Alien origins of humanity
Alien origins of humanity

Video: Alien origins of humanity

Video: Alien origins of humanity
Video: Einstein and the Quantum: Entanglement and Emergence 2024, May

For political news, crime chronicles and climatic changes, we somehow do not pay attention to the amazing scientific sensations. But in vain!

Sensations were discussed for four hours at the Severtsov Institute for Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences at a regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Population Research Group chaired by Doctor of Biological Sciences Ariadna Filippovna Nazarova.

For scientific observers, who will certainly use or clone this information, I immediately offer several variants of the names: "Extraterrestrial origin of mankind", "Human evolution? No, involution!”,“Russian scientists against Charles Darwin”.

In short, man is definitely not descended from ape. Indeed, humans and monkeys on earth have not found such ancestors that would confirm the evolutionary theory of Darwin.

Let's return to the meeting itself at the world-recognized Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Two voluminous reports were made there.

The first report was made by the Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexander Belov.

With the second - Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Andrey Tyunyaev.

Alexander Belov's report was devoted to the discussion of new archaeological finds. From the discussion it followed that the formation of man, or the formation of man, did not proceed along the Darwinian path, that is, from ape to man, but in the reverse order. Simply put, apes can be the result of human degradation.

The second option is that monkeys and humans can be independent biological branches, not connected in any way with each other.

Belov himself made such conclusions based on the study of fossil samples of jaws, individual teeth, skulls, and other bones.

Andrey Tyunyaev's report was devoted to the problems of the African theory of human origin and was prepared jointly with Anatoly Klesov, a professor at Harvard University.

The report convincingly showed that, on the basis of a more thorough study of old data and new databases, the picture of human dispersal across the earth's surface has taken on a different form, in which African human populations are not genetically the ancestors of other people on earth.

Then what are they? Just a lateral branch that left 130 thousand years ago from the territory of the present Russian Plain and Eastern Europe.

It was the main population that was on the territory of the Russian Plain that preceded the modern Caucasian man.

Andrey Tyunyaev proves that, from his position, human development also looks like a degradation process, in which the further historically a person is from the Russian Plain, the more degraded.

And, from the point of view of genetics, skeletal transformations and changes in skin color are a natural result of degradation processes.

So the four-hour meeting ended up being cemented by one common theme - human origins.

The general opinion is that the question of the initial appearance of man on earth remains rather obscure. And in this regard, even such an exotic version as the appearance of man on earth from space cannot be dismissed.

This latest version is supported by at least two facts.

First. In fact, no ancient biological predecessors have been found in modern man.

Second. Even the most ancient finds testify to a person's upright posture, to the fact that his toes were not set aside, like those of monkeys. And most importantly, no genetic markers older than 260 thousand years have been found in the human genome.

But in favor of the involutionary, or degrading, theory is evidenced not only by a change in appearance, but also by the structure of bones.

Degradation is clearly visible in the Australian Aborigines.

According to anthropology and genetics, modern man came to Australia about forty thousand years ago. The finds dated to that age are much more progressive in structure than those of the current aborigines of this continent.

If the ancient skulls are only half a centimeter thick, then in the modern aborigines of Australia the cranial bone reaches one and a half centimeters and at the same time differs in a much more primitive structure, which, naturally, indicates the degradation of the skull formation system.

… At the meeting at the A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, there were specialists from various fields. Doctors of biological sciences, medical, leading specialists in systems analysis and others. And everyone, as they say, agreed: the speakers are most likely right.

So, we are with you, dear friends, the descendants of ancient cosmonauts, astronauts, aliens. Or gods - it's as you like.

The only question is where, when and in connection with what they arrived on this amazing planet, which we call the Earth.

But this is still an inexhaustible topic for science fiction writers.

Sergey Eremeev
