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Video: YOUR
Video: What is the most important influence on child development | Tom Weisner | TEDxUCLA 2024, April

Today I am not writing a sheet-length article. I am writing these lines with a great desire to convey to you that each of us is much more powerful, stronger in body and spirit than we could have imagined. The topic in thought concerns absolutely everyone.

In our time - in the period of technocracy, evolution or progress is mainly determined by whether a gadget or service simplifies a person's life. If so, consider the evolution to have taken place. But what about, for example, the spiritual side of a person's life. What is the indicator of evolution? Why, if your phone eventually learned not only to send SMS, but also to take pictures - you feel evolution, but you don't think that you, like this gadget, are capable of more.

Not only eat, sleep, work and survive in one word, but you are able to truly evolve. Get a new option. Your evolution is in your hands - in your awareness.

In addition to "sending SMS" you can communicate with your Higher Self (intuition, consciousness, spirit) - right here and now.

In addition to "video calls", you can see prophetic dreams with clues for your reality in the best side for you.

You can pick up not only "Wi-Fi" or "LTE", but you can adjust the frequency of your vibrations to find the information you need and build the reality you want for yourself.

In addition to the built-in Compass application, you can intuitively know where in this world is truth and where is falsehood.

You have long been the most advanced "gadget" in this reality. But you forgot about it. They helped you to forget by adding numerous viruses such as a Trojan program.

Since childhood, you are charged with a non-native original "charge", so you feel tired and often you do not have enough strength for everything you want.

In your "search engine" there has long been "truth-control" so that God forbid you would know how you and your world really work.

I am quite serious about the above. As a child, it seemed to me the idea of communicating with a person at a distance with a video image as some kind of miracle, as well as, in principle, the idea of a tiny phone without a wire. Then a little time passed and please - a cell phone. Several more years have passed - the "video call" service is available from him.

Why, if this soulless thing is capable of evolution, then you are not? She obviously loses to you, since she has neither soul nor spirit. But you have it all.

We were told that we are weak and our level of evolution is the maximum "Nokia 3210". But you just need to go to "Settings" and put a checkmark on all functions "enable".

I want to think together with you about what the evolution of modern man really is. And to analyze - is not technical evolution a deliberate obstacle to human evolution? Who needs it?

Preparing for this material, I did not read articles similar on the topic on the network, because I have a desire to express my own perception of what is happening and, perhaps, there will be those who will share my thoughts with me.

Evolution. Concept

In preparation for the article, the only thing I got acquainted with on the net was the origin and definition of the word "evolution".

They write that "in the second century AD, the Greek writer Aelian used the word" evolvere "in the influential treatise on military tactics and teachings" Aelinas Tacticus. " When this word was translated into Latin, the word "evolutio" arose, and from it the French "evolution", then found its way into English when this treatise was translated in 1616. The original meaning of this word meant an evasive tactical or strategic maneuver in battle, the reorganization of the battle formation or the order of troops or ships that could contribute to victory."

Evolution - (from lat.evolutio - deployment), in a broad sense - a synonym for development; processes of change (mostly irreversible), taking place in living and inanimate nature, as well as in social systems.

The word "evolutio" means deployment - like unrolling a scroll. That is disclosure, opening, outward manifestation.

What is happening now? Instead of “pumping” ourselves and “turning around” - to reveal talents, abilities, to live consciously, and most importantly to develop the strength of mind and live truly, we are absorbed a survival race.

A specially created race so that we do not have time for spiritual development and mastery of real Human power. For some, it is more dynamic, while for others it looks like a turtles race. It does not matter. It's still a race.

And do not write to me that it is not. How often do you just stop and contemplate, for example, looking up at the sky? When was the last time you listened to the shell of your Spirit and Soul - the body? And in the end - when was the last time you were enthusiastically doing what you loved? And most importantly, do you have a desire for all of the above?

I assume that your answers are mainly (But not all) will, for example, be like this: “But when will I look into the sky? I have nothing to feed my children. We must work”,“What to listen to? Body? When? I would sleep a little, because at 6 in the morning to get up again for work "," Creativity? Girl, you won't be full of creativity alone,”and so on. I write this because if you had asked me these questions not so long ago, I would have answered the same. And most importantly, I would ask: "Actually, why do I need all this?"

I do not urge you to quit beloved work (just your favorite, and not the one you go to as hard labor), because many of you can be creatively realized there. I just propose to try to realize that the material world around us with a race for superiority or for survival is not all that exists in this reality. Life is not only about food, sleep, entertainment, shopping, travel, etc.

Starting to take the first steps towards awareness of your potential and power, you will understand and feel this. Along with this, your priorities and life will change.

Vibration frequency

Not so long ago, I realized why some people do not understand each other. Be it close relatives, acquaintances, strangers, etc.

In my opinion, each person has his own reality with its individual rules, views, that's why people see the same thing (situation) sometimes fatally differently. But how can one explain the fact that people of different realities sometimes understand each other very well, have the same feelings, opinions, reasoning.

And then it occurred to me that Man is most likely capable of radiating frequencies, like a radio point - vibrational frequencies. And he has the ability to understand those who are on the same wavelength as him. Namely, it emits the same vibrations. Like attracts like.

In my opinion, there are several types of vibrations: heavy, mixed, subtle. What frequency you emit depends exclusively from yourself.

Why am I writing all this - I assume that true human evolution in all aspects of life begins and occurs when he learned to emit subtle vibrations and live according to this frequency. It's like the key to everything. The right vector of development.

Now many of you have imagined a yogi sitting in the lotus position and radiating vibrations. No friends. To do this, you do not need to enter a meditative state, stand in the "dog" pose for half an hour and recite a mantra. Next, I will write a little more about subtle vibration.

Next, let's consider what, in principle, contributes to tuning to a particular vibration frequency, in my opinion.

1) Level of awareness … This is the ability to concentrate on what is happening here and now. At every second you are aware of what you are doing and how. This I put definitely in the first place.

2) Type of food. I wrote more about this earlier in the "live broadcast with consciousness", namely, I wrote hisseeing the influence of nutrition on a person's level of awareness.

3) What your hearing perceives. For example, the music you listen to. The sounds of nature, the noise of the city, mats or kind words - everything affects.

4) What you perceive visually … Pictures, TV with its idiocy, views of nature, theater, cinema, advertising - in general, everything that catches your eye.

5) what you breathe … Air after a thunderstorm, city air, air in a forest, smells in a supermarket, perfume - all this also has a definite effect on the vibrations of a Human.


With regards to heavy and mixed vibrations. Mixed I think a person exudes when he makes the transition from heavy to subtle or vice versa. Heavy vibrations - the name, I think, speaks for itself. Such people are often felt even by those who are "not in the subject." For example, a person enters the same room where you are and you feel how everything around is filled with tension, negativity, anxiety.

I do not know if there is a single algorithm for mastering and transitioning to subtle vibrations, but then I will share only my experience.

In order for spiritual development to be not a burden (there was no laziness), but a joy, it is necessary to change your vibration frequency from heavy to subtle. It's like tuning a musical instrument from “frustrated” to “tuned”. Spiritual development is a completely natural, interesting and joyful process for a person, laziness and unwillingness to it arises from the prevalence of a heavy frequency in a person.

I suppose to be closer to the true concepts of the world and your device - it is important to be tuned specifically to subtle vibrations.

I would like to clarify for you the synonyms for the concept of "subtle vibrations" so that it becomes a little clearer about what I am thinking about. Words and phrases such as:

- veracity always;

- sincerity;

- love;

- Justice;

- awareness in everything;

- acceptance of the choice of another;

- no complaints about people around you, etc.;

I will not go into the details of my life, but if I describe the incisions, at a certain moment, after a very difficult and stressful period, I felt a sense of true free will. This feeling is definitely not to be confused with the imaginary freedom of choice, which, as many people think, they have in our system. After that, life itself began to take shape in such a way that I made it easier to eat and at the same time, as I believe, my vibration wave was facilitated, which contributed to the "awakening", or, more simply, awareness, as well as the understanding that not everything around us is the same as for us. they say. The world around you and yourself are actually different.

Further, I will explain in a little more detail what I mean by the word "awakening" so that those who read this material do not start calling "03" or assigning me membership in some sect.

More recently, I:

  • watched the news channels as if enchanted and worried about all the nightmares about which there were broadcasts;
  • I thought that religion is good and to help the spirit;
  • I was sure that everything in this world is arranged exactly as the system presents us;
  • focused on the outside world, acquiring unnecessary clothing, cosmetics, groceries, books, etc.;
  • shuddering, I watched horror films and after them I got a lack of sleep, plus going to the toilet at night turned into the mission "Survive along the road at any cost", etc.

This list of idiocy is endless.

When you are "awakened from sleep" you begin to live in a new world. Cities, seas and oceans - territorially, everything is in its place.

This is a world in which:

  • the power of thought is faster than a bullet;
  • no words are needed to convey information to a person with your vibration frequency;
  • your Higher Self builds reality with an exact miscalculation to the smallest detail in the best way for you (provided that you unconditionally trust him).
  • you stop hurting;
  • you know exactly what is happening around you;
  • you find your true purpose in this reality (you may not receive money for it and it becomes not important, but important - to do your job and do well).

In this world, tuned to subtle subtle vibrations - everything falls into place … You "wake up" and realize that the most advanced and sophisticated gadget in the world is you and you can do everything.

You are not affected by:

  • religion;
  • astrology;
  • predictions of fortune-tellers, shamans;
  • change of weather;
  • the political situation in the country;
  • it does not matter whether you are rich or poor, etc.

“Awakening” means to see the true position of the World in which we were born and the realization of our destiny in it. Everyone has it naturally their own.

Is this not true human evolution - transition to another level of perception of the world?

Who in general decided that only that which has a material embodiment as evidence is recognized as true and true? Every year there is more and more information about the subtle bodies of a person, about his superpowers, the power of thought, etc. But there is no such abundance of information from scratch. And a lot of things overlap in one way or another and are confirmed by a variety of sources.

As you don’t understand, that is why religion puts it all in the category “from the Devil”, “Demonicism” because a powerful Man is not controllable, he acquires real free will and is able to change the world around him. But what if there are many of them, for example, a whole nation? Our system clearly does not need this.

Science puts all of this in the category "Not soundly" and "Not proven" for the same reasons. Well, high-ranking officials with power over the people, I think, are aware of what is happening and competently regulate the level of awareness of society, including with the above-mentioned tools "Religion" and "Science".

Technical evolution is the regression of Human evolution

In the preface to the article, I posed the question: "And analyze - is not technical evolution a deliberate obstacle to human evolution?"

Let me explain right away that I am not talking about those products of technical evolution that really save people's lives. I'm talking about those who surround us every day (this is their danger).

Technical evolution, of course, makes our life much easier, but often just so that we can be in a race as long as possible and not think about spiritual development. There are many inventions that make life easier in any industry - both among household appliances and gadgets.

I will not write unequivocally about the harm of waves that, in principle, all electronic devices emit, especially gadgets with Wi-Fi, LTE, etc. There is a lot of information on the net both for and against this assumption. But in my opinion, all this is very harmful, at least for the human biofield. But this is not the point now.

What can you say about such an invention as virtual glasses? Some of you, for sure, dream of such a thing or have already got hold of it. In my diagram above in the section "Vibration frequency" they stand as one of the factors influencing the frequency of a person. If everything is clear and obvious with the rest of the factors, then here I decided not to explain much.

For those who are not in the subject: “glasses or a virtual reality helmet is a device that allows you not only to view a picture (video), but also immerse yourself in what is happening by getting a 3d picture . Any reality can come true here and now and you do not need to save up on Maybach all your life, for example. Please, he's already here - in miracle glasses. You do not need to win the heart of the beauty Lenka from the next doorway - she is already waiting for you to ride her on your Maybach and meet the dawn with her. I think you get the point.

An introduction to virtual suspended animation is the essence of these glasses. What frequencies can be emitted by a turned off radio? That's right - none. So here too - you are immersed in an unreal world and in the present world you become only an evolutionless shell in virtual glasses. And most importantly - become something like that voluntarily.

First us (not all, some weren't fooled) distracted from reality and the development of the spirit with game consoles such as Dendy, Sega. Then there were more serious consoles, games on computers, tablets and phones with applications, and now also virtual glasses. Don't you think that such seemingly harmless fun can lead to sad consequences in the near future?


On the left - virtual glasses and virtual helmet glasses. On the right - frames from the film "Surrogates".

After all, someone is able to resist and can play the game for only an hour, but there were also sad cases of suicide due to computer games. There will be those whom this innovation in the form of virtual glasses will not tighten, and someone's life is already so lousy that he will spend it all in these glasses.

What kind of evolution of the human spirit can we talk about - when you are driven into a race for survival, and in between, you are put on the way out of a difficult reality into the reality of the “dream world”. While this item is not in every home, but I think everything will be the same as with cell phones - everyone will have it. The price category of such, by the way, is diverse - there are quite affordable models, and there are those with an exorbitant cost.

Now it is innocent fun, just like social networks at the time of their appearance, but then you will panic if your virtual world is discharged or lost. As, for example, today you start to panic if you forgot your phone at home or lost it, and with it the cherished option - access to the network … Many malicious inventions are slipped to us under the guise of entertainment or simplification of life. But in reality, we are hooked up like a drug, and quite legally under the auspices of "Technical progress".

Do not think that I am an avid conservative and am writing these lines for you with pen and ink. I, like you, use the fruits of technical evolution. But here you need to be able to clearly draw the line between who uses whom and for what purposes … Perhaps you will now think that this is sheer nonsense - it is clear who is using whom. And you try to live at least a week with a phone of the "Babushkaphone" level and speak on it only at work a couple of times a day, or just leave it as a line of communication with your family so that they do not lose sight of you. No internet, apps, toys, e-books, etc. Just a week. At the same time, neither at work, nor at home from a laptop or computer do not go online (okay, checking e-mail at work is allowed - after all, there is no way without it, right?). Guys, let me predict the future - you will howl on the third day, if not on the second. Spit on this experiment, tell me to go far with it and continue your life further with your favorite devices with an exit function. real unreal life, completely forgetting about their evolution.

I would also like to tell you that virtual glasses, in terms of their negative impact on the level of human development and evolution, pale in comparison with those produced by D-Wave and Kindred. Canadian company D-Wave specializes in the creation of quantum computers, and the mission of Kindred is create machines with human intelligence.

I want to quote from an interview with the CEO of Kindred and the former CEO and co-founder of D-Wave. They are the same person - Geordie Rose.

I wonder exactly how it will touch? Do you think that, having understood what is in our heads and combining this information with their robots on AI, they will create a robot whose intelligence will know us "from" and "to", and all this, of course, will be for the good of humanity and the World ? Friends, we will be quietly and not noticeably deprived of the treasure called "Spirituality" if we do not wake up in time - now.

The trouble is that in the pursuit of the products of technological evolution, we begin to lose our true human appearance and forget about human evolution. And we also forget about the precious gift - our Spirit, which is able to give us much more happiness, inspiration, fire than some piece of iron. Who is able to protect us and save us from the most terrible ailments and troubles. We have forgotten how to create and feel magic. I'm not talking about the magic of video games. It's about:

- self-change of reality;

- such a power of thought that is capable of embodying what you want in the material world;

- the sensation of the frequency of consciousness and it is incomparable with anything;

- health and youthfulness of the body always, because you stop getting sick;

- the fact that life, this world, reality (call it what you want) begins to speak to you, in a language you understand, and tells you how best to proceed, etc.

If I didn’t know exactly what I’m talking about, I wouldn’t share this information with you so desperately and sincerely.

Of course, many of you can say that they are quite happy people who have a family, a favorite job, and creativity. And that you don't care about all this spiritual vanity and conspiracy theories.

After all, you do not stand still and are engaged in self-development - you attend some courses, go to the pool or gym, take vocal lessons, like to read classical literature, watch a good movie, improve your work, etc. You enjoy life, enjoying: food, beautiful music, cultural enrichment, falling in love, dancing, sunsets, sunrises, achieving your goals, etc.

But there is one "BUT" - each of you is busy only with your world, absolutely in spite of the surrounding world. This is the catch of the current system, sharpened to eradicate the truth of human evolution … Create the illusion of your evolution and actually destroy it.

While you are busy with your own and only your "hundredth" the entire hive can be knocked down by a bear, which just waited until you completely stop paying attention to the whole hive. And what's the use then of that order and comfort in your "honeycomb" if the whole hive is finished. In fact, in our life now it is - while we plow for the good of our family and think only of ourselves, our surrounding World will be captured on the sly finally parasites. In this case, you will have to completely forget about the freedom of choice and will. We and our children still have a chance. But man has to make a choice between spiritual evolution and technocratic evolution today.

What kind of future do you wish for your children?

All the best, friends.
