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Who is the real fascist?
Who is the real fascist?

Video: Who is the real fascist?

Video: Who is the real fascist?
Video: 3 Reasons WHY Samurai Wore Slipper-like Shoes | The History of Waraji, Zori, and Geta 2024, May

On August 24, 2014, militiamen led a column of prisoners from the army of the Kiev junta through the streets of Donetsk. People standing by the roadside chanted with hatred "Fascists!" And the prisoners understood them. Because they are also Russians. What is happening in Ukraine? The Slavic, Russian gene pool is being ground up. Moreover, on both sides. And thousands of dead militias must be added to the thousands of dead "ukrov" - so we get a reduction in the number of Russians on Earth.

Of course, the junta's troops have genetic waste - born sadists, bandits who are ready to kill for money. But the majority are just narrow-minded illiterate, deceived, who do not understand the situation, who have fallen into punishers under duress. They should hardly be called fascists.

The complete confusion in the use of the concept of "fascism" comes not only from ignorance, but also from the desire to deliberately distort the situation, cloud public consciousness with false cliches, remove the true criminals from the blow and give them freedom of action - all this forced the author to write this work: documentary a story about the author's life in Mexico among those who are called German and Italian "fascists", and a short preface, which analyzes the concept of "fascism".

About fascism

The Italian word "fashio" - a bundle - means union, unification, i.e. initially, the concept of "fascism" was positive, it is akin to the Russian word "conciliarity". But in the political practice of the 20th century, the meaning of the word was turned to the opposite - the game “in the opposite direction,” Orwellian newspeak is a typical method of information warfare. Today, in a historical context, fascism is defined as an extremely negative phenomenon - the domination of a narrow social group, achieved using aggressive economic, political, forceful, criminal methods, not limited by legal and moral norms. In other words, it is the power of a narrow social group, asserted through the unlimited exploitation of other groups, violence, and genocide.

In the mass consciousness of the peoples who became victims of the attack of the Wehrmacht troops in the Second World War, the concept of "fascism" is associated with cruelty, destruction, and mass murder of people by the aggressor.

The concept of "fascism", which grew out of the Second World War, is usually tied to the ethnic group - "German fascism". Responsible for unleashing the Second World War and all its troubles was assigned "German fascism", ultimately, the Germans. The world political elite is actively drumming guilt into the Germans, seeking not only the mental suppression of the whole nation, recorded in the nation of criminals, but also material compensation for their guilt. All the evil inflicted on the world by the Second World War is personified by the figure of Hitler, a demonic "fascist". However, this picture is far from reality.

Hitler is an ambiguous figure and certainly not independent. Known about the "conspiracy of James Warburg against Christendom." (Warburg is a German financier of Jewish origin). In 1929, he entered into an agreement with the financial circles of America, who wished to establish sole control over Germany by unleashing a "national revolution" there. Warburg's task was to find a suitable person in Germany, and he got in touch with Adolf Hitler, who until 1932 received $ 34 million from him, which allowed him to finance his movement. Among the Jewish bankers in Berlin who funded the NSDAP are Oscar Wasserman and Hans Privin. Hitler's American sponsors included the Rothschild banking dynasty. There is evidence that the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England gave Hitler a loan for World War II

In December 2010, this version was supported by the Metropolitan of the Greek city of Piraeus Seraphim: “Baron Rothschild financed both the Jewish colony in Palestine and the election campaign of Adolf Hitler … leave Europe and create a new empire in Palestine."

From numerous studies on this topic, an unambiguous conclusion follows: Hitler was only a tool in the hands of the world financial system, the Germans were just a battering ram in her hands. Everywhere in the world where there is a war or revolution, behind the backs of the aggressors presented to the world, a financier is hiding in the shadows - the author of all political and social cataclysms, who benefits from them

Humanity is being exterminated by financial fascism … A number of researchers call this social evil, using the same ethnic link, “Jewish fascism”: American David Duke (he also uses the term “Jewish supernazism” by Russian publicists Boris Mironov and Konstantin Dushenov, Jewish writer Eduard Khodos

And although the Jews, of course, constitute the core of the world's financial capital, to define fascism in a purely ethnic vein means narrowing down the idea of a phenomenon that is not so much of a national as of an estate character. The source of financial fascism is parasitic social groups of financial intermediaries who exploit and suppress the creator.

What is presented to public opinion as ethnic fascism - German, Ukrainian (Western), is not an independent phenomenon, not an original evil, but a derivative of financial fascism. They did not arise and would not exist without bank capital.

Russians and Germans killed each other according to a script written by the Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc. They were taught to hate each other by Goebbels on the German side and Ehrenburg on the Russian side (Kill the German!). Both used the technologies of information warfare, set out in the writings of the famous Zionist Theodor Herzl.

"Cooperation of the Zionists with the Nazis"

The serious role of the financial mafia in the fate of Goebbels is well known.

Here is the opinion of the German side: “The sermons of hatred by Ilya Ehrenburg … gave the resistance a very sharp and fierce character … The overwhelming majority of Germans saw no other way out for themselves but to fight. Even the obvious opponents of the Nazi regime were now becoming desperate defenders of their homeland. (- cite_ref-. D0.92. D0.9B. D0.9D_26-0

Walter Lude-Neurath. “The end is on German soil. Results of the Second World War . M.: Publishing house of foreign literature, 1957).

Today all this is imitated in Ukraine, where the Kiev media are fostering enmity between Russians and Ukrainians according to Herzl's recipes, and his companion Savik Shuster is doing this on Kiev TV. Forms a stupid and one hundred percent manipulated crowd and a seemingly stupid "Who does not jump, that Muscovite!" The transformation of Ukrainian children into idiots is also a crime of financial fascism. Moreover, idiots are quickly turning into corpses on the eastern front. Russian seemingly patriotic "scientists" who are looking for bad national characteristics among "Westerners" are also disorienting the public consciousness. Of course, the characters of different nations differ, but only banks that are able to finance legions of corrupt politicians, political strategists, journalists who will persistently screw enmity towards each other into the brains of citizens, inciting it to a degree of bestial hatred can turn masses of people into sadists and murderers. and wars. And today, Western Ukrainians are killing Eastern Ukrainians for the sake of the interests of American companies, so that financial fascism could expand its current presence in Russia, in order to plunder it to the end, exterminate it.

"Ukrainian genocide of American production"

"In 1945, the Soviet Union defeated fascism" - this common cliche is widespread, although this statement has nothing to do with reality.

In 1945, the heroic efforts of the Soviet people broke only the weapon of fascism - the Wehrmacht army, but not fascism itself. The Russian soldier reached Berlin, although in order to defeat fascism he should have reached New York. But he would not have been allowed to get there, because the agents of influence of American banks were sitting not only in Berlin, but also in Moscow. True fascism - financial fascism - as a result of the Second World War, not only was not defeated, it grew unprecedentedly strong on the ruins of Europe and Russia, on the millions of corpses of Russians and Germans, on the irreparable catastrophic extermination of the gene pool of the white race (today there are less than 8% of whites on Earth and this figure continues to fall).

As a result, the Second World stronghold of financiers - the United States - became the world hegemon and ensured its future prosperity, bringing the destroyed Europe under control with the help of the Marshall Plan. The Zionist financial lobby has become such a powerful force in the world that it was able to implement the project of creating an ethnocratic state of Israel - the source of grave problems in the Middle East, the source of the tragedy of the Palestinian people.

Financial fascism, which became stronger after 1945, was able to form and materially provide a powerful fifth column in the “victorious country”, systematically leading to the collapse of the USSR. Financial fascism returned to Russia in 1991, with successes inconceivable for Hitler. In the guise of the Chubais and Gaidars, fascism entered the Russian government. He used not German troops, but other killers - oligarchs, liberals, corrupt politicians to do what he always did - rob, kill, destroy the economy, cripple people physically, mentally, morally

And the current ruin on the site of the former mighty Soviet state is the work of financial fascism, alas, undefeated

Having gained unprecedented power by absorbing the assets of the destroyed Soviet Union, the bankers are building a world order based on their needs and not giving a damn about everyone, steadily taking control of all the resources of the planet. Fascism does not encounter serious obstacles on this path, for world politics is in the hands of appointees of the financial system, and world public opinion is formed (or rather distorted) by the oligarchic media.

And enslaved by financial fascism, Europe under the control of its master - America - today acts as a united front against Russia. And the fate of the practically dissolving under the yoke of the financiers of the Baltic countries, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, who flourished under socialism, does not enlighten her. Because the leading European politicians are the creatures of American banks

Financial fascism is a global evil. And only the union of all peoples is able to cope with it. That is why the propaganda apparatus of the oligarchy devotes so much effort to playing off peoples. And the pompous annual Victory Day celebrations in Russia are not only patriotic anesthesia for the killed people, but also the constant stirring up of enmity between the Russians and the Germans, renewal of the wedge that was tearing them apart

Returning to the parade of prisoners in Donetsk - the hungry and ragged "ukry" walking through the streets are not fascists. They are a blunt weapon in the hands of true fascists, consumables, cannon fodder, and ultimately victims of fascism, because one of the goals of the ATO in eastern Ukraine is to burn the fuel of the Maidan, which brought the Kiev junta to power,

"Sacrifice of Ukraine"

Yes, they should be punished as junior killers, but more than that, educated. When the well-fed and well-dressed Benya Kolomoisky is escorted across Donbass together with other oligarchs, then it will be possible to talk about the beginning of the fight against fascism. The very beginning, because Kolomoisky, Poroshenko and other persons of the Ukrainian junta and oligarchy are just a small, grassroots link in world financial fascism.

It will be possible to speak about the victory over fascism when, through the efforts of the entire world community, the International Tribunal Nuremberg-2 will be organized, on the benches of which will sit not small performers, as in the former Nuremberg, but true fascists - billionaires and millionaires, bankers and owners of transnational corporations - authors of defaults and crises that throw 99% of humanity into poverty, authors of revolutions and wars, sponsors of atomic weapons and laboratory viruses, transgenic products and drugs, gay pride parades and juvenile justice

Every major fortune is based on fraud, exploitation, violence, murder, i.e. fascism. Only by making all the oligarchs clients for the investigative bodies, having removed the very concept of an oligarch from the human community, will we give Russians and Germans, Western and Eastern Ukrainians, and all normal people a chance to survive. This is a chance to save civilization. The only, last chance, because financial fascism is incompatible with life on Earth.

Dona Magdalena's coffee

In the early nineties, it became impossible to live in Russia on the salary of a research worker. You could go to trade or plant potatoes, or just be in poverty. There was one more way - emigration. This is how a couple of Russian physicists ended up in Mexico.

Cuernavaca is the best city in Mexico. The best climate in the world. All year round - plus twenty-five, plus beauty, plus eternal bloom. This mountain valley is called the Eternal Spring. And therefore, almost half of the inhabitants are foreigners. Wealthy old people - an oriental shah, an American owner of a supermarket chain … There are also those who came to work - at the bottom of the valley, where the hottest is the industrial zone: a Japanese car factory, an Italian knitwear factory … The workers are cheap Mexicans. The bosses and specialists are foreigners. On the upper levels of the valley, in the cool beautiful foothills, an academic town appeared and began to grow - the Institute of Physics, Biology … Residential quarters - in the middle - between scientific heights and the industrial bottom. In search of housing, the Russians, having traveled all over Cuernavaca, came to the house of an Italian and immediately felt something dear

"Russians?" - a little dry old man named Gino, it seems, was delighted. And he invited me to come to visit in the evening, he said - "We will decide everything there."

By seven o'clock, the large living room of Gino's low house was full. Ladies' high heels banged on the ceramic tiles of a hot Mexico floor. Elegant light suits of men, elegant dresses of ladies, a light smell of perfume and abundant Mexican jewelry … Social events. For what reason?

"Oh, this is usually for us, every evening the neighbors gather to drink coffee with us!" - the hostess - dona Magdalena - straight, slender and light, got up to meet the new guests from the spacious sofa. Carefully styled hair, fresh lipstick, a little blush and a pretty blouse. Is she, like Gino, over eighty?

There are so many white faces … Marco is a quality control officer for costumes from an Italian garment factory, Carlo is an artist-designer from there … In Italy today it is difficult to find a job. Russians were accepted as their own. Gino rented them a small outbuilding and even made a discount on the rent:

- It is such a joy that you will live with us! And every evening we ask you to visit us at the cafe.

Everyone called these meetings "kafesito" - Spanish for "little coffee." It was like a holiday for everyone. The center of the company was Italians, but the Mexican neighbors also came: the high rank of the bank in Cuernavaca Don Gustavo and the lawyer from Mexico City Chema - in the smog-strangled capital it is impossible to breathe and wealthy citizens bought a second house in Cuernavaca for vacations and weekends - like a summer cottage, a distance of 80 kilometers on a beautiful road - a trifle. A regular guest was the electrical engineer Pacheco and his wife, a former ballerina. Gino, a former mechanic for Italian knitting machines, and current knitwear craftsmen, economist, lawyer - they could all afford a home in paradise Cuernavaca with an orange garden and a blue pool. For two Russian professors, this was an unattainable dream.

- Your country won that terrible war. Why are you living so badly? Why are they forced to emigrate? - Chema wondered. And the Russians did not know what to answer him.

The women sighed, felt sorry for them - it is so sad to live far from their families, from their homes.

The little cups of coffee that Dona Magdolena brought out at exactly eight on a tray in the living room was not the point. Conversations were the main thing.

“I emigrated too, but I was forced,” Gino seemed to be making excuses. - Under Mussolini there was order, there was work, we respected him. Now they call him a fascist. But was it fascism? When Mussolini was killed, there was no work, no food. I rode my bike many kilometers for milk and did not always bring it. Our son was sick, losing weight, we were afraid to lose him, and then I boarded a steamer.

The Italians were the center of the society. And they were united by one thing - love for their Italy. Marco flew home on vacation and brought some Italian weed. It was a huge event for the entire Italian community - cars drove up to Gino's house every now and then to get the jewel - a tiny scion and try to grow in his garden.

“It doesn’t take root well,” Gino complained. “It's dry here, hot and the earth is not the same. It's not that.

He showed the Russians stunted grapes - the vine was also brought from Italy. And Magdalena watered with her own hands - she cherished a pitiful rosemary bush and rarely, rarely, would tear off a leaf from it - for seasoning. And she smiled shyly:

- I remember this smell from childhood. Mom always cooked with rosemary, we have a lot of it in northern Italy.

Gino spent a long time telling the Russians what wonderful berries grow in his native places in Italy. Judging by the description, it was a currant, and Gino looked at the Russians affectionately, kindred - they grew the same berries. And for the Russians, the Italians were relatives. And all the acquaintances called Magdalena quite in Russian - Lena.

Not only Italians, but also Germans came to Gino's coffee.

“There are a lot of us here, Germans, Italians, those who came to Mexico after the war,” Gino said. - Once a year we meet, arrange a banquet in my garden. You are also invited. We will not charge you a regular fee. You are our guests. Everyone is very happy that the Russians will be with us

Those who are called German fascists sat at tables set right on the grass under the orange trees. Herman bombed Kiev, Wilhelm fought near Bryansk, Franz - near Voronezh. They all smiled at the Russians in a friendly way, shook hands - it was a shock.

- I was taken into the army as a very boy, I did not understand anything. I was taken prisoner, in the camp near Voronezh I survived only because Russian women fed me, they felt sorry for me - so young.

When everyone was seated, Franz went up to the Russian and asked, embarrassed:

- There is one wonderful Russian song, there is the chorus "bom-bom". She reminds me of Russia. Sing, please!

The Russian sang "Evening Bells", and the German stood with his right hand to his heart - this is how they listen to the anthem. Tears rolled down his face. Maybe for him it was a requiem for his ruined youth, warped life? And the German and Italian fascists sitting under the Mexican oranges listened with bated breath.

“Of course, not all of us treat you well,” Franz said, pointing at a gloomy old man at a distant table, “we call him Colonel, he hates you, he shuns us too, he served in the SS.

These people had everything - beautiful houses, servants, money. But they huddled together like children who have lost their mothers. And through the smiles of prosperity, there was a longing for his native Italy, his native Germany. They carried this longing through the decades. It was a mournful brotherhood of people who were offended, deprived, taking away their homeland.

When dinner was already over, the Germans, Italians, and Russians gathered at a large round table. But the first to speak was the Mexican - Don Gustavo.

- I have been working with bankers for many years, I know what they are capable of for the sake of money. War is their work. And there will be no end to this until you - the Russians and the Germans - unite.

And everyone nodded in agreement - Germans, Russians, Italians, Mexicans …

Franz invited the Russians to visit, introduced him to his Mexican wife - he could not find a young German woman in Mexico. All that he could preserve in memory of his homeland is the occupation of his ancestors. Franz grew up in the village and started a small poultry farm in his Mexican garden. He walked among his ducks and chickens as if his real home was here.

Soon dona Lena received a dear guest - an old Italian woman. Having buried her husband, she flew home to Piedmont to live in her homeland for the last days. To die at home.

“I would also like to return,” Lena said, “but I cannot. I've been here for over fifty years, my whole life has been here. The same hairdresser has been cutting me for forty-eight years. When we met, she was a girl, a student. And all these things for years and years.”She gestured around the living room. Chairs of chiseled wood of rough Mexican work have darkened and cracked from time to time, the seats, woven from palm leaves, are disheveled … - And this large sofa, there is enough space for everyone, was presented by those who come to the cafe. That was a long time ago, on the day of our golden wedding with Gino. We have been together for over sixty years …

Barely past ninety years old, Gino suddenly fell ill and quickly began to lose strength. An old Italian doctor was invited to him, and then an old priest, also Italian. Before his death, Gino wanted to see only his own people. But on the last day he asked to call the Russians. And he spoke incoherently about only one thing - about Italy. And that he was forced to leave. I have to. “I've missed Italy all my life, all my life…” he muttered.

At the funeral, dona Lena walked, leaning on the hands of the Russians, the closest people.

And before they left, she shared her most cherished recipe for her delicious coffee. She talked for a long time about which types of coffee should be mixed …

- But the most important thing is the coffee maker. This is an Italian coffee maker, a cafeteria, they don't do that here. - Lena poured coffee into the coffee maker with a small spoon made of Taxco silver - one for each guest and one spoon on top. “This is for the cafeteria,” she explained. And yet - a piece of the soul … I do it with all my heart!

Dona Magdalena accompanied the Russians to the taxi, although after her husband's death she hardly left the house. She stroked their cheeks, cried and repeated:

“Remember, this is your home. We will always be waiting for you. Is always.

After the Mexican heat, snow is especially desirable. Mexico values scientists more than Russia, so you can go skiing with Mexican money even in the Alps, in dear Austria. The evening bus departed from Innsbruck among ornate Alpine villages. The old man in the next seat was delighted with the Russians.

- I fought with you, - he pointed to the empty sleeve, - I was a huntsman, a good shooter, they took me into the army as a young man. It’s bad without my right hand, but I don’t bear any grudge against you.

Saying goodbye, he shook their hands with his surviving left hand and kept repeating:

“You should know that we are not enemies. We were played off. We are not enemies …
