Deja vu? No: Dajavu
Deja vu? No: Dajavu

Video: Deja vu? No: Dajavu

Video: Deja vu? No: Dajavu
Video: А что выберешь ты? 2024, September

What is happening around us today was told back in 1969. However, it seems that we refuse to notice this until now …

Dr. Day's name was Richard, and he was the National Director of Medical Affairs for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and also Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York.

It was March 20, 1969, when Dr. Richard Day was giving a lecture to fellow physicians at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society Hall. What happened to him that day is not known for certain. Probably, from the outside it looked like the famous speech by German Gref, which can be found on the Internet, if you type his name and the combination "truth serum".

In short, Dr. Day blabbed it out. He told about what was to come. And not only in medicine. True, he first convincingly asked the audience to listen to him carefully and not record anything. There were no mobile phones then, so respectable doctors simply obediently put down their pens. Everyone except Lawrence Danegan, the local pediatrician, was so overwhelmed by what he heard that he secretly took notes. The essence of what was said that day, he made public only in 2004, shortly before his death.

Actually, the topic of Dr. Day's talk was outwardly as innocent as the phrase "family planning." If you believe the official media and do not understand that "planning" means birth control, and to be more precise - the destruction of fertility as an unnecessary and harmful function of the human body. Which is followed by the next and most important stage of the plan: the destruction of humanity to a convenient size.

What is now becoming quite obvious due to the periodic leakage of information (as well as disinformation), in the distant 1969 sounded at least crazy. What is at least such a phrase of "Doctor" Day:

- We can cure almost any type of cancer today. The data is in a folder at the Rockefeller Institute, if ever allowed to release it …

The skeptical reader, even if he has read this paragraph, is already yawning and ready to remember the history of the manuscript of the "Protocols of Zion", which are considered by many to be a forgery, but which, being first published in Russian exactly 110 years ago, were already telling in detail about that by witnesses which we are clearly becoming only in recent decades. Wow "fake" …

Below I will very briefly list the points that the "good" doctor mentioned, and if you have a desire to get acquainted with this story in detail, you can take a look at the site dedicated to her. The site is, however, in English. If you have any difficulties, I am always happy to help. So let's go:

Birth control (in progress)

Permission to have children (in China for a long time)

Redirecting the goals of sexual activity - sex without reproduction and reproduction without sex (already in full)

Contraceptive for everyone (in progress)

Sexual "education" as a means of belittling love in the eyes of young people (how)

Taxpayer-funded abortion as a means of birth control (of course)

Encouraged homosexuality (occurs and intensifies)

Decreasing the importance of the family (in full swing)

Euthanasia and "suicide kits" (permitted and sold openly in some places)

Limiting access to affordable health care as a means of getting rid of “burdensome old people” (in progress)

Tighter control over medicine (in progress)

Destruction of private doctors (already taking place in the field of "alternative" medicine, then - with all the stops)

New difficult to diagnose and "incurable" diseases (work on creating their viruses is in full swing)

Concealing cancer cures as a population control tool (always)

Using "heart attacks" as a form of contract killings (can't be!)

Education as a tool to accelerate maturation and evolution (in progress)

Confusion of religions - old religions must go (happening)

Changing the "Bible" through revision of keywords (read modern "editions")

Restructuring education as a tool for indoctrination (has been going on for a long time)

More time (to the detriment of the family) in schools where nothing important is taught (in progress)

Control of access to information (outwardly imperceptible, but already everywhere)

School is the center of society, district, etc. (not parents)

A number of books are withdrawn from libraries (if anyone else reads them at all, however, now the role of books is performed by some sites - with the same result)

Changing laws in order to cause moral and social chaos (read the "Duma" initiatives)

Promotion of drug addiction to create a jungle atmosphere in cities (watch modern "films")

Alcohol promotion (ditto)

Restrictions on movement (the whole USSR was on that and the whole world seems to be returning to this today)

Need for additional prisons and use of hospitals as prisons (much has been done, but no end in sight)

No psychological and physical security ("terrorists" are trying)

Using crime to rule society (in progress)

Widespread de-industrialization (occurs and is especially noticeable in the once large industrial countries such as the USA, Great Britain, Russia, etc.)

Redistribution of population and production - tearing apart social roots (in progress)

Sport as a tool for social engineering and change (Olympiads, World Championships, etc.)

Sex and violence implanted through entertainment (in progress)

Implantation of identification cards - microchips (already encouraged and advertised)

Food control (in particular, in the form of destruction of what should not be obtained by anyone, even the hungry)

Weather control (until now many do not believe it, but it has been happening for a long time)

You know the reaction of people - you can make them do what you need (look in textbooks on PR, advertising and marketing, or better - analyze your own actions)

Falsified scientific research (only one "global warming" is worth what, and in the literal sense, not to mention Einstein, Darwin, etc.)

Use of terrorism (can't be!)

Outdoor surveillance, television that watches you (one of the identification marks - everything with the word "smart")

The arrival of the totalitarian global system (by leaps and bounds)

So, dear readers, don't worry. No conspiracy theory exists. This is all - a complete accident and … continuous practice.
