Capital-related ecological apocalypse: the end of humanity or its breakthrough to socialism?
Capital-related ecological apocalypse: the end of humanity or its breakthrough to socialism?

Video: Capital-related ecological apocalypse: the end of humanity or its breakthrough to socialism?

Video: Capital-related ecological apocalypse: the end of humanity or its breakthrough to socialism?
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The article is devoted to a topical topic - the fate of humanity and its economy. The author shows that the prevailing power of financial capitalocracy objectively inevitably leads to the death of humanity and its economy. It is substantiated that this power has already led to the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe.

The global market has become a mechanism for the ecological suicide of mankind … The author shows that sustainable development is fundamentally impossible within the framework of the capitalist system, that noospheric, ecological socialism is needed.

Key words: power of financial capitalocracy, Global Ecological Catastrophe, Anti-Reason, world market, noospheric ecological socialism.

The world of the market-capitalist life of mankind, at the "top" of the pyramid of capital power of which Capital-Fetish "rules the ball" and its personifying world financial capital, have already signed the Ecological Sentence Biosphere and planet Earth, as natural mega-systems with their own homeostatic mechanisms.

In 2011, I wrote a scientific and philosophical essay as a kind of "Warning to humanity from the Future", "Confession of the last man", which was based on the version of the death of mankind from the "exterminator virus" in 2037, which, through controlled mutagenesis, was created by the Biosphere, as a kind of "reaction" of its immune mechanism, to remove humanity from its "body" - a monolith of living matter (according to VI Vernadsky), as a "cancerous tumor". Humanity perished, there were only cities, libraries, theaters, school buildings and universities, etc., and one Russian man on Earth, Ivan Alexandrovich Muromtsev, who wrote this "Confession" - or his "Confession" - the confession of the last man, then whether the confession of all mankind, once again concentrated in this last one person.

In this "Confession" the following questions were asked: "What was the main reason for the death of mankind on Earth?" AI Subetto advanced ideologies?”) And other questions. In this essay, through the confession of this last person on Earth, I tried to show that Humanity was not killed by the Biosphere, because the “reaction” of the Biosphere through the “killer virus” it generated was secondary, it was a kind of “response” to threats from the market capitalist economic system on Earth, those. the market-capitalist form of economic consumption of nature, the entire System of Life on Earth. And humanity perished from the fact that it did not manage to throw off this dead, anti-ecological, anti-noospheric "shell" of market-capitalist existence, to make a Noospheric Socialist Breakthrough to new foundations of its existence, which included the Genus of the Real Mind of mankind, as a Noospheric Mind that responds for the Future of the entire System of Life on Earth.

As a matter of fact, in "The Confessions of the Last Man" (and this confession is a scientific and philosophical reflection on more than 200 pages of text), I developed in its entirety the theoretical position I published in "Capitalocracy" in 2000: “The limit in the evolution of the world capitalocracy is the death of humanity, and then of its carriers. The evolutionary logic of the "Captain God" is merciless. In this logic, there is no place for human life in the future. Overcoming this Limit - in the socialist, communist form of management, the primacy of public ownership, in which capital becomes socialist, i.e. not quite capital, and money - "not quite money." He returns to his "roots" - to work. “Capital Society” turns into “Labor Society”, which means that “freedom of Capital” is replaced by “freedom of Labor” and a person really gains power over his Being, becoming “noospheric”, i.e. able to ensure the management of socio-natural harmony based on public intelligence and educational society " (p. 56).

And then I drew the attention of a potential reader of my theory of capitalocracy to the next moment in the historical tragedy-farce experienced by the modern system of capitalism: “Management by financial capitalocracy is limited, limited precisely by the element of competition. Here lies the fundamental contradiction between neocapitalism and the established financial capitalocracy. Capitalism is trying to overcome its own contradiction on the "rails" of capitalism, creating capital power over capital power, the power of money over money. In this movement, he tries to reach his own limit - the limit of the Great Absurd, in which Capital takes over the whole world, destroying labor, and, accordingly, all of humanity. The Absurd Capital Limit - Human Environmental Death. And after him and Capital, which sucked out of humanity all human, all the "blood" of life, and making it a "corpse" even before the beginning of physical death.

The "corpse" Limit of the Absurd of Capital is already visible through the visible contours in "The Man of Man" by Alexander Alexandrovich Zinoviev and "Story of Money" by Jacques Attali, in the system of "electronic money", in which a person will be identical with a certain amount of "electronic money", i.e. electronic monetary value, located in the flows of finance and managed by financial capitalocracy."

The formation at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries of the system of the world financial capitalocracy and, accordingly, the system of global imperialism, the "center" of the metropolis of which is the United States, and which is, in my opinion, the Global Capital-Megamachine, happened with the simultaneous appearance of the Ontological, it can be called Noospheric. and Ecological, Denial of this system on the grounds of the Big Logic of Socio-Natural Evolution (I am reasonably showing this in the monograph "Noospherism" published in 2001) in the form of the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe. This means, and unfortunately, modern Marxist scientists did not realize this, that the contradiction between Labor and Capital has grown into a contradiction between Man and Capital, because capitalism, Global Capital-Megamachine, the world market have turned into a mechanism of ecological suicide of mankind. 19 Journal "Theoretical Economics" No. 5, 2016 CAPITALOGENIC ECOLOGICAL APOCALYPSE

The global financial capitalocracy, the entire “pyramid” of world capital power and the accompanying “pyramid” of markets and “pyramid” of relations of exploitation, turned at the beginning of the XXI century, against the background of the processes of the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe, into mechanisms of ecological suicide of mankind. Under the "conversation" about sustainable development, in which there is no understanding that within the framework of the capitalist system sustainable development is fundamentally impossible, the instability of the entire system of human existence in the "space" of the Earth's Biosphere is growing, behind the process of which there is an increase in the risks of instant ecological death of mankind, and with a simultaneous the growth of many different variants of such death.

Recently, in the newspaper "Military History" (No. 7, 2016) in the article by L. Somov "Six-legged saboteurs" it was told that in December 2000, when George W. Bush won the presidential elections in the United States, in the state of Dakota, at one of the major bases of American Minuteman-class intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), missile launch control systems failed, the latest computers seemed to go berserk, and a fire started in missile silos due to many short circuits … All the officers on duty fled in panic and left the base. Only two operators in one of the command post compartments selflessly fought the fire. Emerged the real threat of spontaneous launch of 50 ICBMs, each of which carried a warhead with 3 separable thermonuclear charges. Their total nuclear equivalent was 4500 Hiroshima.

The central states of the USA and part of Canada could have been hit by the "enraged" missiles, writes A. Somov. “In addition, in the event of an unauthorized launch of the Minutemans in the direction of Russia, the territory of the United States would automatically undergo a reciprocal“visit”of Satan-class ballistic missiles, which are capable of penetrating any missile defense system. After such a double nuclear strike, the US territory would turn into a radioactive desert,”the author notes. Interestingly, the then-current US President Bill Clinton fled with his entire family under the pretext of a "working visit" to one of the African countries. The systemic catastrophe was eventually resolved. As a result of the investigation of the technical causes of the disaster, it was discovered that that the culprits were cockroaches that settled in mines, command posts, in computers in huge numbersthat have been fed for years by the base staff with food leftovers on the tables. The case about this incident was classified and only recently information was leaked to the media. So, the planet, the world of mankind were in a "half step" from the "nuclear Armageddon" at the end of 2000. What does this mean? - About the futility of the very tendency of the world capitalocracy of the United States to establish its dominance over the world's resources, including with the help of military force and modern weapons of mass destruction.

No less dangerous are the US experiments related to climate weapons in Alaska, in Gakon, in the form of the HAARP radar system capable of affecting the climate of our planet. From the information that turned out to be in the media of different countries, the Pentagon and related research organizations are implementing a program for a comprehensive study of radio frequency effects on the ionosphere. De facto in the United States, weapons are being developed that can radically change climatic conditions, cause earthquakes, tsunamis, create ozone holes through which solar and cosmic radiation effects become (20 Journal "Theoretical Economics" No. 5, 2016 A. I. Subetto) deadly for living systems, including people, cause unprecedented hurricanes and droughts, torrential, catastrophic in their consequences, rains.

The whole tragedy lies in the fact that those scientists who serve the purposes of the Pentagon, the science that serves the application of HAARP, is playing "dark" with a super-complex system, such as the Biosphere and the planet Earth, whose unpredictable responses can be catastrophic for the United States and humanity itself. generally. The "mind" of the world financial capitalocracy, no matter how powerful intellect it possesses, precisely as a result of the worship of the "golden calf", turns into "Anti-Reason", i.e. into an ecologically self-destroying mind (I dedicated a separate work to this "Reason and Anti-Reason" in 2003).

In an interview with the American journalist and one of the most active participants in the world anti-globalization movement V. Gerasimov, which he gave to the editor of the newspaper "Society and Ecology" on October 20, 2001, in response to the question - "Do the representatives of the secret" world government " which includes the banking clans of Baruch, Leiba, Kuhn and others, that "with such management of them, society will come to a world imbalance, first of all, the Biosphere, and a global cataclysm may occur, from which they will not be well?" - answered: “You know, they are mystics. And, most likely, they do not understand it."

Nature - the Biosphere and the planet Earth as superorganisms - in my estimation, has in reserve at least three dozen unexpected "responses" to anthropogenic pressure on the Life System on Earth, and each of them will be unexpected and fatal for humanity. The world of capitalism, and as its inalienable quality - “the world of wars and violence and exploitation” - the Environmental Sentence has already been passed by Nature. The concrete form of the implementation of this verdict may turn out to be unexpected. The world has become a hundred times more complex and more sensitive to various forms of energy impact on it from humanity. Humanity has no Future outside the Noospheric Ecological Spiritual Socialism.

All these supposedly secret "world rulers" - financial super-magnates from the United States, who own not even billion-dollar, but trillion-dollar, financial capital in terms of financial capital, and who think that they rule the world, and all government leaders, including US presidents - these are their puppets, who "dance" according to "their rules", - "blind", are the Anti-Mind of the Global Capital-Megamachine, which, with acceleration, begins to fall into the ecological abyss. The time has come for the birth of a Real Person and a Real Mind! And this is at the same time the transition of mankind to forms of being without the exploitation of man by man, without building a world financial capitalocracy, without "Building Money" and "Civilization of the Market" in the definition of Jacques Attali.

The ecological world of market capitalist mankind is extremely fragile, it is "pregnant" with "Armageddons" of various origins, and the past threat of "nuclear Armageddon", which unexpectedly arose in the state of Dakota in the United States in December 2000, literally before the beginning of the 21st century and the 3rd millennium from the Nativity of Christ, was only a Warning to Mankind, a kind of Message to him from a “reasonable” Cosmos in its own way. This message contains the same question: “Who are you, Human, on Earth? The Mind of the Biosphere and of all That Is on Earth, and in the Future - in Space, or "the mistake of Nature or Evolution", "a trial creature" (in the definition of F. M. Dostoevsky), which never managed to gain reason and perished under the "rubble" false values of capital power, consumerism, the race for profit, the "right of the strong", which was affirmed in the famous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as the true right underlying the government by the "chosen of God" in relation to those who did not receive such "chosenness"? ". - And we, all thinking people need to answer urgently, and answer uncompromisingly.

Only Noospheric Humanity, only Socialist Humanity, whose collective (21 Journal of Theoretical Economics, No. 5, 2016 CAPITALOGENIC ECOLOGICAL APOCALYPSE) the mind is responsible for the Future of all the diversity of life on Earth, has a Future History! There is no other alternative!
