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The theory of "evolution" is a scam for suckers! "Homo sapiens" do not develop, but degrade
The theory of "evolution" is a scam for suckers! "Homo sapiens" do not develop, but degrade

Video: The theory of "evolution" is a scam for suckers! "Homo sapiens" do not develop, but degrade

Video: The theory of
Video: Top 10 Scandals on ice and how it changed figure skating judging, scoring and rules forever! 2024, April

It's time to reveal this topic as well. We were fooling heads with this picture attached to Evolution Theories, whose founder is believed to be Charles Darwin. An English naturalist once suggested that the natural world develops according to the principle natural selection.


Here is its definition: Natural selection - the main evolutionary process, as a result of which the number of individuals with the maximum fitness, while the number of individuals with unfavorable traits is decreasing.

Remember now what is written in the definition of natural selection, which, according to Darwin, is the main driving force of evolution.

1. " Natural selection - the main evolutionary process, as a result of which in the population the number of individuals with maximum fitness is increasing, while the number of individuals with unfavorable traits decreases. "2." The idea of comparing artificial and natural selection is that in nature, the selection of the most "successful", "best" organisms also takes place, but in this case, it is not a person, but the environment that acts as an "evaluator" of the usefulness of properties …"

Now admit that everything that has been said is true, and that this is directly related to the evolution of the person himself.

So who is there acting as an "evaluator" of the usefulness of the properties of people and how is the selection of the most "successful" and "best" among "Homo sapiens" formed ?!

Yeah, in theory it says: "habitat"! It is she who has long been determining which people are more adapted to life, and they, accordingly, own the future, and which people are least adapted to life, and, accordingly, sooner or later they will have to disappear from the face of the earth as "individuals with unfavorable signs" …

I would like to note that all conscientious, honest, highly moral people who are ready to give their lives "for their friends" in a fateful moment are referred to as "individuals with unfavorable characteristics." That is why any war between people or nations first of all takes the best!

At the same time, "individuals possessing the maximum adaptability to life" is the complete opposite of the first group - scum and moral monsters, potential criminals, among whom, as life itself testifies, prevail genetic degenerates.

In fact, we all see that human society as a whole does not evolve, but degrades. Slowly but surely. Alas!

Why? How can it be that obvious, from the point of view of nature, degenerates from year to year only multiply in number?

The theory of Evolution does not explain this. However, the book of the Bible, in the Old Testament of which there is religious theory of human origins, gives the answer to this question, explaining it expansion so-called "Jewish genetics".

I will only add that over creation Jews programmed to degenerate, it was not God who worked so much as clever breeders with evil brains like the devil, who needed degenerates as a weapon of struggle against peoples developing in harmony with Nature. Details in the article: "Ashkenases and Sefards - a genetically modified product of the Holy Roman Empire".

After this statistical information revealing the secret Jewish degeneration, I'll ask an almost rhetorical question: "What, then, did the 1917 revolution lead to Russia and the Russian people?".

Several years ago, the 6th President of the Russian Jewish Congress, Yuri Kanner, answered it very well.


Thus, the 1917 revolution, which caused the death of at least ten million Russian people, ultimately turned into an expansion of "Jewish genetics", that is, the actual replacement of the Russian national elite - by an elite with "Jewish genes", strictly in accordance with the what is written in the Old Testament of the Bible regarding the descendants of Abraham: "And I will make your offspring like the sand of the earth; if anyone can count the sand of the earth, then your offspring will be numbered, for all the land that you see, I will give you and your offspring forever" (Genesis 13: 15-16).

Well, if in Russia almost all or all of the elite "has Jewish roots", let us now recall the cry, well-known in the USSR: "To be successful in life, you need to be either a Jew or a homosexual", and remember next about Evolution Theory, and also ask ourselves the question: WHO acts in our life in the role "Appraiser" usefulness of human properties, and what influences the selection of the most “successful” and “best” among “Homo sapiens” ?!

The definition of "natural selection" says that the role of this "evaluator" is "habitat"!

And who forms it, the "habitat"?

In our society, the "habitat" is formed by the so-called "Russian intelligentsia with Jewish roots," admitted by all systems of state power to the media, to the education system of the younger generations, and to the formation of the entire Russian Culture.

So it is a fact degradation of our society can be explained both by the fact that most of the Russian intelligentsia has sick Jewish roots, that is, it is the main source of degeneration, and what is above our society dominated by the doctrine of Jewish expansion, written in the Bible.

And here, having mentioned the Bible, I cannot but tell about what I have heard more than once with my ears when visiting our Orthodox churches during the wedding of married couples.

Wedding of Slavs with a Jewish spirit in Orthodox churches

1. Marriage

The priest, being in front of the people who are married, is "publicly", that is, publicly pronounces the first prayer according to the rite of betrothal: "God …, blessed Isaac and Rebekah and their seed, now bless your servants (the names of the young are followed)."

That is, the priests identify young Slavs at the time of marriage with the biblical characters Isaac and Revveka.

The second small prayer glorifies the young Christian church and the Virgin Mary.

The third prayer again cries out to the Jewish God: “God, who helped the patriarch Abraham, helped his son Isaac to find his faithful wife Rebekah and betrothed them in the end, now hoop this couple … gave power to Joseph in Egypt, you glorified Daniel in Babylon, revealed the truth to Tamara, armed Moses in the Red Sea, you have always strengthened the Jews”.

2. Wedding

This part of the ceremony begins with verses, the last two of which read: "The Lord bless you from Zion and you will see beautiful Jerusalem all the days of your life." "And you will see the sons of the sons of Israel: peace be upon Israel."

Then he calls for a new marriage to be what the marriage in a Jewish family in Cana of Galilee once was. Then again the great prayer is pronounced: "God …, once Abraham was blessed and opened the bed - Sarrina's dream and thereby created the father of all nations - Isaac, and then gave Isaac to Rebekah and she, by your blessing, gave birth to the glorious sons of the Jews, including Jacob (the future Israel), then combined Jacob with Rachel, who (together with others, the wives of Jacob) produced 12 sons, the glorious founders of the 12 tribes of Israel, then mated Joseph (the son of Jacob) with Asenath and sent them the glorious children of Ephraim and Manasseh, then who blessed Zechariah and Elizabeth and gave them the son of John (the Baptist), finally, the great God, from the root Jesse gave birth to the Ever-Virgin in the flesh, and already from her gave the world Jesus, and he, in turn, showed in Cana of Galilee to all nations what marriages should be … now bless these slaves who now stand in the church …"

Immediately, the next prayer is read and again on the Slavic heads another portion of Jewish chants is splashed out: "Bless, O God, these young ones, as he once blessed Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and his 12 sons, Joseph and Asenath, Moses and Sapphora., Joachim and Anna (parents of the Virgin Mary), Zechariah and Elizabeth … Save them, as you once kept Noah in the ark, Jonah in the womb of a whale, three Jewish youths in the Babylonian oven … Remember them, as you once remembered Enoch, Shem, Elijah and all other prominent Jews …"

Then a solemn moment comes: the Israeli Lord seems to have agreed, at last, to bless the Slavic couple, and the priest leads the young people with crowns on their heads around the analogion, with the cross and the Gospel lying on it.

A solemn singing is heard: "Isaiah rejoice, the virgin had in her womb and gave birth to Emmanuel …", i.e. at the most solemn moment, the young couple is given a hint that the virgin may already have … a Jew in her womb. The priest takes off the crowns from the heads of the young people one by one, saying to the groom: “Exalt, bridegroom like Abraham, bless like Isaac, multiply like Jacob …” Rebekah, multiply like Rachel … "In conclusion, the priest two more times mentions the marriage in Cana of Galilee and the wedding ceremony is over …"

A source

Summarize. The theory of Evolution, built on the principle of "natural selection", is partly true only in relation to the animal world, but it is not true in relation to the human community.

People were originally created by God as the most perfect creations, moreover, initiated into the plan of the Creator and endowed with the ability to create goodness and a variety of spiritual values on earth. Through them the great Evolution of the Spirit took place

Miraculously preserved and extant ancient artifacts in the form of such cultural structures as, for example, the Indian temple "Hoisaleswara Mandir" or the Indian temple of Vittala, directly tell us that in ancient times there lived such spiritualized people that they knew how to create in co-creation with By God.

Well, the fact that after some events such unusually gifted people disappeared almost everywhere, tells us eloquently that the degenerate part of humanity began to strive everywhere for power and destroy all saints!

So the era of the Power of Darkness came.

It is incomprehensible to the mind how people could create such a thing ?

A short letter came from Andrey S. from Moscow:

I want to thank Andrey S. for this letter. And since it touches the Indians, who are also interested in WHY they are also godless LIE ABOUT CONSTRUCTION IN RELATIVELY RELATIVELY PAST WHAT NOW CANNOT BE DONE ?! , let's look this way!

Here is a modern stone-working machine in front of you, in which, using a special hydraulic loader, you can fix a large stone blank weighing several tons, and ensure, due to a powerful electric drive, its rotation for processing it with a steel or diamond cutter.


These photographs show the numerous stone columns of the ancient Indian temple Hoisaleshwara Mandir (ಹೊಯ್ಸಳೇಶ್ವರ ದೇವಸ್ಥಾನ), built, according to historians, in 1121. This is the main temple of Halebidu (Karnataka state).


All columns are clearly turned on a lathe!


The columns of the ancient temple, as we can see, have processing, which in our time can only be performed on a giant lathe!

In the same time the world's first electric motorwith direct rotation of the working shaft (its power was only 15 W) invented in 1834 year German and Russian physicist, academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Boris Semenovich (Moritz Hermann von) Jacobi. And the interaction of electric and magnetic fields, thanks to which most electric motors work, was discovered by modern people a little earlier, in 1820, by the Danish scientist G. H. Oersted.


The first rotating electric motor. Jacobi, 1834.

The question is, were the 4-meter-high monolithic stone columns of the Indian temple of Hoisaleshwar made by potters on miner circles? Like this?


VIDEO in the app:

And one more VIDEO about the Vittala temple with musical columns:

What do you personally, the reader, think about the builders of these temples?

Yes, modern people over the centuries of development of sciences and scientific and technological progress have invented and learned a lot. However, they are still cut off from the knowledge possessed by the ancients, who knew how to co-create with God, who is the Spirit.

On January 29, 2016, I wrote an article: "THIS IS WRITTEN EXCLUSIVELY FOR THINKING PEOPLE!", Which included the following words:

Recently, thanks to the transformation of the Internet into a system of Collective Intelligence, a new historical mosaic has suddenly begun to form from separate scattered facts, a set of "puzzles" of which convinces even a skeptic that the Christian religion existing today (I emphasize: the so-called "Christian religion", because with it has little in common with the teachings, practice and even the symbolism of Christ) is an exclusively synthetic product, like a drug, which is needed by those rulers who want to keep the minds of their subordinate peoples in check.

I personally have nothing against people's blind faith in God! Believe in your health!

However, this is why I consider myself to be among the people who know, know and are convinced that God exists and He is the Spirit, as the physical properties of the Most High Prophet Muhammad and the Savior-Messiah Jesus characterized. And He, God, being the omnipresent Spirit, is invisibly present with a part of Himself in each of the people living on earth!

And the "Kingdom of Heaven", which Christ mentioned more than once, is not somewhere in the Cosmos, far from us! (Fools were those who asked Yuri Gagarin after his first flight into open space in the world, "have you seen God there?")

The "Kingdom of God" is first of all within us (it is in the microcosm!) And only then is it around us (in the macrocosm), and in any direction from us it extends to infinity! And you can't see it from the inside with his eyes!

The most important thing that I learned from personal experience by my years: precisely because "the omnipresent God is in us, and we are in him," our tiny genes, the first building blocks of living flesh, have the property the first (!) communicate with the omnipresent Creator!

Only later, after communication of our tiny genes-resonators with God-spirit, we can receive some information from our genes, or we may not. (It also happens if the communication channel is cut off or not turned on (through our fault or through someone's malicious intent).

Intuition (a person's comprehension of the truth without scientific analysis), which everyone has heard of, (and about which these words of Christ speak: "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you" … Mt. 6: 33) - this is the connection of our thinking apparatus (our consciousness) with our genes-resonators, as well as conscience, as well as all higher feelings, as well as Creativity …

Think about it!

What did the same Christ tell his disciples about human talents?

"The gifts are different, but the Spirit is one and the same; and the ministries are different, but the Lord is the same; and the actions are different, but God is the same, who works everything in everyone. But each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the benefit. To one is given a word by the Spirit. wisdom, another word of knowledge, by the same Spirit; to another faith, by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healings, by the same Spirit; to another miracles, another prophecy, another discernment of spirits, another different languages, another interpretation of tongues. but the Spirit, distributing to each separately, as He pleases … "(1 Cor. 12: 4-11).

How can the Spirit, which is God, produce all this within us ???


It is already clear that all these actions take place on the most subtle plane, at the level of tiny genes, the first bricks of living flesh. Russian scientist Pyotr Gariaev, who has been studying the very "mechanics" of these processes for more than 20 years, called it "wave genetics" … In my opinion, this is a very accurate scientific term, given the fact that we live in an ocean of a wide variety of waves: sound, seismic, electromagnetic, both man-made and natural in origin.

Due to their natural ability to interact with the omnipresent Spirit (which is God), our genes, at our desire, at our will, can transfer the entire human body into a special state, which from ancient times was designated by two words: "in the spirit" … In the English version, the same two words "in spire" mean the same thing - to be "in the spirit" which are also translated as "inspiration".

It has long been noticed that in a state of "in spire" creative people give birth to masterpieces: musicians write brilliant music ("Oginsky's Polonaise", for example, was written overnight), poets write amazing poetry, and so on. And some people who have transferred themselves to a state of "in the spirit" open slightly different talents: extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, telepathy and much more, including such protective properties of our body, in which a person can walk barefoot on hot coals, on broken glass fragments, overcome the barbed wire without damaging your legs!

If humanity manages to one day return to the era of the Evolution of the Spirit, it will be a real REVOLUTION in the exact sense of the word.

Revolution - return, movement in the opposite direction (from re-"back; again, again; against "+ volvere “Roll, roll; to bring down ", goes back to the Proto-Indo-European wel (w) e-" twist, roll ").

True, if people decide to return to the era of the Evolution of the Spirit, all modern physics textbooks will have to be rewritten, since the current Power of Darkness at the very beginning of the twentieth century completely distorted the very foundation of the science of nature, replacing the idea of a luminiferous Ether, which in the teachings of Christ is called "Kingdom of Heaven", to emptiness - "physical vacuum". I talked about this in a separate article, which can be downloaded here.

By the way, the treatment process degenerate Jews, which themselves suffer and bring a lot of problems to others, is also possible only through a return to the Evolution of the Spirit. Actually, the legendary Christ the Savior tried to do this through the initiation of the Jews into the mystery of the "Holy Spirit", the knowledge of which was closed to them by the Jews.

And into what the same "biblical Jews" turned the teaching of Christ in an arrangement for the Slavs, you, the reader, already know - into "opium for the people."

Continuation of the topic in another article of mine: "Why is Christianity working today not to unite people, but to promote their separation?"

January 18, 2018 Murmansk. Anton Blagin


Vitaly Chumakov:

Perhaps, in the process of evolution, there was a breakdown for unknown reasons (wars or natural disasters), and ancient knowledge was lost. But after that, humanity began to evolve again, scientific and technical knowledge is rapidly developing, which we are all witnessing. Comparison of the state of human society in the early 19th and 21st centuries is proof of this. We are not approaching the Stone Age, but the future, which in 200-300 years is even difficult to imagine for a modern person. And what will happen in 1000 years? What will be the means of transportation, what is the connection? I believe that evolution is taking place! In addition, humanity is also developing in a spiral, not excluding disruptions in the development of civilizations.


All the best brains of mankind today work either for war or for defense! The lion's share of human resources or money also works for war or defense! Russia today is on the verge of another world war, which the West has been stubbornly trying to provoke with the hands of degenerate Jews for several years. Moreover, as history testifies, each subsequent world war comes out worse than the previous one in terms of the number of victims. The emergence of more and more computers and smartphones with the general lack of spirituality of society only increases the rate of its degradation. What is needed is the return of people to the era of the Evolution of Spirituality on a qualitatively new stage, then there will not even be a threat of the outbreak of world wars, and local wars unleashed by terrorists will be quickly extinguished by peacekeepers and will also gradually become a thing of the past.

Andrew Drozdov:If I am not mistaken, Adam and Eve did not eat Viagra after all, but the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And this has very little to do with reproduction.

Anton Blagin:you are wrong! All the knowledge of "good and evil" that Adam and Eve tasted, according to the Bible, boiled down to the fact that after eating an apple, they learned that they had pipis not only to write while standing or sitting, but also to study have sex! And that this should not be done in public in front of someone! It is a sin!

Alexander Suprunov: Well, you are delusional, Antosha … And God create man, in the image of God create him; man and wife create them.

And God bless them, saying: grow and multiply, and fill the earth … etc. You need to read books, Tosha, you will become smart.

Anton Blagin:your prayers and lamentations, Alexander, has already become one! And when I became smart, I wrote a story about the people of the 6th and 8th days of creation ("goyah" and the Jews): " A HISTORICAL TRUTH THAT IS CAREFULLY SILENCED!"Curiosity!
