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Church of Mary Magdalene
Church of Mary Magdalene

Video: Church of Mary Magdalene

Video: Church of Mary Magdalene
Video: HOW the WORLD WILL END || The BOOK OF REVELATION explained PART 3 2024, October
"Holy Father, a just God of Goodness, You who never make mistakes, do not lie and do not doubt, and do not fear death in the world of an alien god, let us know what you know and love what you love, for we are not from of this world, and this world is not ours.

Pharisees-seducers, you yourself do not want to enter the Kingdom of God and do not allow those who want to enter, and keep them at the gates. That is why I pray to the Good God, to whom it is given to save and revive fallen souls by the effort of good. And so it will be, as long as there is good in this world, and as long as at least one of the fallen souls, the inhabitants of the seven kingdoms of heaven, who Lucifer deceived from Paradise to earth, remains in it. The Lord allowed them only good, and the devious Devil allowed both evil and good. And he promised them female love and power over others, and promised to make them kings, earls and emperors, and also promised that they could lure other birds with a bird and other animals with an animal.

And all who obeyed him descended to earth and received the authority to do good and evil. And the Devil said that it would be better for them here, for here they can do both good and evil, and God only allowed them good. And they flew up to the glass sky, and as soon as they rose, they immediately fell and died. And God came down to earth with the twelve apostles, and His shadow entered Saint Mary"

(Qatari prayer)

The path to God is long and thorny, and there is, perhaps, no more difficult than the human path. However, this is the path of joy and knowledge of oneself, one's place in life, awareness of the integrity and harmony of the universe, this is the study of philosophy and real events of world development. Moreover, not the interpretation of these events from the point of view of one people, who decided to become God's chosen one and invented a history that never existed (from the Torah I), but the real path of mankind's quest, its epic.

Since ancient times, people believed in God and gave him a place in their souls. Look at any tribe lost in Africa and understand the main thing: all peoples have a supreme God and his helpers, who also have great power, but disproportionate to the power of God himself. The creator of everything is invincible, and although he is opposed by the god of evil, he is stronger. The struggle between the two forces is called dualism. You will find its outline in any nation.

In this miniature, I will have a frank conversation with the reader about what actually happened on Earth when people received the philosophy of Christianity. Those who read my miniatures know that I am fascinated by the epic of the Russian people and try to find those deep roots of their existence, which we only vaguely suspect of having them with us. Unfortunately, during the Great Troubles and the accession of the Romanovs, everything changed in Russia: religion and laws, customs and cultural traditions, names and spiritual values. I believe that it was the Romanovs who destroyed the truth about the real events of the Russian land, perverted its essence and brought Russian society into the oppressed state that we see now. Needless to say, Russia, which had never known slavery, received serfdom precisely from the hands of these "Russian tsars"? The Nikonian reform radically changed the foundations of faith and created a qualitatively new religion, similar to Western models.

The Russian person has lived to the point that he does not distinguish the difference between them, considering faith to be religion and religion to faith.

Faith, in contrast to the religious tradition, is understood as the position of reason, which accepts certain provisions that cannot be proven. In this sense, faith is the opposite of knowledge. We refer to knowledge that which can be verified, confirmed, substantiated, proven. However, not all of a person's beliefs can be tested and justified. Some of them are accepted by us without proof, so to speak, "on faith", we believe that these beliefs are true, useful, good, although we cannot prove it. That is, faith is that.that a person understands instinctively, soul and heart, what is given from birth and does not require rethinking, additional analysis, teaching. She is one of the constituent parts of the shamrock of FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE.

Tell me, reader, can you define them in words? Describe what it is? Not! It is simply what you feel that you understand without explanation. Here they are and that's it, and whoever doubts is a complete fool, because take away at least one component from a person and he is lost to the world, lost to God.

You have truly seen such people who have lost faith, bereft of hope, and live without love. Do you remember those? Sorry sight!

Religion is different.

Religion (Latin religare - to reunite) is a special form of world awareness, conditioned by belief in the supernatural, which includes a set of moral norms and types of behavior, rituals, cult actions and the unification of people in an organization (church, religious community).

That is, religion is secondary and only a teaching, an interpretation of faith from the point of view of uniting people. And, as you know, where people gather, bosses immediately appear who create states and direct faith in the direction they need. This explains the presence of a huge number of religions in the world, although they all believe in God. If you collect all the information about him that people have preserved, then when you superimpose them, taken from different nations, you get the same picture: the supreme God and helpers. That is, faith will reappear.

Let's mentally brush aside all religious teachings and prejudices, mysticism and rituals, abandon the moral standards offered by the Church. What do we get with you? Yes, all the same faith, following which a normal person would not think of violating the norms of human society. And it is so clear that it is not good to kill, to steal is criminal, and to prevent others from loving is simply inhuman. Does this require the commandment tablets? And just listen to your soul? Think? Council to ask the elders, since the cerebellum has not been washed for a long time?

So think about it, man, do you really need religion? Maybe it is needed by those who control you and those who made a craft out of it?

I foresee the angry cries of the adherents of various concessions, but what I am now setting out is nothing more than the most common orthodoxy. ORTHODOXY! That's just not Orthodoxy, as this word slyly translated from the Greek Patriarch Nikon. Look in the dictionary reader: ortho is right, and doxia is faith. That is RULE.

So what glorifies Nikonianism? It would be logical to assume that law is famous, not faith, that is, religion is famous.

You will say, they say, the author has completely moved into a sermon! Take your time and read my pseudonym: Commissioner Qatar, which means that there will be a police investigation in this miniature. And I give you my word, buddy, that you will hear about such a crime, which is punishable in the criminal codes of all countries of the world as a terrible crime against humanity - genocide.

Okay with Orthodoxy, let's get down to Catholicism. Do you know that the ROC is a church of modern times and was created by Stalin during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945? She is the successor of another church - the Russian Orthodox Catholic Church.

In the Russian alphabet there was a letter "feta", which was read both as "Ef" and as "Te", depending on the semantic load. Now you need commas and other signs: the Russian man of the past did well without them, that's why the chronicle of the storyteller is just like that. For us, minded minds, vievata! But the Rusich understood it perfectly, because, as he put his speech correctly and used words that were understandable: adolescent, right hand, rtsy, father ….

Catholic and catholic is one word, read differently and it means "universal". So Orthodoxy is the same Catholicism as the Roman Church. And Stalin knew this, creating a new church that would depart from the Catholicism of Rome. It was not in vain that Koba attended theological seminary. So the Romanov Church of the ROCTs by its predecessor, the Russian Old Believer Orthodox Church, is referred to as the "Judaizing Lutheran", and the ROC is not mentioned in any way.

The leader of all times and peoples, created a qualitatively new church, gave it the foundations of the Old Believers, preserving the elements of Nikonianism, but at the same time placed it in the service of the state, although formally separated it from it.

Old belief was not monolithic either. And now you can meet priests and bespopovtsy, schismatics and kulugurs, Molokans and Qatar …

They have an interesting name for the Roman Catholic Church. Get ready reader, you have already heard about the "Judaizing Lutherans", but now you have to find out how the Old Believers called the Roman Church. I found almost the same name for all concessions of the Old Believers. Listen to my friend: "the devil's synagogue." That is, the Old Believers in relation to Nikonianism and Orthodoxy (before the Stalinist ROC) treated them as an anti-faith, believing that a faith called Judaism penetrated into them. And, in the Old Belief, a Jew is an enemy of the Russian faith!

It was against this that Archpriest Avvakum fought, and not against how to be baptized and how to receive communion. Yes, in the Old Believers generally there is a proverb: “ We live in the forest, we pray to the wheel "! There, no one forces anyone to pray to God. My great-grandmother on my mother's side, Akulina Ksenofontovna Malysheva, used to say: “ If God exists, then he will count my obeisances, but no, then I won't break my forehead ". By the way, the Volga kulugurka was and never forced her children to faith, but she scrubbed the floors white and wore clothes of dazzling cleanliness, and also worked a lot and was a cheerful person. My father, a columnar nobleman and a descendant of the species, the Qatari Montsegur, was crazy about her knowledge and judgments.

The Old Believers themselves came to the concept of faith, at a conscious age, when they had life experience.

If the reader thinks that German Sterligov, who fled to the taiga, is an Old Believer, then he is very much mistaken. From what I have seen, he is the most common tyrant, and I do not believe him.

The founder of the Church of Scientology bluntly stated that the best way to make money is to create your own religion - success is assured. That's how Sterligov, at first he stole from people, and now he calls them to him, paying in gold. The Old Believers have a negative attitude to gold, it is Jewish metal. Russia always knew silver and put its most dear saints in silver crayfish. Alexander Nevsky for example.

I don’t believe this bearded beetle. He recently held a fashion show there: women in felt boots and glamorous quilted jackets were embroidering on the plow-catwalk. Wait, he will show himself. You won't have time to gasp!

I want to tell the reader not about him, but about the Cathar Church.

In other miniatures, I have already said that after the defeat of the Judean Khazaria, where Judaism originated in the early 12th century (and not BC, as the Torah lies), the Khazars fled to Western Europe. The Khazar Kaganate itself was located on the territory of modern Ukraine and stretched to the Volga and the Caucasus. Kiev is not the mother of Russian cities, but the Khazar city of Sambation, which took over the Byzantine epic. Here Byzantium, Istanbul, Troy, Yorosalem, Constantinople, Constantinople are the mother of Russian cities. All this is the name of the same city. He is also Rome. The scenery cities in modern Israel and Italy have nothing to do with the biblical events that took place in 1182 on Mount Beykos on the shores of the Bosphorus. They are just late buildings, issued for antiquity by the Vatican bishop.

Russia does not stop at the defeat of Khazaria. As the homeland of Mary the Mother of God, mother of the Byzantine emperor Andronicus Comnenus (Jesus Christ (hereinafter I will write His name with one letter I, as the Old Believers did)), Russia completely and immediately accepts his teachings and becomes a Christian country, as it always was professing monotheism. It was Russia that perfectly understood the personality of Jesus when she sent the Magi to him: Prince-Khan-Tsar Vladimir, his mother Mavka and their governor Getman Ataman. It is their relics that will be placed in the sarcophagus of the Cologne Cathedral in a silver hanging shrine with the names Belshazzar, Melchior and Kaspar, and the shrine itself will be stolen from the Moscow Kremlin by the Poles, in the Time of Troubles, along with the Turin Shroud and other shrines of the Old Believers. The Shroud of Turin is the Savior Not Made by Hands or Ubrus, the most revered icon in ancient Russia.

In the 12th century, Russia conquered all of Europe. This was not difficult to do, for it was inhabited by semi-savage tribes.

Russians build magnificent castles Toulouse, Carcassonne, Albi, Minerva, Berbero, Montsegur and become there, as it were, a military contingent of Russia. Naturally with them comes the Old Belief, which captivates the local tribes. This is not like the Khazars who settled in these lands and declared themselves Latins. The Vatican bishop, as a vassal of the Russian tsar, participates in all campaigns against Byzantium, but gradually wants to become the main Basque of the Russian tsar in Europe, fortunately, the tsar himself creates his own headquarters in the Vatican (read my miniature "Russian city Vatican"). The Jews, deprived of the opportunity to profess their faith, transform it into the now known Catholicism, having received a symbiosis of Jewish and Christian teachings. The Pope begins to take power in Livonia into his own hands (as the Russians called the whole of Europe at that time) and creates bank interest, which strengthens his power. All popes are Khazars. Catholicism conquers Europe, but runs into the troops of Russia-Horde, which at that time find themselves without the support of the mother country: Russia itself wages wars and tames its separatist princes. The Kulikovo field, the Battle of the Neva and so on are not wars with the mythical Tatars (there was no trace of the yoke in Russia), but the struggle with local princes who are hiring soldiers in Livonia - Europe. For example, the temnik Velyaminov Mamai organized the civil war known as the Battle of Kulikovo.

The Cathars (the modified word Tatars (as Europe called the population of Russia-Great Tartary)) did not allow the papacy to take possession of the continent, which in fact is not such. Stop lying to geographers! There is no continent Europe, but there is a conventional division of Asia, made in the Middle Ages by papal historians in the Ural Mountains. It is there that all Western conquerors want to end the campaign. This continent is called Gondwana, on which the country of Hyperborea is located. It is through the mountains of the Urals that the line of the desired conquests of the western twists passes.

Pope declares a crusade against the Albigensians Albigensians are white goyim. To this day, Jews call goyims who do not accept Judaism and who can be destroyed with impunity. Have you heard such an expression: "Thou art thou, good fellow?", Meaning the evil spirits, the question: "Are you a Slav?"

The Albigensian Crusade or the Qatar Crusade (1209-1229) is a series of military campaigns initiated by the Roman Catholic Church to eradicate the heresy of the Cathars in the Languedoc Roussillon region (Rus-Russian, lion (le) - land).

When the diplomatic attempts of Pope Innocent III to influence the spread of the Qatari movement did not find much support among the clergy and large feudal nobility, he decided to resort to force of arms. During this 20-year crusade, at least a million people were killed. The Albigensian Crusade played a decisive role in the establishment of the Dominican Order, as well as the Inquisition as a powerful means of fighting the Catholic Church against dissent. Remember the reader, the Inquisition was created against the Cathars, and not against witches and leshaks, as the Torah-history teaches you. It was the genocide of the Slavs, the mass destruction of the people, examples of which are no longer in the world.

I do not believe in the burning of 6 million Jews in the crematoria of Nazism. I was specifically interested in how the combustion was carried out using those technologies. This is VERY EXPENSIVE, reader, and in Germany, which was able to count money, there is not so much coal in the Ruhr basin. Do you really believe that the Germans transported coal from Donbass for the sake of burning Jews in crematoria? I think the coal was going to the Krupa steelworks and believe me, Hitler would not have thought for a minute if Yuda had any energy value! They would burn in open-hearth furnaces for coke. However, this was not the case, and I am sure that the numbers are overestimated hundreds, if not thousands of times. The reader himself can search for information about this.

But the murder of the Slavs of the Old Believers was!

After becoming pope in 1198, Innocent III tried to introduce the Cathars into the fold of the Catholic Church. But numerous preachers were received rather coolly. Even Saint Dominic, who was distinguished by his persuasiveness and eloquence, failed to achieve anything significant. The Qatari leaders were actively helped by wealthy nobles, as well as some bishops who were dissatisfied with the church order. My ancestor La Pantel Vladislav was the vidam or coadjutor of one of these bishops. In 1204, the Pope removed these bishops from their posts and appointed a papal legate in their place. He in 1206 tried to find support from the Languedoc aristocracy, turning it against the Cathars. The nobles who continued to assist the Cathars were excommunicated. In May 1207, the powerful and influential Count Raymond VI of Toulouse fell under excommunication. The Pope called on the French monarch Philip II to take decisive action against the Cathars, but he refused. Count Raimund met with the papal legate Pierre de Castelnau in January 1208, after which the pope's deputy was found stabbed to death in his own bed.

The angry pope reacted to the murder with a bull, in which he promised to endow the lands of the heretics of Languedoc with everyone who would take part in the crusade. This further complicated the already difficult relationship between the nobles of the North and South of France.

The military campaigns of the Albigensian Crusade can be divided into several periods. The first - from 1209 to 1215 - was accompanied by successes in Languedoc. The captured lands, however, were soon lost (1215-1225) due to uprisings.

The situation changed after King Louis VIII of France intervened in the war in 1226. After his death in November of the same year, the work started was continued by his successor Louis IX. The area was re-conquered by 1229, and the local nobility agreed to a temporary truce.

After 1233, the Inquisition eliminated the rest of the Cathars. Resistance and spontaneous uprisings continued, but without much success. The hostilities ceased only in 1255.

After the extinction of the Toulouse dynasty, Languedoc became the possession of the French crown. During the stay of Pope Gregory IX on the papal throne, the Inquisition was endowed with all the powers to destroy heresy. The campaign began in 1233. Many fled to the heart of Languedoc, taking refuge in the fortress of Montsegur. In 1235, the Inquisition destroyed the Albigensians in Albi, Narbonne and Toulouse.

The Qatari citadels conquered one after another.

The last stronghold of the Qatar and their faith was Montsegur. Bishop Bertrand Marty, with Count Raymond de Pereille, Vidam Vladislav (Wilhelm) La Pantel, believing Cathars and warriors, took refuge in an impregnable castle

Montsegur resisted for nine months, until March 1244, longer than any other fortress, being completely cut off from the outside world.

On the night of March 13, Bishop Bertrand summoned his species. Who does not know, I explain: to species this is the hereditary title of bishop-viscount, assistant to the bishop-count, vicar or duma clerk in Russia, warrior priest managing the lands and army of the feudal bishop-count. My ancestor, in the defense of Montsegur, commanded a detachment of archers. The chief of defense was Count Raymond de Pereil.

Father Bertrand ordered his steward to take the best warriors and, making his way through the papal troops, take out the treasures and shrines of the Cathars from the besieged Montsegur.

In those days, people said that a view for a bishop is like a viscount for a count, and a viscount is known as the son of a count. I do not know if this is the case with Bishop Bertrand and Vidam La Pantel, but I believe that it does not matter.

Pantel fulfilled the order of Bishop Bertrand and the commander of the defense of Montsegur, Count Raymond. With his soldiers, he fought his way to Russia and handed over to Alexander Nevsky the treasures and shrines of the Cathars, as well as four Initiates who had the highest degree of enlightenment, who were supposed to keep them. It seems to me that these four were the main treasure of the Cathars. Who they are, I will tell in other works. I can only say that these are unusual people by their origin.

It was with the arrival of Pantel in Russia that the Savior Not Made by Hands and the Chalice, which everyone knows as the Holy Grail, appears in Russia. They and many other Qatari valuables will be placed in the Moscow Kremlin, where they will be kept until they are stolen by the Poles in the Time of Troubles.

March 13, 1244 Monsegur fell through bribery and betrayal. All his defenders went to the stake and refused to convert to Catholicism, they were burned.

My ancestor received the coat of arms from the hands of Alexander Nevsky and founded in Russia a dynasty of columnar nobles, the Panteleevs, who faithfully served their Fatherland, while remaining Old Believers. All the tsars took care of them and retained for them the title of vidam (palace deacon), the only one in Russia. Of the currently known 11 species, 10 are Catholics, Anglicans and Lutherans, and only species Monsegur Languedoc Roussillon continues to be in Orthodoxy-Orthodoxy, bearing the coat of arms and surname of his distant ancestor Vladislav (Wilhelm) La Pantel (Panteleev), about which you can read in my miniature " Vidam ".

The Soviet government did not forgive the participation of my ancestors in the monarchist movement, and my family paid dearly for the right to be Russian nobles. My father, a warrior and pilot, was born in 1936 in SibLag, and before that his sister was born there, and my grandfather's sisters died in the Ust-Usolsk prison. How the family survived, I can't imagine! Probably, the Bolsheviks simply did not know: who are these species? However, no one has a grudge against our homeland, Russia, we are its eternal servants and debtors.

The last stronghold of the Cathars was the castle of Keribus, which fell in August 1255, but there were already only the last believers, the leaders of the Cathars were no longer there.

The last Cathar in Languedoc was burned at the stake in 1321.

However, faith did not die. The Qatari Church was preserved among the Kulugurs, which were my ancestors on my mother's side. In it, just like among the Cathars, Mary Magdalene is revered as the wife of Jesus and the founder of the Cathar Church. I will talk about the peculiarities of the faith of "good people" in another work. Having learned about them, the reader will receive great satisfaction and will look at the world with different eyes. For example, the absence of original sin, rejection of the Torah (Old Testament), the absence of Eve's guilt (which means the humiliation of a woman and her equality with a man), the awareness of the family as an outpost of opposition to evil (together it is easier to beat the dad) and the right to accept any religion, without losing connections with native faith….

Knowing all this, I sometimes think that meeting my father and mother in distant Siberia was the Providence of God.

The Panteleevs never offended someone else's faith and, entering any church, prayed there to God, and not to the high priest and his church. The peculiarity of the title species (and its prototypes avo, coadjutor, vicar) is that all of them, by the fact of birth, have the dignity of deacon and do not require a special ritual. Priest-warrior-knight equal to the viscount, is passed on by blood, regardless of gender, to the eldest child. The girls are called species and are the keepers of the title until the first male heir appears. For 800 years, the species of Montsegur Languedoc Roussillon have not changed their surname….

All my ancestors served in the Cavalry Regiment and all of their colleagues were called Cathars. This is my call sign in the war, which I, like they had to go through. Since the time of Pantel, there has not been a generation that would not have fought. I hope my only daughter escapes this lot. However, I'll tell you a secret: she is also a Russian warrior!

Monsegur (translated as My Salvation)


Where St. Bartholomew is

He shot his peak into the big sky

"The mountain of salvation", and on it, Ruins of the ancients, crying is not known.

There is Montsegur in the land of the Cathars

Slavic glory for centuries

Killed by fiery blows

Accepting the shame of a heretic.

There Languedoc, spread its wings.

Lies under him, immersed in sleep, Raymond Comte de Pereil

Garrison burnt by the Pope.

There's an Albigensian beginning

And the ancient faith of the Slavs

She screamed under the papal boot.

Self-proclaimed Romans.

There the inquisition bonfires

Tried to break the faith of the Russians

The eagles interrupted their flight

But there were no cowards between them.

There "The Field Of Those That Are Burnt"

Screams about the lies of Catholicism

And the souls of those who burned fires

Suffer from his cynicism..

Remember Rusich this temple

Where the bogomils died.

An example, leaving all ages

How our ancestors acted.

Lies in the spurs of the Pyrenees

Land of Russia - Rossillon

He is the Perfect Albigens, The dead knights were screened. *

* Defenders of Montsegur - Cathar Old Believers

There were more than two hundred of them … They majestically ascended with their gazes raised to the sky at the fire of the inquisitors, laid out right there at the foot of the great mountain called Montsegur - which in translation means - my salvation …

They were not afraid of death, but longed to go to the fire - like a fiery wedding with their beloved bridegroom Christ.

And what outwardly looked like a ten-month siege and storming of the castle, in fact, was preparation for the solar Pentecost of Montsegur. The Perfect ones were preparing to ascend into the fire, as into the molten pearl of the Grail, in order to defeat the inquisitorial fire and the prince of this world with superior love. Wisdom miraculously prepared the day and hour when they solemnly ascended, in white vestments descending from the mountain. How wonderful this procession was, filled with only one thirst - to exude love for creation, to sacrifice oneself for love and for the sake of the Father of pure love!

At Monsegur there was a crushing defeat of the prince of this world. While he was gathering hordes of crusaders against the innocent and defenseless Cathars, who had never resorted to the language of violence and weapons, a new fiery army of Christ was already being born here. Who are they - these beautiful noble souls, which the earth has not yet given birth to? I would like to repeat their names like music, although there is not a word about them in earthly chronicles. The kindest kind "weaving cross", and around it the names of the Qatari Wedding: the highest of the initiates, the sweetest fathers Raymond de Saint-Martin, Bishop Bertrand and Raymond Eguyère. Duc de Dufour, Paida de Plain, Pierre Bonnet, Father Nome (Cathar bishop of Florence), Gulien de Lavalagnet (Italy), Daniel (Bishop of the Bogomils in Bosnia), Blanca de Lorac (one of the abbess of the feminine monasteries), Arno de Castelverden (noble Languedoc aristocrat, the most convinced Cathar), Bernard de la Motte (the Cathar bishop of Toulouse, the purest light: when burned he did not make a sound and three executioners fell dead, slain by angel swords), Beranger de Puisergie, Beranger de Lacorbier (Bertrand de Lacorbier, Bertrand bishop, permanent leader and comforter of the monastery of Montsegur), Patricia de Lantard, who was burned with her husband in Montsegur …

Likewise, the holy wives of the Grail … Sister of Count Foix Exclarmond ("High Light to the World") and a whole galaxy of myrrh-bearing saints. Exclarmond was three, one more beautiful than the other: Exclarmond de Graves - daughter of the domain (owner) of Montsegur Raymond, the quietest, most blessed; Exclarmonda de Foix - passionate, perfect, ardent, expansive sister of Count Raymond Roger: constantly fearlessly testifying about the Cathars; third Exclarmond Nyorskaya, 28 years old - Perfect.

As the legend says, when the "fighters against heretics", by the Pope's decree, pounced on the castle of the saints, the earth parted and received the Holy Grail, and the Holy Grail Guardian Virgin of Exclarmond turned into a dove and flew into the sky.

The reader should not be surprised at the names of these Russian people. They are all just the names of cities and places where the Cathars were from, and some are just pseudonyms. In fact, they are all Ivans, and Stepans, Marinkas and Varvaras….


(Read the continuation in the miniature "Four from Montsegur"© Copyright: Commissioner Qatar, 2014
