The world through the eyes of the Slavs
The world through the eyes of the Slavs

Video: The world through the eyes of the Slavs

Video: The world through the eyes of the Slavs
Video: Fire kills 14 Russian sailors aboard submarine 2024, April

It is very foolish to consider our ancestors to be narrow-minded people. Isn't that how the picture looks when a young goof, who has no life experience behind his back, does not accept the advice of the wise old man who has gone through a difficult path and has accumulated a great experience of existence on Earth? Our children consider us to be a complete crap, not realizing that possession of a computer does not mean a great ward of mind. But the ability to live to a ripe old age is in itself a significant phenomenon. And at the genetic level. Obviously, the ancestors of the elder were long-livers. After all, no one disputes the presence of hereditary diseases, the characteristics of this or that ethnic group, the type of person, and finally the race? There are many reasons for longevity, but the main one is that many generations follow the correct way of life, the perception of the world around us, as a single whole with oneself. A person who wished harm to another will certainly suffer exactly as he wished, and in all his descendants. Gluttony, greed, envy and so on will leave their mark in the gene memory of generations and will manifest themselves at the right time, giving the world a fiend of hell.

Unfortunately, people are not given to know that there is a potential killer nearby, who, under certain conditions, will repeat the meanness of his kind. There is, of course, Lambroso's theory of types of criminals and other serious work in identifying potential villains, but, unfortunately, the culprit gene is not known to science. However, this is for now. Time and science will find a way to solve this problem too. Although the Russian people have always argued:

- No matter how much the wolf you feed, he, all the same, looks into the forest.

By the way, it's about the same with states! Look at the countries of the west. Long-term sins of generations, committed for the sake of the pursuit of wealth, have led to the creation of an aggressive culture professing double standards. Goon culture!

Of course, the Western peoples have something to hate the Slavs. For example, when the Great Slavic Tartaria was created after the fall of Byzantium, a state lying on 4 continents, a network of roads arose and not only trade, but also all kinds of diseases that flourished in wild Europe, which did not know elementary hygiene, spread along them. Plague, smallpox, pestilence, (but you never know what?) Were from the cities and villages of Europe, which lived in the filth and waste of its own life. Russia did not know the storms. It was then that the decision was made to carry out a quarantine cleaning of sick peoples. And, it was made by the imperial Cossack troops, which formed the basis of the armed forces of Russia, a large military formation, which is called the horde. The chronicler writes, referring to Mamai, a temnik who rebelled against Russia: "The horde of Zaleskaya beat you!" Velyamin Mamaev was not a Tatar, but a rebel who brought the Latins to Russia and started the first civil war.

The Russian-Horde troops carried out the planned destruction of the sick peoples of Europe and stopped the disease for a while. From the 12th to the 15th century, there is no more plague in Europe. It will appear later, when the Great Empire of the Russ and the slaves of the Slavs falls, the Livonians will turn the great Troubles in Russia. By bringing the Romanov dynasty to the throne of the Roman emperors of Russia, the West will receive the right to independence. It was then in Europe that all the famous states and ungrateful slaves were formed, they appropriate the history of the Russians, their achievements, and they themselves would be slandered. But there will be genetic memory and hatred of the Slavic masters. You can read about it in my other miniatures.

This task is to give the reader an idea of the knowledge of our ancestors in how the world works, namely our planet Earth.

To the Slavs, the world seemed like a big egg. In the mythology of some neighboring and related peoples, this egg was laid by a "space bird". The Slavs have preserved echoes of the legends about the Great Mother - the parent of the Earth and Heaven, the foremother of Gods and people. Her name was Zhiva, or Zivana. But, little is known about her, because, according to legend, she retired after the birth of the Earth and Heaven. In the middle of the Slavic Universe, like a yolk, the Earth itself is located. The upper part of the Yolk is our living world, the world of people. Lower "underside" side Lower World, World of the Dead, Night Country. When it's day there, night reigns with us. To get there, you need to cross the Ocean-Sea that surrounds the Earth. Or dig a well through and through, and a stone will fall into this well for twelve days and nights. Surprisingly, but whether it is an accident or not, the ancient Slavs had an idea of the shape of the Earth and the change of day and night. Around the Earth, like egg yolks and shells, there are nine heavens (nine three times three are the sacred number for the most different peoples). That is why we still say not only "heaven" but also "heaven". Each of the nine heavens of Slavic mythology has its own purpose: one for the Sun and the stars, another for the Month, and another for the clouds and winds. Our ancestors considered the seventh "firmament", the transparent bottom of the heavenly Ocean. There are stored reserves of living water, an inexhaustible source of rain. Let us remember how they say about a heavy downpour: "the heavenly abyss opened up." After all, "abyss" is an abyss of the sea, an expanse of water. We still remember a lot, but we do not know where this memory comes from and what it refers to.

The Slavs believed that one can get to any sky by climbing the World Tree, which connects the Lower World, the Earth and all nine heavens. According to the ancient Slavs, the World Tree looks like a huge spreading oak tree. However, the seeds of all trees and grasses ripen on this oak. This tree was a very important element of ancient Slavic mythology - it connected all three levels of the world, stretched with its branches to the four cardinal directions and with its "state" symbolized the mood of people and Gods in various rituals: a green tree meant wealth and a good share, and a withered tree symbolized despondency and used in rituals where evil gods participated. And where the top of the World Tree rises above the seventh heaven, there is an island in the "slabs of heaven". This island was called "Iriy" or "Virie". Some scholars believe that from him comes the present word "paradise", so firmly associated in our life with Christianity. And Iriy was also called Buyan Island. This island is known to us from numerous fairy tales. And the ancestors of all birds and animals live on that island: "elder wolf", "elder deer", etc. The Slavs believed that it was to the heavenly island that migratory birds fly away in the fall. The souls of the animals hunted by the hunters ascend there, and they answer to the "elders" - they tell how people dealt with them. Accordingly, the hunter had to thank the beast for allowing him to take his skin and meat, and in no case mock him. Then the "elders" will soon release the beast back to Earth, allow it to be born again, so that fish and game are not transferred. If a person is guilty, then he will not end up in trouble … (As we can see, the ancestors did not consider themselves "kings" of nature, who are allowed to rob it as they please. They lived in nature and together with nature and understood that every living creature does not have less right to life than a person.)

It is interesting that this heavenly island, or rather its reflection. It exists to this day. I wrote about this in the miniature "Past Buyan Island". The name of this island is Ruyan or Rogen. This is the largest island of modern Germany, which protects it, rightly believing that the ancestors of the German tribes were the Western Slavs who mixed with the Germanic tribes.

The description of the Slavs and the earthly firmament is very interesting. It turns out that they understood that there was dry land on the "yolk". Initially, it was solid, just in the equator and the northern part of the Earth. Scientists call this continent Pangea.

Pangea (ancient Greek - "all-earth") is a supercontinent that existed at the end of the Paleozoic and the beginning of the Mesozoic and united almost the entire land of the Earth. The name was suggested by Alfred Wegener (German. Alfred Lothar Wegener).

During the formation of Pangea, mountain systems arose from the more ancient continents at the places of their collision. Some of them have existed to this day, for example, the Urals or the Appalachians. These mountains are much older than such relatively young mountain systems such as the Alps in Europe, the Cordillera in North America, the Andes in South America, or the Himalayas in Asia. Due to erosion lasting many millions of years, the Urals and Appalachians are severely destroyed and low.

The giant ocean that washed Pangea is called Panthalassa.

Pangea was formed in the Permian and split into two continents in the Jurassic. The northern continent of Laurasia later split into Eurasia and North America, while Africa, South America, India, Australia and Antarctica were later formed from the southern continent of Gondwana.

It should be noted that supercontinents existed earlier, for example, Rodinia, which disintegrated 750 million years ago.

According to some forecasts, in the future the continents will once again gather in a supercontinent called Pangea Ultima.

An interesting idea was put forward by my neighbor, a metallurgist. He worked all his life as a caster and directly states that when casting a ball for a bearing, the inevitable dross accumulates in one place, and not over the entire surface of the ball. Exactly how dry land has accumulated on planet Earth. By the way, the Earth is not a ball, but rather a potato, which explains the displacement of the scale to the north. The presence of heavy metals and iron in the Earth's core has been substantiated by scientists. It is they who create the planet's magnetic field.

So, our ancestors knew very well that the land began to disperse when it cooled down. On a metal ball, by the way, the same processes occur during cooling.

Thus, the second ancestor of Gondwana and the third Laurasia appeared on Earth. It is interesting that the traditions of the Slavs, the word Asia, is claimed as the main continent and this name is used. Asia came to us from time immemorial, while the rest of the names given are not so distant days.

Be that as it may, the ancient spiritual book of Paliy, which the Old Believers still use, very clearly describes the world, as close as possible to our present ideas. Moreover, communicating a certain spirituality in the structure of the universe, which, we descendants, have completely forgotten. The reader may not look for Palia on the Internet. She is simply not there, and information about her is scarce. They fought with it for many centuries, crowding out the memory of this book. Nevertheless, the author held it in his hands and read about what he is now telling.

Palia was the source for another book, which also contains a description of the creation of the world and spiritual rules. This book can be found online. It appeared much earlier than the Bible. The point is that we have known the Bible in its modern form since about the beginning of the 18th century. Before that, it existed in scattered books of Scripture and did not have the form that it is now.

Helmsman (Church-Slavic helmsman, Art.-Slavic kr'mchii - helmsman), Pidalion (Greek - stern oar, helm, helm handle or steering wheel), or Nomokano; n (Greek - law, statute + Greek - canon, rule) - collections of ecclesiastical and secular laws, the basis for which was Byzantine law, which were the guidance in the management of the church and in the ecclesiastical court of Orthodox Slavic countries; also served to transmit various ancient texts. Languages: Old Church Slavonic, Old Russian. Nomokanon is a collection of church rules, which included the rules of the apostles, the first four Ecumenical Councils and six local councils, as well as 68 rules of Basil the Great, extracted from his letters. It was compiled in the VI century by the Patriarch of Constantinople, St. John the Scholastic, on the initiative of the holy emperor Justinian, on the basis of an earlier similar collection. In the 880s, Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius translated the Nomokanon into the Slavic language.

From the end of the 13th century, the Nomokanons in the Russian revision received the name "Pilot Books", they were supplemented in Russia by the norms of secular law. In 1273, at the Church Council in Kiev, Metropolitan Kirill offered as a guide for the management of the Church the Tactical Book, which was translated around 1225 in Serbia from Greek into Church Slavonic.

In the XIII century, another kind of Helmsmen appeared, where some elements of the Bulgarian and Serbian Helmsmen's books were brought together. This so-called Sofia, or synodal, edition was supplemented by Russian articles: Russkaya Pravda, the statutes of the princes Vladimir and Yaroslav, the rules of the Council of 1273, and others. The Synodal Pilot Book has become widespread and has come down to us in a large number of copies.

However, it is rather difficult to read the text of the helmsmen. For example, it gave me great difficulty to find it in the net. However, on the first reading, I understood the reason for such a difficult access to it. It is too dangerous for today's concept of the universe and in simple words will dispel the lie, layered on the world truth, by generations of crooks from the government and the church. The interested reader will find both the first and second books. I will let you know that several pilots are known:

• Old Slavic helmsman of XIV titles

• Efremovskaya Kormchaya

• Serbian Helm

• Ilovitskaya Kormchaya

• Synodal Helmsman

• Russkaya Kormchaya

• Dechanskaya Kormchaya

• Pchinskaya Kormchaya

• Morachskaya Kormchaya

• Joseph's Helm

• Nikonovskaya Kormchaya

• Ekaterininskaya Kormchaya

The first is the most interesting. Read it and you won't regret it.

I come to the conclusion that the Internet is the undoubted benefit of humanity. It is not possible to hide the information posted in it, and a researcher who is interested in finding the truth will sooner or later fall into the hands of texts that are posted there by people who have truly invaluable knowledge and want to share them with their neighbors.

The most amazing thing is that in Palia, I personally found the characters of Russian fairy tales: the Phoenix bird, Salamander, Firebird, self-assembled tablecloth and so on, which I knew from childhood. A thought involuntarily crept in, isn't it all this, reflected in the centuries in the form of allegories?

Only one thing is clear - the surrounding world was clear to the Slavs and they - the most ancient people of the world, lived in it in harmony. And, there is evidence of historical authors.

The papal abbot Mavro Orbini wrote the Historiography in 1601. Here is a small excerpt from it: “The Russian people are the most ancient people on earth, from which all other peoples originated. The empire, with the courage of its warriors and the best weapons in the world, kept the entire universe in obedience and submission for thousands of years. Russians have always owned the whole of Asia, Africa, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Macedonia, Illyria, Moravia, the Shlen land, the Czech Republic, Poland, all the shores of the Baltic Sea, Italy and many other countries and lands ….


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