nor Pikul, nor Anatoly Ivanov, nor Rasul Gamzatov, nor Chingiz Aitmatov fit into it. The current "New Paradigmists" themselves, without prodding, rushed into the "PPP" structure built especially for them.

V. G. What kind of design?

E. Ch. "Arrived-looked-wrote." Or - he uttered. Here is an irrepressible, almost pathological passion to stay on the surface at any cost: to be a “handshake”, admitted to the “body”, to flicker on TV screens, to emit some long-chewed axioms, pleasant in all respects to those puppeteers who did not replicate faces, and the faces of these majors from literature - against the background of more and more formidable, planetary scale events.

V. G. Cockroach racing.

E. Ch. Something like that. But cockroach running from literature is incompatible with serious writing. As a result, in the overwhelming majority, streams of gray, flexible platitudes pour out from the lips of "P. P. P." reading.

At its core, it is an amphibious paddling pool, and its inhabitants are no longer able to dive into the depths of society. They have an atrophied depth gauge - the same as that of dolphins. Dolphin-intelligent, protecting the family, babies, its community gives its sonar a signal of alarm and danger, perceived by congeners in tens of kilometers. The frogfish, settled on a warm PR silt near the budgetary shore, can no longer be driven into the semantic, folk depths. He blows hedonistic bubbles behind his ears and croaks enthusiastically within the confines of his corporate get-together.

V. G. I would venture to name several names: Bykov, Pelevin, Akunin, Tolstaya, Prilepin …

E. Ch. And others like them.

V. G. And you do not admit that the theme of their literature and its social degree are dictated by a simple fear - not to go where they are not asked, under the threat of losing a lured place at the fee trough?

E. Ch. Why don't I admit … they are all normal, thinking creatures of flesh and blood.

V. G. But - to the novel. "NANO-SAPIENS" and the chapter that we publish below are saturated with high-tech - the latest agro-industrial technologies with some crazy, unrealistic profitability: 180-250 percent, where the invested ruble gets products worth 2-3 rubles. This is the cultivation of food wheat, and the breeding of the Amazonian paddlefish sturgeon with its black caviar, adapted to the ice aqua-Russia, and the goat herd that gives … female (?!) Milk, and the breeding of pigs using technology that rid this industry of the global scourge - swine plague, which destroys the non-decomposing poisons of skatole and indole in waste, and all this is half the cost of world analogues. ETC. If all these innovative treasures were introduced on a massive scale into our agricultural industry, Russia would have long been overwhelmed by universal satiety and food security until the end of the century.

But these technologies are offered to the Archon (a person who looks like a president) Some powerful, transcendental being INDARIUS. I would venture to call him the plenipotentiary of the light forces of the planet. In the novel, he is designated under the code "W-56". What does he technologically offer - a figment of the author's imagination, or a fake carrot in front of the muzzle of a Russian donkey?

E. Ch. Its technologies, with such profitability have long been introduced, for several years they have been working in living, concrete farms. But all of them are covered with the vile deafness and hostility of all our ministers of agriculture, and the overwhelming majority of governors, concerned only with "misappropriation of the budget and state purchases." A very nice, masterly found definition for the reflex of an official whose hands are twisted with an incurable grasping convulsion.

V. G. Then the question arising from this: if some powerful subject offers Russia such real technologies, tested by practice, then maybe the subject itself exists?

E. Ch. The Russian bureaucratic horde grows like a thistle from petrified, purely materialistic soil, so it will never recognize His reality and will not tolerate His earthly companions in its midst: those of a different zoological species with the main basic value - CONSCIENCE..

V. G. I thank fate for not being an official now … although Stolypin, Bismarck, Ordzhonikidze, Kuibyshev, Kosygin were also officials in their time. But further on about Indaria with its power. Making sure that such technologies, which are vitally important today, are sealed with greedy bureaucratic indifference, he concludes: "To introduce the sixth technological order into the total decay of Russia is a mortal danger." Modern Russia with its moral level cannot be armed with high-tech of the sixth and seventh generations. It's like giving a laser weapon into the clutches of an orang utang in a zoo, or entrusting the helm of an airplane with passengers to a monkey.

Indarius lists what THEY could, in part, provide to the ruling stratum of Russia, without turning it into a thieving fool filled with financial grease in a deranged state..

E. Ch. I emphasize and confirm: partially.

V. G. The technologies listed by Indarius are not even included in the 21st century perspective of our RAS. This is something transcendent in scale and revolutionary alteration of social society, or rather, its return to the former power of our ancestors Asuras, Atlantes and their teachers from other worlds. Here everything is "out of this world":

- "Amrita", a kind of magic balm that returns youth and prolongs longevity with a recipe from Egyptian and Sumerian priests and magicians: menstrual blood of virgins, infused with ginseng and antlers, which at a certain temperature and stirring with a whorl, is converted by the bacteria "Aeromonas" into a golden bowl, taking in atomic gold from it;

- "Lapis Exalis" - a specially prepared substrate from platinum group metals in a monoatomic state, with a zero magnetic field and superconductor properties, which, being inserted into the human genome, gives the body the ability to levitate, telekinesis, teleportation, dematerialization;

- "Oceanarium" - underwater cities in the oceans and seas, where the inhabitants are genetically modified creatures, amphibians. This is a special caste of Homo Sapiens, supplying untold riches from the ocean depths - raw materials and food, for the benefit of all mankind;

- "Voyard" - nuclear-hydrogen and photon engines for interplanetary travel;

- "Bifrost" - the withdrawal of spacecraft, in plasma lubrication of ships outside the atmosphere using a mountain tunnel, ringed with spiral magnets. Such launches of ships do not burn ozone and oxygen in the atmosphere, do not poison it with fuel waste and debris from launch vehicles, make all our monstrously costly, toxic thundering machines such as Baikonur, Plisetsk, Vostochny … etc., etc. unnecessary.

E. Ch. Moreover, both Voyard and Bifrost are the last donation to the technocratic anthill HOMO SAPIENS: before it gains the ability to teleport, without any ships.

V. G. In general, here is Efremov, Belyaev, Ray Bradbury, Stanislav Lem in one bottle. But there is a fundamental, stunning difference between that, which has already become a classic, fantasy and the mirrorless unreality of "NANO-SAPIENS". In the latter, absolutely all the projects proposed by Indarius are corrosive, I would say, mockingly for the reader, stuffed with scrupulous scientific and technical details: the name of bacteria, the laboratory sequence of technological processes, the puzzling specifics of introducing the Tay-Sachs bacillus into the human genome, the prosecutor's inexorable proof in the table chronology: when, how and what the population of Russia was infected with. Etc.

Having got out of this tenacious, scientific and technocratic network, it takes a long time to come to your senses - what is behind the deadly real, purely tangible specifics? Or who?

E. Ch. More important is WHO.

V. G. Well, and … if Indarius is a kind of supramundane, omnipotent, real being who utters truths and advice in the mythological style of God Perun, then who is the author E. Chebalin, in whose novel this Indarius is tossing and turning an elephant in a china shop and gives fatherly instructions to a person who “looks like president . Who is the author himself?

E. Ch … Chrome-plated piece of iron. With membrane and lattice stigma.

V. G. Microphone?

E. Ch. Or a megaphone - a device for amplifying decibels. You can speak to him in a whisper, and he is obliged to turn this whisper into a shout or roar, heard by hundreds of thousands. This is his cross and function.

V. G. Then it's time to listen to both.