Ideocracy - the evolution of the Church
Ideocracy - the evolution of the Church

Video: Ideocracy - the evolution of the Church

Video: Ideocracy - the evolution of the Church
Video: Hitler fled to South America? New CIA doc sheds light 2024, April

Fragment of the book "Demon of Power" by Oleg Markeev, Alexander Maslennikov and Mikhail Ilyin. This is a scientific and artistic study of the most exciting problem of our time - the problem of Power.

Ideocracywe have named members of the human man who specialize in exercising ideological power. In a broad sense - power over consciousness.

Ideocrats, like cryptocrats, have created a monolithic group within the human being, welded together by a community of interests, knowledge, training, and the exclusiveness of their position. Ideocracy has its own hierarchy. It has its own elite and its own "hard workers". It is easy to spot the difference in the social and property status of ideocrats. The residence of the head of the Church cannot be compared with the house of the parish priest. The secretary for ideology of the Central Committee of the CPSU lived better than the agitator of the factory party organization. The Kremlin political scientist is located directly at the trough of Power, therefore he feels more comfortable than the editor-in-chief of the provincial large-circulation newspaper, who serves the governor.

But no matter how different outwardly the ideocrats may differ, they have always been and will be the heirs of tribal shamans. “Professional mumblers of meaninglessness,” as A. A. aptly dubbed them. Zinoviev. The key ability of an ideocrat is the ability to articulate meaninglessness convincingly.

For most of the Epoch of States, the Church was the direct heir to the ideological power of the shamans of the tribal human man.

Having originated in the depths of a clan community, the current Church is still confused in self-identification: who she is - a community of believers or a hierarchy of spiritual power. From the point of view of our research, the Church is a closed, isolated, independent circuit of power, performing the function of ruling in the ideosphere of the human man.

The Church does not hide its hierarchy, the administrative bureaucratic pyramid. In those humankind, where the dogma of faith does not imply the presence of a visible pyramid, it exists informally.

The Church tries not to advertise its economic activities, although its results are so obvious and visible that Blessed Augustine, once entering the monastery, exclaimed: "Tell me, poor monks, where is so much gold here ?!" In terms of the efficiency of economic and economic activity, the Church successfully competes with the state.

One can only guess about the true economic power of the Church, the degree of its integration into the system of labor activity of a human being, because there is very little data on this score. This is not about the production and sale of religious objects, ritual services and psychotherapeutic procedures in the form of confession and absolution. Not about income from inheritance and donation of property and financial resources by believers. And about the financial operations of the Church and industrial production, one way or another controlled by it.

The basic unit of production and economic activity in the Church system is the monastery. Since their inception, monasteries have been labor communes of an intensified ideological regime. State humanist in miniature. With its rulers and completely zombified subordinates, with its own economy, a system of violence, its own laws, courts and prisons. At the same time, the monastery is officially considered a place of strict observance of the canons of everyday life, solitude and spiritual achievement.

As a place of solitude, the monastery is not an invention of the Church. Solitude, temporary isolation were used by shamans as a necessary condition for psychophysiological self-adjustment and obtaining new knowledge through the establishment of subtle resonant connections with the environment. It is quite obvious that the shaman, who worked with the psychic energy of his fellow tribesmen, often negative, needed a place and time to purify and restore strength and abilities. To avoid accidental interference and restrict access to the idle, shamans imposed taboos on their "places of power."

It has now been established that pagan "places of power" are points of release of geoactive energy, and various anomalies are noted in these places. Almost all religious buildings of the Church are located precisely at the points of anomalous geoactivity.

From its predecessors, the Church inherited the main methods of psychological influence and control: rhythm, ritual, and “muttering nonsense” as ways to block consciousness and gain direct access to the subconscious. The methods of psychophysiological control include fasting and strict regulation of the sexual life of believers.

Being, as Marx argued, determines consciousness. Rigidly regulated, ritualized being, total ideological control by the Church, practically excluded the "turn of the brains", the development of a different type of consciousness and worldview of the subjects. Setting the rhythm of psychophysical activity through church rituals kept the flock in a state of altered consciousness, which was consolidated in the course of everyday life. All the thinking activity of believers, from speculative philosophizing to comprehending practical experience, passed through the prism of religious doctrine. In everything one should look for "the providence of God" and in everything one should suspect a deviation from it.

The very obligation to attend church served as an ideal way to identify "outsiders" among the flock. But the flock itself, at the level of the instinct of self-preservation, tracked possible "strangers" in its environment, and in a holy rage the neighbor reported on the neighbor. Perfectly, by the way, knowing what awaits the suspected of heresy in the dungeons of the Church. Even within himself, the subject was looking for a "stranger" and got rid of him through the procedure of confession and repentance.

Constant psychophysiological stress needed to be released. Far from voluntarily, but under the pressure of circumstances, the Church allowed the obviously pagan in origin and in fact carnivals, "weeks of the mad," Shrovetide, Christmas and many other pagan seasonal holidays.

Moreover, it was necessary to compromise with paganism even in the fundamental issues of the ritual. So, Catholicism in Latin America gave such a fireworks of "innovations" that the Holy See had to close its eyes to the fact that statuettes of pregnant Madonnas, saints with cigars and corn cobs in their hands appeared in churches, and the behavior of the flock during the divine service is very much reminiscent of pagan vigils described by Castaneda.

The total ideological control of the Church increased the degree of controllability by the human man, but in no way helped to reduce the predation and anti-rationality of the rulers.

The series of religious wars that flared up throughout the Epoch of States had a completely "earthly" explanation. These are, of course, not theosophical controversies that heated up before the use of weapons as an argument. This is the battle of the rulers for a place in the pack of predators. Three branches of Power decided among themselves the question - who should be at the head of the Triad of Power. The ideocrats tried to usurp secular power. Secular rulers tried to subjugate the power of the ideocrats. Secret societies, having gained state power, as happened with the Templars, made claims to become both the Church and the state-administrative machine.

For more than twenty centuries in the flock of those in power there was a war for domination over the human man and has not ended until now.

This is where all three components of the Triad of Power found complete mutual understanding, so it is in the eradication of the remnants of the clan system by fire, sword and cross. The state, as the executive and legislative branch, prohibited all forms of traditional communal relations related to the donation, inheritance and transfer of property and property and replaced them with their own, written in the public interest.

The Church waged a purposeful psychological war against the bearers of the communal consciousness, using ideological power and its own apparatus of search and violence. The cult of the ancestral gods was declared a heresy of paganism. Under the threat of total annihilation, all who considered themselves children or grandchildren of the god of their Family, had to recognize themselves as "slaves of God." But from slavish obedience to the Supreme God, whom the state Church ordered to worship, it is only one logical step to slavish obedience to his governors on earth. Indeed, as one of the tenets of the Church claims, everything is from God, including Power.

It seems that the “pagans” felt it in their gut, that is why they so desperately resisted the conversion to the “new faith”. No one ever counted how many were burned alive, tortured to death, or simply killed in the brainwashing process.

Whatever the ideologues in cassocks write about the grace that descended on the subjects as a result of the establishment of the authority of the Church, they cannot deny the fact that everywhere the state religion was established by force. The decision to accept the "new faith" always and everywhere was the initiative of the ruling group. In fact, the administrative-state power made a decision to establish a new, completely controlled system of ideocracy for the created state type of a human being.

Charlemagne baptized the Germanic, Frankish and Slavic tribes of Europe literally with fire and sword. The Russian prince Vladimir first threw the pagan gods into the Dnieper, and then with the swords of the warriors drove the subjects into the water. Arranged a compulsory rite of baptism, initially trampling the ritual of his own asserted faith. And already in full measure good missionary work manifested itself in all its predatory, bloody, anti-rational guise in Latin America.

We have cited Christianity as an example. But Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Shintoism in the Age of States have written in blood more than one page of their own history. In matters of faith, the ideocratic power has never acted, driven by the desire to convey to the subjects of some Higher Truth. Ideocracy acted exclusively in its own predatory interests, spurred on by competition with other branches of government.

Subordinates, crushed by the combined power of cryptocracy, ideocracy and bureaucracy, from time to time made attempts to protest. From secret adherence to the faith of ancestors (in the language of the Church - heresy) to open rebellions and uprisings. The authorities reacted selectively to outbursts of disobedience. If the rebellion was caused by economic reasons: hunger, salt and other riots, it was suppressed by punitive measures. But if the rebellion bore a religious connotation, the Triad of Power organized a "biblical war", completely destroying everyone.

Examples of the species traits of those in power: predation, selfishness, anti-rationality and inhumanity - can be found in abundance in the history of the Church. In fact, the history of the Church consists only of them. Certain exceptions to the general rule were used by the Church itself for propaganda purposes. Noble neoanthropes and obedient diffusers who fell into ideocracy were canonized and declared saints. As a rule, after death, often painful.

Most of the professional ideocrats shamelessly took advantage of all the advantages of their exceptional social position. The top of the hierarchy of the Church was struck by all the characteristic diseases of Power. Here, we note that ideocracy has the same power tendency towards sacralization and isolation in itself. Access to the system of ideocracy is strict, and only carriers of pronounced abilities for imperiousness and suggestion go up the hierarchical ladder.

The development of social relations and the demands of technical progress have nullified the role of the Church based on religious cults. In many ways, this was facilitated by the fact that the Church weakened and discredited itself in the struggle for a monopoly on power. In Western European history, for example, the crisis began in the fifteenth century. This era was called the Renaissance. It was declared that a certain primordial spirit of freedom, crushed by the Church, was being “reborn”. It is easy to see in this a protest against the power of the Pope, initiated and supported by the secular authorities. Almost all the ideologues of the Renaissance were supported by patrons of the arts from among the wealthy nobles and patricians.

The era of the Enlightenment picked up the baton of anti-clerical propaganda. And in it, an unbiased researcher can easily identify the interested power groups: the emerging bourgeoisie and the part of the nobility corrupted by it. If the subordinates participated in the anti-clerical movement of the Enlightenment, then in their usual role - cannon fodder and an excited crowd. The enlightenment of minds and the liberation of the Spirit ended in rivers of blood that washed away the monarchical power and replaced it with the power of capital.

A holy place is never empty. Having expelled the religious ideocracy, new "masters of thoughts" and "engineers of human souls" were established in its place. The same unprincipled, greedy and narcissistic “mutters of nonsense”, like the ideologues in cassocks. Declaring its atheism, the new ideocracy, following Voltaire, could exclaim: "If God did not exist, he would have to be invented." And they invented it, or rather revealed to the world the one whom they themselves secretly worshiped - the Demon of Power. In ideology, hedonism, selfishness and the cult of profit triumphed.

Pushed out of the trough of the authorities and from public chairs, the ideologues of the “old school” began to denounce the priests of the new cult for profaning a certain original Tradition. On this score, there is a mass of literature. Studying the works of traditionalists, it should be remembered that under the heap of mystical meaninglessness, vague intuitions and frank fiction about Tradition, only tribal relations are hidden.

In the corresponding chapter, we said that a balance of internal and external was found and rigidly maintained in the tribal humankind. The source of inspiration for traditionalists lies in the subconscious nostalgia for the lost harmony of man with himself, relations in the community and relations with nature.

In the twentieth century, the process of ousting religious dogmas from the ideosphere was finally completed. The place of worship of God was usurped by the cult of Progress. Tons of religious literature have replaced megatons of pseudoscientific publications. The Institute of the Orthodox Church has surrendered its positions to the Institute of Mass Media. The new Church began to “work with the consciousness of the subjects”, directly appealing to hedonism, selfishness and money-grubbing.

The "Church of the Mass Media" does not have in its arsenal the main means of the Orthodox Church - "the afterlife." Human life, having lost its eschatological fear and hope for rebirth, has become metaphysically hopeless. Ideocracy now openly calls to live in one day, to live in the here and now, to have now, as long as there is strength and opportunity. The cult of eternal life gave way to the cult of eternal youth, the cult of readiness for spiritual exploits - the cult of permanent erection, post - sybarism. Life has become an endless carnival, an endless "week of the mad."

Only one thing is not surprising - having lost all the depth inherent in religious teachings, the "Church of the Mass Media" regularly and quite successfully fulfills its function in the Triad of Power - explains to the subordinates that Power is right. The mass media works with the minds of the subjects no worse than tribal shamans and preachers. The hierarchy of the new ideocracy regularly receives and gladly consumes its share of the Power pie.

Oleg Markeev, Alexander Maslennikov, Mikhail Ilyin "Demon of Power", fragment
