Ancestral traditions of our ancestors
Ancestral traditions of our ancestors

Video: Ancestral traditions of our ancestors

Video: Ancestral traditions of our ancestors
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Knowledgeable women know how to find family happiness: in order to become a good mother, you first need to be a good wife, and even before that, a good woman. In the traditions of the Russians, all generic skills and knowledge were transmitted naturally and freely …

Why did our wise ancestors place such a special emphasis on the attractiveness of women, the feminine ability to attract and retain a loved one? Why is it so necessary for a woman to be an enchantress. All because of female coquetry, frivolity, because of the "innate" desire to please, - you say. Of course, and therefore also. But let's look into the depths of the centuries, maybe there is an answer.

Language is the main carrier of the spirit of the people, its traditions and history, therefore, by clarifying its deep meanings, historians and scientists get to the bottom of the truth. Let us and we pay attention to the most feminine, in essence, the most precious word for every person, "mother". The original oldest Indo-European form of it is the word "mater". In some single-rooted roots, this form is felt to this day, for example, in the words "matter", "mainland", "mother" ("mother"). According to researchers, the word "mature" ("strong, strong, healthy, old") was formed incredibly long ago and indirectly speaks of what a high position a woman-mother held in ancient times.

The fact is that in ancient times, a woman was an object of worship from a man. The woman gives birth to children. Since ancient times, the symbol of the feminine principle has expressed the idea of fertility and life. In traditional Slavic embroidery, a diamond-shaped sign, divided into four parts with four dots, has been preserved. It was in him that the Slavs invested the essence of fertility - this sign denotes both a sown field and a female pregnancy. The whole life of our distant ancestor was permeated with a sense of unity with the Gods. Embracing her beloved, the Slavic woman sometimes identified herself with the Earth, which once married Heaven. Human love was felt as a continuation of the love of the Gods. And the reverent attitude towards Mother Earth, nursing and fertile, gave rise to the same attitude towards a human woman, her amazing ability to bear children.

In those distant times, the Slavs lived in large tribal communities. The life of each person was determined by the life of his family - a large family of several generations of relatives. They lived in a large family of several generations of relatives under a common roof or in close proximity, worked together, consumed the products of their labor together, rested together, observed customs. Accordingly, the life of the genus was decisive for the life of its individual member. For people living in such conditions, the most important thing was to exist in harmony with each other and with Mother Nature.

The Slavic traditional way of life of the family passed from century to century. The head of such a family, according to historians, was a man - "highway", "senior" (among the Russians), "domachin", "gospadar", "leader". His wife, the main woman in the family, was called "big" ("eldest"). All household chores in the house and other "women's" affairs were in charge of the big woman. And in these matters, the head of the family could not dispose of anything without her consent. All women and men of the clan showed respect and honor to the big woman.


As already mentioned, in a traditional family there was no humiliated position of a woman, a woman's opinion was respected, and her position depended on intelligence, intuition, fortitude, thrift and hard work. It even happened that after the death of the highway, the energetic big woman often became the head of the clan, moreover, in the presence of adult sons with their own families. Bolshak and Bolshak supervised the work of relatives, and they themselves were the first in the work, setting an example in everything. But the supreme power in the family was the family council, at which all issues related to the life of the family were resolved: economic activities, ceremonies, marriage issues. And on this council, men and women had equal rights.

Our distant ancestor, first of all, was aware of himself as a member of a certain clan and all his life felt his powerful support, help in difficult situations. There were no lonely old people in such a family, no abandoned children. According to the laws of the ancient Slavs, the clan was responsible for each of its members: it compensated the offended or paid a fine. Then at home, of course, the guilty one got it: henceforth, don't be a disgraceful kind! And it helped! A person was ashamed in front of the whole race - both in front of the living, and in front of the dead and those who were not yet born. Indeed, according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, your Family is not only your living relatives, but also many of your ancestors and future descendants.


"Up to the seventh knee …"

Seven generations behind your back, 254 ancestors, look like the wings of a bird … Think about your role in the endless line from ancestors to descendants.

I must say that according to the ancient ideas of the Slavs, relatives were not born. A newborn baby for this had to go through the rite of adoption into the family, had to be recognized by the Rod. It is interesting that this ritual has almost completely survived to this day, and is carried out by all of us on the advice of our senior family members: grandparents. Here we are talking about the first bathing of a newborn in pinkish water by the oldest woman in the family, men preparing a crib (its place), feasts of numerous relatives. Having passed this rite, the child became a member of a centuries-old strong Family, from which practically nothing could pull him out. Even death was beyond the power of this, because, as our great-great-grandfathers believed, the deceased ancestors continue to live next to the living, helping and keeping them from harm. And according to ancient folk ideas, the ancestors turn for help, with people's requests to God, being mediators between people and Gods.

As the centuries passed, the clan ceased to be the most important factor determining the life of every person. But kinship, family ties have remained and remain the strongest and most special. In case of trouble, to whom did the person turn for help? To relatives. Remember what an inexplicable atmosphere reigns at a large table of gathered relatives, what inner threads bind close people even at a distance. After all, it is not for nothing that the rituals of the adoption of the newborn into the clan and the bride upon marriage (the transition to the clan of the husband) were preserved. It turns out, proceeding from the ancient Slavic worldview, that the Genus is not only and not so much a social organization, not only a biological (related) association, but a certain force-essence that supports a person in all the worlds of the Slavic universe, supporting, both in life and inside the person himself, in the form of an inexhaustible source of deep power, inexplicable intuition, wisdom and knowledge of ancestors.

The whole life of our ancestors was devoted to the prosperity of the Family. This was the main value and criterion of actions. And each of our distant ancestors felt responsible for their family. That is why a man is a breadwinner and protector, and a woman is responsible for preserving life, preserving the best that is inherent in a particular genus. In the unity of the feminine and masculine principles, the power and strength of the Slavic people, the national spirit, were preserved.

Having got acquainted a little with the life of the ancient Slavs, with their understanding of the Family, perhaps you managed, at least for a minute, to feel your age-old roots, the power of your Family. But let us return in more detail to the woman, to the function inherent in her by nature.

From time immemorial, the main requirement for a woman was the birth of healthy and strong children. Only a strong and healthy woman can do this. Modern science and medicine have made great strides in the protection of motherhood and in reducing infant mortality. But how many more women who cannot have children, how many weakened children are born. A lot, and every year even more.

The results of modern scientific research indicate that the problem No. 1 is not cancer and cardiovascular diseases in themselves, but physiological immaturity, which is the main supplier of both these and other ailments. It turns out that the cause is stress, and the greatest danger threatens the weakest link in life - the nascent being. And there are a lot of stress factors that can harm an unborn child. But nature is wise, and a physiologically mature organism will not only not die, but also will not get sick. But all sorts of misfortunes await the weak physiological immature. Even if they pass it in childhood, which rarely happens, they will certainly make themselves felt later. In addition, when a physiologically immature organism grows up and reaches puberty, it itself becomes a kind of stress factor, and can leave behind only physiologically immature offspring.

Disappointing picture. And this happens because the overwhelming majority of women today are not ready to become mothers, are not ready to safely bear and give birth to a healthy child. Not ready physically - the body is not prepared, the muscles of the birth canal are not developed, low immunity, not psychologically ready - depression, fears, inability to control their inner state, their emotions, inability to build relationships with men, and most importantly, they are not ready spiritually - there is no awareness of their own purpose, no responsibility, no spiritual strength, no faith. And most importantly, having given birth to a child, a woman passes all this on to him, further and further into the future.

A vicious circle, each turn of which increases the adverse consequences! But a woman can break such a circle, she just needs to want to.

Our ancient ancestors, it seems, could have foreseen such consequences. Therefore, bowing to the feminine principle, they at the same time made high demands on the woman, caring for and protecting the physical and spiritual beauty of future generations.

Moreover, modern scientists argue that it is a woman who keeps the "golden fund" of the genes of her people, nation, race: a man, as a biological being, is most susceptible to all kinds of changes.

In addition, it is a woman, as it may not be strange to hear a modern person, turns out to be to a greater extent the bearer of the ancient wisdom of her Family. Folk wisdom keeps its knowledge in songs, proverbs, sayings, in customs, traditions, passed down from generation to generation. Let us recall that the bulk of Russian epics were nevertheless written from the words of “storytellers”. And songs, ditties, filled with the spirit of the people, which our grandmothers sing, getting together. And how much magical power, encrypted knowledge and meanings are inextricably linked with the preserved folk clothing, its decoration, embroidery, color combination. It was women who, through the centuries, lovingly and carefully carried and preserved the delicate features of their national costume.

And nursery rhymes, little pets and lullabies, which mothers and grandmothers still cherish their children and grandchildren, without even knowing what fundamental foundations are laid. "Grandma's" fairy tales carry the deepest meanings, symbolic images and secret knowledge. This is not just an ancient myth that has ceased to be sacred, it is the adjustment of the child's genetic program, part of his initial initiation into certain secret knowledge of the world outlook of the Slavs. It is very important that children are shrouded in the affectionate element of the folk word precisely from birth, in the most important periods of their lives, periods of amazing development of the human brain, periods of the formation of basic psychophysical functions, cognition of the world, laying the essence of the personality, its world outlook and attitude. And since ancient times, this important function belongs to all women of the family (mothers, grandmothers, aunts), and only women.

All this suggests that the ancient people were well aware of the function of a woman, as the guardian of the Family, and quite consciously sought to preserve and preserve the most valuable thing that the people possessed, sought to protect the future from any encroachment and harm.

For this, the woman was protected and protected in various ways. The woman wore a lot of jewelry. In those distant times, any jewelry was used as amulets, protecting the most vulnerable parts of the body. The woman's clothes also had a pronounced protective magical character, according to various life, everyday situations and certain rituals, in particular, embroidery on clothes.


Interesting, for example, is the headdress of a married woman, a woman who needs to be taken care of so that she becomes a mother, gives birth to healthy, strong children. Any headdress of a married woman necessarily covered all her hair, this is due to the belief in the magical power of hair. It was believed that great damage to a person could be done through the hair. Therefore, the hair of a married woman was thoroughly covered with "whisper" (meaning "bedspread", "towel", "scarf").

Another type of headdress for a "manly" woman is a kika, a "horned" kika. Yes, do not be surprised, on this headdress above the woman's forehead horns protruded. A huge, mighty bull-tour was dedicated to God Perun and his horns meant the masculine principle, capable of protecting from dangers both among people and from harmful forces. In addition, these horns contained another meaning, this time a feminine one - the meaning of fertility associated with the veneration of cows and cattle by our ancestors. Since ancient times, our ancestors considered cows to be the givers of good luck, happiness, prosperity, fertility and life. Note that old women stopped wearing a horned kick, replacing it with a hornless one or just a headscarf.

What our ancestors did not invent to protect women, but most importantly, a woman herself had to know and be able to do a lot. To do this, she needed, in addition to strong physical health, also a powerful vitality, "in charge" of many knowledge, have wisdom and intuition.

Therefore, from childhood, a woman was prepared for her destiny. From infancy, children were introduced into the world of fairy tales, beliefs, traditions - the child went through a spiritual school, which in turn he passed on to his children and grandchildren. All sorts of nursery rhymes, sayings, sayings, fairy tales contain lessons for their listener, psychological and everyday, conspiracies for the good health of the child, his beauty, mind, happy fate. They formed (and still form) moral habits, attitudes towards the most important aspects of the people's spiritual life, and brought up a real Slavic spirit.

In addition to the general in matters of upbringing, many jokes, nursery rhymes, games, conspiracies of boys and girls were necessarily different. Girls need beauty, healthy offspring, love and care of her husband, the beautiful folk image of the girl was an apple tree - a fruit tree, namely a garden tree, which must be looked after, taken care of, protected. Boys need strength, endurance, strength of body and spirit, exactly everything that is inherent in the oak - the sacred tree of the Slavs. In fairy tales, too, a girl or boy subconsciously read different symbolism, different meanings, perceived the lessons of the fairy tale in different ways.

As soon as the child learned to walk, he began to gain experience of communication, playing with all children, young and old. Games, dances physically developed, hardened the child, prepared his body according to his sexual purpose. From 5-7 years old, Slavic children were taught to do chores. A girl at this age spun her first thread. This event was accompanied by a magical ceremony: often the first thread was kept until the wedding day in order to dress it like a belt under dresses. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, this thread was an impregnable amulet against the evil eye, damage and all evil spirits.


The Slavs had "women's houses" where older women taught girls female wisdom, female magic, craft (weaving, spinning), healing, and the ability to run a house. Ethnographers notice that such houses are very reminiscent of Baba Yaga's hut. Fairy tales often draw us examples of such "initiation" of women. Having passed it, i.e. after training in such secret houses, the girl became internally stronger (she learned to feel the strength and help of the Kin), her intuition and the ability to use it became refined, the girl became physically, psychologically and spiritually ready for adult life, married life, next to her husband and his relatives, to be a mother.

Note that in addition to such practical and, of course, necessary skills in family life, such as homeliness, hard work, the ability to spin, weave, embroider, the woman was sure to learn healing and magic. Women's magic, love magic from time immemorial consisted in the ability to bewitch and keep a loved one. The feminine principle always strives for the masculine. Without a man, a woman is a barren flower. And the instinct of a woman, the maternal instinct, the instinct of preserving the clan makes a woman want to be close to such a man, from whom there will be strong and beautiful children.

For this, love magic exists to this day, so that "my betrothed looks only at me, not noticing anyone around." After all, a woman's strength is in love. Beloved is near - and the woman is happy. Her soul sings, and the woman is filled with health and spiritual strength. Our great-great-grandmothers were just that, it was not for nothing that almost all women in those days of dense antiquity were "witches", were in charge of incomprehensible skills and mysterious knowledge.
