Table of contents:

The mechanism of energy storage for the fulfillment of desires
The mechanism of energy storage for the fulfillment of desires

Video: The mechanism of energy storage for the fulfillment of desires

Video: The mechanism of energy storage for the fulfillment of desires
Video: Top 10 Russian Inventions That Changed The World 🌍🇷🇺 #shorts #russia #top10 #inventions 2024, April

If you have the patience to watch the entire article and video with an analysis of energy storage methods from different people and psychics (Tony Robinson, Palienko) to the end, then you will be able to realize the mechanism of energy storage for the realization of desires!

The article is certainly long, but if the magic of fulfilling desires was so simple, then everyone would be wizards;)

And the "long" article is because for great desires you sometimes need more energy than an ordinary person has, that's why the technology of "picking" energy from the crowd is described … and how energy is "removed" from people all over the world, you will see for yourself …

Anyone who remembers history probably also remembers the expression “bread and circuses”, which roughly meant “skillful management of crowd emotions and short-term satisfaction of its needs”, which in history textbooks was presented as a method of reducing intrasocial tension in the era of Ancient Rome …

However, the artificial gathering of a large number of people also has another useful function for managers, and this is not only the ability to immediately see an operational response to management, it is the possibility of combining that "energy of the masses", "will of the masses", to which many writers and philosophers of the past have addressed, about what was mentioned in previous articles …

Moreover, skillful management of emotions and short-term satisfaction of the needs of a large crowd of people allows you to achieve resonance with various egregors, which give everyone connected to them a feeling of euphoria, because this is how the influx of energy is felt, which further increases the energy potential, which can be removed from the crowd and used in their goals …

If you accept the proposed paradigm of energy collection, then sooner or later, you will logically face the question of the possibility of collecting even more energy from the population of the whole world!

In addition, there will be a question of a topic for "crowd control" and a subject for "short-term satisfaction of the needs of a large crowd."

If you remember in Ancient Rome (city) these were "spectacles" and "bread", then for a large number of people, dispersed, albeit compactly, across the planet, there is a need for the simultaneous and constant presentation of "spectacles" as themes of managing emotions and replacing bread as an object of satisfaction …

You will find one such instrument, simultaneous and constant for everyone, influencing the crowd - this is what is commonly called “culture”!

Therefore, literary, musical, artistic objects of culture are the instrument that controls the emotions of people and thereby allows not only to control the behavior of each of them, with practically the same statistical result, no matter how far people are from each other, but also to collect the energy involved in such image of the mass for use in what is commonly called "magic", i.e. to the management of the "Matrix of possible states"!

Yes, but how to be in this logical chain with what is called "bread" in the proposed scheme, many may ask ?!

And they will be right, because you will not be full of bread alone, and is it really inevitable for those who govern globally that the need to “feed” the crowd is inevitable ?!

It turns out, no, they talk about this in all NLP textbooks when they propose methods for solving a problem by raising the level from which they propose to solve them, but this is most adequately described in "A sufficiently general theory of control", where all control methods were conditionally divided into six conditional priorities of generalized controls.

Thus, increasing the priority from the fifth (the needs of the body) to the third priority of generalized means of control (the “needs” of the soul), to the second (artificially created traditions), to the first (artificially created automatisms of responding to stimuli, that is, the culture of thinking) with global crowd control, you can do without bread!

But what are the “needs” of the soul, give examples of “artificially created traditions” and what does “artificially created automatisms of responding to stimuli” mean, some may ask !?

And you see them in front of you on TV screens and the Internet and on billboards, you hear them closing your eyes from players and radio stations, because otherwise you would never have reacted as you react to certain events now!

Which for example ?!

You have heard about religion, and this is the third priority of management, that is, the “needs” of the soul, and in the form in which the definition of “religion” is now understood, and not in what this concept previously meant, namely, “connection with God !

Have you noticed that "arose" (somehow "by itself" !!!) a stable tradition in the event of a joyful event to drink alcohol, and also in the event of a sad event to drink alcohol? Can you give a logical explanation for the same behavior on opposite events, except that someone once artificially created this tradition ?!

You can remember the period of your growing up and choosing a partner, can you give yourself an account from which film (book, and now, probably, also cartoons) did you choose for yourself the stereotype of your behavior and behavior and the image of your partner ?!

You can not? And look for the statistics of divorces now and 100 years ago, analyze the reasons!

And the stereotype of a “successful person”, because he cannot be imagined without whiskey, a cigar, a yacht, night entertainment and other cliches (stereotypes) imposed on the cinema, but many “who have been at the top of the social ladder” do not find happiness there!

The reason is simple: a person cannot wear more clothes than he can fit on, if success for someone is in this!

Can't eat more than already eaten, if success is for someone in this!

And alcohol and tobacco generally destroy health and, a priori, cannot bring satisfaction from life, and even more so be an attribute of “success”, doesn't everyone understand this ?!

It is clear that it may be understandable, but as the saying goes: "it is so accepted", and here's why: you remember that in a flock (herd) it is customary to look at the behavior of the leader, which is, for modern people, culture!

So many people follow the "leader", but the culture creates false stereotypes of reaction to the environment, that is, stereotypes of behavior, so that they could not be achieved, it is like a carrot in front of a donkey, or cannot be applied with benefit, since the one who nevertheless reaches artificially the image created by the culture will definitely be disappointed, because remember: to put on more and eat will not work!

Before returning to the technologies of collecting and using the energy of the masses, it is necessary to clarify that culture is not mushrooms in the forest, not rain, does not appear by itself, it is necessarily laid by the manager in society, but society itself, connecting to various egregors that have arisen on vices people, it develops and supports!..

So, if you agree with the proposed paradigm, managing with higher priorities allows the manager to do without bread, operating with phantoms of people's ideas about success, which is confirmed by such a concept as "spiritual food" …

You see that the ability to convey the same information to the largest possible number of people allows you to manage those people who already have a built-in stereotype of responding to this information.

Moreover, information in the form of religions, traditions, images of "successful behavior" is self-reproducing in generations, through traditions in the family, society (is it not like a virus infection or a matrix from a film), which allows planning management for more than 25 years!

But people who have not previously thought about these questions may have a question about the metrological consistency of the observations given here, let's see if there are observations of other people that confirm or refute them …

But before proceeding to the metrological consistency of the above, it is necessary to unleash a logical riddle: if to control the crowd and collect energy for the implementation of its own scenario in the "Matrix of Possible States", the global predictor (we will introduce a conventional name for a group of managers exercising global control) uses culture on planet Earth, then what is the practical impact of such a management institution as football, concerts at stadiums, etc.?

I suppose that gathering a crowd at stadiums for football, concerts and other public events, where emotions are very strong, solves the problems of conditionally short-term plans, in which a concentrated flow of energy and a relatively small area of influence on the "Matrix of Possible States" or on emotions are already needed. the number of people (as a catalyst), and the collection of energy with the help of culture is designed for a long-term period of feeding destructive processes in the INVOU, you remember that only resource stability with the help of human energy allows destructive processes to exist in the INVOU, the so-called "God's allowance" …

Here we can logically assume a comparison of the frequency of energies from football events, they are high-frequency and therefore short-term, and frequencies are general cultural, they have a low frequency and therefore are long-lasting and exceed the lifespan of one or more generations …

Here is a slightly boring video that talks about the methods of Tony Robinson and other psychics … but it's better if you watched a "bunch" of videos from which all this is selected:)

“If we dream about something, then we create an image of the future.

The next question is how to implement this image of the future through the processes of matrix-egregorial management.

If you are not able to imagine the future, then there will be no alternative to the future that someone is able to imagine.

And if this is not the kindest representative of Homo Sapiens, or not at all a representative of the species Homo Sapiens, but also not very kind, then the future will not be very good, to put it mildly …"

This observation of M. V. Velichko confirms the proposed view on the management of the "Matrix of Possible States" through the model.

And if you watched the previous video about managing the “Matrix of Possible States”, then you saw another metrological confirmation of the ability to control this matrix through the model, and, accordingly, your “fate” and the whole world, expressed in folk art and rock paintings.

However, even if you agree with the proposed paradigm, while composing their mosaic of the Universe, not everyone will be able to determine exactly how these possibilities are realized, despite the fact that all the elements are before their eyes!

Let's clarify: to manage the matrix of possible states, people at all times have used several components, namely:

1. component, which is usually called "model", i.e. target vector visualization;

2. component, which is usually called "mass energy";

3. the component, which is commonly called the "will of the masses";

4. other components …

In this case, we will not dwell on what is designated here under the definition of "other components", since we will have to touch on alternative physics, that is, "magic", and this is a very extensive and sealed layer of knowledge and assumptions, therefore it will take a lot of time, and Consider the components of control, namely "energy of the masses", "will of the masses".

Thus, we see two terms that arose in society as a result of observing the Universe, but are these concepts identical or do they have “constructive” differences?

If we recall the questions asked by L. N. Tolstoy, proposed in a technocratic presentation, as well as materials "A general theory of control is enough", then despite the fact that the creator of these two components that change the "Matrix of possible states" are the masses (people), they have different, let's call it, constructive differences.

If in the question with "will" we are talking about a meaningful method of managing the "Matrix", then in the question with energy we are talking about a method of control that is not recognized by the masses themselves …

Many may object, since the observation he proposed does not have a ready-made stereotype in society, therefore, for metrological consistency, I propose to find facts confirming or refuting this observation.

Of course, you know the already widespread, ready-made stereotypes in society such as: "team spirit", "will to win", "collegiality", you must agree, they are all observed by many people and repeatedly, moreover, what is often called "who is in the forest who's on fire”, which thereby emphasizes the need for conscious management of this component!

And what about the "energy of the masses", how to observe it, many may ask ?!

And also as with “will”, because you are not observing “will” itself, as an object, you are observing it as a process, ie. reaching the goal vector, therefore, in order to observe the "energy of the masses" you have to answer the question, is there a process of "collecting" this energy !?

Thus, reasoning logically, you see that in the case of "mass energy" we see two components, namely:

1.collecting energy, 2. use of the collected energy!

But before moving on to the topic of collecting and using "energy of the masses", we introduce new concepts for the above.

If we accept the above paradigm, then we can distinguish two conditional components of one process for managing the “Matrix of Possible States”, the first is a “model” that vector of the goal that we want, that is, we can say that it is a “Measure” in the “Matter-Information” paradigm -Measure "(hereinafter" MIM "), the second is" will of the masses "or" energy of the masses ", that is, the energy of achieving the goal vector, and in the paradigm" MIM "is" matter "!!!

Thus, we see that we have logically reached the physical possibility of controlling the "Matrix of Possible States", and the question is not a miracle, magic, but the transition of one type of energy (matter) to another, where the energy, the will of the masses creates objective circumstances from the model (matter)!

Thus, in managing the “Matrix of Possible States”, the “model” is the boundaries of the planned changes in the “Matrix of Possible States”, and energy is the “material” from which the changes are “built”!

Here it is necessary to stipulate the processes that restrain and correct the management of the "Matrix of Possible States".

It is necessary to be aware that, speaking about the paradigm of the “Matrix of Possible States”, we need to be aware of these “possible states”!

We either realize and accept the "Matrix of Possible States" as the possibility of EVERYTHING, without restrictions, or we are limited in the ability to realize that "everything" is really EVERYTHING, without the anthropomorphic restrictions of various religions with their imposed ideas about God as a "grandfather with a beard on the cloud "!

Therefore, arguing from an anthropomorphic position, we limit for ourselves not only the "virtual" representations inherent in various cults, we, if you accept the above paradigm, we limit our REALITY and POSSIBILITY within the framework of vocabulary

That is, there are no models without images, but only words !!!

However, the limitations can be overcome if one tries to “etch a slave out of oneself” to imagine God not as a “grandfather with a beard on a cloud”, but as a process that encompasses ALL, as a frequency that carries ALL, as a hierarchically highest all-encompassing control (INVOU)!

Therefore, in the "Matrix of Possible States" there are no "good or bad" processes, the energy of the masses allows any process to take place, remember the atomic bomb and Hiroshima, and another inhuman reality, or then you need to admit that this is the "Matrix of NOT ALL possible states" and everything bad that happens on planet Earth, this is only God's wrath and people have nothing to do with it!

This is what is sometimes called "God's allowance", this is when any process that has enough mass energy can be realized

But what then is "divine providence", you may ask ?!

And the fact is that a process that carries a destructive, destructive influence for the Universe, that is, for other processes can exist (be) in the "Matrix of possible states" only as long as it is powered by energy, and therefore has internal resource stability against the environment!

And if the frequencies of harmonious INVOU processes are fed by the carrier frequency itself, then destructive processes are fed by people!

How logical is this conclusion you can learn from the teachings of various religions, which describe the processes of creation and human properties …

Thus, if you accept the paradigm outlined above, then you see real opportunities not only for creating better options for the future in the “Matrix of Possible States”, but also for extinguishing other destructive processes, and thereby participating in processes that are sometimes called “God's justice” …

In further articles, we will move on to the processes of collecting and using "mass energy" …
