Occultism in the service of the state
Occultism in the service of the state

Video: Occultism in the service of the state

Video: Occultism in the service of the state
Video: Top 5 Modern Architects Explained: Who Is Shaping Today's Cities? 2024, September

Yuri Malinin, a special services officer, a well-known expert on paranormal phenomena, who was at the origins of a special department under the presidential security department dealing with the psychophysical protection of the head of state, gave an extensive interview to one of the Russian newspapers a few days ago.

Although an interview with a specialist with such a level of access to state secrets as that of Mr. Malinin is already a sensation in itself, the facts cited by Mr. Malinin turned out to be no less sensational - even the press in the United States became interested in them. What is the sensationalism of the facts cited by Mr. Malinin?

To a thoughtful researcher who carefully studied the creation of the Bolshevik state, it is clear that the people who stood at the origins of the USSR used various psychophysical and magical practices - to brainwash officials in key positions and the population in general, to suppress political opponents, and so on. This topic has been sufficiently highlighted in a number of studies, however, even to a person who is not familiar with them, but who knows a little about the symbols used in magic and who has seen the Kremlin at least in a picture, it is obvious that the Bolsheviks' communication with otherworldly forces was truly a matter of a state scale. Five-pointed stars over the Kremlin and teraphim embedded in its walls (it is obvious that the remains of the murderers of millions of people carry some kind of energy); the mausoleum, made in a very specific architectural style of the ritual structures of the ancient Vavilovna; the main teraphim in this mausoleum is Mr. Lenin, preserved according to the recipes of the magicians of ancient Palestine. Spells like: Lenin is more alive than all the living. Already only these - OBVIOUS facts are enough for conclusions about the presence of some mystical, otherworldly sources of the power of the communists. But if the Bolsheviks dabbled in magic and the occult, parapsychology and psychophysics, then it is possible (even necessary!) To assume that the modern inhabitants of the Kremlin do not disdain them either.

There were various rumors on this score. They said that there was a special top-secret FSB department dealing with the psychophysical protection of the president - that is, protection against attacks using magic or some unknown energy-information technologies (for example, psychotronic weapons). There were practically no facts on this score, although it was known that Yeltsin's plane before each flight was checked for malfunctions not only by a group of technicians from the FSB, but also by a regular clairvoyant. They said that the FSB also has a department dealing with psychophysical attacks - both on political opponents and on the population (for example, during elections). Although there were facts confirming these rumors, they were circumstantial as evidence. For example, some people suddenly did some strange, unmotivated actions: they were thrown out of the office windows (as some members of the State Emergency Committee did), shot at their husbands (as the wife of General Rokhlin did). Why would they do that? Is there any rational explanation for this? Or, for example, let's take the behavior of the population at certain moments of history: on the days of “elections”, on the days of some kind of confrontation between the people and the authorities (as in October 1993). It is no secret that these days people are becoming apathetic towards politics, but at the same time, for some reason, the number of suicides is sharply increasing in large cities - at times. Why would you? Maybe the people are being irradiated with something? Note that back in the seventies it was statistically significant that in the area of any television center, the number of suicides per 10,000 people is dozens of times higher than their average in the city.

And this, we note, is only the tip of the iceberg of talk about what people in the Kremlin are secretly doing. For example, they said that the Kremlin coordinates every important political event (for example, election day) with a team of astrologers. The evidence is again indirect, because no one held a candle at these consultations - but elections in Russia are indeed often spontaneously and unreasonably postponed, like the presidential elections in the summer of 1996: they were supposed to be on Sunday, but for some reason they were held on Wednesday, that summer, the only auspicious day in Yeltsin's horoscope. They also said that in 1991, when establishing Russia, the nomenklatura repeated the well-known magic ritual performed by the Bolsheviks at one time - the murder of the royal family. In 1991, a man and a woman were also killed, bearing a certain set of features stipulated by the ritual. Some priests believe that the heads of the tsar and tsarina lie at the head of the Bolshevik teraphim. The heads of people sacrificed in 1991 were also hidden there. There is no evidence of these rumors, even indirect, although it is known that Mr. Yeltsin made just titanic efforts to bury the remains of the "royal family" - that in fact, skeletons of some vagrants were brought to St. Petersburg, only the authorities knew at one time, but now because everyone knows! The question is: why did the Kremlin try so hard to convince those around that the tsar was buried? Obviously, conversations about where these remains are in fact go around not only among parishioners in Russia, but all over the world. And what self-respecting person wants to have some kind of common political affairs with Satanists because of the red fence?

All these were, of course, very wonderful and interesting rumors, but rumors - and nothing more. However, Mr. Malinin in his interview confirmed these rumors (at least a considerable part of them)! It turns out that the secret department for the psychophysical protection of the head of state is not a myth, but a reality - he really was in the presidential security unit! In this department people worked (as we understand - not Chilean suckers), and their work was financed from the state budget. We do not know the amount of this funding, but Mr. Malinin gave one figure - the costs of only one of the department's projects. This is 500 million rubles, which the government allocated for the program "Providing remote influence on the decision-making mechanism." Thus, we know that, firstly, everything that is bashfully called magic and pseudoscience in the "serious" media is recognized and actively used by the people behind the red fence; secondly, if there was a secret department under the Kremlin, the existence of which was always denied, then what other departments could there be - from those that are still only rumored? This question is more than interesting, because, say, there is not a single hand-to-hand fighting school where only defense is taught - everywhere they teach and attack (sometimes denying this, as, for example, in aikido). So, spending money on psychophysical protection, the Kremlin probably spent it on psychophysical attacks? But who and how is attacked from behind the red fence then? Previously, this was the topic of speculation by conspiracy theorists, but now it seems the time has come to discuss it with the general public.

In addition to the fact that Mr. Malinin revealed the secret about the existence of a super-conspiratorial unit of specialists in the paranormal - which is already a sensation in itself - we now know that this department is still possible and disbanded. That is, the fact that there was such a department is an indisputable fact, after all, the existence of a special department of parapsychologists under the FSB was publicly announced not by some Kremlin spoon washer, but by a person who was directly involved in the creation and work of this secret unit. At the same time, whether he really was disbanded - Mr. Malinin may not know, and may be silent. However, if this secret department was really abolished, then more definite conclusions can be drawn from this fact.

The department of parapsychologists was allegedly disbanded just at the time of the arrival of President Putin in the Kremlin, which suggests a relationship between these two facts. Mr. Malinin in his interview suggested that perhaps this is due to the new president's dismissive attitude towards psi-phenomena and the psychophysics that studies them. However, we believe that such a thought is erroneous, since Mr. Malinin proceeded from the false premise that Putin gave the order to dissolve the psychophysical protection unit he had created. At the same time, Putin could not give such a command, since disregard for psychophysics does not mean disregard for one's own safety - and the successor definitely does not suffer from this, always putting up an unprecedented cordon around him, does not use tobacco, keeps exercise, and takes a bunch of health procedures. That is, a person is afraid of even a hypothetical threat to his life and his health. And then suddenly he decided to remove such an important link in his defense as parapsychologists? This cannot be.

In addition, we know that the president regularly talks about something with monks known for his perspicacity, rides around ancient monasteries (for example, we remember his famous trip to Valaam), Putin wanted to come to Athos for some reason. Even in his early interviews, Putin has repeatedly said that he is very interested in the future. There is information in the media that when he was still an assistant to Sobchak, the president was interested in the presence of the prophecies of the monk Abel in St. Petersburg libraries. Why would a person who denies the existence of clairvoyance do all this? Clairvoyance is just one of the areas of application of psychophysics and parapsychology! How is it that the president is so dismissive of parapsychology, and at the same time hears the stories of sagacious elders? This, too, cannot be. Consequently, the initiative to dissolve the structure dealing with the issues of the president's psychophysical safety is unlikely to belong to Putin. But then - to whom?

For obvious reasons, we are unable to answer this question, but assumptions suggest themselves. Psychic attacks are not a fiction of conspiracy theorists, but a reality, after all, will the Kremlin not maintain an entire department because of the inventions of uneducated old women? Actually, the existence of a special department of psi-practice in the US defense department during the Second World War has long been proven - these people tried to somehow influence Mr. Hitler. By the way, the fact that with the beginning of the Second World War, some strange and inexplicable pathological changes began to occur in the psyche of Mr. Hitler is a historical fact. NASA is a scientifically advanced organization - after the Columbia disaster, the staff astrologer was fired! That is, astrologers work there at rates! Mr. Saddam Hussein had a personal sorcerer. Didn't he then somehow try to influence the overseas enemy of his master? Obviously he tried. But nothing bad happened to Mr. Bush. It hardly happened because Hussein's magician was weak - for such tasks, fools are not kept at court. So, Mr. Bush is probably also guarded by someone besides the US Marine Corps? The famous General Noriega, for example, also had his own shamans, as they are, and many other Latin American and African small and large kings had them - there is a mass of eyewitness accounts on this score. Punishing such bastards physically it would be strange for the United States not to protect itself from their revenge on the psychophysical level.

As you can see, psychophysics is one of the really used tools in the modern world. Thus, who could have initiated the dissolution of the secret department of the security service:

- people interested in remote influence on Putin;

- people who dispersed the department so that they would not be disturbed;

- these are people who are well aware of the capabilities of Mr. Malinin's employees (that is, most likely, they know him personally).

- and finally, these are people with real powers of power, since the solution of the most important issue was in their hands.

We believe that there are not so many such influential people in Russia. It is even possible that there is only one such influential person in Russia - its ex-president, Mr. Yeltsin. Actually, who exactly fired parapsychologists from Putin's protection is actually not even a primary question. The point is different: if this person (these people) shuffles (shuffles) at his own discretion the guard of Mr. Yeltsin's successor, then it is obvious that Mr. Putin’s personal guard does not actually obey Mr. Putin at all.

However, let's not forget that the department of parapsychologists MAYBE disbanded. Maybe not. The main thing is that he was. This means that magic, parapsychology, psychophysics, and so on are not fairy tales of grandmothers or visions of bastards like the writer Pelevin - this is REALITY. And this reality is actively used for its own purposes by the Kremlin. Agree - a serious reason to think: who, in fact, rules us? Some part of the ancient magical rituals today has a completely scientific explanation (NLP, psychotronic weapons, bioenergy), but basically magic is the use of the services of some otherworldly entities - demons - in exchange for something: in exchange for the victim's blood, brought by the magician, in exchange for the magician's soul. That is, the otherworldly friends of the Kremlin are clearly not bright guys. Then from what world do the origins of the modern Russian regime grow?
