Power Russia. one
Power Russia. one

Video: Power Russia. one

Video: Power Russia. one
Video: Powerful Prayer and Pernicious Pride ~ Acts 12 2024, October

This text is written in a fantasy style. Any coincidences with reality, including geographical names, are accidental. It is strongly discouraged to read it to bureaucratic people, talkers from the media and European-oriented individuals.

Basic rules of the Power RUS


Chapter 1. The sovereign foundations of the world outlook.

Chapter 2. Fundamentals of property rights.

Chapter 3. Fundamentals of money circulation.

Chapter 4. Fundamentals of the tax system.

Chapter 5. Basics of the sovereign device.

Chapter 6. Foundations of the supreme power.

Chapter 7. Foundations of representative power.

Chapter 8. Fundamentals of local self-government.

Chapter 9. Basics of information dissemination.

Chapter 10. Fundamentals of the education system.

Chapter 11. Foundations of social behavior.

Chapter 12. Fundamentals of sovereign planning.

Chapter 13. Foundations of the justice system.

Chapter 14. Basic rights and freedoms.

Chapter 1. The sovereign foundations of the world outlook.

1.1. The basis of our society is the family, created as a voluntary union of a man and a woman who have reached adulthood, on the basis of love and harmony, with the aim of multiplying a kind and raising children with sanity, developing their creative abilities, living in harmony with the surrounding nature, honoring the traditions of their ancestors, respect for their parents, their family and people, as well as for our Fatherland, with the readiness and ability to protect them.

1.2. A man always takes responsibility for all important issues in relation to his family, he is faithful to his duty as the head of the family, takes care of his loved ones, shows his strength and determination in difficult or dangerous circumstances for the family, he accurately understands family values and strictly follows them. The material obligation of a man to provide his family with everything necessary, healthy and natural food, clean water, good-quality natural clothing and footwear, warm, comfortable and sufficient housing for his family, the possibility of higher education for his children, as well as safety and health for all members of his families. Everything else is not obligatory for a man and even redundant, tying him to the house and preventing him from showing himself, first of all, as a creator and warrior. The spiritual obligation of a man to establish in the family the spiritual values of his ancestors, to educate his children in respect and reverence for their parents and clan, love for their native nature and loyalty to their people and our Fatherland, fully helping the development, above all, of the creative abilities of their children.

1.3. A woman, in essence, is primarily a mother, a hostess and a housekeeper, who has mastered the skill of cooking healthy food and handicrafts, who knows the psychology of children and families, who has the skills to prevent and treat the most common diseases and the basics of primary health care in case of accidents, who honors her husband's parents and covenants ancestors, faithful to her family and her husband, neat, pure in her thoughts, inspires and guides her husband in his affairs. A woman, if she so wishes, manifests and realizes her creative and other abilities in public or state organizations, as an addition to her main activity, and in some cases instead of it.

1.4. My soul, then my family, my family, my people and our Fatherland, this is how the system of the main spiritual values of a citizen of Russia is being built, hereinafter referred to as Rusich, who strives for a healthy lifestyle, strengthening his spirit and developing spirituality in the family, as well as a culture of community in his area of residence, showing this by personal example, first of all to children and adolescents around him, he achieves well-being in his family, in his family and in the society in which he lives, works and creates, is not indifferent to the fate of his people and our Fatherland, takes part in popular elections, elections of local self-government bodies and sovereign power and makes his choice meaningfully based on the actual previous cases of candidates, and not according to their speeches.

1.5. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia are the Slavic and other peoples who have lived together with the Slavs on our common land for many centuries and are carriers of our common spiritual and cultural values, as well as an understanding of the world based on the excess of spiritual values over material, public interests over private, justice over rules, duty of service to our Fatherland over property rights.

1.6. Rusichi, their rights and freedoms, the sacred duty of serving each Rusich to our Fatherland, our traditions, the commandments of our ancestors, their spiritual and cultural heritage, as well as the upbringing of the young generation in these traditions with the development of their creative abilities and the increase in the number of the peoples of Russia are the highest value and the purpose of the power. Recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of Rusich, ensuring the possibility of fulfilling the sacred duty of each Rusich to protect and preserve our Fatherland, preserving and developing the high morality of society and our culture, spiritual education of the constantly increasing healthy and sane generation of creators and warriors, is the main duty of the state …

1.7. Citizenship of Russia is acquired and terminated in accordance with special rules, is uniform and equal, regardless of the grounds for acquisition. The main grounds for acquiring the citizenship of Rus are the birth of a child on the territory of Rus, the birth of a child outside the borders of Rus, if at least one of the parents is Rusich, permanent residence of a foreign citizen or stateless person in Rus for nine years without violating the sovereign rules, the creation or purchase of a production facility. enterprises in Russia with a monthly turnover of at least a thousand minimum wages by a foreign citizen with further permanent residence in Russia for three years without violating the sovereign rules, for a special contribution to the scientific and high-tech developments of Russia by the decision of the Tsar to a foreign citizen, a stateless person and his permanent living in Russia for nine months without violating the sovereign rules.

1.8. Each Rusich has all the rights and freedoms on the territory of Russia, and he bears equal obligations stipulated by the Basic Rules of Russia. In Russia, labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, sovereign support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, people with disabilities and the elderly is provided, a system of social services is developing, sovereign pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are established.
