Fundamentals of Health and Diseases of Nature and Human
Fundamentals of Health and Diseases of Nature and Human

Video: Fundamentals of Health and Diseases of Nature and Human

Video: Fundamentals of Health and Diseases of Nature and Human
Video: Darius Kasparaitis. Fights, NHL, striptease in a locker room 2024, April

Water is not only the basis of life on earth, but also an information structure that carries answers to any questions of concern to humanity, such as:

• foundations of longevity, youth and health of all living beings;

• a universal method for monitoring the quality of water and any liquids at home;

• universal recipes for healthy food from folk culture;

• the importance of breast milk, and whether vaccinations are needed before 2 years of age;

• the main mistakes of vegetarians in nutrition, how to avoid them, and why a cow eats 5 kg of meat a day;

• knowledge of ancestors about the magical properties of water, and their reflection in folk culture (living - dead water, jelly rivers, milk banks, Galaxy, etc.);

• fuel-free energy production, and earthquake prediction;

• The circular system of the Chemical elements of our ancestors - as a reflection of the principles of the structure of the entire universe - the Square of the Circle (Disclosure of the Mystery of the Pharaoh's cylinders);

• the same cause of all diseases, and a universal method of their treatment.

The answers to these questions, and much more, you can find out by reading this article.

Article in video format:

A human being is essentially a liquid crystal, which at birth consists of 90% of liquids, therefore, our task today is to overestimate the importance of water for our life.

It's no secret that our health depends on the acid-base balance in the human body, but the difficulty in determining this balance is that alkaline or acidic liquids taste indistinguishable to us !!


Therefore, in order to continue understanding natural processes, we need a universal tool that will allow us to determine the acid-base balance in any conditions almost instantly - this is a device called the ORP Meter.


ORP Meter - a meter of Oxidation (acidity) - Reduction (alkaline) potential, where 0 is a neutral medium, and + on this device means the level of acidity (oxidation potential), minus on this device means alkaline (reduction) potential.

The presence of ORP Meter helped me to confirm the influence of human thoughts on the acidity of water. The fact is that I had measurements of the acidity of water from 3 regions of Ukraine (Poltava, Kharkov, Sumy) before the events on the Maidan in Kiev in 2013, they averaged +120 (2012). After the beginning of these events, I again made measurements of water, from the same 3 regions, and it turned out that the ACIDITY OF THE WATER HAS INCREASED more than three times, and became on average +450 (2014). At the beginning of spring 2017, the same high acidity of +450 remains. An indirect confirmation of this is the beginning of a number of Earthquakes in the Donbass itself, where they were practically not observed earlier, but over the past 3 years they have happened almost regularly.

All these phenomena are to blame for the thoughts of people themselves, emitting negative emotions, and the thoughts of the person himself will receive the same symmetrical response from nature. For the population, all this translates into a sharp increase in mortality and various diseases. Those. from negative thoughts, and the consequences of them, many more people suddenly die than from shells and bombs. At the same time, only diseases and natural disasters achieve rapid growth.

To understand what needs to be done, one must turn to the experience of the Japanese, who, having received a new message about the upcoming tsunami or earthquake, are massively sent to their temples, and offer not only prayers, but also begin to think positively. Which leads to the fact that all tsunamis, earthquakes may either not happen, or will occur in a milder version. There is only one conclusion from this - no matter what happens, and no matter what is predicted for you, think positively, and you will receive the same answer from nature, and from life itself.

Understanding of natural processes can give us one more discovery that is so necessary for Humanity today, namely EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION !!!

The fact is that science has long noticed that before the Earthquake, something is happening with Water, but its research aimed at studying changes in the chemical composition of water did not lead to anything, and could not lead, and that's why.

Any Earthquake is a release of ENERGY, which leads to a sharp increase in WATER ACIDITY, which is why Animals often leave the areas of disasters, they feel a sharp release of Energy, leading to Acidification of the water, and go to those areas where such a phenomenon does not occur, thereby avoiding death.

Therefore, in the areas of possible Earthquakes, it is necessary to monitor the water with devices similar to the ORP Meter, since they will show exactly the change in the ENERGY potential of Water, and thereby give people the opportunity to escape, predicting the cataclysm in advance !!!

Let us dwell in more detail on how this can be measured, and what measures can be taken to avoid all this negativity at any stage of human life.

Normal for a healthy person is the level of the alkaline potential of blood -100 (according to the ORP measurement scale of the Meter), my measurements confirm that the same alkaline potential has a living mother's milk -100. Which once again confirms the validity, and the need for the fact that we are inherently mammals.


I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is mother's milk that is necessary and the most important food for children, not only because of its nutritional value and alkaline balance, which clearly corresponds to the blood count of a healthy person, but also because a child under 2 years of age has NO immunity, and it PROTECTS the mother's immunity contained in breast milk !!!

Knowing this, a huge number of questions arise about the vaccination of children under the age of 2 years. Since it is impossible to train something that a child does not yet have, namely an established, stable immune system. His mother has already received all the vaccinations, and by breastfeeding she transfers her protection to the child today, plus she forms a stable immune system in her child for the future.

Every mother should understand that no artificial mixture will ever replace mother's milk for a child - precisely because of the mother's own immunity contained in milk, and its ideal alkaline structure for children. Our ancestors knew this, and therefore, until at least 2 years old, the child grew up on his mother's milk. If a woman for any reason could not feed her child, then they found a wet nurse of a similar genetic type.

Milk of other living beings, cow-goats, etc., is undesirable to use for feeding human children, precisely because it is aimed at the characteristics of these living beings, including immunity.

So the slogan of the past should sound like this - DRINK CHILDREN (UNDER 2 YEARS OLD) MOTHER'S MILK - BE HEALTHY AND WITH A STRONG IMMUNITY.

The reader has a natural question, but what about those who are over 2 years old, and is it possible to use the milk of other living beings in the diet?

Evil, as always, lies in the details (maliciously means - ignorance, ignorance, misunderstanding), and we will consider these details in more detail, and we will find a reflection of all these issues in folk culture.

The fact is that MILK is an Intermediate product necessary for children under the age of 2 years, after a person has formed his immunity, it is necessary to switch to dairy products - a full cycle of Milk transformation.

This is how it happens for me, and how I recommend working with milk, any living creature, to get the maximum effect from Nature.

We take three liters of fresh LIVING (unprocessed) milk from a cow (goat, etc.)the scheme is the same for everyone), and we leave it for a day in a dark place (where there is no direct sunlight or in an opaque vessel), at a temperature from +25 to +39 degrees Celsius.

Why such conditions are needed - the basis of Milk is highly effective milk microorganisms (milk proteins are the basis of life on earth) - these are tens of thousands of microorganisms that I isolate and combine according to a single principle of their manifestation, namely - white color, milky taste of liquid, and the most important thing is the transformation of water into an alkaline structured state - the basis of health, youth, and longevity of all LIVING ON EARTH !!!

So, milk microorganisms develop effectively in the absence of direct exposure to the sun's rays, they also need a positive temperature for the most efficient work (temperatures below slow down the fermentation process, and higher temperatures lead to folding - the death of microorganisms).

As a result of this, after 24 hours, the so-called Vershok among the people will gather on top of the milk, they are also Cream, they are homemade - natural alkaline - live sour cream, which must be collected with a wooden spoon from the surface, and stirred in the container where the collection was made, and given stand in the refrigerator for another day. (When collecting vershok, you need to focus on its density, and a slightly different color in contrast to the more liquid remaining milk).

After the tops have been removed, you need to mix the remaining milk with a wooden spoon, and let it settle in the same conditions for another day, until the natural cottage cheese rises to the top, and only the cheese will remain below.

After the separation of the cottage cheese from the cheese curd has occurred, I take a 3-liter plate, put on it a 3-liter sieve made of stainless steel with small cells (in order not to constantly have problems with gauze, and not to consume it) suitable in size under my plate, and slowly pour out the cottage cheese with cheesecake.

As a result of these manipulations, we have such Living - Alkaline foods as:

- sour cream 250 grams indicator for ORP Meter -250;

- cottage cheese 1000 grams indicator for ORP Meter -250;

- Serovat 1750 grams indicator for ORP Meter -225.


As a result, we received the most valuable food products that will not only be assimilated by 95% by our body immediately, without spending the body's vital energy for processing and assimilation, but also having an alkaline index of -200 units. Which is more than two times BETTER than the blood count of a healthy, young organism, which means that these food products are an invaluable natural cure for all diseases. Since in an alkaline environment, pathogenic bacteria, microbes, helminths and fungi DO NOT DEVELOP, but only die.

In this case, the body directs the excess alkaline balance to the processes of rejuvenation, purification, and harmonization of the cells of the whole organism in this case, a person.

For example, when my cats show signs of helminth activity, instead of pills, I start feeding them live cottage cheese, and all signs of helminth infection disappear within 2-3 days.

This recipe is basic, but if you do not have time, or you do not need all these various products, then just let the milk stand in the same conditions, stir once a day, and by the end of the second day you have a product that is mistaken among the common people They call it Sour, and the old (more accurate as it turned out) popular name PROSTOKVASH is an indicator for ORP Meter -225.


When I carried out my observations and measurements using the ORP Meter, and remembered the name PROSTOKVASH, I immediately began to study the KVASS indicators. Since I knew about their widespread use not only in the folk culture of food, but also as an obligatory food product in the treatment of the wounded in the Tsar's army. I knew, but did not understand the reasons for such attention to this food product and treatment.

I carried out the fermentation of everything - different types of bread, grains of various plants, mushrooms, berries, nuts, fruits, herbs of various types and much more. The result of my observations and measurements was the Universal Key in the work of Living Nature. Since in all cases of correct fermentation, I got one result: acidic water (indicator for ORP Meter +400) after two days of fermentation at temperatures from +25 to +39 degrees Celsius without direct sunlight became ALKALINE with one indicator for ORP Meter - 225 at the same time the liquid acquired a milky taste and white color !!!


After that, a lot fell into place, since the basis of Living Life on Earth appeared before us - Lactic bacteria, which were contained in all living things !!!

The universal recipe for Kvass is the same as for Milk, the only difference is that you need to fill a third of the container with grain (nuts, herbs, etc.), fill two thirds of the container with any acidic water. After 2-3 days in a warm place, you have purified, structured, Healing - Alkaline water (ORP Meter -225) with all the vitamins contained in the base of kvass (grain, nuts, herbs, etc.). In this case, at the very top, you will collect all the harmful light impurities contained in the water, all heavy impurities will sink to the bottom. Therefore, the upper sediment must be removed, and the lower one should not be shaken when decanting kvass. You can use the base of kvass no more than 2-3 times.

If out of all living things that was used during fermentation (grains, herbs, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and all kinds of mushrooms that were available to me), lactic bacteria came to the fore, which transformed acidic water into alkaline in the course of their life. This means that the basis of nutrition and growth of ALL living, and healthy plants, animals and man himself are milk bacteria.

It became clear why the basis of our entire folk culture is precisely MILK (to be more precise, the process of RIPPING), and all the products that are associated with it, as well as those who give this milk to a person, primarily the Cow.

I draw special attention to VEGETARIANS - the COW consumes 5 kg of MEAT per day, which is why it grows to such a size and is a sacred animal in many parts of the world.

It is the Cow that is a living example of how the proper nutrition of all living beings should take place, namely:

- the consumption of raw plant food, and its thorough chewing by the Cow leads to the fact that the MILK bacteria contained in the entire living and healthy plant world begin to multiply in the stomachs of the Cow and SUMP the plant mass.

Thus, the Cow receives from this process for her life 5 kg of Ideal Meat in the form of Protein of Lactic Bacteria + Alkaline structured water + the necessary vitamins from plants in the form already processed by lactic bacteria. She gives us part of her work in the form of surplus MILK, and the ideal fertilizer for the life of new plants - with the right handling of man.

That is why the blood tests taken from the Vegetarians are much worse than those from the RAW FOOD Eaters, since it is the Raw Food Eater who launches the REDUCING process in his body. Vegetarians, not understanding natural processes, continue to use Temperatures when cooking, as a result of which the basis of life and Health on earth, Lactic bacteria, in Plant food perishes, and Vegetarians instead of health receive diseases and other related problems.

The correct handling of waste products of living things is that they need to be processed with the onset of the warm periods of the year with MILK. Then, instead of an unpleasant odor, and the development of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, YOU will receive an Ideal completely SUSPENDED Fertilizer.

During the passage of the nutritional system, in many living things, fermentation either does not occur, or occurs partially, therefore, the remaining nutrient medium must be re-treated with MILK. If this is not done on this nutrient medium, pathogens, helminths, etc. will begin to develop.

Since I myself live in rural areas, I can say 100% that this technology works !!! Milk processing of a chicken coop and a cesspool leads to the absence of unpleasant odors, which means not only gives us the ideal fertilizer in the future, but also solves the problem of waste of ALL LIVING BEINGS on the EARTH. (Measurements of ORP by the Meter of fermented waste confirm this. Water in solution from acidity reading +400 becomes -225).

I highly recommend this method to everyone who is engaged in agriculture, since by applying it you will get instead of problems and diseases in the soil - plants - animals - people, only benefits, namely ideal fertilizers, and natural protection against diseases.


Milk bacteria are the basis of the FERTILY layer of the Earth. They do not like direct sunlight, and therefore live underground at depths below six centimeters.

The use of moldboard plowing (turning the soil) in the fields leads to the fact that lactic bacteria fall into unacceptable conditions for themselves and die, and their place is taken by pathogenic bacteria that we know as YEAST (more about them below). The use of a large amount of aggressive chemicals and chemical fertilizers on the fields completes the process of destroying the basis of life and fertility - lactic bacteria. That is why today's farming in the fields leads to desertification of the Earth. The result is a clear drop in product quality over the past 100 years by more than 4 times, plus a decrease in yield by 4 times.

According to the conclusions of the Institutes of Soil Science, the current state of the land in the fields can be described as follows:

- The soil 100 years ago is a Bogatyr full of health, and now it is a frail patient near death, who is in intensive care and under a dropper.

Our ancestors had an associative perception, and my observations allowed me to understand about which country and what they gave us information about: Milk rivers Kiselnye shores.

The fact is that Kysen (jelly) - in South Slavic means OXYGEN, and Milk, as you already know, has an alkaline indicator of at least -100 according to ORP Meter.

For a modern person, the message from the past must be understood as follows: If you are part of Nature and you have many plants growing along the river banks - the Forest or Garden system = Tree + liana on it + shrubs + flowers + herbs + at the base of all this GRIBNITSA (all perennial). As a result of the Life processes of these higher plants, which using the energy of the Sun will give the Planet clean air - Oxygen, and purify and structure the water to the state of Alkaline, and give us = Milk rivers = health of our MOTHER EARTH = HUMAN health.

The destruction of Nature by man has reached such proportions, as a result of deforestation, improper management of the fields, that rivers have turned into acidic, and water instead of life brings only death and disease.

To fix everything that we have done is our task. It is possible to restore the health of the entire Planet Earth only if everyone starts his own Family Estate and plants there higher perennial plants, and thereby restores the health of our MOTHER EARTH and all of humanity. Then the planet where we live will again be called the land where the Milk rivers and Kiselny banks.

As every medal has two sides, so any minus can be turned into a plus, and very quickly.

Therefore, I suggest you look at the issue more broadly, and use the situation in which we found ourselves for self-development, not destruction.

The fact is that the acidity of Water tells us about the FREE ENERGY contained in it, which we must take without much effort and use for our needs, namely LIGHTING and HEATING.

At the same time, no one has yet canceled the law of conservation of energy, and the energy we used, contained in Water, having changed its form, will again return to nature, namely to WATER (rivers, lakes, seas and oceans). Those. I offer you a FUEL-FREE, WASTE-FREE TECHNOLOGY scheme.


Everyone knows that water is an excellent conductor of Electricity.but many people forget that water is not only a conductor but also a battery for Natural Energy. Measurements of precipitation show that this energy comes from the upper layers of the Atmosphere, where it accumulates and is received by the Earth from the Sun !!!

Rain carries energy that must be used in the growth of living nature by lactic bacteria in higher plants. Mass Destruction of biological life has led to the fact that this energy is not used, but accumulates making the environment Acid.

For those who are interested, I give a diagram of generating electricity from any acidic liquid.


For those who want to realize Fuel-free generation of electricity, I recommend that you first get acquainted with the Natural Circular System of Chemical Elements of our ancestors. Since in this form you will better understand which metals are best to use to obtain the maximum energy potential.


Using this table, you can understand why the Pharaohs hold in their hands the likeness of cylinders made of different materials, the types of these materials can be determined from the table, since it is they that give the Maximum Energy Potential - for example, such as Copper and Silver.


Plus, in parallel, this system is a reflection of the principle known to our ancestors called the SQUARE CIRCLE, or the FLOWER OF LIFE - the principles of building EVERYTHING IN OUR WORLD.


After it became clear that the basis of life on Earth is MILK bacteria, one more information that our ancestors passed on to us from the past appeared for me in a new light. Let's analyze such a well-known word as GALAXY:

• GA - path;

• Lact - (lat. Lac (lactis) milk) the first component of compound words, meaning: related to milk;

• TIK - a special type of heavenly movement.

A galaxy is a star cluster in which mammals are the predominant form of life. Another name for the Milky Way - once again confirms this assumption. Additional confirmation of this information can be the fact that the ancestors called the neighboring star cluster niche ANDROMEDA. Until recently, this name practically did not say anything to an ordinary person, until our friends in AMERICA began to advance such creatures as ANDROGINOV into the mass consciousness of the population.

ANDROGINS are creatures endowed with external characteristics of both sexes, uniting both sexes, or devoid of any sexual characteristics. A creature that feels like both a man and a woman.

Found by archaeologists in Iraq:


Whether the information about the star cluster has a connection with the predominant forms of LIFE in it in the form of bisexual creatures - ANDROGINS, and BEE-LIKE creatures - HONEY, of course you decide.

Wrong economic activity of a person has led to the fact that on Earth instead of Lactic bacteria, YEAST bacteria came out on top - tens of thousands of bacteria that I have combined according to common criteria - the production of alcohol in the process of life (alcoholic taste), and the acidification of water (including MAN) !!!

Over the past 100 years, we have been transferred from a natural health-based nutritional system and a Lactic Bacteria SURGE system to a Yeast Bacteria Fermentation system.

Modern technologies have made BREAD the most dangerous for Man, since it is an everyday food product for everyone, even children. Earlier, you know that Bread was made exclusively with SQUARE - my experience allowed me to abandon them and immediately go to the UNIVERSAL component for ALL baking Live MILK, or better to its Alkaline components - Sour Cream, Syrovatka !!!

Even now it is not so important for us that Bread on MILK is three-four times more nourishing and healthier than a modern one, plus it is stored and remains fresh for at least a month. The point is different - you are told that Yeast dies in the Baking process, but it is not !!!

To understand this, take modern Bread which has a shelf life of ONLY 72 hours, and leave it in the little bag that you bought, and on the 4th day you will see not only Green Mold, but also a HARNESS Yeast smell. For those who do not recommend this much, I recommend making kvass out of this Bread according to the recipe described above, and taking measurements of ORP with a Meter that will show Acidification of water 3-5 times or more !!!


And by consuming such an infection, you want to be healthy and stay young for a long time?

What negative effects have come to the fore of the problems of HUMANITY in the world due to the massive use of YEAST:

• Acidification of the environment - the positive indicator of Water in Man is growing, and on the whole Planet Earth, high acidity creates an environment for the development of all KNOWN pathogenic Bacteria, Viruses, Helminths, Acceleration of the AGING processes, etc.;

• Overweight - growing like on Yeast, this is the main internal reason that Mankind is rapidly gaining extra WEIGHT;

• Diabetes mellitus - another plague of mankind for which yeast is responsible, in children for diabetes their infected with Yeast Parents are responsible;

• CANCER is an overgrown candida fungus - a yeast fungus, which has a parasitic nature, lives even in the body of healthy people; strong immunity keeps candida under control, but if the body is weakened - acidification, the fungus spreads throughout the body and causes malignant tumors - RESEARCHES of the Italian Tulio Simoncini..


The massive use of YEAST has led to a violation of the Acid-Alkaline balance on the entire Planet Earth, and in each of its inhabitants towards increased Acidity. Our task is to understand the reasons for what is happening, and to restore the correct ratio of the Acid-Alkaline balance not only in every person but in all of Nature. The culture of our ancestors and modern control methods (ORP Meters) will help us in this. By combining all the best from the past collected by our ancestors in Culture, and having checked and rethought everything anew, using modern methods, Humanity has a chance to correct all this.

In the Light of the information that has been revealed, we can already assert that Living and Dead water exists, which means that the possibility of returning to the life of the dead, which has come down to us from Tales, epics and legends, may simply be the technology of our ancestors, which will someday become available to us. … Personally, I do not see any prohibitions of Nature on such opportunities, the prohibition is only in the minds of people, whether people overcome it, time will tell.
