Amazon. The truth about Russian warriors
Amazon. The truth about Russian warriors

Video: Amazon. The truth about Russian warriors

Video: Amazon. The truth about Russian warriors
Video: Russian Soldier Before And After War 😢 #shorts #soldier #army #war #warzone #foryou #fyp #russia 2024, September

" The kings of Greece, frightened by the forces of the Amazon, sent against them Heraclius, the most glorious Governor of those times. Then the Amazonians came to help Troyan against the Greeks, under the government of Pantazilea, and remained firm in their sovereignty even until the time of Alexander the Great. His invincible strength, always through glory, reached the rumors of Calistra, or the Minutia of the Queen of the Amazon: she moved with an army of 300 thousand women. "

(Mavro Orbini 1550-1614)

Promises need to be fulfilled, especially if promised to a woman. And I have such a favor. So I invite lovely ladies to read this miniature.

They are amazing creatures, so they cry for reason and without reason, their logic is not at all similar to that of men, I generally keep quiet about physiology.

I remember that in my New Year's miniature, I gave my word that my readers would have a surprise by March 8. So March has come. It's time to turn your words into deeds, in my case, into a manuscript.

Many men who start reading this miniature will think that it is not worth their attention, but only I anticipate their impulse to send the author to the wide steppes, because the conversation today will go on such topics that another peasant will be ashamed. He will have to poke the wall with his finger, as in his distant childhood and mutter: "I did not know, I did not know!".

Here I am writing on various topics. I collect material, read a lot, argue with my comrades. As a matter of fact, the epic of the Russian state seems to me in a more or less stable form. I have already said more than once that the chronology of our people and state is slanderous, and what we study in school is just mythology, created with the sole purpose of justifying the existence of the Torah and the science of Is Torah I, which flows out of it like rotten juice from mashed vegetables, long-term storage.

When I write on the themes of the epics of Russia, I have to pick up a combat sword in order to realize its severity and imagine what was happening on the battlefield, try on a warrior's helmet, realizing his feelings. I had to fence and go around the horse, visit the Cossack village and drink strong chikhir. Taking up the topic, I myself mentally try to take the place of the defenders of the fortress and conduct an experiment: was it really so, as traditional historians describe it?

As a rule, I succeed in this and I see how many blockheads have dug in near-scientific offices, because a simple experiment and logic leads to the conclusion: what they have written is utter nonsense.

Yes, I was also a corsair of Queen Victoria leading a clipper with black and white slaves to America, got into Noah's ark (albeit without a pair), flew with astronauts to the moon. All this, one can imagine, even with a good imagination, the availability of literature, a desire to understand the essence, a mass of responsible consultants ready to help, personal knowledge accumulated over life and some connections, it is quite decent to describe.

The theme of this miniature is so unusual that I faced an incredible difficulty: I will write about Russian women, which means I will have to take their place.

To be honest, I did not wear high-heeled shoes, I did not try on skirts, I recognize only one make-up - the coloring of the special forces, in which I served for many years as an officer.

As you can imagine, the author, due to the lack of advanced education of the barber Serenka Zverev from the musical of the same name by Alla Pugacheva, will not be able to convey to the reader the image of the one the author has aimed at. I am more of a fan of Tatyana Larina with her letter, Vasilisa Kozhina from the partisan detachment, Chechen Dina from the "Prisoner of the Caucasus". In general, there are many such images in Russian literature, and they are multifaceted, like any woman. Thanks to my teachers of literature for creating in my mind the image of one that is pleasing to my soul. I know how a woman should look and I can guess her from afar.

Do you want the truth? If we remove all the superficial shushara from pop and political parties, then all Russian women are 100% an example of what their grandmothers laid in them, a glorious tribe of faithful friends, their husbands. That is why, starting the story about women, I will take off my hat, to which I call on the entire male contingent of our Russia. Now you guys will find out who the weaker sex is.

Leaving in the past the legend of the creation of the world, I propose to embark on a journey, in times not at all distant. Just let me take the true date of birth of Jesus Christ as a starting point of reference. In previous miniatures, I said that he has a real prototype in the history of Byzantium - the emperor Andronicus Komnenos, who lived in 1152-1185, just at the time of the great Slavic conquest of the world and the formation of Russia-Horde-Great Tartary. Let me remind you that Andronicus was overthrown from the throne by his rebellious commander named Angel Isaac Satan. Overthrown and crucified on the Beykos mountain in modern Istanbul. It was there that the biblical events took place, and not in modern Israel, which is just an ordinary decoration in the desert.

And I'll start with a reference to the work of Mavro Orbini, who wrote a work on the history of the Slavs. I deliberately kept this topic and did not reveal to the readers what will shake him now. Hold on, peasants, from time immemorial, into the light of God, the Amazons come out!

So, the word of Mavro Orbini, a Serb monk who wrote a work about the Slavs in the early Middle Ages (by the way, his works are included in the index of forbidden books by the papal throne):

“ABOUT THE AMAZONS OF THE GLORIOUS SLAVIC WARRIORS. The greatness of the glory of the Slavic clan is accompanied by the courage of the WIVES OF THIS PEOPLE. And most of all - AMAZONOK, who were the wives of the Sarmatians of the Slavs: their dwellings were at the VOLGA RIVER, between Melanklen and Sirbs, who were Slavs. Some writers claim that the Amazons were Goth wives and, together with their husbands, fought in the war in men's clothing against Aurelian Caesar.

But, Goths or Sarmatians, in any case, they were from the Slavic people. When they treacherously beat their husbands, then taking their weapons, they bravely stepped on the enemy and adequately avenged the death of their spouses. Being brave warriors, they set out to conquer Asia under the leadership of their queen Marpezia, who for her victories should be equated (or even ranked higher) with the first Governors and former Caesars. Since she even reached the Caucasus Mountains with victories …

As a result, the Amazons then bypassed all of Asia Minor, having conquered Armenia, Galatia, Syria, Cilicily, Persia and many other regions of Asia under their yoke …

The Amazons built many cities, towers and the strongest fortresses … They built two famous cities - Smyrna and Ephesus in honor of the goddess Diana (Artemis, author's note), erected the same famous temple in Ephesus, which was numbered among the seven wonders of the world, and then was burned by a certain Herostratus …

The Greek kings, frightened by the forces of the Amazons, sent against them Hercules (Heraclius), the most glorious Governor of those times."

Well, reader, does Orbini's legend not fit with what you know? It's only the beginning! You, just in case, move away from the faithful little wife further, the Amazons are quick-tempered. If Hercules was invested in the first number, then you have no chance at all!

That's the way my friends are! Miracles, and more! Or maybe the "ancient authors" are lying, maybe there weren't any Ancient Rome and Greece? Of course, they lie, because these authors themselves were invented in the Capuchin order, by order of the Roman bishop-pope, who desperately needed an "ancient history" in which the pope himself would have a leading role.

Remember the reader, all the myths about ancient Greece, centuries-old Rome, are not known to the Greeks themselves, until the 17th century, and the Olympics have the same relation to Greece as I do to a circumcised people. That is, not any, or am I not "goy, you, good fellow?"All these myths that you have heard about are written in Catholic Europe. Therefore, when reading them, treat them like a fairy tale and nothing more. As for a European fairy tale, written following the example of a Russian fairy tale. For in writing a new history, all these Capuchins, mercilessly distorted the legends and epics of the Slavic people, replacing names in them with ones that were in tune with their hearing and ascribing to themselves non-existent exploits. This whole story appeared in recent times, with the wars of the Reformation, and in Russia the Great Troubles. These times are nothing more than Gorbachev's perestroika of that time. It was then that what I call the enslavement of a woman happened.

Do not believe people in the tales of the Latins about the disenfranchised position of women in Russian society, the pre-Romanov period of rule. This is as much a lie as the slavery position of a Muslim woman in the Islamic world. They lie to us! It is precisely in these beliefs that a woman occupies an honorable place, and Islamic fundamentalism, just a religion into which the Judeo-Lutheran-Catholic doctrine has penetrated.

A woman in Russia is not only a keeper of the hearth. She was also a warrior, and a successful warrior and the times of the Amazons, that is a sure proof.

Now listen further to Mavro Orbini, in my retelling, for a more acceptable assimilation of the material.

It is believed that Hercules defeated the Amazons, although Orbini is silent about the outcome of the war between Hercules and the Amazons.

If you decompose all his adventures, then the researcher will steadily develop the opinion that this is a retelling of the Gospel for people at a lower level of development, that is, for the Greeks. This is a kind of modern Bible for kids who are unable to master the Holy Scriptures of the Slavs. Here are the myths of the "ancient world" just an attempt in the form of a fairy tale to convey to the listener the Slavic worldview. In analog form. After all, the Russian fairy tale, just teaches good and passed down from generation to generation, carries a huge meaning, which the child perceives on a subconscious level. Children brought up on a Russian fairy tale are different from the opokemon children of the West.

Under the name of Hercules in the "ancient" Greek myths, apparently, the emperor Andronicus-Christ or one of his commanders was reflected during his reign by Byzantium, which fought a lot with other lands, having at hand the nascent great power of Russia. Thus, according to the "antique" authors, from whom Orbini got his information, the Amazons were already active in the 12th century AD. e., at the time of Christ. And they were defeated by him. I will put the question here, because Orbini does not state this exactly, and unfortunately I did not find anything from Nikita Choniates, who wrote the Chronicles that formed the basis of the Gospel.

I understand that what has been said is very difficult to assimilate, but I ask the reader to listen to the end. Eminent scientists from different countries of the world write about this in their works, and very soon everything will become known. After all, the solar system of Copernicus destroyed the Vatican canons, so why deny what will soon be known to any schoolchild?

So, I propose, for now, to take note of my message about the war of the Amazons with Jesus Christ - the emperor of Byzantium and the son of the Russian princess Maria theotokos.

Orbini writes:

"Then (that is, after the war with Andronicus-Hercules) the Amazons came to the aid of the Trojans against the Greeks, under the leadership of Pantazilea." Here I want to say that Troy, Yorosalem, Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul are one and the same city - Constantinople. It was the Amazons who stormed him, not the mythical Troy.

“The state of the Amazons held firmly until the time of Alexander the Great (that is, until the epoch of the XIV-XV centuries). The fame of the invincible power of which reached the ears of Calistra, or the Minutia of the Queen of the Amazon. Then she set out with an army of 300 thousand women, wanting to receive the seed from this great Hero. And when she realized that she had already conceived in the womb, she returned again to her Kingdom, which soon after fell and died out along with the very name of the Amazons."

Thus, as Orbini writes, the Amazons really had to take an active part in the great Slavic conquest of the world in the 11-14 centuries A. D. e. And their kingdom existed until the 16th century /

By the way, in these times, Orbini mentions not only the Amazons, but also other warlike Slavic queens. He also writes about Queen Tamara, who, it turns out, was also a Slav. Prepare your reader for an interesting discovery: Georgia is nothing more than Mountainous Russia, and the medieval rulers of Transcaucasia and, in particular, Georgia, where the famous Queen Tamara ruled, were the Tersk and Grebenian Cossacks. And they obeyed her unquestioningly. It is they, as it turns out, that are mentioned in the chronicles of the 16th – 18th centuries under the name of GEORGIAN KINGS.

But modern Georgians (Kartvels) have nothing to do with these events. Kartvels are the Turkified Greeks and Persians who will come to these lands, fleeing from defeat by the Ottomans. All correspondence between Russia and Georgia is made in Greek, Persian and Arabic, and the very names of the Georgian kings of that time were Tatar, not Georgian. The Georgian language appears in the letters very late and then only in correspondence with the IMRETINIAN, and not the Georgian rulers. The Georgian language has completely different roots than the connoisseurs of "Transcaucasian" linguistics are trying to present them. In the Caucasus, there are other ancient peoples who inhabited this region: for example, Chechens, Avars, Dagi. The Kartvels are newcomers.

Here's what Mavro Orbini says:

“Tamara the Queen of the Massagets [who were the Alans] fought so bravely against Cyrus the King of Persia that, taking him alive in battle, she ordered him to be cut off his head and plunge it into a vessel full of human blood, so that he would be sated with the blood that he so longed for while he was alive"

I see that the reader wants more weighty arguments familiar to the ear. Orbini is certainly great, but isn't the author more deadly? Yes please! Listen to the "father of history" Herodotus, since you do not like the Slavic Serb monk.

Similar information about Queen Tamara is reported by the "father of history" Herodotus. He calls her the queen of the Scythian Massagets, who live on an endless plain adjacent to the Caucasus Mountains, and writes about her in much more detail:

“Cyrus decided to subjugate the Massagetae …

Others consider them also a Scythian tribe … from the west the CAUCASUS borders on the so-called Caspian Sea, and in the east towards sunrise it is adjoined by an ENDLESS IMPOSSIBLE PLAIN. A significant part of this vast plain is occupied by the above-mentioned Massagets …

The queen of the Massagetae was the wife of the deceased king. Her name was TOMIRIS (Tamara, author) …

Cyrus … penetrated with an army beyond Arake …

Tomiris … with all her army attacked the Persians. This battle, as I believe, was the most brutal of all the battles between the barbarians … the Massagetae overpowered. Almost the entire Persian army fell on the battlefield, and Cyrus himself perished … Tomiris filled the wine skin with human blood … when Cyrus's corpse was found, the queen ordered him to stick his head into the fur … Of the many stories about Cyrus's death, this one seems to me the most reliable"

Do you hear the reader? Do you have fur at home? Hide it further, because now you will understand that the Amazons conquered all of the Black Sea region for Russia, helped to defeat Khazaria and kept a part of Central Asia at bay. Take a closer look at your women, and ask your mother-in-law if she is one of the Terek Cossacks. Or maybe a grebenskaya !? Then sushi fins, guy!

And here is Orbini again for you about another queen - the sister of Alexander the Great:

"Kinana the Macedonian, also a Slav and SISTER OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT … led the army, fought with the enemies and killed Kariya, the Illyric Queen with her own hand."

Well well!!! At least stand, at least fall! Where is Nekrasov with his burning hut and a mad pony ?! Damn it! Guys, who have you warmed up on your chest? Here you clean the medals for the parade, but it turns out that apart from "Mother Heroine", this nettle seed and other merits are apparently not visible!

Yeees!!! So now teach this epic. Well, at least there weren't these Solokhs in the north! All these Kira and other inhabitants of the East, not that the warriors are bad, but not the Germans !? We are peasants, just how well they arranged Stalingrad for them.

You are naughty, boy! They gave these girls to come off in the North. These beauties were hired for a lot of money.

Listen to what the monk interprets to us:

"During the war of the King of Sweden with Arald the Danish King, the wives of the Slavic people took the side of Arald"

So the Cossacks left their mark in the history of the Baltic.

However, let me tell you, reader, who are the Cossacks in general? At the time of the Russian-Horde conquest of the world, the empire itself was no different from the modern Russian Federation. Many peoples lived in it, with the rights of federal states. In each of these countries, subordinate to a single center, there were Horde troops. The horde of that time is a large armed formation or army of the country. When appanage princes were called into the Horde, it was the army that gave them the label to reign. The large horde consisted of small, regional ones. Great Tartary was divided into many Tartaries, such as Little Tartary, Great Tartary (Tobolsk), Moscow Tartary (Moscow), Yellow Tartary (Harbin), White Tartary (Pinsk) and others. These small hordes were similar to modern military districts. Their main strength was the cavalry army, which had an unlimited supply of horses from the steppe zone of Russia. In this regard, the army was nomadic. The main force of the cavalry army was made up of the Cossacks, who were assigned entire areas for resettlement and economic management. It was these areas that became by the decree of the first Romanovs in the Cossack estate, the new empire. The Romanovs did not own all of Russia. Having created the Cossack regions on the basis of the long-existing Horde troops, the Romanovs actually used the descendants of the Horde Cossacks, giving them a military estate and privileges. Initially, the Cossack troops are the occupation troops of the Horde-Rus in the conquered lands. Therefore, it is funny when a Ukrainian slave tries on the epic of a Zaporozhets-Horde, claiming that he is his descendant. This is not true. The Zaporozhets are the remnants of the troops of Little Russia-Horde, who just held the present-day Ukraine in subjection, and the Zaporozhets are not at all Little Russians, as official historians want to show. I think, tell a Zaporozhian of that time that he is a crest, the head of the one who said would have already rolled into the meadow. Later, Ukraine will have its own Cossacks, these will be the registered Cossacks of the Polish king, created to fight the Cossacks. The reader knows them as the registered Cossacks of Hetman Khmelnitsky. But this is a completely different story, which has nothing to do with the epic of the Russian Cossacks and for Russia-Horde-Great Tartary.

I think that the Russian Cossacks, who have passed the difficult path of a separate ethnic group, deserve to be called a people with a Cossack nationality.

I hope, the reader, now I understand who conquered the future Russia of the Black Sea region? These Ukrainians dug the Black Sea with their hats, because the Amazons drove them there forcibly. Well at least the White Sea Canal was not forced to dig! They are Cossacks, if something is not on her, they do not argue for so long: "Crack!" between the eyes and on the land work. And if it doesn’t come, then the husk leaves, that the soul is out!

Today, about the Amazons, none of this can be heard. There are some amorphous creatures flowing from one era to another, the interpretation of matriarchy in a convenient aspect for men, legends about cut off breasts (yes, where did you see such a woman that would go for this operation; yes to augmentation, but not for such stupidity into life!), not the desire to cohabit with men and so on. Everything was much more prosaic. The peoples of that time were not numerous. Apparently, the ancestors of the Terek and Grebensk Cossacks went on a campaign, where they were defeated. It was then that the women took up arms. This has happened more than once in our history. “I am a woman, I am a bull, I am a horse and a man,” says a Russian proverb. While generations of new warriors grew up, matriarchy and necessity came in the described regions, forced women to take the reins of government into their own hands. Otherwise, the end would come to their family, their glorious homeland. They loved peasants, as they love now, but only our brother was not enough then. They took care of us and cared for us. Since that time, another warrior to this day does not get off the couch, believing that a woman owes him everything. But he himself does not understand that he owes her everything, from life to the right to be called a man. This is only later, when our brother will proliferate all over the world, but they will smash the Khazar slave trader, give the wives to men the reins of government, and Western ideology will bring a lady with thin fingers and transparent skin to the Slavic world. The very same catwalk hangers that crack bones at a fashion show.

A Russian woman is ruddy, strong, disposed to childbirth, strong and bold, rich in natural beauty, not tinsel and makeup. Our women have deep eyes, a smart look, and a light hand, but capable of holding a sword. Having experienced a lot, they are famous for the wealth of their souls, empathize with their neighbors in sorrow, but are invincible in their love. If someone is lucky enough to find his soul mate, but life with her will fly by, like an instant, in one breath. Mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, daughter, niece, wife, mother-in-law, mistress, bride, young woman, companion, girlfriend. Look, how many posts they have! And they cope with everyone, patiently carrying their cross. And there is no winner over them, except for Andronicus, who, according to unverified data, prevailed over them. It seems to me that there was no war there, but just had a heart-to-heart talk. This is always better than fighting women. We are not Persian Cyrus, tea Slavs.

I hope the reader now understands the name of the greatest river in the world, the Amazon. It seems to me that the very name of these Cossacks is nothing more than the designation of a female chieftain. The Grebensky Cossacks still have the name of the papakha of the head of the clan. This word is half-forgotten and now rarely remembered. This hat is white, like the word itself: AMAZON.

This is where I will end the stories about our heroic great-grandmothers. Turning to their granddaughters, I am thrilled to the core. Knowing about you what I have told you now, I have no words to express my gratitude to you for all your deeds, dear women. Therefore, on the eve of the upcoming spring holiday, let me kiss you all and propose to continue to jointly pilot a small planet called the Earth. Note that she has a feminine name, and God, creating her, knew that you would become the most important decoration of our planet. Let's continue to fly together, there will be enough space for everyone, and your experience and wisdom have saved the Earth from big problems more than once. All the same, it is good that such a creature as a woman exists in the world. You won't get bored with you.

Considering all that has been written, the author undertakes the obligation from March 2 to 9, not to tease any blonde, not to wink at any brunette, not to look back at the trail of any brown-haired woman. (Damn! And the rest of the hair colors, I don’t know what to call something!). I understand what this is fraught with, given your genes.

A special bow to the women of Donbass.

May you all be happy!

