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Do the Russians want wars
Do the Russians want wars

Video: Do the Russians want wars

Video: Do the Russians want wars
Video: Bolshoy kosmos («The Great Space») program in a new format 2024, May

It is not easy to stir an American into a frank, serious conversation. About the weather, American football, securities - please. But start a conversation about politics, religion, gender issues, and everyone will be blown away, in any company.

And the point is not only that the day is tired as a dog (many work in several places or overtime), the American would like to relax and pull a beer at the TV, and not only that in conditions of total denunciation and fierce competition, it would be extremely imprudent to open up (as in boxing: open up - get hit). It must be understood that in an atomized society, a person's worldview is inevitably mosaic and narrowed. When one's own “I” is the highest value, and everyone is on his own, people are not up to politics, not to history, and not to philosophy, interest is only in what contributes to personal success and well-being, now and immediately.

My colleague John teaches Social Science and International Relations. He is well versed in history, in its Western interpretation, is interested in events in Russia and speaks a little Russian. From time to time we meet to exchange opinions about and without reason. He is a pragmatic Anglo-Saxon, coldly dissecting facts, and I am a typical product of the Soviet era “first think about your Motherland, and then about yourself,” emotional and categorical. When it comes to Russia, we often disagree, already because, as “two boobies,” we see a “bubble” standing between us, in different ways, each from its own side. I am talking about a country that no longer exists, and he is talking about a country that he has never been to. Nevertheless, the reasoning of my colleague, it seems to me, may be interesting for the Russian reader, since they are characteristic of a certain circle of thinking people in America. I bring to your attention this imaginary interview, which is based on our many conversations.

John, Russians and Americans, are they friends or enemies?

You Russians tend to see America's machinations in all your troubles. This is not true. Americans don't give a damn about Russia, many of them don't even know where America is (ask your students), what can we say about Russia. And believe me, their mouths are full of their worries. Besides, Americans are different. What Americans are we talking about?

Both in America and in Russia there is an elite (legal or criminal, go and figure them out who is who), those who do not advertise themselves, because they do not need it, and live in their own world according to their own laws, but really rule the country, 2. a corrupt servant and 3. nothing decisive majority, “which on holidays is called the people” (hello to Delyagin).

These three populations in one, three strata are the main ones in any state system, no matter how outwardly it looks and no matter how it is called: monarchy, democracy or communist dictatorship. The stratification of society is inevitable, since human society can exist as a single system only when it is structured and functionally organized (for example, as a human body).

In order for 1% to enjoy life, 99% must work day and night.

It was so in the days of ancient Egypt, it will always be so. Each layer has its own philosophy, its own morality, its own goals. These are different types of people, whose role in society is psychologically (and possibly genetically) predetermined in advance, and they will never understand each other, since each person inevitably expresses the interests of his stratum.

The elite has one goal - the reproduction and preservation of power. If there is power, there will be everything else. The state is a mechanism for achieving this goal at the political, economic and international level. And the elite will never reveal their cards to anyone to the end: if the shepherd tells the rams about his plans, he will lose kebabs, wool and sheep's cheese.

The majority of the population must flee to work every day, their goal is survival. People, on the other hand, naively believe that the state, by virtue of a social contract, exists to take care of them, provide them with work, housing, teach and heal (the rams also think that the shepherd exists to feed them, and the corral and the dogs exist in order to protect from wolves and bad weather).

The servants are looking for how to sell at a higher price.

A person's goals tell him what is good and what is evil. They also determine what he thinks about, what he says, and what he does. Americans wish no harm to anyone, they wish well for themselves. This explains America's policy. I think that we have a lot in common with modern Russia, and it is easier for us to understand each other than, for example, the Chinese.

Gorbachev withdrew troops from Europe. Yeltsin destroyed the USSR, communism and nuclear missiles. We are no longer divided by ideology. We, as you say, have a lot in common. We are no longer enemies. Why is America still retaining its bases and even building missile defense systems on the territory of the former USSR satellites?

We have a good saying: if you want to be friends with your neighbors, put up a strong fence. All international conflicts have economic roots. World elites solve their problems through wars. Religious and ideological divisions are for cannon fodder. The blood that bearded men shed in Egypt, Syria and the Caucasus eventually settles in tidy sums far from the countries of conflict on the accounts of the elite. As we know, in 1914 there was no smell of communism, but a world war happened. German capital was cramped, and this was one of the reasons for the First World War. Capital cannot develop without expansion. Wars happen between competitors; propaganda makes them enemies.

The Soviet Union was never dangerous to America as an aggressor. Stalin himself renounced the world revolution. He was busy with internal intrigues and personally defeated the Communist International. And the real cause of the Second World War was by no means the ideological confrontation between capitalism and communism.

Brezhnev took a course towards peaceful coexistence and competition between the two systems. And he had every chance to win this competition: total free education, collectivist traditions and the enthusiasm of people who feel equal among equals, are able to unleash an extraordinary creative potential in people. This is what systems theory calls the emergent effect, which gives rise to unpredictable properties of the system. As a result, the USSR's astounding successes in science, technology, art and sports. A planned economy is not so bad if not driven to the point of absurdity. In the end, we all, one way or another, plan our life for a day, for a month, for years, whether in our family, or within a corporation, and only a fool lets everything go by itself. The strength of the USSR was in its self-sufficiency. With unlimited resources and a totally educated population, you could produce everything from matches to spaceships with guaranteed domestic sales. Centralized control allowed to consolidate forces to solve breakthrough problems and maintain social inequality at a safe level. You, like the Papuans, fell for chewing gum and contraceptives with imported letters.

Of course, the totalitarian USSR, as a bad and contagious example, irritated the American elite, who adhered to the values of free enterprise and liberalism. He showed explosive development just as America died out in the swamp of depression. But this is not a reason for military confrontation and conflict. The Soviet Union collapsed due to numerous internal and external reasons. America has nothing to do with it. Socialism gave birth to a generation of infantile, capricious inhabitants, accustomed to relying on the state in everything. Even the sun and air are not given to people because they honored the world with their birth. People have disaccustomed to fighting for their rights, to value and protect what they have, and when wolves came to your socialist kindergarten with warm chamber pots, no one came to its defense, neither the army, nor the KGB, nor the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Socialism, as a theoretically possible social formation, turned out to be less stable than capitalism. And this is understandable, since capitalism relies on individualism and selfishness - the principles that underlie everything that exists, and socialism appeals to collectivism - a feeling that needs to be nurtured for generations. As we can see, in the dispute between Plekhanov and Lenin, Plekhanov turned out to be right, he believed that socialism is possible as a global phenomenon only in all countries at the same time.

Modern Russia poses a greater threat to the free world than the USSR. The communist and criminal elite, in the modern Russian language, "threw" their people. Having appropriated all that was created by enthusiasm, the sweat and blood of previous generations, she for a pittance melted what was stolen to the West and immediately hid the proceeds in our banks. Who would refuse such a gift? We received trillions of dollars worth of value without paying anything! And the zeroes on the accounts - they are the zeroes. Now Russia is driving rivers of oil, gas, metal and timber to the West, still putting the proceeds in our pockets. We will support this policy in every possible way. If you need to return the money back, what's the problem? How long will it take to draw a couple of trillion dollars?

Russia has always been attractive to its neighbors for its natural resources. Napoleon and Hitler tried to conquer it, but overstrained. What a territory! And the climate? Three months are summer, the rest is winter. No, thank you … Only the Chinese with their population can take control of these deserted millions of square miles. Why, in fact, conquer Russia? We already have everything we need - for free!

There is, however, one problem. For some reason your “boys” decided that having put “their” money in our pockets, they automatically entered the circle of the elite. Freaks! The world elite has been formed over the centuries and is welded by close family, religious, financial ties and obligations in secret communities.

Can you imagine Queen Elizabeth at the same table with Gorbachev or Yeltsin? Your elite came with a bag of stolen seeds to the world market, where all the places have already been taken. The fate of Milosevic, Hussein, Mubarak and Gaddafi awaits them. And as for money … So after all, "Rome does not pay traitors"(hello Fursov). All their accounts, all the mechanisms of money laundering are well known. Each has a dossier “with passwords and accounts”. So it is not difficult to prove the illegitimacy of deposits. As the saying goes, “it was yours - it became ours”. And everything will be according to the law.

Your elites may be tempted to flex their muscles and reclaim their place in the sun. Your rockets are outdated, but still fly. In this case, we need a missile defense system. In addition, we would not want to one day get a lot of sovereign nuclear principalities in place of Russia. We must be ready, if need be, to launch a preemptive sanitizing strike. I see the indignation in your eyes: the Russians lost 20 million people in the last war, it is blasphemous to think that they are capable of unleashing a new war! I answer: It took Hitler several years to turn the people of Goethe, Heine, Schiller, Mozart and Bach into fascists and aggressors. You have competent interpreters of history, and very talented guys work on television. I am sure that they can do a lot.

How will relations between Russia and America develop?

We will definitely not fight. The Russian elite will not throw bombs on banks where they keep money, on countries and cities where their children study, wives live and mistresses rest. Nobody is going to conquer Russia either. It has already been conquered. Your elite did what Napoleon and Hitler failed to do. Your fields have become depopulated, and you are feeding on the “chemistry” you buy in the West. Your cultural centers have become breeding grounds for debauchery. Just think, even ballet has become a dangerous profession for you! Your people have lost the meaning of life, which means they have no future. You are dying, but it is your choice.

Our countries are involved in one historical stream, we are neighbors on the planet and can only row together in one direction. A hitherto unknown organism is taking shape on Earth - a global civilization. Any organism has a structure, i.e. consists of functionally separated organs (brain, stomach, heart, etc.). The nervous system of the future global organism has already been created. It is based on the means of modern communication. How was it before? The tsar was slammed in the capital, this news only months later reached the outskirts of the empire. And now? Mandela died in Africa; people from all over the world flocked to his funeral. Humanity has formed a continuous nervous tissue, and people react vividly to events in the world, wherever they occur. Managing your brains and emotions just got easier. And it doesn't matter if it's liberal or communist.

We observe an obvious specialization of states depending on their geographic location, historical past and level of development. “The world is breaking up into separate technological zones” (hello to Khazin). The concept of exploitation of some peoples by others loses its meaning due to the meaninglessness of the concept. Tell me, who is exploiting whom in the human body: the brain is the stomach, or the stomach is the brain? Many countries and peoples will disappear along with their cultural traditions, dissolve among others. This has already happened: the territory of modern Germany was once inhabited by dozens of ethnic groups with their own languages and gods. With the formation of a single state, one ethnos remained, one God, one language, one for all - German. The same happened with the Slavic tribes that inhabited the southeast of Europe, when the Russian nation was formed, and now even those whose ancestors clearly had nothing to do with the Slavs consider themselves to be Russians.

Russia will remain a source of raw materials for global civilization and a dumping ground for technological waste. Not in the Canary Islands or Flurida to dump radioactive waste! America will dominate science, medicine, and weapons production. It will become the brain where information is processed and decisions are made. Who can compete with the country that prints the world's money? America's financial strength will ensure the expansion of American pop culture and American lifestyle ideals around the world.

Pay attention, where are the main investments in developed countries going now? That's right, a third of scientific articles are published on biological and medical topics. In this century, the problem of practical immortality will be solved. Humanity will be divided into two castes: the chosen immortals (they will become like gods) and other mortals. The population will sharply decrease as unnecessary, and robots and automatic machines will remain in production. The prospect of entering the immortal caste will become a carrot that will make the donkey run forward and make him obedient. In accordance with the Hegelian spiral of development, we are entering a new slave-owning period. And believe me, the Immortals will speak English.
