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Adult child: why are we addicted to TV series and how to overcome addiction?
Adult child: why are we addicted to TV series and how to overcome addiction?

Video: Adult child: why are we addicted to TV series and how to overcome addiction?

Video: Adult child: why are we addicted to TV series and how to overcome addiction?
Video: Die Hard with a Vengeance - soundtrack - Johnny Comes Marching Home 2024, April

Today, in this article, you will find out why people watch TV shows. We will reveal the essence of watching the series, as an indicator of the quality of human life. And also consider why people love TV shows so much.

Still, I love TV shows - the crux of the matter

Nowadays, the TV program is teeming with serials. The people are so accustomed to watching serials of various topics and genres that they probably cannot imagine how to while away the evening after a hard day without the longed-for viewing of the next episode.

Men, for the most part, love serials of the detective, military and police genres. Women prefer melodrama, with their intricate, endless intrigues and tears.

Someone might say “I love TV shows”, another - “I hate TV shows”. Be that as it may, most people have this or that relationship, their emotion to the series. Such people who would be absolutely indifferent to the series (indifferent), i.e. would not have either positive or negative - practically does not exist.

Specialists, film critics, call many so beloved serials a second-rate, low-quality "work" of the film industry. Most serious actors who respect themselves and their status will never go to appear in TV shows. Well-known actors are forced to go to the shooting in the series only by external factors: lack of demand (as a rule, due to age), weak financial situation.

In other words, they go to appear in TV shows, clenching their fists and squeaking at their hearts (information about the attitude to their favorite TV shows is widely known to the public from numerous interviews with popular actors).

Still, why do people watch TV shows - harm and consequences

It's not worth talking about the quality of scripts for TV series, stamped as labels, let's talk, or rather analyze, the harm and consequences of your favorite TV series, especially for young people.

The series were put on stream in our country in a troubled, transitional time for the people - the end of the eighties - the beginning of the nineties. Who doesn't remember the notorious "Slave Izaura"? Crying rich, Santa Barbara and other Mexican and Brazilian soap operas? (Santa Barbara is really an American TV series …). The series “Just Mary” alone cleared the cities of the female masses, spoiled family relations when fighting for the blue screen …

In the 2000s, film producers abandoned Mexican and other imported TV series, and began to churn out their own Russian soap operas and police action films and detectives that filled the entire television space.

From a psychological point of view, soap operas (for women) and affordable cheap alcohol (for men) in the early nineties were even very helpful (if not deliberately conceived) of the country's political leadership to keep huge masses of people from all kinds of revolutions and uprisings (something it is necessary to occupy the hungry people).

Now they watch and love TV shows, especially soap operas, mostly of a poor population: losers, people who are not happy with their lives and who do not see their bright future. These people often have low self-esteem, low or, on the contrary, high level of aspirations (they want a lot, but can do little). Fans of TV series do not know how to structure their time, they, as a rule, do not have specific life goals, positions and attitudes.

Deep in their soul, subconsciously, (rather unconsciously) they understand their limitations and worthlessness, with an indisputable desire to have everything, or at least a lot, people watching TV shows, as it were, project (transfer) their inner desires and desires onto the heroes of these very TV shows … Many (mostly women) are practically living (spiritually) the lives of their favorite heroes. They discuss and condemn negative characters, set positive ones as an example.

Own failure in many areas of life, be it family, work, everyday problems can cause devastating consequences for the human psyche, but the psyche knows how to protect itself from various negatives, both internal and external. In a person, depending on his psychophysiological characteristics (Personality theory) and character accentuation, the protection of the psyche is turned on.

Unconsciously realizing that life does not work out as we would like - happily and successfully, a person finds (again unconsciously) various ways out of a traumatic situation. Someone becomes an alcoholic, a drug addict, someone begins to play (also a disease), while others, living their lives according to the type, work - home, home - work, and consciously realizing that they cannot drink or play, unconsciously choose a way out for themselves from an unsuccessful life - immersion in someone else's, fictional life of the heroes of your favorite TV series.

Passion for serials is a kind of regression, development back to childhood. A child not being able to change and undertake something in his life, often lives in fantasies and dreams (so I grow up and become …). You can easily observe your children about what films (cartoons) they watch, what books they read (what they like), what games they play (including computer games), and, based on these observations, it is easy to penetrate into the world dreams and fantasies of a child.

For example, if a child watches with enthusiasm a cartoon about ninja turtles or a film about Batman, then naturally (for a child this is normal, this is his development), he wants to be like these heroes, be strong, enduring, help others and save the universe. And at this age he is still just learning and developing. With proper parenting, the child will gradually move into the world of realities, and will achieve success in his life, but if the parents themselves are losers, then they are unlikely to be able to raise a winner, most likely the child will also become a failure and will fantasize and dream all his life.

So this very adult child, who continues to live like childish fantasies and dreams, in order to protect himself somehow (remember: this happens on an unconscious level), begins to live the life of the heroes of his favorite TV series.

Men, for example, who watch TV shows about tough men, of course (in their hearts) would like to be like them: to be strong, successful, generous, favorites of women - in general, positive from all positions. And in life they, as a rule, lack a lot: there is no cool car, good salary, heaps of fans, etc.

Women, by nature, are more attracted to family, children, constant love relationships, which, just, many lack in life, and the only way out is to live the life of the heroes of their favorite series.

In fact, it is, i.e. watching TV series, utopia, this is the impossibility of changing and undertaking something in life, this is giving up and a complete scenario of life. If a person (even if spiritually) does not live his own life, the life of the heroes of a TV series, computer games, etc., then he will live his life in dreams and fantasies, without having achieved anything.

At the same time, he will blame everyone, everything and everyone, but not himself for his problems, worthless life and various misfortunes. (The most common example: a woman - "I live badly because I got a bad husband …, etc." I lost my best years with you … " they were leading down the aisle with the barrel of a pistol, or maybe something is wrong in her).

As you know, the main enemy of man is himself. Therefore, you should first of all look at your mistakes, and only then at external factors.

As for young people who greedily devour episode after episode, one can predict almost one hundred percent of their future. Notice, or observe, if possible, ask how successful people structure their time, whether they watch TV series - I think they hardly have a minute to watch even a short plot of any series. These people live their own lives, they themselves build it and lead it. They have no time to think how, somewhere, Jose Carlos cheated on Lolita and what a bastard he is, and that another hero, for example, Julio, being a good person, took the abandoned Lolita, and even pregnant not from him, as his wife, and at the same time never once reproached.

Protection of the psyche (see) is a strong thing, it works, as a rule, regardless of our consciousness, and with constant operation, it ceases to be an assistant and protector of our mental health, but on the contrary, it begins to harm us, begins to cripple our life, does not give us develop and grow personally.

The life scenario, of course, is written to us by our parents, but, if desired, sometimes under life circumstances, the scenario can change. And from a loser, a person will become a winner.

In most cases, you need the help of a psychoanalyst, or rather a transactional, scenario analyst, who (albeit only with a serious desire) will help change your whole life, and will give you the opportunity to self-actualize and grow personally. And, accordingly, with your sober outlook on life, it will help you achieve a lot, and not live only dreams and fantasies.

Life is one, and, I think, you should not spend it on watching your favorite TV series, living not your own, but someone else's life, and besides, a fictional one.

Although, many will say: "Still, I love, and I will watch TV series".

I wish everyone mental health!
